19 Feb 2019
New Featured Artist: tieff
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: tieff

by Ephemeral

Bringing a founding member of the early osu! mapping scene back into the limelight in a whole new way, we're proud to announce our latest addition to the Featured Artist roster - tieff!

Here since almost the very beginning, just about everyone with even a passing knowledge of osu!'s history will know tieff's name as one of the old 'great' mappers who laid out the creative foundations that we now all take for granted.

tieff has been with the osu!community for nearly 10 years, sporting a fruitful tenure in the Beatmap Approval Team (the precursor to the modern-day Quality Assurance Team) and gaining the honour of joining the ranks of the osu!alumni in respect for his many years of service.

Except now, he's back, and as our latest Featured Artist!

Inspired by his experiences with mapping, much of tieff's work is a natural match for anyone looking to delve into a slower-paced, highly emotive sound. Featuring influences from a variety of genres such as instrumental hip-hop, chillout, future garage, melodic dubstep and progressive trance, his artistry lies in a wonderful in-between, and we're super excited to see what people make of it.

Don't take my word for it, listen to a small selection of some of the tracks now available over at his Featured Artist listing:



Sense of Nostalgia




Dancing in Blue


We Are The Gems


All of the above tracks, plus the entirety of his first-ever EP release, Waterflow and more are available now over at his Featured Artist listing.

As always, all of the pieces listed on tieff's Featured Artist listing are 100% free for use in mapping and modding, and come with a handy pre-timed base for you to work from.

We're not losing stride with the Featured Artist project - keep your eyes peeled at the start of March for details on the next big thing to join our ranks, and an upcoming track update to boot with some new pieces from your favourite artists!



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Pog music! I love tieff's song tho!

Like that?

yay tieff <3


Просто nice

now..... xi featured artist when

Great music, can't wait to see beatmaps with these songs

Utsu-Pee Utsu-Pee

Hearing Sense of Nostalgia i image a long beatmap with low cs and low ar :3 please do it?

Carbine64 Utsu-Pee

No one's stopping you :)


happy30 when?

Sound really relaxing.

Really relaxing & chill, I love it! :D
I really love Saturate! <3

Aspire 2018 when?

Oh god yeah thats been like 6 months at least

K4L1 Akeruyri

Aspire 2019 coming soon and 2018 nothing

Looking good!

really relaxing uwu



and still few FA maps in general, smh


Thank you, glad to be a part of this.

VINXIS tieff

yesss King

This music is wicked cool! Tieff just earned a new fan.




my balls go nut


AquaTail peppy


Oh tieff! I remember your song with natteke, was very cool :D

la cataline when

shadren when

Welcome tieff to the featured artist list!
We are grateful having you in our community! Beeing apart of the osu!community for nearly 10 years is insane in my opinion. You have probably inspiered a lot of map creators to start mapping.

John Doubletime Earth-Chan

being a part*

owo tieff

great songs owo

Low BPM stuff -_-

Shii _VianK_

ding dong your opinion is wrong

_VianK_ Shii

It just my personal opinion, needn't to take it seriously

lewski _VianK_

this opinion is bad

_VianK_ lewski



Niva Leader


