10 May 2019
Spring 2019 Fanart Contest
by Ephemeral

Spring 2019 Fanart Contest

by Ephemeral

Better late than never! Spring might be on the way out, but talent is always in season, so whip out your drawing implement of choice and draw any of the osu! mascots enjoying spring for fun and prizes!

If you find yourself a person of artistic interest, this should be right up your alley! The artists among us have 14 days to take a whirl at drawing any spring-themed rendition of the official or community-sourced osu! mascots.

We mean "spring-themed" as in the season spring, not springs as in bouncy coils or whatever else.

All entries that follow the rules laid out below will go up for 7 days of intense voting, and a selection of the highest-scoring winners will make it into the osu! game client as the Spring 2019 seasonal backgrounds. To celebrate, their authors will also receive 2 months of osu!supporter. Nice!

Want to enter? Read the rules below to get started, then head on over to the contest listing page and submit your entry when you're ready. Oh, and by the way, read the rules. It's worth saying twice because we always have at least a dozen entries that never make it to voting for not following the rules!


  • All entries MUST be OBVIOUSLY SPRING THEMED in some way. Spring here refers to the season, not anything else. Flowers, sunshine, that sort of thing. Your work doesn't have to include flowers or sunshine specifically, but it does need to be "Spring" somehow. How you get there is entirely up to you, just make sure it's obvious!
  • All entries must be suitable for all-ages viewing. Several thousand people will be looking at your entries, some of them will be children. Keep it clean and tasteful!
  • Artists should use the custom templates provided (PSD template / PNG template) when composing their piece as a guideline to understand where the osu! cookie will be placed on the main menu and during the voting process.
  • DO NOT LEAVE THE DOTTED osu! COOKIE TEMPLATE VISIBLE IN YOUR SUBMISSION! Please don't do this. It doesn't need to be there when you're done drawing, it just makes your work look worse.
  • ACCOUNT FOR THE DOTTED osu! COOKIE TEMPLATE IN THE COMPOSITION OF YOUR WORK! We've already said this, but anything inside the dotted circle will not be seen during voting phase and will be very difficult to see on the main menu. You still need to draw something there—don't just leave it blank, but be creative about it. Check out previous contest entries for inspiration!
  • Entries MUST meet the resolution requirements for a main-menu piece - namely 2732x1536. We were really firm about this last contest and we'll continue to be firm about it - CHECK YOUR OUTPUT RESOLUTION BEFORE SUBMITTING! If it's off by even a few pixels, you risk having your work disqualified. A script handles this checking and it is a very angry script.
  • SUBMIT ONLY YOUR OWN WORK! NO TRACING! NO REDRAWING! NO COMPOSITE WORKS! Repurposing other people's pre-drawn works to make them look like osu! mascots is literally plagiarism. Using brushes and other helpful assets is fine, but if you're doing something like redrawing Miku from the Quintessential Quintuplets by redrawing a shot from the manga to look like Mocha and submitting it as your own work, you're a gigantic butthole and nobody likes you.
  • Don't use copyrighted characters from other intellectual properties. You can freely use any of the osu! mascots (pippi, Yuzu, Mocha, Maria) and any of the community mascots (Tama, Aiko, Taikonator, so on), but stay away from using direct representations of characters from other worlds or franchises in your work. Remember that the community mascots are also someone else's creation, so make sure to treat their work with the same respect that you'd treat yours.

Head on over to the Spring 2019 Fanart Contest listing and enter now!



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Where is my draw ? 😔

I was confident in my art but then voting begins and now anxiety hits.

14 days may too short to draw high quaility draws

Kaito_Gold Rush_FTK

Man, it's two weeks, is so much time. Have some peoples how can make a draw in two hours

Still waiting for the voting stuffs, I don't feel confident with my drawing twt

Oml When does voting start? Im so scared ;-;

I ended up submitting my jpeg file,the png file is eror because the file is too big ;; . Is that okay? :( i really scared if my art is not accepted ;;;;

LeeNarie MisakiAN

All right, if you sent a jpg file. I have already taken part in contests before and this format was accepted. (sorry for my english, I am writing this with the help of google translator)

MisakiAN LeeNarie

aaa thank you! ;w;

felishiqqSC LeeNarie

woaah, thank you!

felishiqqSC MisakiAN

same tbh,, good luck to us and everyone ;;;;

MisakiAN felishiqqSC

yes, good luck too!

hold on is it bad that i submitted a jpg file :( my png file wouldnt fit

submitted with 10 seconds left yeet https://i.imgur.com/W4v5kWc.png

My hands were shaking because i had 3 seconds left then i ended up submitting the wrong thing lol. But i managed to replace it thanks to osu's great support

Gysv Araarashi

oh nice, last minute struggles are real
i also submitted the wrong thing bc i left the osu cookie here in my entry, i hope they replace it

nervous jiggle all will be well. ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ )

How much left to start voting? Do someone know based on previous contests?

Finished remaining 3minutes LOLLLLL


PisRyder Araarashi


piopeko Araarashi


good luck bois uwu

good luck

aaa Good luck everyone!! ^_^

good luck everyone ! :)

good luck everyone :D

my pica

NEKOBREAD otakufedido321

Esses garotos menor de idade gostam mt de pica help

Finished with 1 hour left! I'm really excited!


Good luck!! I finished with 3min left haha omg almost couldnt upload

Pehbeo piopeko

Same good luck :}



Good luck guys!! <3

Only 2 hours left and finally finished, welp good luck everyone!

good luck



3 hours!! I'm so excited :D


6 hours left aaaaaaaaaaa

This is probably the only way i can really contribute to this community.. Anyway Good luck everyone !

uwu gamer

I know what i don't win, but good luck 4 everyone! (And a miracle for me, I need to change my name for a no cringy one.)

How will you know when osu accepted the file? and what does "authorization.contest.entry.limit_reached means?

hope i win! Look for the chibi Pipii sitting next to a picnic basket!

I finished an entry three days ago. I'm not expecting to get to the top 10, but I had fun doing it. Good luck for everyone entering

gl everyone!

made an entry, not hoping to make it to the top10, but it was fun to work on it and distract myself from the exam stress, thank you osu community, gl everyone

its going to be my first enter gl to me and everyone

damn i'm so late :" good luck for me and all of u

felishiqqSC Lucrezia_Ren

good luck!

damn im so late and i only have 20 hours to draw, gluck to me lmao

kirbyXD123 kumogii

I only have 5 hours lol

felishiqqSC kumogii

good luck!

Niceee угу

what if i join

Слава Украине


it is ok to draw traditional art ?

kumogii Djmon

i dont think so

uhhhhh I drew Kirby with a Sans copy ability once

BoraKittyJoeJoe DankJahmees

I want to actually see that get nominated

wut is this

i dont even know how to draw....


i dont even know how to draw....