14 Jan 2019
New Featured Artist: onumi
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: onumi

by Ephemeral

Drawing deep from the sounds of the underground, the Featured Artist project welcomes onumi into the mix!

Featuring some of the darkest electronica we've fielded in the project yet, we're proud to announce the addition of onumi to the Featured Artist roster with all of her latest album release, Childhood Friend, plus a few extra selections from her body of work.

Intense, confronting and just outright hostile, onumi's sound drills deep and hard with powerfully gritty and thunderous basslines, coupled with an almost playful disregard for common rhythm structure. Touching on a variety of genre influences but never quite settling too hard on any particular one, onumi's sound is something quite unique, and is likely to appeal to fans of dystopian, industrial or cyberpunk themes.

Consistent yet somehow wildly unpredictable, we fully expect many mappers fond of more technical approaches to map construction to thrive within her sound, and we also figure that more than a few osu!mania creators might be particularly fond of her work as well.

Be warned, not a single one of these tracks is for the faint of heart!

Check out a quick sample of a few below, or head on over to her listing now to get started:









All the tracks listed above, plus the others on onumi's Featured Artist listing are 100% free for use in osu! mapping and modding, and come pre-timed and ready to go.

We're excited to see what people do with the umpteen possibilities within onumi's sound!

As always, keep your eyes peeled on the horizon for more upcoming artists and additions to the Featured Artist project - we're not done yet!



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wonky sounds

onumi hype.

the tech maps you can make from this will be like what probox maps are to tv size maps but this to probox maps instead

Pretty big fan of artists like this, huge potential for mapping complex rhythms

cool and good


tech maps Pog

love this <3

Quite cool

confusion is so sick

tech maps here we come

oSumAtrIX A secret

tech maps = good maps

welll good job




onumi dullscythe

i'd really appreciate it if you changed your username and stopped impersonating me thanks <3


Skidooskei dullscythe


CONFUSION, is that 7/4?! I'm so mapping that

onumi Vulkin

7/8! <3


This is such a good featured artist, welcome onumi!

ARROGANCE has really cool rhythms

xAethereal Sotarks

go map that




Ебать басы, опять ебальник собирать!

akixxxiro papius


we have some Fantastic artist here

holy nice

these are very good

thank you
edit: i like arrogance

This artist is 100 steps closer to heavy techno maps

This actually sounds cool. Could do some SV-witchcraftery in taiko.

Cool. Sounds like an interesting take on synthwave with its own unique elements.

love the experimental feel!

ICDD when?

niu arx Ralts

can we stop this "_______ when?" bullshit on other featured artist posts and appreciate the talent we are getting for now? this shit is so annoying

Akeruyri niu arx

Thank you mr featured artist dictate uwu

holy SHIT

I'm so proud ♥

onumi Toy


i can feel my hands tappin weird tech rhythms already

onumi acri

i'm super excited to see what people manage to do with these <3

cool I guess :)

No respect to circle people? No post for that is there.

Yooooo this is so good

Featured artists are so exciting! Keep up the great work, can’t wait to see who’s next

Music 0% effect 100% and you will be good to go :7

this is not yunomi.

Greydus Jemzuu



Can't wait to see some cool beatmaps :)


