6 Feb 2019
New Featured Artist: HyuN
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: HyuN

by Ephemeral

Bursting onto the scene with the sounds of digital punk, HyuN joins the fray as osu!'s newest Featured Artist!

Showcasing some of the rhythm gaming scene's freshest talent, we're proud to welcome HyuN as the latest addition to the Featured Artist project, with 24 brand new tracks to choose from, complete with the Mappers' Guild's biggest ever beatmap pack release!

Sporting a more classical sound reminiscent of the earlier days of rhythm gaming, HyuN is by no means outdated, building on the time-tested framework of frantic speed, constantly evolving rhythms and broad melodic progression with a fresh new take from a variety of genres, all neatly bundled up into little bite-size pieces.

Absolutely perfect for mapping, as the size of the new beatmap pack below can attest:

Click the image above to download the HyuN beatmap pack in full - finishing all the maps in that set will earn you a fiendishly attractive medal for your profile!

Here's a set of small samples from the whopping 24 new tracks available over at his Featured Artist listing:

Legend of Genesis


Apocalypse in Love


Illusion of Inflict


Wild Card


Cross†Soul (feat. Syepias)


All of these tracks and MUCH MORE are available over at his Featured Artist listing - go check them out!

As with all Featured Artist tracks, the works on HyuN's listing are 100% free for use in mapping and modding, and come with a pre-timed base to help you get started.

We'd also like to take a moment to share that this release will herald the end of the exclusive launch-accompanying beatmap releases from the Mappers' Guild, at least for now.

The Guild's not going anywhere however, and we have a new system in the works to help encourage mapping circles (har har) of all kinds to get involved with the amazing work of our superbly talented Featured Artists.

We're excited to hear your creative take on HyuN's work! And as always, keep your eyes and ears peeled for more on the Featured Artist project!



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nice to make it an Feature for HyuN

nice to make it an Feature for HyuN


bout time

nice tracks :D

Mappers Guild's back at it again , love all these sets !!

Very nice stuff. :)

t+pazolite plsssssssssss


really like this


fucking sick man :D

About time you make the announcement. Do I need to play again every map to get the medal, or is it enough to complete the last ones (Tokyo's Starlight isn't ranked yet) ?

Bay Sidedeleted
Greydus Bay Side

no, but i think they are ok with their music on here


Very good

minti featured artist when

https://imgur.com/a/LX0XmO9 does this only happen to me? or is this error

Ilex _Epreus

Not just you, same problem here.



Woa there totally didn't expect that! Nice!

is this anime?

actually pog



HyuN - Guitian, ScubDomino helped

I love his works, good news!

Yes of course!

good song for good farm map


we all saw it coming

boi there we come




Cross Over and Disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i pog

Yukki Yumi Trynna

gop i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!redrosiD dna revO ssorC


