Here you can post beatmaps that have been observed in requiring either problems or room for improvement. Whenever you have risen concerns or suggestions about beatmaps, you can report them here, so we can open the discussion about them accordingly!
If you happen to find beatmaps that require improvement or have issues worth fixing, post in the beatmap thread and then report the beatmap in this thread, so the QAT can check by and disqualify the map, if the risen concerns are reasonable enough.
We will regularily wipe the threads from old reports, so it does not get too cluttered.
If you happen to find beatmaps that require improvement or have issues worth fixing, post in the beatmap thread and then report the beatmap in this thread, so the QAT can check by and disqualify the map, if the risen concerns are reasonable enough.
We will regularily wipe the threads from old reports, so it does not get too cluttered.