31 Mar 2019
New Featured Artist: Creo
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Creo

by Ephemeral

Dashing in from geometric fame, Creo bursts into the scene as osu!'s latest Featured Artist!

We're proud to announce the latest addition to the Featured Artist lineup - Creo! Rising to fame in the Geometry Dash scene with his track Dimension, we just couldn't say no to Creo's wonderful fusion of pumping, melodic EDM underscored with more classic instrumentation.

From the pounding beats of Nautilus to the wild frontier tunes of tracks like Outlaw and frantic, in-your-face pieces like Dune, Creo's work is wonderfully varied and sure to satisfy anyone familiar with the EDM hits we all know and love, while sporting a beautiful difference all of their own.

Here's a small sample from the 17 tracks we've nabbed for your mapping pleasure, all available over at his Featured Artist listing:









In Circles




As always, all of the above tracks and so much more are available NOW over at Creo's Featured Artist listing - 100% free for use in mapping and modding in osu!.

We're excited to see what people create with Creo's work - the Geometry Dash community has had a blast with his music, and we're sure you guys will, too.

The Featured Artist project continues to grow by the month - it won't be long now before we've breached over a thousand tracks from more than nearly three dozen artists. Crazy, huh?



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We need more creo maps!

[zero dimension]


Wait, where is dimension, sphere and showdown?

where the hell is dimension? >.<

where dimension

Mentions Dimension

Doesn't add it in here

I saw in circles and i rubbed my eyes to make sure this wasn't a dream

ye not a dream im hyped

All great, except Showdown is missing. WHERE'S SHOWDOWN?

rubrub + ppy collab when

Kirzutra Noname1999

Peppy have to teach rubrub how to update a game very fast. I been waiting for 2.2 since 2017, before that i join to osu

-KiddiKip- Noname1999


Great Creo, before in Geometry Dash, and now in osu!, I'm on shock

Wow really nice, though my favourite song from him, Idolize, isn't present here. I really really hope some good creator will try to make it sometime in the future. Still excited about this!

But Idolize IS here, though

yeetus cree-us

my old gd times

ayyyyy gg creo

Bruh Black Blizzard gon be made in osu now 11* confirmed

yirmir ZzVega


Relixander ZzVega


finally yay

first geometry dash now osu, this guy has awesome music pog

GD flashbacks

Опаски, годнота подъехала:)


I actually didn't expect a creator who got popular from another rythym game to be featured in osu!

I played GD for a long time (1171 hours on steam) and I am surprised that Creo is actually somewhat known out of GD now

actually he know about osu! thank to Cysmix lul

Camellia was known in other rhythm games too.

Kirzutra Nuuskamuikkunen

Camellia is a god



And Dimension?

nice one

tfw people talking about gd because black blizzard

my geometry dash brothers stand up!

Эм, а где Dimension и Carnivores?

temka na Saharok13

peppy зажал (carnivores есть) нету еще Sphere

Khrono691 NVC541

well my comment actually got deleted so does that count

omg black blizzard song creator is here

Geometry Dash confirmed omg , actually its cool to see Creo in osu :)

"Dashing in from geometric fame" is an obvious GD reference, I'm still playing it xD

I'm gonna nut if they put in Rivals and Sphere

sunsett_ r4z3fyre

All I need is Rivals, Idolize, and some Mtn. Dew and I'd be set for life.

That's nice. :O

niceeeee, is that a GD reference!?

"Geometric Fame" I see what you did there...

Nice to see GD recognized by osu.

Man I used to play gd, maybe I should go back


hinkik next

BlaixenU axevale


time for carnivores boi


Thats something that i never expected to see, this guy needs more fame!


ok, now this is epic


ok, now this is epic