31 Dec 2019
New Featured Artist: MYLK
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: MYLK

by Ephemeral

MYLK joins the lineup as the last Featured Artist of 2019!

The end of the year is well and truly here and with it, our last addition to the roster for the decade. It's been a wild year of amping up the pace, and what better note to leave it on than the bubblegum blast that is MYLK!

MYLK's featured in a bunch of collaborative works across the EDM scene as a vocalist, working alongside artists like Muzzy, Feint, and Moe Shop.

She's also an avid producer in her own right with a whopping assortment of singles and tracks, and we're delighted to announce that we have 15 brand new tracks from her ensemble for you to embrace, all guaranteed to be extremely high in calcium, sugar, and punchy EDM pop that wriggles into your earholes and refuses to leave.

In a bit of a throwback to some of our earlier releases, the osu!taiko wing of the Mappers' Guild has been hard at work creating a bunch of new sets to some of her tracks to help you end the year with a bang — literally.

They're included in the preview bits below, so make sure to give them a look:


Check out the osu!taiko set by Nardoxyribonucleic!



Check out the osu!taiko set by tasuke912!



Check out the osu!taiko set by Cynplytholowazy!


Let You Go

Check out the osu!taiko set by Nepuri!



Check out the osu!taiko set by salchow!


As always, all of the above plus so much more is available right now from MYLK's Featured Artist listing, pre-timed by the most pishi of fats and all primed and ready for you to work your mapping magic with.

Congratulations to fieryrage for correctly deciphering the hint we posted yesterday on the @osugame Twitter, which aligns with our written expectations of each Beatmap Nominator to contain one whole galaxy within each of their brains.

In all seriousness, the Featured Artist project has really taken off this year, and we're well on our way towards the mythical and completely arbitrary milestone of 100 artists by the end of 2020. Major props to pishifat and Toy, who have been busting their proverbial nuts in a never-ending effort to keep the outreach and uptake wheels greased and moving at lightspeed.

We'll see you next week for another release, and make sure to check the Twitter mid-week for hints, if that's your kinda thing.



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Am i late?

isra_123i BOREDUMBrr

no, happy new year!

so cool

taiko stinky!

i can be set all songs to dubstep mania

Blacklist name Blacklist name

Checking my map, pls...

edgy_slime Blacklist name


edgy_slime Blacklist name


this would be great if it wasnt all taiko

mouzee zeefoxy

taiko bae

Fandexia zeefoxy


here's to hoping kobaryo gets featured

SilentWuffer SilentWuffer


all taiko?

salchow Mango130907


Dimrain47 next FA?

Cayssa Fauzan 2000



Ramiress PaveQ GD

стм дл ьелвт джкь дазу вэ жбсю ьмхъ ьк эвжью ьсь джс йячьл сетыл вдлс ьмтсльешу щлты жсд ьешут щсш эфж леь сзще ьдежвдсбмь хкжм ьвдс зц

n0rd1961 Ramiress



ges Moko

lol she sounds so different in that

Did anyone else think they just changed the picture for mdk for a moment?

Poggers happy new year


Love MYLK, kind of wish Crescendo was one of the songs you got, but seeing as that one has Muzzy too I see why not. Awesome FA listing, yet again! <3

YES! But I want osu! maps not osu!taiko. I hope someone makes osu! maps of Mylk songs.

you can get outbreak by feint and mylk as a regular osu song, and thats great!


I’m insane.

[moI] fieryrage

millionth comment gj fiery

Leviathan fieryrage

okay insane

Eoneru fieryrage

Hi Insane

i knew it pog


\:D/ MYLK \:D/

Bro... I called this 3 weeks ago. There was no way all the taiko mappers guild suddenly decided to map a new artist for no reason. https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1051590#taiko/2197618

lmao your right

Bye yall, bye 2019 . I miss you

Bubblegum and Let You Go are such good tracks, that shit bops hard!!

dimrain next fa lol

Misread that to "MILK" lol

I love that cute background :3

Happy with all the New Featured artists~•~


ExoticEmerald Telecastic


Time to drink some milk, baby~~~

"...to keep the outreach and uptake wheels greased and moving at lightspeed."

Logitech future Featured Artist confirmed 👀

tatatat Niva

broo... I got a mousepad from them

oh my god

Let's just say logitech can't afford to get a legit producer and just used royalty free instead





