8 Oct 2019
New Featured Artist: Native Construct
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Native Construct

by Ephemeral

Native Construct joins the roster as our latest Featured Artist with a selection of 7 tracks from their debut release, Quiet World!

Turning heads and drawing crowds since their explosive entrance into the prog metal scene in 2015, Native Construct is a fresh musical experience we're excited to introduce to the osu!community.

A unique blend of a variety of musical and compositional styles, Native Construct's Quiet World is a concept album built upon the themes of rejection and silence, rendered in a theatrical manner quite unlike anything we've encountered in a long while. Inspired by big-name acts like Queen and Pink Floyd, we're certain that people will find something new and exciting to engage with.

Don't just take our word for it though, check them out for yourself:

Chromatic Abberation


Come Hell or High Water




The Spark of the Archon


Your Familiar Face


If you've followed the Featured Artist project closely since release, you've read this particular paragraph fifty times by now (yay milestones!), but as always, all of the above tracks and more are available now over at Native Construct's Featured Artist listing, so go forth and create without fear or worry!

This new release schedule of ours is really getting complex, but we're dedicated to keeping it up. It's been a real odyssey so far, and we're super excited to say that we've got enough weekly releases in the wings now to last us until the end of 2019 - and even beyond! We hope that our intrepid mappers have the courage to square up to all of this new material to work with.

Check in next week for another artist to sink your teeth into! Hold on... where was the hint?!



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come hell high water

Embody-Lane song


The Spark of the Archon

d a m n


Nice Dilectus

Welcome To Osu!

latest? means no more featured artists?

NightNarumi Sandron

Then they would have said 'last'
'latest' just means the last one to date.

- Solar - Sandron

they always say that .-.

holy poggers native construct for life bro

wait what

following that hint... Conquer Divide featured artist?

"weekly releases until the end of 2019" im out of my mind right now

this is very poggers, love the rhythm density
shakira suplex next fa

Coppertine Xinnoh

why did you make me search that?

i dont like the singers voice because it reminds me of modern pop acts but i guess that's just a stereotyping perception im trapped in

Holy heck, I'm not one to listen to much rock/metal, but this sounds dope, can't wait to see the maps that come out of this.

This were some good previews


death grips featured artist when

another great featured artist joins the game

Now maybe waiting to Imagine Dragons???

_Eyad iPhong

i would love that



i love native construct

Well this is so random LOL. My favourite album of all time, fairly obscure band, and it gets FA... WTF so random, damn amazing though, thanks!

jovitre itsjakey

yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw it on the home page lol



Nice. Wasn't expecting them for FA. Was just listening to Come Hell or High Water earlier.

native is a social construct

this 12 mins song is really good I wouldve mapped it if I had enough time /sad/

shoutout to Coppertine who guessed it literally instantly from the hint last update, the clever fuck

AncuL Ephemeral

I want to get shouted out so the next FA is Akira Complex

either akira or Au5 :thinking:
but idk about Au5, even though he does have a work with Culprate, he is more focused on his tutorial style courses

Coppertine Ephemeral

idk about that, :eyes


What an awesome surprise! I've been listening to Quiet World on repeat for the past month.





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