23 Oct 2019
New Featured Artist: False Noise
by Ephemeral and Toy

New Featured Artist: False Noise

by Ephemeral and Toy

We're proud to welcome underground producer False Noise as our latest addition to the Featured Artist roster!

Rising to prominence in osu! during early 2017 via the Skyshards collaborative map by Shiirn and Mir, False Noise has been something of a cult sensation among the mapping scene for his incredibly unique and compelling musical flavour, fusing elements of drum and bass and stylistic licks from all across electronica.

We've managed to snag 11 tracks from his wide catalogue of sound, including Skyshards, Serpentine and Kek, bringing people the False Noise they know and love, with a sprinkling of extra tracks as well.

Take a listen for yourself and see what all the hype's about:

Scarlet Red






Emerald Green




As always, the above tracks and all the others are immediately available from False Noise's Featured Artist listing for modding and mapping, no fuss, and 100% free.

This now leaves us with this week's newest dilemma: the ominous hint of our next release to come. Toy's got the reins on this one, so I'll leave it to him:

You wake up in a dark room. The pungent stench of blight and mildew fills your lungs as you fiddle around for a light switch.

You flip the power on, rejuvenating the light bulb's core.

A lone spider spins an immaculate web in the windowsill—a harsh contrast to the hundreds of corpses that lay waste beyond the silk dream-catcher.

Distant figures celebrate, chugging alcohol and blaring music.

"What are those things? Trolls?" you mutter, mind racing, trying to recall anything about their arrival.

You catch a green speck dart behind you. "We're better."

But what does this all mean? Spooky! Find out next week!

—Ephemeral and Toy


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Please map scarlet red :(


Next : Dragon Force/GALNERYUS

finally boiiiiiiii


if its toby fox, i am quitting osu


This band love 172 bpm

aight how the fuck am I gonna map this


Next: Muzzy / GALNERYUS

Damn, didnt know such a good artist would be here. How for the guess. It might be Xanthochroid due to the storytelling they have for their albums.


My comment got deleted :(

Holy fucking shit

If the next one is Nekrogoblikon I'm gonna go crazy mode

funch Jugment

are you going crazy mode rn?

Lights Jugment

I really hope you're correct

Qnio Lights

He is. The hint references Prince of the Land of Stench, Powercore, The Magic Spider, No One Survives, A Feast and Goblins Are Better Than Trolls. Maybe even more.


༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ It's happening


_Illustrious_ fusionnqn


fusionnqn _Illustrious_

hi xd


Holy... Could it be? If the next FA is who I think it is, I'm going to scream. Because we're doomed. xD

im pog rn

just good to see many artists being featured artist





omg dreamcatcher next FA

dominos 👀

HOLY POGGERS ! More bangers !
And next I'm placing my bet on Goblins from Mars

Fractured JAH Tenji

Prob Nekorogoblikon

Qnio JAH Tenji

Close, but not quite there.

The next featured artist is MOMOIRO CLOVER Z


owo what’s this?



Duskyui Duskyui

as for hint, nekrogoblikon next? 🤔 there aren't any popular maps of their songs as far as i'm aware so might be kind of a crapshoot but i'd love to see it happen

Duskyui Duskyui


Qnio Duskyui

Yup, Nekrogoblikon.


Yup, Nekrogoblikon.