Due to irl issues I will check the form on weekends. √ means accepted and × means no. So if you want to be fast on qualifying, please look for other BNs for help.
Standard finished maps belongs to you, and meets my taste.
One mapset once req, and 30 days gap for another req whether I accept or not. Give others more chances.
No HOYO-mix or any mihoyo/hoyoverse related songs. No AI-generated characters background.
Don't post in queue when I definitely said Closed above.
Rules in queue may be different.
If I accept, I will PM you or hype or directly mod in your mapset.
Mapping status: closed (last edited 2025/3/23)
To do: -Hitomi, Garden
Free to ask for gd, but may not be super fast to finish. Also accept tournaments custom map request. GD higher priority: Arcaea, Blue Archive, Chinese, Visual Novel songs.
About tags: my GD tags are ' Koiyuki Minakami Yuki '.
Adding _ or not are both ok, I really confuse how osu searching system works.
mtbbsben. I only used this username ranking less than 2 GDs, so adding or not are both ok.
[Minakami_Yuki] is not needed to be added although I have ranked sets with that because it looks so awkward and would make tags too long.
Joined osu! in 2013.3 Started mapping around 2013.8 and got first ranked in 2013.11. Joined Beatmap Appreciation Team on 2014.11.22 without moderation. A memorial of RED NAME lol Title changed to BN on 2015.2.2 and left on 2017.9.4 Inactive in 2017.10 due to irl issues and unimpassion, but still mapped some gds for friends sometimes. Back to mapping: 2024.1 Back to BN: 2024.10.21 3 years BN badge: 2025.1.8
To modders: Modding is always subjective. Mappers map to make their sense, not modders. Mapping is not formula. Don't force mappers to change something to meet your criterion, please. Try to understand and accept what the mapper thinks when modding. 摸图永远是主观的。当你摸图的时候最好是试图理解作图者的想法,不要强制他们按照你的意见来修改(除非确实违反rank规定)。 To mappers: Mappers should not make and judge their maps' quality by how many pp players can get. Please do not let players tap on nothing(Except your overmap makes sense). It's a rhythm game. 不要为了做pp图而做图。 不要无意义地overmap。osu!是一个音乐节奏游戏。