22 Jul 2019
Aspire 2018 Results
by Ephemeral

Aspire 2018 Results

by Ephemeral

The wait is finally over, and the winner officially revealed! Aspire 2018 concludes at last to the tunes of Culprate's Acid Rain. But where does the contest go from here, and most importantly, who takes home the prize?

In the largest showing in the Aspire series yet, over 140 entrants duked it out with wild displays of unfettered creativity and artistic measure from all ends of the spectrum.

From those entries, the crowd was whittled down to only 31 - the entries deemed by brief review to stand up against their peers for a shot at the Aspire throne.

Our brave panellists, UndeadCapulet, pishifat, Mao and Yuii- strode forth to chart out the expanse of 31 wild maps, and in time, reduced them down to only 12.

And from those twelve, our winner made themselves known.

Compulsive Dog by SnowNiNo_

With a devastating lead wrought from a dominating performance in the public impression polls with over 1251 votes, SnowNiNo_ ascends to be crowned as the latest Elite Mapper: Aspirant with a 66.25/80 total score!

In addition to this, their entry was also noted by the panellists to be the prime Spectacle pick from the lot, essentially winning both the major categories of the contest. Congratulations!

You can play the entry for yourself via this link - but be warned, it isn't for the faint of heart!

However, that is not all the contest has brought to bear - our panellists noted a few key entries worth an Honourable Mention, nabbing their mappers a prize for themselves in the form of complimentary osu!supporter and a special Aspire 2018 profile badge! Shiny.

These entries are as follows:

Covetous Beaver by DTM9 Nowa

Check this set out here!

Scoring 744 votes overall, DTM9 Nowa's entry was a favorite among the judging panel, even scoring a 39/40 from one very impressed Mao in particular.

Creative use of existing techniques showcased in previous Aspire entries coupled with some brand new things we've never seen before made for an exceedingly strong entry.

This one was a frontrunner from the very start, and it is hardly surprising to see it secure a healthy niche in second place. Congratulations!

Heroic Opossum by seselis1

Check this set out here!

Impressing the public with 614 votes all up, seselis1 similarly impressed the judging panel with the overall structure and presentation of their entry.

This combined to grant a third place score. Well deserved!

Flabbergasted Tortoise by Karoo13

Check this set out here!

Please beware that this map may cause performance degradation during song select when navigated to with the osu!catch or osu!mania game modes selected. It also does not function on osu!taiko or osu!mania, period.

A stand-out pick from the panellists due to the sheer degree at which it breaks the game and still manages to remain a cohesive experience, Karoo13 truly took the Aspire moniker to heart and went above and quite literally beyond in the pursuit of gamebreaking mastery.

There's some pioneering madness never-before-seen in their entry - definitely worth a look for anyone interested in sampling mapping mechanics that go well beyond the norm.

You may read judging comments and scores in full via the Aspire 2018 Results spreadsheet. Do note that this only includes the "final" twelve entries, as per standard protocol for these contests.

With that being said, the rather late conclusion to Aspire 2018 also marks the end-of-life for this contest's current format, and also my participation as its principle host and organizer.

It has been an interesting ride overall, and I am very thankful for all those who chose to participate in osu!'s first ground-breaking mapping contest. The delays this time round have been beyond regrettable, and I am thankful for everyone's patience in the matter.

This does not mean that Aspire is over forever, however!

Someone new and brave with a myriad of fresh ideas has stepped up to the plate and plans to host a new iteration of the contest in 2020, with a brand new ruleset, categories and music selection process to boot. It is 100% the development and iteration that the Aspire moniker deserves, and while they wish to remain unnamed at the moment, I am delighted to entrust the future of the contest to them.

More details on this will be forthcoming as things develop. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!



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aspire 2018 is going to sooo hard 6 digit typing this thinks he'll choke

ngl I think Karoo should've won this one

there's so much wrong here it would take me longer that it took them to release the results to try to explain how fucked this is lmfao


aspire 1 - slider manipulation
aspire 2 - slider animation
aspire 3 - slider distortion
aspire 4 - invisible sliders

Storyboards should not incorporate into these contests. It's geniuely unfair to a very big portion of mappers that do not have the know-how of storyboarding, considering this is a totally different focus than actual mapping.

Merami Fox Stefan

Most mapper dont know how map like these aspirents

ekgame Stefan

Beatmaps should not incorporate into these contests. It's geniuely unfair to a very big portion of players that do not have the know-how of mapping, considering this is a totally different focus than actual gameplay.

penfifteen ekgame

the thing is this is a Beatmapping contest not a storyboarding/skinning/keysounding one

Wow I can't wait 2019 Storyboard Contest in 2020

Norm4elik Fl4ndre Scarlet

Btw, entry by Karoo13 isn't about storyboards at all

Fl4ndre Scarlet Norm4elik

That diff is my favorite one

Don't want another aspire anymore

Makaya Trost

There isn't another one anyway

Pandano Makaya



about damn time

Congratulations Nowa!!

Rip Aspire 2019, welcome Aspire 2020! :D Can't wait for the new Aspire rules and the new principal host. Thanks, Ephemeral, for this contest, it was truly the best one amongst every other Aspire maps are my most favorite type <3

2 cool banner, gratz nino ily

undeadcapulet judge, im sorry but there was a huge oop-

did we time travel to the wrong time



the fact that i'm listening Acid Rain drop part in youtube and seeing your pict in sync with it is so creepy

thissismin23 MESURECHIFFON

i just love your profile picture lmao

All of them are nice
But wanted to see more mapping than storyboards

Funny how people are angry about Aspire 2018 being a storyboard contest, did they even read the hints in the announcements ?

Bad results, please recheck concepts.

yeah, shoudn't DTM9 get the 1k votes?




you son of a uwu.

haha now aspire 2019 wont exist

that song is banger bro

Storyboard Contest 2020

no storyboard aspire when

i didn't know aspire is a storyboarding contest now

Daylight robbery

aspire 2019 is oofd

2 l8 for results

Like this comment please.

abraker Ashton

like this?

Delta Vee Ashton


Ashton Delta Vee


DecayingInOsu Delta Vee


can't believe aspire came out before mca



in all seriousness though, i'm deeply sorry that the results took so long to come out. if you want to read a writeup detailing the reasons why + extra, check this out: https://gist.github.com/Ephemeralis/d1f42aa69985f45031222c0fe2621e2b

reeko66 Ephemeral

results when?

Pachiru Ephemeral


