
Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年4月21日 at 19:39:35

Artist: Sakakibara Yui
Title: Himitsujikake no apple
Source: Kimi to Boku to Eden no Ringo
Tags: ALMA hentai game eroge yuri visual novel opening full ver version astom DarknessAngel
BPM: 134
Filesize: 11518kb
Play Time: 04:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. D.N.Angel (4.94 stars, 631 notes)
  2. Easy (2.71 stars, 275 notes)
  3. Hard (4.95 stars, 704 notes)
  4. Normal (3.89 stars, 362 notes)
Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st Beatmap, Just notice What happen to all the high stars maps?
Easy - 100% Took so long to finish this because I was lazy to do hitsounds :S
Normal - 100%
Hard - 100% - If you think it's too hard, please give suggestion on how to make Normal harder, I don't really want to simplify any more patterns
D.N.Angel - 100% (Extra Hard/Insane)

Kimi to Boku to Eden no Ringo [キミとボクとエデンの林檎] OP
Himitsujikake no apple [秘密仕掛けのapple]
Sakakibara Yui [榊原ゆい]

Wanted to see this cute song in osu! for a while and finally decided to map it.
Hope you'll enjoy!
Special Thanks to Astom & eldnl for guest diffs. and everyone who modded this map.

7/1/11 Update 1 - new video & combo burst added
7/10/11 Update 2 - eldnL's Hard added
7/15/11 Update 3 - Astom's Easy added
7/20/11 Update 4 - more combo bursts, custom spinner, title storyboard and other minor things (smaller video, new cursor, silent sliderslide...) added
7/24//11 Update 5 - darker background added for better visibility for those who play without video
7/31/11 Update 6 - higher quality background, spinner background and new storyboard
8/4/11 Update 7 - censored storyboard added
10/8/11 Update 8 - removed video as it was NSFW and changed spinner
10/10/11 Update 9 - remapping to full version instead
12/21/11 Update 10 - readded silent sliderslide
03/10/12 Update 11 - D.N.Angel added
04/15/12 Update 12 - Rename Easy, remove eldnL's Hard, change Insane to Hard
BPM: 134.000
Offset: 91
Topic Starter
thanks for offset
ok, my mod ^^

01:16:882- start kiai-time here
01:44:643- end kiai time here
btw, kiai times haven't the same lenght...
only formal, title must be Himitsujikake No Apple

00:08:822- remove unused timing point
00:14:419- ^
00:28:076- ^
01:35:016 (2) remove
02:00:258- remove unused timing point

00:14:419- let the break start here
00:37:479 (4) remove slider and set circle with clap
01:12:628 (2) spacing
02:00:258- remove unused timing point

00:14:419- let the break start here
01:22:702 (1) let the slider end at 01:23:374
01:29:419 (11) ^ end: 01:30:091
01:43:523 (8) remove
02:00:258- remove unused timing point

00:14:419- let the break start here
00:32:777 (5) spacing
00:37:031 (6) ^
00:40:165 (4) ^
01:02:105 (5) fix slider, must end at 01:02:441
01:07:255 (11,12,13) spacing
01:12:852 (4) fix slider, must end at 01:13:188
01:13:971 (6) new combo
01:18:673 (11) fix slider, end at 01:19:344
01:23:598 (1,2,3,4,5) spacing
01:27:628 (7) spacing, maybe overlap with end of slider 6?
02:00:091- slider too long, maybe end at 02:07:255 and then volume 5
02:00:258- set volume to 5

if you have questions or want me to remod, pm me ^^
star and good luck with your first map ^w^
Topic Starter

kurohana wrote:

01:16:882- start kiai-time here Done
01:44:643- end kiai time here Done
btw, kiai times haven't the same lenght...
only formal, title must be Himitsujikake No Apple No, the title is in Romaji and doesn't follow the same rules as English titles. Also look better this way.

00:08:822- remove unused timing point Done
00:14:419- ^ ^
00:28:076- ^ ^
01:35:016 (2) remove Done
02:00:258- remove unused timing point Done

00:14:419- let the break start here Done
00:37:479 (4) remove slider and set circle with clap Done
01:12:628 (2) spacing Done
02:00:258- remove unused timing point Done

00:14:419- let the break start here Done
01:22:702 (1) let the slider end at 01:23:374 Done
01:29:419 (11) ^ end: 01:30:091 Done
01:43:523 (8) remove Done
02:00:258- remove unused timing point Done

00:14:419- let the break start here Done
00:32:777 (5) spacing Not sure what to do so just turned on distant snapping and snap to 0.5x spacing
00:37:031 (6) ^ Same thing here ^
00:40:165 (4) ^ Done
01:02:105 (5) fix slider, must end at 01:02:441 Done
01:07:255 (11,12,13) spacing Done, aligned slider 10 & (11) with 1.0x spacing and (11,12,13) with 0.5x spacing
01:12:852 (4) fix slider, must end at 01:13:188 Done
01:13:971 (6) new combo Done
01:18:673 (11) fix slider, end at 01:19:344 Done, aligned the combo at 01:11:508 with 0.6x distant spacing and overlap (5) with end of slider 4
01:23:598 (1,2,3,4,5) spacing Done - realigned all the notes with 0.6x distant spacing
01:27:628 (7) spacing, maybe overlap with end of slider 6? Done, advice followed
02:00:091- slider too long, maybe end at 02:07:255 and then volume 5 Done, by slider you mean spinner?
02:00:258- set volume to 5 ^
Thanks for star and mod and here's a kudosu.
Mod :o

• I suggest you use grid level 3 at least. To do this go:
View > Grid Level > 3
In sating this, you'll have to re-space a lot of notes.

• You'll need to respace notes because of the new grid.
And yes. There is a lot to respace
• Try using more than box patterns. Triangles are cool.

• HP -1
• OD -1
• Tick Rate 2
• No really, use more than boxes.

• Tick Rate 2
• HP -1
01:05:911 (1) - New Combo
01:13:971 (5) - ^
01:43:747 (1) - ^
01:44:195 (2,3,4) - Place like so:

00:27:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - Place these like so on the timeline, and then respace:
00:33:673 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Really now?
00:37:031 (1) - New Combo
00:37:479 (3) - Spacing
00:47:553 (6) - New Combo
• This difficulty needs a lot more work in general spacing and jumps, but I'm not really good at that so I'll let someone else do that.

Star 8-)
Topic Starter

RobotoRaccoon wrote:

• I suggest you use grid level 3 at least. To do this go:
View > Grid Level > 3
In sating this, you'll have to re-space a lot of notes. Ok, will do this for future maps

• You'll need to respace notes because of the new grid.
And yes. There is a lot to respace Done, may have miss a few things not sure
• Try using more than box patterns. Triangles are cool. Will try, would prefer some ideas pointed out. I have no ideas since i haven't play easy or normal very much.

• HP -1 Done
• OD -1 Done
• Tick Rate 2 Done
• No really, use more than boxes. Read [Easy]

• Tick Rate 2 Done
• HP -1 Done
01:05:911 (1) - New Combo Done
01:13:971 (5) - ^ ^
01:43:747 (1) - ^ ^
01:44:195 (2,3,4) - Place like so: Done

00:27:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - Place these like so on the timeline, and then respace: Done
00:33:673 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Really now? changed to a circle and slider
00:37:031 (1) - New Combo Done
00:37:479 (3) - Spacing Done
00:47:553 (6) - New Combo Done
• This difficulty needs a lot more work in general spacing and jumps, but I'm not really good at that so I'll let someone else do that. ok
Thanks for mod and star.
Raging Bull

Errr. Can you find another video with a resolution of 640x480? I just don't like widescreen. orz
Map the end for easy/normal/hard like insane. It's weird to have different starting points and different ending points for each difficulty.

Start at the same place as other diff which is like 00:00:091 there.
00:28:076 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Errr. Seems rather boring as it's nearly the same combo over and over again. Try to remap here?
Map the end

Seems okay.
Map the end

00:54:214 (3) - Offbeat slider.
Map the end.

00:05:464 - Weird empty area. Map to the tune.
00:32:329 (4,5,6) - Space 5 correctly. It's the odd one out because it looks like you're suppose to click it after 4, but you actually have to wait one beat before you do.
01:00:314 (2) - Slider end is rather offbeat. Check it.
01:02:105 (5) - Make this slider end at white tick instead of blue. Sounds better.
01:02:553 (6) - Make this slider end at red tick.
01:05:911 (8) - NC?
01:12:852 (4) - Make slider end at white tick.
01:17:329 (6) - NC
Topic Starter
Waiting for eldnl guest difficulties, so will follow Raging Bull's mod a bit later.

Thanks for the stars.
* Use Soft Hitsounds ( the Easy was quite a clapfest at the start ) ( Normal cover the song too much ), if you want to use Normal though, you could make hitsounds pattern more varying and funny

* Too many Claps
* Too Linear, use more curved slider shapes..., plus it pratically move up, down, left and right, so it feel really linear.
* Why you didn't map the rest?

* Linear, use some more curvy slider and patterns
* Try to add circles in the last part ( 01:45:762 and after ) in 01:46:882, 01:54:046 and 01:59:643.

* Linear, avoid so many boxy patterns and linear slider
* Why you didn't map the rest?

* avoid varying spacing so much without using graphical amusing patterns. Those sudden space variation are not good while playing, you spaced some notes the same quantity even if they were more distant (00:36:583 (5,1) - Avoid this things while mapping as i though it was following the drums ! and you even did it many many time)
* Maybe somewhat linear, but less then the others. Just use more curved patterns and sliders
01:02:553 (6) - Why ending in a Blue tick?
01:22:702 (10,11) - mirror (Ctrl + H) and rever selection (Ctrl + R ) 01:21:807 (7,8)

Good as first map. For now i won't star, but i will reinsert this in my queue and remod to see if it's star-desserving
- The audio lead-in in [Insane] is different from others. Please fix that.

General issues:

- I suggest you to use soft hitsound is most part of the song. At least turn down the volume in those normal part as the clap is far too loud.
- The spacing are bad. Try to use consistant spacing throughout a diff, use the spacing multiple on the right-top corner to check your spacing, and you can map by turning on the spacing snapping.

Try to fix these stuffs and feel free to ask for a recheck~
Topic Starter
Raging Bull
Errr. Can you find another video with a resolution of 640x480? I just don't like widescreen. orz video used is the one featured on the game's website, don't think there is a 4:3 version
Map the end for easy/normal/hard like insane. It's weird to have different starting points and different ending points for each difficulty. all done, waiting for easy to be finish

Easy: waiting for guest difficulty from eldnl
Start at the same place as other diff which is like 00:00:091 there.
00:28:076 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Errr. Seems rather boring as it's nearly the same combo over and over again. Try to remap here?
Map the end

Seems okay.
Map the end Done

Hard: changed to eldnL's Hard
00:54:214 (3) - Offbeat slider.
Map the end.

00:05:464 - Weird empty area. Map to the tune. k will look at this while fixing spacing
00:32:329 (4,5,6) - Space 5 correctly. It's the odd one out because it looks like you're suppose to click it after 4, but you actually have to wait one beat before you do. ^
01:00:314 (2) - Slider end is rather offbeat. Check it. Done
01:02:105 (5) - Make this slider end at white tick instead of blue. Sounds better. Done
01:02:553 (6) - Make this slider end at red tick. Done
01:05:911 (8) - NC? Done
01:12:852 (4) - Make slider end at white tick. Done
01:17:329 (6) - NC Done, made 01:31:658 NC as well
* Use Soft Hitsounds ( the Easy was quite a clapfest at the start ) ( Normal cover the song too much ), if you want to use Normal though, you could make hitsounds pattern more varying and funny k, done

[Easy] waiting for guest difficulty
* Too many Claps
* Too Linear, use more curved slider shapes..., plus it pratically move up, down, left and right, so it feel really linear.
* Why you didn't map the rest?

* Linear, use some more curvy slider and patterns k will try to remap again
* Try to add circles in the last part ( 01:45:762 and after ) in 01:46:882, 01:54:046 and 01:59:643. added circles, 01:59:643, circle here doesn't feel right (the rhythm here is following the two final strong beats

[Hard] This has been changed to eldnL's Hard
* Linear, avoid so many boxy patterns and linear slider
* Why you didn't map the rest?

* avoid varying spacing so much without using graphical amusing patterns. Those sudden space variation are not good while playing, you spaced some notes the same quantity even if they were more distant (00:36:583 (5,1) - Avoid this things while mapping as i though it was following the drums ! and you even did it many many time) i will try to go through it with distant snapping
* Maybe somewhat linear, but less then the others. Just use more curved patterns and sliders Will look through it
01:02:553 (6) - Why ending in a Blue tick? Fixed
01:22:702 (10,11) - mirror (Ctrl + H) and rever selection (Ctrl + R ) 01:21:807 (7,8) kept the same since i'm going to try to fix spacing
- The audio lead-in in [Insane] is different from others. Please fix that. Hm? I presume you're talking about the audio lead-in in song setup > audio > lead-in. If so, all difficulties have 3 sec lead-in.

General issues:

- I suggest you to use soft hitsound is most part of the song. At least turn down the volume in those normal part as the clap is far too loud. Fixed in all, but easy. Waiting for guest difficulty on easy.
- The spacing are bad. Try to use consistant spacing throughout a diff, use the spacing multiple on the right-top corner to check your spacing, and you can map by turning on the spacing snapping. i presume you're talking about Insane, will try to fix it.

Try to fix these stuffs and feel free to ask for a recheck~ k

All suggestions were useful so kudosu will be given to all mentioned above. eldnl gets a kudosu for irc modding (sliders suggestion, tips on how to map, etc.) and Hard guest difficulty.
I'm sorry for my mistake.
I think it has different preview time, don't kd this post.
Topic Starter
As eldnl req. I made a easy diff. for you.


Astom wrote:

As eldnl req. I made a easy diff. for you.

Thank you Astom <3
Topic Starter

Astom wrote:

As eldnl req. I made a easy diff. for you.

Thanks for the guest diff.
Yo modding time!

  1. Disable "Letterbox during breaks"
  2. Add these thing to tag: hentai game eroge yuri (Follow the Ranked version)
  3. Probably try offset :101? (+10),it seems better for me. (btw,please check the mod before you check this).
  4. Consider a silent slider(sliderslide.wav)?Some places are little bit noisy during gameplay.
[Astom's Easy]
  1. 00:00:091(1)- IMO,a whistle is better than a finish,so change to whistle if you want.
  2. 00:05:016(3) -A little rhythm suggestion here: add a reverse on (3)- then add a note at 00:06:359- it can fit the music better.
  3. 00:51:135(3)- I know you're following the vocal.however,I really don't recommend a slider like this for a difficulty of this caliber. It's gonna be confusing to the new players as to when it's going to end.
  4. 01:11:061(4)- ^ Same,Probably remove a reverse.
  5. 01:39:717(3)- I feel extremely weird since you add a clap here :/ that's quite bad IMO,I suggest you put the clap at 01:40:165- and add a whistle at 01:39:717- ,Please ignore this if you don't like my method.
  1. 00:41:285(x)- Probably add a slider here?You might need to consistent the spacing after fixing.
  2. 00:45:986(1)- No please,this slider is coverd by (4)- and the skin element.Please don't make this in Normal difficulty.
  3. 00:57:404(x)- Please remove this break and map something here,you should at lease remove thart break because No point adding break there when the last part has heavier HP rape.
  4. 01:00:091(3.4)- Please unstack these,it's feel bad and ugly during gameplay.Also it may make confused to newbie.
  5. 01:58:523(3)- Consider remove the clap on this slider?Seems a bit weird and noisy.
[eldnL's Hard]
  1. 00:27:404(2)- Add a whistle on this slider?to fit the music.
  2. 01:19:792(6)- Wait,please add a new combo here to consistent the previous combo and the next combo!
  3. 01:34:120(6)- ^ Same thing.
  4. 01:44:195(1.2.3)- Yeah,my suggestion only!IMO,it would be more fun if you increase the spaing,that's mean you make a small jump here but make sure it's fair to a Hard difficulty.
  5. 01:57:180(1)- I don't like this slider personally,well,maybe different taste only,feel free to keep it or not.
  6. 01:59:867(x)- Hum,Here has a accent point,so I think you shouldn't make a spinner to ignore this accent,please!add a note here with a finish hitsound,then move the spinner to 01:57:979.I feel better with that.
  1. The arrangement is really chaos!Please think twice before arrange next time!
  2. 00:14:419(x)- IMO,you should map this break!Insane is for expert,so the expert should have a large stamina to play the whole song without any break!(Since this song/map is not too long).
  3. 00:25:837(x)- Wait,please.Why you didn't map this part?I think you can stuff some notes and sliders on it.Now is quite empty!
  4. 00:28:076(1-10)- Why this combo is longer than others?So,please consistent the combo!If I were you,I'll add a new combo at (6)-
  5. 00:41:620(x),00:41:956(x)- Please add a note on these places to keep the play flow!You may hear some "ta" sound on these please,so please add a note on it and add a whistle on it as well!
  6. 00:42:404(1-12)- Same as 00:28:076!Please consistent the new combo!
  7. 00:47:105(5)- Confused Spacing!Why you reduced the spacing suddenly?It totally broken the flow,also feel bad and weird during gameplay!Fix it please!
  8. 00:48:225(4)- ^ Same!
  9. 01:02:553(6)- Weird slider,consider change it?However it's depands on you.
  10. 01:21:135( Really bad during gameplay,at least it doesn't fit a "jump",so you should consistent the spacing here!
  11. 01:27:628(7)- Add a new combo here to cinsistent the combo length.
  12. 01:35:911(6)- ^ Same!
  13. 01:45:538(1~end)- Please add more hitsound please!Player will feel humdrum and boring with few hitsound on few notes or slider!Whistle is a good hitsound,please make good use on it!
This difficulty need more improvement before getting Rank.Some spacing dproblem you need to fix it
Sorry for long mod.
Hi~ Sorry for the delay ;_;
As requested, I don't mod easy diff.

The title should be Himitsujikake no Apple

00:35:688 (2) - Whistle at its end?
00:36:359 (3) - ^
00:40:613 (5) - Whistle here?
01:05:016 (4,5) - Stack them perfectly.
01:47:105 (4) - Add whistle?
01:54:269 (4) - ^

00:05:464 (1) - Remove the new combo? The jump is hard to read with the new combo.
00:56:732 (3) - Add whistle here?
01:07:591 (6) - ^

There are too many spacing changes, if possible, please rearrange the map with 1.0x spacing and don't jump randomly.
00:24:941 (1) - Delete the cirlce please. It doesn't fit the music.
00:58:299 (3) - New combo here because the spacing changes.
00:59:419 (7) - ^
01:04:792 (4) - Remvoe new combo, for consistency.
01:17:329 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2.2x 0.8x 2.0x spacings appear in same combo ;_;
01:22:702 (10,11) - Why do you reduce the spacing suddenly?
01:23:598 (1,...,4) - ^?
01:26:508 (5,6) - The spacing increases suddenly...
01:42:404 (5) - New combo here?
The diff needs a large number of changes imo.

When you fix the spacing problems I will shoot a star :)
Topic Starter
Still working on insane, progress ~60% (need to work on 1:15:986 > end). All parts before this should have consistent spacing (0.8x before the break 1.0x after the break) with exception of jumps, a few sliders and one part - look at AI mod). The final 40% may take a while as some parts may require complete remapping.

Sorry for how long this is taking, didn't expect to have to remap some parts in Insane. Will look at above mods later.

kanpakyin wrote:

[eldnL's Hard]
  1. 00:27:404(2)- Add a whistle on this slider?to fit the music. No
  2. 01:19:792(6)- Wait,please add a new combo here to consistent the previous combo and the next combo! Fixed
  3. 01:34:120(6)- ^ Same thing. Fixed
  4. 01:44:195(1.2.3)- Yeah,my suggestion only!IMO,it would be more fun if you increase the spaing,that's mean you make a small jump here but make sure it's fair to a Hard difficulty. Ok
  5. 01:57:180(1)- I don't like this slider personally,well,maybe different taste only,feel free to keep it or not. It's fine.
  6. 01:59:867(x)- Hum,Here has a accent point,so I think you shouldn't make a spinner to ignore this accent,please!add a note here with a finish hitsound,then move the spinner to 01:57:979.I feel better with that. I add the note and remove the spin. Is very long.

Shiki wrote:

00:05:464 (1) - Remove the new combo? The jump is hard to read with the new combo. No
00:56:732 (3) - Add whistle here? Sure
01:07:591 (6) - ^ ^
Thanks guys ~
merchat give then kodosu.

Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (merchat7) [eldnL's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

  1. Disable "Letterbox during breaks" Done
  2. Add these thing to tag: hentai game eroge yuri (Follow the Ranked version) Done
  3. Probably try offset :101? (+10),it seems better for me. (btw,please check the mod before you check this). Seem ok to me, will change if more people suggest this
  4. Consider a silent slider(sliderslide.wav)?Some places are little bit noisy during gameplay.Done, not sure if it works.
  1. 00:41:285(x)- Probably add a slider here?You might need to consistent the spacing after fixing. Done, may need some adjustment
    probably like this?
  2. 00:45:986(1)- No please,this slider is coverd by (4)- and the skin element.Please don't make this in Normal difficulty. I presume you mean this cover the end of slider 1? I just rotate slider 4 so u can see the end of slider 1, a little bit.
    Something you can see it
  3. 00:57:404(x)- Please remove this break and map something here,you should at lease remove thart break because No point adding break there when the last part has heavier HP rape. Added a spinner like in hard
  4. 01:00:091(3.4)- Please unstack these,it's feel bad and ugly during gameplay.Also it may make confused to newbie. Done
  5. 01:58:523(3)- Consider remove the clap on this slider?Seems a bit weird and noisy. Done
[Insane] Note: Wasn't done fixing spacing yet.
  1. The arrangement is really chaos!Please think twice before arrange next time!
  2. 00:14:419(x)- IMO,you should map this break!Insane is for expert,so the expert should have a large stamina to play the whole song without any break!(Since this song/map is not too long). No, I'm keeping breaks consistence across all diffs.
  3. 00:25:837(x)- Wait,please.Why you didn't map this part?I think you can stuff some notes and sliders on it.Now is quite empty! Done
  4. 00:28:076(1-10)- Why this combo is longer than others?So,please consistent the combo!If I were you,I'll add a new combo at (6)- Done
  5. 00:41:620(x),00:41:956(x)- Please add a note on these places to keep the play flow!You may hear some "ta" sound on these please,so please add a note on it and add a whistle on it as well! Done, but no whistle, sound betters imo.
  6. 00:42:404(1-12)- Same as 00:28:076!Please consistent the new combo! Done
  7. 00:47:105(5)- Confused Spacing!Why you reduced the spacing suddenly?It totally broken the flow,also feel bad and weird during gameplay!Fix it please! Used distant snapping should be fixed
  8. 00:48:225(4)- ^ Same! ^
  9. 01:02:553(6)- Weird slider,consider change it?However it's depands on you. Done
  10. 01:21:135( Really bad during gameplay,at least it doesn't fit a "jump",so you should consistent the spacing here! Done
  11. 01:27:628(7)- Add a new combo here to cinsistent the combo length. Done
  12. 01:35:911(6)- ^ Same! Done
  13. 01:45:538(1~end)- Please add more hitsound please!Player will feel humdrum and boring with few hitsound on few notes or slider!Whistle is a good hitsound,please make good use on it! Done

Shiki wrote:

Hi~ Sorry for the delay ;_;
As requested, I don't mod easy diff.

The title should be Himitsujikake no Apple The ranked version doesn't capitalize apple so no.

00:35:688 (2) - Whistle at its end? Done
00:36:359 (3) - ^ ^
00:40:613 (5) - Whistle here? Done
01:05:016 (4,5) - Stack them perfectly. They are? Checked this in grid 4.
01:47:105 (4) - Add whistle? Done
01:54:269 (4) - ^ ^

[Insane] Note: Wasn't done fixing spacing yet.
There are too many spacing changes, if possible, please rearrange the map with 1.0x spacing and don't jump randomly. k, used 0.8x and 1.0x spacing throughout most of the map.
00:24:941 (1) - Delete the cirlce please. It doesn't fit the music. Done
00:58:299 (3) - New combo here because the spacing changes. Done
00:59:419 (7) - ^ ^
01:04:792 (4) - Remvoe new combo, for consistency. Done
01:17:329 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2.2x 0.8x 2.0x spacings appear in same combo ;_; Refer to note, fixed
01:22:702 (10,11) - Why do you reduce the spacing suddenly? ^
01:23:598 (1,...,4) - ^? ^
01:26:508 (5,6) - The spacing increases suddenly... ^
01:42:404 (5) - New combo here? Done
The diff needs a large number of changes imo.

When you fix the spacing problems I will shoot a star :)

Thanks for mods!

kanpakyin wrote:

[Astom's Easy]
  1. 00:00:091(1)- IMO,a whistle is better than a finish,so change to whistle if you want. no
  2. 00:05:016(3) -A little rhythm suggestion here: add a reverse on (3)- then add a note at 00:06:359- it can fit the music better. ok
  3. 00:51:135(3)- I know you're following the vocal.however,I really don't recommend a slider like this for a difficulty of this caliber. It's gonna be confusing to the new players as to when it's going to end. ok
  4. 01:11:061(4)- ^ Same,Probably remove a reverse. ok
  5. 01:39:717(3)- I feel extremely weird since you add a clap here :/ that's quite bad IMO,I suggest you put the clap at 01:40:165- and add a whistle at 01:39:717- ,Please ignore this if you don't like my method. mm no
Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (merchat7) [Astom's Easy].osu

Pretty fun! However, make more of your sliders curve to make the map play better.

Ex. 00:28:747 (4,5) - These two sliders are begging to be curved in opposite directions. Try it.

00:43:076 (4,5) - These two are begging to be curved in a way that makes them sorta like one big curve.

These aren't the only instances were curving the sliders can help, so use your best judgment.


00:05:240 (3,1) - EEEEEEEH? This giant jump came out of nowhere.
00:05:240 (3,1) - ^
01:07:255 (5,6,7) - Do a "Reverse Selection" on these. This will eliminate the giant jump between (7) and (1) while playing exactly the same.

Good otherwise.


Good, good.


01:56:061 (2,3,4) - (2) obscures (4)'s slider track for a bit. This confused me.

Aside from that, great job! Have both a regular star and a kudosu star!
Topic Starter

Ekaru wrote:


Pretty fun! However, make more of your sliders curve to make the map play better.

Ex. 00:28:747 (4,5) - These two sliders are begging to be curved in opposite directions. Try it. Hmm, i think i did what you mean so Done

00:43:076 (4,5) - These two are begging to be curved in a way that makes them sorta like one big curve. Done

These aren't the only instances were curving the sliders can help, so use your best judgment. Added a slight curve to most sliders, beatmap feel better but some slider may need a little bit more tweaking.
Will ask Astom and eldnl to check their diff. later. Thanks for the stars!

Ekaru wrote:


00:05:240 (3,1) - EEEEEEEH? This giant jump came out of nowhere. It's fine for me
00:05:240 (3,1) - ^ ^ xD
01:07:255 (5,6,7) - Do a "Reverse Selection" on these. This will eliminate the giant jump between (7) and (1) while playing exactly the same. Sure, fixed.

Good otherwise.
Merchat you can do it please?
Just use flip horizontally in (5,6,7).
Only that.

Thanks ~
Topic Starter
k done
The video is unrankeable :/

Ekaru wrote:


01:56:061 (2,3,4) - (2) obscures (4)'s slider track for a bit. This confused me. I don't see any problem with that so no changes

Vicho-kun wrote:

The video is unrankeable :/ Help with your censored ver.?
Topic Starter
I assume you mean that it contains 18+ content which breaks one of the Official Ranking Submission Criteria. However, at the moment,, you can break those rule in special cases since they are all just guidelines. The (Not Yet) Official Ranking Submission Rules and Guidelines is being discussed here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56528&st=0&sk=t&sd=a. Feel free to read through it (part about video and last page recommended). Also have a uncensored video as well and this was recently ranked.

I'll add a 18+ warning through just incase. Thanks for the star!
[Astom's Easy]
00:46:658 (1) - up 1 grid(size 4) ?
01:34:120 (1) - let it stack in 01:31:658 (1) - ?

00:41:285 (7) - why here has X1.5 this Normal I think you doesn't need it!
00:49:568 (1,2) - stack?
01:05:016 (4,5) - ^

[eldnL's Hard]
All good

00:44:643 (4) - left and up 1 grid(size 3)?
01:11:061 - remove finish?
01:25:837 (4) - stange rhythm?
01:44:195 (1,2,3) - www not pretty triangle...(fix?)

- The vid is quite ero and it should be unrankable.
- SB, make it disappear gradually instead of suddenly.
- Try to put a spinner after it ends (02:00:091)

00:01:434 (4) - +whistle?
00:05:016 (3) - whistle at the first tick only
00:10:837 (1) - place at (400,120)
00:32:105 (3,4) - right 1 grid, (4) whistle
00:34:792 (5) - sounds odd, try to place a single note here, then a 1/2 slider 1 beat after this.
00:50:016 (3,4,5) - try to make them in a better way, the spacing can be tweeked a bit in harder diff.
00:56:956 (3,4) - left 1 grid
00:59:419 (1,2) - clap
01:07:255 (4,5) - whistle
01:26:173 (4) - tweek the direction of slider and extend this by 1/4 beat
01:59:867 (6) - I prefer softer sound.

placement of claps in the kiai time is pretty good for me, just try to be more consistent in placing whistle. Also in insane the rhythm maybe a bit empty between two phrases, and more creation on the rhythm maybe needed.

01:59:867 (5) - I prefer softer sound.

really nice.

OD+1? ._.
00:00:091 (1) - try this code
that (1,3) completely overlaps.
01:05:016 (4,5) - stack properly
01:22:926 (5) - stack on the slider properly
01:59:867 (4) - ._. ~

Astom's diff would be as good as usual.

Normal -> the placement of hitsound is much better than insane ._____. Just one more problem: try to stack things properly, use more precise tools like grid level 4 or off the grid snap to stack or tweek the sliders that objects are stacks on the same pixels.

Insane -> may need more mods especially on hitsounds, some doubts on new combo as well? : /
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

00:41:285 (7) - why here has X1.5 this Normal I think you doesn't need it! Just something to make it more interesting and it feels better imo
00:49:568 (1,2) - stack? already stacked? and i think it's stacked perfectly
01:05:016 (4,5) - ^ No, keeping consistency with similar combos in this diff. eg. 00:31:658 (1,2,3,4)

00:44:643 (4) - left and up 1 grid(size 3)? Done
01:11:061 - remove finish? K
01:25:837 (4) - stange rhythm? fine to me, but may change if you got some ideas
01:44:195 (1,2,3) - www not pretty triangle...(fix?) Fixed, move (2) one grid right in grid 3

wmfchris wrote:

- The vid is quite ero and it should be unrankable. Read post I wrote above on this page
- SB, make it disappear gradually instead of suddenly. Intend to let it disappear at the same time as the title, but suggestion followed
- Try to put a spinner after it ends (02:00:091) Need to discuss with Astom & eldnl since it would be weird if only Normal and Insane have a spinner

00:01:434 (4) - +whistle? Done
00:05:016 (3) - whistle at the first tick only Done
00:10:837 (1) - place at (400,120) Done
00:32:105 (3,4) - right 1 grid, (4) whistle Did not specify which size grid, used grid size 4 since 3 feel too much, whistle added
00:34:792 (5) - sounds odd, try to place a single note here, then a 1/2 slider 1 beat after this. Done, rearranged notes to new spacing
00:50:016 (3,4,5) - try to make them in a better way, the spacing can be tweeked a bit in harder diff. Hm, i like how it is now, moved (4,5,6,7) 1 grid left, 1 grid up in grid 3 and adjusted spacing accordingly
00:56:956 (3,4) - left 1 grid Done in grid 4 for same reason as 00:32:105
00:59:419 (1,2) - clap Done
01:07:255 (4,5) - whistle Done
01:26:173 (4) - tweek the direction of slider and extend this by 1/4 beat Done
01:59:867 (6) - I prefer softer sound. Used eldnL's Hard as reference so will change if he changes

placement of claps in the kiai time is pretty good for me, just try to be more consistent in placing whistle. Also in insane the rhythm maybe a bit empty between two phrases, and more creation on the rhythm maybe needed. I'm up for suggestions

OD+1? ._. Done
00:00:091 (1) - try this code
that (1,3) completely overlaps. Fixed, i think
01:05:016 (4,5) - stack properly Stack as best as i could (no grid snap manually)
01:22:926 (5) - stack on the slider properly ^
01:59:867 (4) - ._. ~ ??

Normal -> the placement of hitsound is much better than insane ._____. Just one more problem: try to stack things properly, use more precise tools like grid level 4 or off the grid snap to stack or tweek the sliders that objects are stacks on the same pixels. Fixed the things you mentioned in your mod

Insane -> may need more mods especially on hitsounds, some doubts on new combo as well? : / Hmm, don't see any big issues with the new combos. Hitsound is probably uninteresting, but there isn't anything that is distracting either. Accepting suggestions.
Thanks for mods! Will ask Astom and eldnl to check their diff. later.
00:09:270 (3) - Extend to 00:09:829
00:45:986 (1) - Slider can be extended to 00:46:770
00:48:225 (3) - Change the circle to a slider and make it end 00:48:449
01:06:583 (8) - End it at 01:07:367
01:20:464 (2) - Change to a slider that ends at 01:20:911

00:09:717 (8) - Turn the circle into a slider that ends at 00:10:389
00:37:479 (3) - Extend to 00:38:150 and then remove circle
01:07:926 (6) - Change it to a slider that ends at 01:08:598
01:29:419 (3) - Can add a 'finish'

That's all I have to say, it was pretty good! :D
Topic Starter

Keyboard wrote:

00:09:270 (3) - Extend to 00:09:829 Hitsound sound wrong so no
00:45:986 (1) - Slider can be extended to 00:46:770 No since, this will be the only hit object to start/end on a blue tick.
00:48:225 (3) - Change the circle to a slider and make it end 00:48:449 Keeping consistency with the past combo so no.
01:06:583 (8) - End it at 01:07:367 Blue tick so no.
01:20:464 (2) - Change to a slider that ends at 01:20:911 Done

00:09:717 (8) - Turn the circle into a slider that ends at 00:10:389 Done, long slider so had to make some weird shape, may remove if someone suggest to do so
00:37:479 (3) - Extend to 00:38:150 and then remove circle Circle feel better so no
01:07:926 (6) - Change it to a slider that ends at 01:08:598 Long slider again, used the same shape as the slider in 00:09:717
01:29:419 (3) - Can add a 'finish' Already is a finish here
Thanks for mod
- The vid is quite ero and it should be unrankable.
There are only a few scenes plus it could be considered 16+ only in one point, because the rest are cutted. So it isn't unrankable.

[Astom's Easy]
00:05:016 (3) - 1 Less repeat seems better ( were following voice... so.. )

00:03:673 (1) - a 1/1 repeat slider feel better Example
00:07:255 (1) - One less repeat and add 00:08:598 (2) -
00:10:837 (5,6,7) - Soft Hitsound on those
00:39:493 (2) - Manually Stack or Make Stack Leniency much lower and manually stack 00:40:389 (4,5) - (example, Press Shift + Ctrl while doing this)
00:43:523 (2) - Blanket for 00:44:643 (3) - Like this
00:47:105 (2) - Same thing here
01:05:911 (6,7) - Place them like this
01:18:673 (5) - Make it an Arch? it seems to flow better Example
01:19:792 (6,7,8) - Move and reshape like [url=]this[/url]?

[eldnL's Hard]
00:09:493 (x) - Add a Note
00:09:717 (x) - Substitute it with a slider ( this seems good )
00:11:285 (1,2,3,4) - Soft Hitsound are better here
00:41:285 (6) - Make it more similiar to a blanket?

00:27:516 (3) - 2 grid up or down(like 00:25:389 (2,3,4) - )
00:30:314 (4) - Blanket 00:30:091 (3) - ( refer to image of the next suggestion )
00:30:762 (5) - like this
00:35:016 (6) - You're stopping after Vocal end... so delete this note?
00:48:001 (3,4) - don't like the overlap
01:07:926 (6) - Use a different shape like Blanket? Blanket with correct spacing?
01:46:658 (2) - 2 grid down ( or up )
01:47:889 (2) - 2 grid up ( or down )
01:49:008 (2) - 2 grid down ( or up )
01:49:568 (5) - stack under the position 01:49:008 (2) - have now
01:50:799 (3) - 2 grid right ( or left )
01:53:822 (3) - ^
01:55:053 (3) - 2 grid left ( or right )
01:56:173 (2) - 2 grid up ( or down )
01:56:844 (6) - 2 grid down ( or up )

Most were on graphic side, so... i can STAR!

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[eldnL's Hard]
00:09:493 (x) - Add a Note Nop
00:09:717 (x) - Substitute it with a slider ( this seems good ) Nop
00:11:285 (1,2,3,4) - Soft Hitsound are better here Nop
00:41:285 (6) - Make it more similiar to a blanket? Okay
Thanks ~

Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (merchat7) [eldnL's Hard].osu

Oh, Look. I got to mod the same song again.

Oh, one thing I should say. Sorry, man but you're not going to get your map ranked because some parts of the video is a bit too much, you know? Like this one for example. By the way, I've checked osuplayer111's map that contains the same video and he made the right move of censoring some parts of the video. You should probably do the same. :P

  1. If you're going to have a hitcircle.png in your map's folder, you got to have a hitcircleoverlay.png and a approachcircle .png.
  2. If you have a cursor.png in your map's folder, you got to have a cursortrail.png.
  3. Insane has a different preview point than eldnL's Hard, Normal and Astom's Easy.
  4. Maybe a lead-in time of 2 seconds is better than 3 seconds.

Astom's Easy
  1. 01:48:896 (2)-Add a finish on the end?

  1. Hmm... Maybe decrease both the Overall Difficulty and Approach Rate by one tick?
  2. 00:10:389 (x)-Add a note here? Plus, add a clap as well?
  3. 00:10:837 (5)-Put a new combo here?
  4. 00:28:076 (1)-Add a finish on the end.
  5. 00:42:404 (1)-^
  6. 00:53:374 (1)-^
  7. 00:55:389 (4)-Add a finish on the beginning.
  8. 01:00:986 (5)-Add a finish on the beginning. And put a new combo here?
  9. 01:09:046 (2)-Add a finish on the beginning.
  10. 01:26:732 (6)-^
  11. 01:49:344 (9)-Put a new combo here?
  12. 01:54:493 (5)-Add a finish?

eldnL's Hard
  1. 01:45:314 (x)-It feels like there should be a note here.... and a clap maybe?

  1. 00:26:285 (6)-Add a finish on the end?
  2. 00:53:598 (2)-^
  3. 00:57:180 (4)-Add a finish.
  4. 01:16:882 (5)-^
  5. 01:31:210 (5)-^
  6. 01:52:702 (6)-I think it would be better if you remove the finish from the beginning and add a finish on the end...

Good luck. :P And here's a star.

Edit: Fixing a few grammar mistakes.

spboxer3 wrote:

[Astom's Easy]
00:46:658 (1) - up 1 grid(size 4) ? ._. no
01:34:120 (1) - let it stack in 01:31:658 (1) - ? no

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[Astom's Easy]
00:05:016 (3) - 1 Less repeat seems better ( were following voice... so.. ) no

wmfchris wrote:

Astom's diff would be as good as usual. xD thx

Roddie wrote:

01:48:896 (2)-Add a finish on the end? ok
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

00:03:673 (1) - a 1/1 repeat slider feel better Example Done
00:07:255 (1) - One less repeat and add 00:08:598 (2) - Done
00:10:837 (5,6,7) - Soft Hitsound on those Done
00:39:493 (2) - Manually Stack or Make Stack Leniency much lower and manually stack 00:40:389 (4,5) - (example, Press Shift + Ctrl while doing this) Not really sure if i fixed since it already look perfectly stacked to me. Moved a little bit with grid and distant snap turn off.
00:43:523 (2) - Blanket for 00:44:643 (3) - Like this Tried my best to copy your slider, done
00:47:105 (2) - Same thing here ^
01:05:911 (6,7) - Place them like this Done
01:18:673 (5) - Make it an Arch? it seems to flow better Example Again, tried my best to copy your slider
01:19:792 (6,7,8) - Move and reshape like this? k Done

00:27:516 (3) - 2 grid up or down(like 00:25:389 (2,3,4) - ) Done
00:30:314 (4) - Blanket 00:30:091 (3) - ( refer to image of the next suggestion ) Done
00:30:762 (5) - like this ^
00:35:016 (6) - You're stopping after Vocal end... so delete this note? Weird, why was that slider there in the first place, but i'll keep it to keep with the "flow"
00:48:001 (3,4) - don't like the overlap Feels a little weird, but don't have any other ideas.
01:07:926 (6) - Use a different shape like Blanket? Blanket with correct spacing? Done
01:46:658 (2) - 2 grid down ( or up ) Prefer 1 grid. Down
01:47:889 (2) - 2 grid up ( or down ) ^ up
01:49:008 (2) - 2 grid down ( or up ) ^ down
01:49:568 (5) - stack under the position 01:49:008 (2) - have now Done
01:50:799 (3) - 2 grid right ( or left ) ^ right
01:53:822 (3) - ^ ^ Right
01:55:053 (3) - 2 grid left ( or right ) ^ left
01:56:173 (2) - 2 grid up ( or down ) ^ up
01:56:844 (6) - 2 grid down ( or up ) ^ down

Most were on graphic side, so... i can STAR!

Roddie wrote:

  1. If you're going to have a hitcircle.png in your map's folder, you got to have a hitcircleoverlay.png and a approachcircle .png. Deleted since it was simply a more white hitcircle.png
  2. If you have a cursor.png in your map's folder, you got to have a cursortrail.png. Done, add the one from the templateskin
  3. Insane has a different preview point than eldnL's Hard, Normal and Astom's Easy. took me a while to find out how to check what the preview point were for the other difficulties. Fixed
  4. Maybe a lead-in time of 2 seconds is better than 3 seconds.Done

  1. Hmm... Maybe decrease both the Overall Difficulty and Approach Rate by one tick? Done
  2. 00:10:389 (x)-Add a note here? Plus, add a clap as well? Tried it, feels odd so no
  3. 00:10:837 (5)-Put a new combo here? Done
  4. 00:28:076 (1)-Add a finish on the end. Done
  5. 00:42:404 (1)-^ ^
  6. 00:53:374 (1)-^ ^
  7. 00:55:389 (4)-Add a finish on the beginning. Done
  8. 01:00:986 (5)-Add a finish on the beginning. And put a new combo here? Done
  9. 01:09:046 (2)-Add a finish on the beginning. Done
  10. 01:26:732 (6)-^ ^
  11. 01:49:344 (9)-Put a new combo here? would be odd for this to be the only 1 combo
  12. 01:54:493 (5)-Add a finish? Done

  1. 00:26:285 (6)-Add a finish on the end? Done
  2. 00:53:598 (2)-^ ^
  3. 00:57:180 (4)-Add a finish. Done
  4. 01:16:882 (5)-^ ^
  5. 01:31:210 (5)-^ ^
  6. 01:52:702 (6)-I think it would be better if you remove the finish from the beginning and add a finish on the end... Done

Good luck. :P And here's a star.

Regarding video...

merchat7 wrote:

I assume you mean that it contains 18+ content which breaks one of the Official Ranking Submission Criteria. However, at the moment,, you can break those rule in special cases since they are all just guidelines. I'll leave it for BAT to decide. The (Not Yet) Official Ranking Submission Rules and Guidelines is being discussed here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56528&st=0&sk=t&sd=a. Feel free to read through it (part about video and last page recommended). Also have a uncensored video as well and this was recently ranked. There are a few scene which is definitely not suitable for PG 12.
And about , I'd say this is already censored somewhat (usage of soap to cover the main parts). There isn't any straight forward hentai stuff in the video. I'm quite surprised osuplayer censored the video. If you want to see a video that should definitely be censored, check this out Coincidentally there is a censored version uploaded to youtube Note i may map this song one day since i like song by Katakiri Rekka :P So there's my reason for not censoring.

Thanks for stars and mods.
00:42:180 : move to 00:42:404 and add fin
01:40:837 : fin


00:11:508 : add note
00:41:620 : clap volum 40 ~ 45 %
00:41:956 : ^
00:43:076 : fin

good map star ~
Topic Starter

indyinyou wrote:

[Hard] Will ask eldnl to check his diff. later.
00:42:180 : move to 00:42:404 and add fin
01:40:837 : fin


00:11:508 : add note No, doesn't feel right for me.
00:41:620 : clap volum 40 ~ 45 % You mean, lower the volume for this section? The clap is part of the mp3. If so, done.
00:41:956 : ^ ^
00:43:076 : fin Done

good map star ~
Ty for mod and star
Snowy Dream
[Astom's Easy]
01:17:329 (x) - add a note

[eldnL's Hard]
02:00:091 (1) - try to end at 02:05:799

00:48:001 (3,4) - looks not very nice
01:43:523 (6,7) - (6)move to (x:48 y:256),then add a note at 01:43:635, stack [New](8) behind (6,[New]7)
Nice map ;)
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

[eldnL's Hard]
02:00:091 (1) - try to end at 02:05:799 no, since all the other spinner in other diffs end at 02:05:911 and I prefer spinner to end on a white tick.

00:48:001 (3,4) - looks not very nice Seems ok, but if you have a suggestion, feel free to suggest it.
01:43:523 (6,7) - (6)move to (x:48 y:256),then add a note at 01:43:635, stack [New](8) behind (6,[New]7) Basically, stack (6,7,8) right? Also i adjusted the spacing for this part so that all the hit circles become perfectly symmetrical
Nice map ;)
Astom will check his diff later. Ty for mod and star!
why this map isnt ranked yet?

title:Himitsujikake no apple (Short Ver.)
Topic Starter

flatps wrote:

why this map isnt ranked yet?

title:Himitsujikake no apple (Short Ver.)
k done

Ty for star!

Roddie wrote:

[list][*]01:45:314 (x)-It feels like there should be a note here.... and a clap maybe? Ok fixed

indyinyou wrote:

00:42:180 : move to 00:42:404 and add fin Sure
01:40:837 : fin okk

Snowy Dream wrote:

[eldnL's Hard]
02:00:091 (1) - try to end at 02:05:799 No, but I think it's better if you move the spin merchat
Thanks a lot guys ~

Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (Short Ver.) (merchat7) [eldnL's Hard].osu
Is it bad that when I saw apple I said "Oh shit another bad apple ;~;"?
Topic Starter
kk will change spinner for all difficulties
lol, ty for star ^^

Snowy Dream wrote:

[Astom's Easy]
01:17:329 (x) - add a note no
- Rche -
i'm perfectly fine with this map.
just one thing bothered me.
why don't you silence the final spinner (or at least the end of it)?

+star and no kds.
Topic Starter

For me, if you silence the spinner, it's like there's no spinner at all so what's the point of adding it in the first place.

Ty for star
I don't like 18+, so without video.
Only 3 diffs in Beatmap Listing, but i take 4 diffs after dl.
combobursts have unrankable resolution yours 500x600 instead of 388x767. Cut or rezise them please.
Custom sounds used only in Astom's diff! I guess you could use them too. Aaaaand normal-sliderslide is used nowhere. Remove it or use it too.
Too many useless bookmarks, remove them with notepad if you have a time.

00:41:061 (6,7,8) - end of (6), (7), (8) - add claps
01:16:658 - no. make claps from here 01:21:135 (4) - remove claps before this point, they sounds bad. Or use custom clap. It sounds not so ugly as default here.
01:26:508 (5) - why claps stopped? keep rhythm.

eldnL's Hard
00:56:732 (3,4) - this jump confused me in 1st trying
Same about claps in kiai
01:45:314 (1) - remove this random clap

00:02:105 (4) - remove claps from slider
00:05:016 (2,3,4) - imo, it must be (timeline) :
00:30:762 (4) - claps... you didn't use then in other diff, i think, you could keep use whistles. remove claps
00:34:344 (4) - ^
00:37:031 (1,2,3) - ^ etc etc, imo, sounds not perfect. They don't make rhythm.
Same about claps in kiai like in Insane.

Distance : use distance snap in Normals.
00:05:016 (2,3) - too far
00:30:314 (3,4) - ^
00:41:061 (6,7) - too close
00:45:091 (4,1) - too far
00:50:688 (2) - is not stacked perfectly with (1)'s end.
01:06:135 (7,8) - too far

Astom's Easy
Set slider tickrate 2 like in other diffs
Yeah, claps not only in Kiai <3
Very nice diff, nothing to say.

Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

I don't like 18+, so without video.
Only 3 diffs in Beatmap Listing, but i take 4 diffs after dl. It's an error due to database crash, will reupload when this is fixed.
combobursts have unrankable resolution yours 500x600 instead of 388x767. Cut or rezise them please. I check this thread viewtopic.php?f=15&t=51694, it says So, for any combobursts to be correctly shown in game they should be no more than 767px tall and 500px wide. My combobursts are 500px wide and 600px tall (below 767px) so they are ok.
Custom sounds used only in Astom's diff! I guess you could use them too. Aaaaand normal-sliderslide is used nowhere. Remove it or use it too. I'm crap with hitsound, please suggest place to use it. Normal-sliderslide is used in [Insane] 00:09:717 and perhaps other place as well. The file size for it is small anyway so keeping it.
Too many useless bookmarks, remove them with notepad if you have a time. Doesn't make a difference gameplay-wise. Bookmarks are suppose to be used to help with mapping anyways.

00:41:061 (6,7,8) - end of (6), (7), (8) - add claps Done
01:16:658 - no. make claps from here 01:21:135 (4) - remove claps before this point, they sounds bad. Or use custom clap. It sounds not so ugly as default here. Copied the claps from [eldnL's Hard] will change if he does.
01:26:508 (5) - why claps stopped? keep rhythm. ^

00:02:105 (4) - remove claps from slider Replaced with whistles
00:05:016 (2,3,4) - imo, it must be (timeline) : (1,2,3) follows the vocal, (4) follow the instrument.
00:30:762 (4) - claps... you didn't use then in other diff, i think, you could keep use whistles. remove clapsReplaced with whistles for now
00:34:344 (4) - ^ ^
00:37:031 (1,2,3) - ^ etc etc, imo, sounds not perfect. They don't make rhythm. ^
Same about claps in kiai like in Insane. Base off eldnL's Hard, will change if he does
Hmm, will keep the claps actually, tested it and i feel clap work great in all those place.

Distance : use distance snap in Normals. I used 1.2x distant snap and grid 3 throughout the whole map
00:05:016 (2,3) - too far No problem with the distant snap and grid that i use.
00:30:314 (3,4) - ^ Manually moved there so that is is perfectly centered, i didn't move it too far from where it should have been so keeping it the same.
00:41:061 (6,7) - too close This is because of the slider velocity change, it would be more confusing if i adjust to distant snapping since all the notes before that are placed similarly in the timeline didn't have that far of a jump.
00:45:091 (4,1) - too far Again, fine with the distant snap and grid that i use.
00:50:688 (2) - is not stacked perfectly with (1)'s end. Should be perfectly stacked now
01:06:135 (7,8) - too far Same as 00:30:314

Ty for star and mod, astom and eldnl will check their diff later.
I don't know how my diff. up the difficulty to 4.51 ;_; I try to download the difficulty but I can just to 4.50 D:
Spread NNII sucks ;_;

About the mod, all fixed.

Something else, the spinner-background is 1023x692, try to use 1024x768 or 800x600.
Maybe you can find another BG and spinner-background because these images are in low quality :c

Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (Short Ver.) (merchat7) [eldnL's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
@eldnl don't worry about the star rating, your hard is definitely easier than my Insane. Regarding background and spinner background ... 1371732973
Found this image sometime ago, but didn't use since the ranked version used a similar one. You want me to use it? This is the only clean image i manage to found on google. All others either have the game name on it, or game release date etc. I will resize to 1024x768 ... 664594.jpg
Want me to use this image instead? I used the one on the official website but apparently it wasn't very high quality ... G_01_L.jpg
Spinner background, reason for 1023x692 is template skin's spinner background is 1023x692 so i resize to that.

Current beatmap size is 19.8 mb so if i use a higher quality image, video quality will suffer a bit more so tell me if you really want me to change the images. Your diff has been updated. Ty for late star :P
All good here!

If the video really is 18+, it probably isn't allowed.
Use the same slider tick rate for all difficulties.

Astom's Easy:
00:39:046 (1) - this kind of doesn't fit. why not just replace it with 2 circles?
You are really good at making easies Astom.

00:49:568 (1) - turn on grid snap 4 and move to the right 1 grid point?
01:20:464 (2) - this is very very slightly touching the HP bar.

eldnl's Hard:
00:03:673 (1,2) - stack the ends on top of each other perfectly please.
Your difficulties are always so pretty :D

01:59:195 (5,6) - stack the ends just a bit more!

Hi merchat7 :D

- I've read the previous post about this but still the video is not good. I appreciate the warning but even the ranked one are barely rankable with the censored effect. This "bare" video will surely be refused by MAT/BAT. Consider add the same censor or just plain remove the vid
- For the last spinner on each diff. Use 50% or lower volume to decrease the sounds of spinnerspin & spinnerbonus. Also the spinner should be extended another 1/8 beat so it end on 02:05:855 cause the beat of the bell sound is in here

[Astom's Easy]
This diff should be named Normal. Mostly because of the beat after spinners are very soon. Other than that there's nothing bother me

A little tweak and this could easily become a Hard diff
00:00:091 (1) - Add finish at the start
00:00:091 (1) - The timing section here is unnecessary cause you can just lower the volume on the offset
00:03:673 (1) - Whistle at the start?
00:05:464 (4) - Remove the whistle at the start
00:41:285 (7) - The only slider that use 1.5x speed, It's too unexpected. I suggest to use normal slider speed. Also try adding a clap at it too.
00:49:568 (1) - I suggest to remove the anchor point in the middle so the slider will look better

[eldnl's Hard]
00:05:240 (3,1) - This jump is too sudden and doesn't fit very well

Quite an easy Insane
00:28:076 (1) ~ 00:37:479 (3) - Compare to your normal, this part still lack off hitsound. Using the same hitsound pattern as in Normal is ok
00:43:523 (5) ~ 00:48:896 (6) - ^
01:17:329 (1) - Remove NC
01:42:628 (2,4) - Add whistle to these?
01:45:762 (3) - Finish at the start?
01:50:464 (1) - Add whistle
01:59:195 (5) - IMO it's play better if you use normal speed

That's all from me. About the vid if you're not sure about it, you can consult to MAT/BAT, but I'm sure they won't allow it too
Good Luck and Star
02:00:091 (1) - if you want to follow that bell-like sound thing in the music, this should end at 02:05:837 (1) - (1/6 tick, just play it back at 25%). you should also silence it tho, or make it really soft. the spinner ends too loudly imo >_>. If not, you could just end it on the red tick too (like eldnl's diff). it doesn't really matter, but it just needs to be consistent.


00:09:717 (8) - 1 grid to the right
00:29:531 (x) - add note? just to follow vocals a little more.
00:33:113 (x) - ^
01:21:471 (x) - ^
01:22:702 (10) - new combo?
01:30:091 (x) - flows better if you add a note here imo.


00:04:568 (2,3,1) - honestly, i would just space this normally. A jump here doesn't fit imo.
00:42:180 (7) - sounds better to me if you delete this note (and rearrange spacing somehow. (this note just puts a random note with soft whistle in a place where the music doesn't really do anything :/ it also feels a little weird to me to play that note.)
01:52:367 (3,4) - i don't like the stack that much, and how you coupled it with this jump 01:52:702 (4,1) - (it bothers me having a jump like that :/)
01:59:867 (6) - unstack?


00:02:105 (4) - delete claps (and the clap on the slider as whole) and put a whistle at 00:02:32?
00:36:359 (3,1,2,3) - this orientation could be a little confusing for newer players.(i know i would when i really sucked lol >_>. i probably would've tried clicking combo 2 instead of combo 1 and realized what an epic fail that was)
00:59:419 (1,2) - erm.. center this?
01:01:882 (2,3) - replace this with a 1/2 tick repeat slider? so that it follows vocals more
01:36:359 (5) - decrease length of slider by 1/2 tick ?
01:56:508 (9,1) - why the jump?


--kiai time is a little different.

01:07:255 (1) - you shuld just make this repeat slider 3/4 ticks in length for each repeat to follow vocals more. you don't have anything after the note anyways :/
01:09:046 (1) - change this into a slider that starts at 01:08:823 and ends 01:09:046
01:58:523 (5) - new combo?

Nice map! :3

Topic Starter

Zelos wrote:

All good here! k

If the video really is 18+, it probably isn't allowed. Hm, will wait on mat/bat opinion first.
Use the same slider tick rate for all difficulties. The only difficulty with a different tickrate is astom's, when he check his diff, he will probably fix it.

00:49:568 (1) - turn on grid snap 4 and move to the right 1 grid point? I've adjusted this slider in grid 4 so that it is perfectly symmetrical.
01:20:464 (2) - this is very very slightly touching the HP bar. Moved down a little bit more.

01:59:195 (5,6) - stack the ends just a bit more! Done



Sallad4ever wrote:

Hi merchat7 :D

- I've read the previous post about this but still the video is not good. I appreciate the warning but even the ranked one are barely rankable with the censored effect. This "bare" video will surely be refused by MAT/BAT. Consider add the same censor or just plain remove the vid Hm will wait on MAT/BAT opinion. Going to remove the warning actually since there is only about 5-10 seconds of the video where it may be consider 18+.
- For the last spinner on each diff. Use 50% or lower volume to decrease the sounds of spinnerspin & spinnerbonus. Also the spinner should be extended another 1/8 beat so it end on 02:05:855 cause the beat of the bell sound is in here Done, regarding spinner length. I was advised by Snowy Dream & eldnl to decrease it by 1/8. It was on where you suggested before.

[Astom's Easy]
This diff should be named Normal. Mostly because of the beat after spinners are very soon. Other than that there's nothing bother me I disagree, you can always stop spinning a bit earlier to get ready for the notes and i don't think this should be rename Normal just because of this.

A little tweak and this could easily become a Hard diff
00:00:091 (1) - Add finish at the start Done
00:00:091 (1) - The timing section here is unnecessary cause you can just lower the volume on the offset k removed timing section and lowered the volume on the offset (red timing point).
00:03:673 (1) - Whistle at the start? Done
00:05:464 (4) - Remove the whistle at the start Done
00:41:285 (7) - The only slider that use 1.5x speed, It's too unexpected. I suggest to use normal slider speed. Also try adding a clap at it too. Done, change volume to 45% so that it is like Insane.
00:49:568 (1) - I suggest to remove the anchor point in the middle so the slider will look better Done, adjusted spacing in this section

Quite an easy Insane Perhaps, tried my best to make it hard, since this was the first difficulty i've made. No tweaks at all except fixing all the spacing.
00:28:076 (1) ~ 00:37:479 (3) - Compare to your normal, this part still lack off hitsound. Using the same hitsound pattern as in Normal is ok k, added the same pattern from Normal
00:43:523 (5) ~ 00:48:896 (6) - ^ ^
01:17:329 (1) - Remove NC Done
01:42:628 (2,4) - Add whistle to these? Done
01:45:762 (3) - Finish at the start? Done
01:50:464 (1) - Add whistle Done
01:59:195 (5) - IMO it's play better if you use normal speed kk, done

That's all from me. About the vid if you're not sure about it, you can consult to MAT/BAT, but I'm sure they won't allow it too kk will try to ask them, main reason that i feel the video is ok is because a recently ranked beatmap have a video with some scenes which could be consider 18+ so i thought this should be ok as well.
Good Luck and Star


winber1 wrote:

02:00:091 (1) - if you want to follow that bell-like sound thing in the music, this should end at 02:05:837 (1) - (1/6 tick, just play it back at 25%). you should also silence it tho, or make it really soft. the spinner ends too loudly imo >_>. If not, you could just end it on the red tick too (like eldnl's diff). it doesn't really matter, but it just needs to be consistent. Ty, done. I've changed it to 50% volume and was about to update but noticed a new mod post :P


00:09:717 (8) - 1 grid to the right Aligned this with end of slider 3
00:29:531 (x) - add note? just to follow vocals a little more. Feels weird imo, so no.
00:33:113 (x) - ^ ^
01:21:471 (x) - ^ ^
01:22:702 (10) - new combo? Done
01:30:091 (x) - flows better if you add a note here imo. Nah, feel weird to follow instrument and vocal at the same time. Im following the vocal mainly for this part anyway. Will be weird if i start to change now.


00:02:105 (4) - delete claps (and the clap on the slider as whole) and put a whistle at 00:02:32? k done
00:36:359 (3,1,2,3) - this orientation could be a little confusing for newer players.(i know i would when i really sucked lol >_>. i probably would've tried clicking combo 2 instead of combo 1 and realized what an epic fail that was) hm, i say it's fine, but i'm up for interesting ideas
00:59:419 (1,2) - erm.. center this? Done
01:01:882 (2,3) - replace this with a 1/2 tick repeat slider? so that it follows vocals more Done, lol @ file comment
01:36:359 (5) - decrease length of slider by 1/2 tick ? Nah, it's fine
01:56:508 (9,1) - why the jump? woops 01:57:404 is suppose to be at 01:57:180. Adjusted the new combo and manually moved (10, previously 1) so that it looks better.

Nice map! :3


Ty for stars and mods, Astom & eldnl will check their diffs later.
Astom's Easy

00:48:449 (4) - This slider is called kick slider because haves more than one repeat. I suggest you to remove this, because for an newbie is hard to see how much repeats the slider goes.

02:00:091 (1) - The end of this slider needs to be on 02:05:911. Unsnapped is not recommended.

No major problems, Good map.

Zelos wrote:

eldnl's Hard:
00:03:673 (1,2) - stack the ends on top of each other perfectly please. Sure fixed
Your difficulties are always so pretty :D

Sallad4ever wrote:

[eldnl's Hard]
00:05:240 (3,1) - This jump is too sudden and doesn't fit very well That will never change !

winber1 wrote:


00:04:568 (2,3,1) - honestly, i would just space this normally. A jump here doesn't fit imo. NOO
00:42:180 (7) - sounds better to me if you delete this note (and rearrange spacing somehow. (this note just puts a random note with soft whistle in a place where the music doesn't really do anything :/ it also feels a little weird to me to play that note.) This note follow perfect the music for me :\
01:52:367 (3,4) - i don't like the stack that much, and how you coupled it with this jump 01:52:702 (4,1) - (it bothers me having a jump like that :/) Yes, you're right, but I don't know how I can change it, any suggestion? ;_;
01:59:867 (6) - unstack? Nah
Thanks ~

Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (Short Ver.) (merchat7) [eldnL's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
@Katsuri ty for suggestion and star, astom will check it later
Only one little thing bugged me >_<

00:50:688 (2) - stack it correctly?

Ohwell. Nice mapset. Starr'd~
Topic Starter

Wiinter wrote:

Only one little thing bugged me >_<

00:50:688 (2) - stack it correctly? Ah ty, fixed

Ohwell. Nice mapset. Starr'd~
Ty for mod and star :D
from my que
I love this song and map ;)


if you can make the title come out the same as the video , like the shining stars , it is awesome >w<

[Astom's Easy]
00:48:449 (4) - start at 00:48:673 and repeat 1 time less
awesome diff

00:28:076 (1) - circle at 00:28:076 and slider from 00:28:299 to 00:28:747 is better imo
00:31:658 (1) - ^
00:39:493 (2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing for newbie
00:56:508 (6,7) - slider first then circle is better
01:51:359 (3) - to 2 sliders is better , or it is hard to read when it end
01:56:060 (8,9,10) - kinda confusing 0.0
01:58:523 (2) - to 2 sliders

[eldnL's Hard]
AR+1 is better to me 0.0
00:05:240 (3) - x:256 y:200 , or it is a very confusing jump here

01:46:770 (3,4) - I suggest this to a slider , or it is kinda confusing
01:53:934 (4,5) - ^

nice map
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my que
I love this song and map ;)


if you can make the title come out the same as the video , like the shining stars , it is awesome >w< Sorry, don't know how to do this, if someone wants to do it, feel free

00:28:076 (1) - circle at 00:28:076 and slider from 00:28:299 to 00:28:747 is better imo Done
00:31:658 (1) - ^ ^
00:39:493 (2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing for newbie Don't really know what to change, any suggestion?
00:56:508 (6,7) - slider first then circle is better Done
01:51:359 (3) - to 2 sliders is better , or it is hard to read when it end Nah it's fine, if the person is listening to the rhythm, he can definitely hear 4 beats, and the slider is pointing to the next note.
01:56:060 (8,9,10) - kinda confusing 0.0 Trying 4 ar now so that the note feel less clustered.
01:58:523 (2) - to 2 sliders Same reason as 01:51:359

01:46:770 (3,4) - I suggest this to a slider , or it is kinda confusing kk done, adjusted some stuff so that slider looks better
01:53:934 (4,5) - ^ ^

nice map

Thanks for star, kudo star and mod, astom & eldnl will check it later.

Zelos wrote:

Astom's Easy:
00:39:046 (1) - this kind of doesn't fit. why not just replace it with 2 circles? mm ok
You are really good at making easies Astom. thx o/

winber1 wrote:


--kiai time is a little different. I don't see problems with that

01:07:255 (1) - you shuld just make this repeat slider 3/4 ticks in length for each repeat to follow vocals more. you don't have anything after the note anyways :/ uhm no
01:09:046 (1) - change this into a slider that starts at 01:08:823 and ends 01:09:046 ok
01:58:523 (5) - new combo? ok

Katsuri wrote:

Astom's Easy

00:48:449 (4) - This slider is called kick slider because haves more than one repeat. I suggest you to remove this, because for an newbie is hard to see how much repeats the slider goes. uhm no because I don't see any better solution.

wcx19911123 wrote:

[Astom's Easy]
00:48:449 (4) - start at 00:48:673 and repeat 1 time less fixed in a very better way
awesome diff thx o/
Download: Sakakibara Yui - Himitsujikake no apple (Short Ver.) (merchat7) [Astom's Easy].osu
Ohai~ As requested:

You should fix the spinner-circle.png because it wobbles. Or maybe it's just me.
I kinda agree with Sallad about the video. But I guess that's for the MATs and BATs to decide.

[Astom's Easy]
Nothing to report. Good job Astom.

00:28:299 (2) - Add finish to sliders end
00:42:404 (1) - ^
00:07:255 (1) - Add a finish to this sliders start

[eldnL's Hard]
00:05:240 (3,1) - I think (3) should be below the sliders. I don't think the jump is necessary.
00:07:255 (1) - Add a NC to match the previous parts and match the vocals.
Nice. Fun. Diff.

Nothing to report. Good.

Overall: Nothing too major (Well except for the spinner, but I think that's just me). Good map.

hihi~ :)
some suggestions:

fine. but the comboburst files do not looks well imo...and what's more, i guess they are too large.

[Astom's Easy]
00:39:493(6) - maybe a slider ends on 00:39:717?
01:08:598(x) - add a note?
01:17:329(x) - ^

control your combo between 4-7 please.
00:57:180(1) - a note here and the spinner starts at 00:57:404?
01:28:971(3) - finish on the end of this slider.

[eldnL's Hard]
01:52:367(3,4) - a slider here?
amazing diff.

00:29:195(5) - the slider ends on 00:29:531.
00:30:762(5) - do not be overlapped well.
00:50:688(4) - the slider ends on 00:51:023.
01:16:098(x) - add a note.
01:21:135(4) - the slider ends on 01:21:471.
01:30:426(x) - add a note.
01:37:926(1,2,3,4,5,6) - it's better for me.really awesome 1st map. good luck!
Topic Starter

Kiddo-Kun wrote:

Ohai~ As requested:

You should fix the spinner-circle.png because it wobbles. Or maybe it's just me. Odd, i just grey scale (turn the spinner black and white) the template skin spinner circle. So idk.
I kinda agree with Sallad about the video. But I guess that's for the MATs and BATs to decide. Still trying to grab a mat in here for opinion

00:28:299 (2) - Add finish to sliders end Done
00:42:404 (1) - ^ ^
00:07:255 (1) - Add a finish to this sliders start Done

Nothing to report. Good.

Overall: Nothing too major (Well except for the spinner, but I think that's just me). Good map.



JauiPlaY wrote:

hihi~ :)
some suggestions:

fine. but the comboburst files do not looks well imo...and what's more, i guess they are too large. Best image i could find were 250x300 and that's a little too small so i double the resolution. eldnl also point it out and is trying to get someone to do combo bursts for me. Keep it for now since you can't really notice the quality of the combo burst while playing anyway.

control your combo between 4-7 please. Checked the map, there is one combo that is 8 (seems ok imo) and two combos which were 9 (again seems ok imo). No change
00:57:180(1) - a note here and the spinner starts at 00:57:404? Nah, the space is there to let the player knows a spinner is coming, putting a circle 1 tick before doesn't feel right for me.
01:28:971(3) - finish on the end of this slider. Done

00:29:195(5) - the slider ends on 00:29:531. keeping slider length the same as (4)
00:30:762(5) - do not be overlapped well. Seems fine, i overlap it because someone suggested it.
00:50:688(4) - the slider ends on 00:51:023. Keeping slider length the same as (5)
01:16:098(x) - add a note. Hit circle here doesn't follow anything so no
01:21:135(4) - the slider ends on 01:21:471. No since this 'll be the only slider to end on a blue tick.
01:30:426(x) - add a note. Same reason as 01:16:098
01:37:926(1,2,3,4,5,6) - it's better for me. Done
really awesome 1st map. good luck!

Ty for mods and stars :) As per usual, astom & eldnl will check later.
Megurine Luka
Hi. My mod. :D
It's really good so not many suggestions. :D

[Atom's Easy]
00:05:016 (3) - del the return
00:12:180 (2) - change into a circle. it's better to leave some time before spinner in Easy
01:14:867 (2) - ^
02:00:091 (1) - move to 02:00:314 for the same reason

distance spacing x1.0 recommended, though it's ok to be 1.2
00:01:658 (3) - del fin

[eldnL's hard]
00:05:464 (1) - spacing

00:58:299 (1,2,3,4) - smaller square?
01:49:568 (5) - try this

Very nice song and maps. Absolutely Star.
I'm sorry i couldn't help this map in finding any problems.
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:

Hi. My mod. :D
It's really good so not many suggestions. :D

distance spacing x1.0 recommended, though it's ok to be 1.2 yep, no point changing now since i prob have to remap if i change distant snapping to 1.0x
00:01:658 (3) - del fin Done

00:58:299 (1,2,3,4) - smaller square? The distant between (1) & (2) and (3) & (4) is snap to 2.0x distant snapping. I want to keep it like that.
01:49:568 (5) - try this Hm don't really like it, it's fine as is.

Very nice song and maps. Absolutely Star.
Ty for mod and star, astom & eldnl will check later.

@mebins no problem, tyvm for star.

02:00:091 (1) - End of the slider here 02:05:911 -

Astom's Easy

00:27:180 (1) - Needs a 1/1 spacing at the end before the 00:29:195 (1) - slider starts
01:43:971 (1) - ^


00:55:389 (4) - New combo
01:48:001 (7) - ^
01:55:165 (7) - ^

eldnL's Hard

01:14:643 - Add a circle


Look at the spacing :s and the position of the objects

Grid Level: 4 then 00:30:762 (5) - this slider 1 Grid left
00:48:001 (3) - Move it to (1) ?
00:54:270 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Doesn't follow the rythm correctly :s ... looks a bit random
01:00:986 (3) - New combo
01:07:255 (4) - ^
01:22:255 (8) - ^ remove next new combo

Only suggestions... Easy should be fixed ~ Star
Topic Starter

BounceBabe wrote:


02:00:091 (1) - End of the slider here 02:05:911 - Sorry, keeping the spinner there as per winber's suggestion.


00:55:389 (4) - New combo Done
01:48:001 (7) - ^ I put new combo on (6) since i generally don't like to stack two different combo on top of each other
01:55:165 (7) - ^ ^


Look at the spacing :s and the position of the objects

Grid Level: 4 then 00:30:762 (5) - this slider 1 Grid left Done
00:48:001 (3) - Move it to (1) ? Feels better, but hard to sight read (3) so no
00:54:270 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Doesn't follow the rythm correctly :s ... looks a bit random If you mean the timing on the hit circles of this section, they fit the vocal fine... if you're talking about how it look, well idk.
01:00:986 (3) - New combo Don't see a need for this new combo
01:07:255 (4) - ^ Done
01:22:255 (8) - ^ remove next new combo Done

Only suggestions... Easy should be fixed ~ Star
Ty for mod and star, astom & eldnl will check later.
Hello :3 Modding your map as your request, hope it helps.

[?] = Suggestion.
[!] = You NEED to change.
[.] = If possible, change.

[eldnL's Hard]
00:07:255 (4) - New combo, to make it consistent with the previous new combos?
00:28:076 (4) - New combo, to follow the vocal and leave the 3 previous rhythm beats in a single combo?
00:28:971 (1) - Remove new combo (Only if you chnaged the previous one)
00:31:658 (5) - New combo (Only if you changed the previous one)
00:32:329 (1) - Remove new combo (Only if you changed the previous one)
01:07:255 (5) - New combo, due to the 'changing' in the tick order.

00:33:225 (6) - New combo starts here.
00:33:673 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:48:225 (4) - If possible, don't overlap notes, looks odd ?
01:31:658 (1) - To make it similar to the previous pattern (01:17:329 (6) ) Remove new combo. (Or insert new combo in the previous pattern)
01:32:329 (3) - New combo starts here.
01:35:911 (1) - To make it similar to the previous pattern (01:21:583 (5) ) Remove new combo.(Or insert new combo in the previous pattern)
01:37:031 (1) - To make it similar to the previous patter (01:22:702 (9) ) Remove new combo. (Or insert new combo in the previous pattern)

Pretty nice mapset. :3
Deserves a star.

JauiPlaY wrote:

[Astom's Easy]
00:39:493(6) - maybe a slider ends on 00:39:717? actually changed in a previous mod
01:08:598(x) - add a note? no
01:17:329(x) - ^ no

Megurine Luka wrote:

[Atom's Easy]
00:05:016 (3) - del the return no
00:12:180 (2) - change into a circle. it's better to leave some time before spinner in Easy no
01:14:867 (2) - ^ no
02:00:091 (1) - move to 02:00:314 for the same reason no

BounceBabe wrote:

Astom's Easy

00:27:180 (1) - Needs a 1/1 spacing at the end before the 00:29:195 (1) - slider starts no
01:43:971 (1) - ^ no
No changes for me.
Thanks guys but the map is fine without the mods ... ^^
Bye :P
Okay then..

Map settings and folder is fine except one thing.

Combobursts..they are a bit wide.Original is 388 pixles wide.

[Astom's Easy]
00:35:911 - Finish is missing here.
00:56:508 - This part isn't filled with notes..maybe you could add here and 00:56:956? Though it sounds fine without them too.
02:00:091 (1) - I'd add a whistle at the end.

00:49:568 (1) - Add a reverse at 00:50:016.
01:09:717 (3) - I'd suggest to remove this slider with 1/2 sliders placed on red ticks: (01:09:717 - 01:10:165 & 01:10:613 - 01:11:061)
01:23:822 (2) - It doesn't fit at all :| Use these notes instead: 01:23:822,01:24:046,01:24:493,01:24:717.

[eldnl's Hard]
As your map is fine without mods,then I'll skip it.

00:30:762 (5) - Stack properly?
00:35:911 - Finish?
00:41:061 (6,7,8) - Not a big fan of stacked blue ticks.If you don't know the song it's almost impossible to read it perfecly.
00:58:299 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps are a bit out of whole map,they're way too unexpected.Reduce them a little?
01:06:583 (3) - Move it 2 grids right to make symmetrical?
01:24:270 - Finish.
01:25:837 (4) - ^
01:26:732 (6) - ^
01:46:546 (1) - Kinda hard to read with this spacing,it looks like a 1/2 space,so I failed to read it.Maybe you should change it to reverse-slider or clear up the spacing a bit?
01:46:770 (3) - Extend to next white tick maybe?
01:50:016 - I'd add a note.
01:53:374 (1,2,3,4,1) - Well,if you followed previous suggestions,change here as well.

Nice mapset,good luck.
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