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gzdongsheng's Modding History

i dropped acc here, although it's like constantly going lower in the whole second half and i didn't feel it's that out of place when playing through Also, if you do believe it's something that needs to be fixed could you give your solutions? i personally don't think remove all the minijack should be the way to go as that would obviously make the section too easy instead, unless being patterned pretty awkwardly (e.g. long split/one hand trills)
1/5 is good but i intend not to put any LN coordination here so rearranged a bit
是吉他,我觉得是渐强的,特别是02:49:299 - 这里
01:32:246 (92246|0,92246|3) - 01:36:420 (96420|2,96420|3) - 这两个我还是没看懂double的是啥 01:34:594 (94594|3) - 也许可以加单note,不过下一段的01:42:942 - 这里整段一致性和前面不一样,所以看你要不要加 01:37:203 (97203|2,97333|1,97333|3,97594|0,97594|2,97725|1) - 感觉单双反过来和其他地方更一致
我好像想说的是1/1 💀 这样? ![](
01:29:377 (89377|1,89507|2,89507|1) - 这个突然换轨了,也许可以挪后面的LN?
02:01:464 (121464|3,121529|2,121594|3,121659|2,121790|3,121855|2,121920|3,121985|2,122051|3) - 右手全是对切,如果要保留这个密度的话可以稍微排顺一点
01:38:377 (98377|1,98393|0,98507|0,98572|1,98654|0,98703|1,98768|0) - 以及01:40:594 - 01:41:507 - 01:44:768 - 这几个地方,可以用2121的密度但是我觉得pattern要弱化,现在的锚还是不太对的上这段音乐的强度
01:58:333 (118333|1,118399|0,118464|1,118529|0,118594|1) - 01:59:377 (119377|2,119442|3,119507|2,119572|3,119638|2) - ![](
01:55:138 - 没改
01:24:942 (84942|0,84942|1,85072|1,85203|0,85333|1,85333|0,85464|1,85594|0,85725|1,85725|0,85855|1) - 这些叠现在全跑左手去了,感觉可以01:25:333 (85333|0) - 01:25:725 (85725|0) - 放4轨
00:47:112 (47112|0,47112|5,47112|6) - 疑似是漏的 04:37:512 (277512|6,277512|1,277512|0) -
00:15:612 - 00:19:212 - 还是没grace,除非是故意的
有个vocal转乐器的感觉,不单纯是鼓 不过主要原因是我感觉这个放col1左手就爆了
没想着抓这么细节的鼓,感觉纯1/1的节奏给下一段铺垫比较好,只能说04:43:008 (283008|2,283065|1,283123|2,283181|3,283238|1) - 这个排列和后面纯单手稍微做了区别
不完全是,还有点别的音,可能比较类似dump 如果完全1/3写准的话感觉这里手感打起来很诡异
这样转后面单LN的时候落差会更大,大概有个渐弱效果就行了;实际上到第二拍03:29:451 - 已经基本没啥东西了
kinda my overlook before but i guess 02:25:470 (145470|0) - can be removed too since there is no drum like 02:26:670 (146670|6) -
感觉确实不用double bpm,可能是太鼓的毛病
02:42:460 (162460|5,162499|6,162618|5) - this snake pattern probably should be connected from 1/1 before 02:42:302 - , since that's where the sound is more pronounced
02:26:039 (146039|1,146039|5,146039|3,146039|0,146039|4,146039|6) - maybe this can still stay 5 notes? 6 feels a bit much here imo
personally would probably only make 00:15:303 (15303|6) - 00:25:408 (25408|0) - LN compared with old version, and for the rest you can keep original pattern for the feeling so that it won't feel all like inverse
00:11:671 (11671|1,11671|4,11671|0,11671|5,11671|2,11829|6,11829|4,11829|3,11829|0,11829|1) - 00:12:303 (12303|1,12303|4,12303|6,12303|5,12303|2,12460|2,12460|3,12460|6,12460|5,12460|0) - i think these being kept as LN like before is fine to better distinguish different sounds, but up to you
maybe rearrange a little so the anchor isn't happening at 01:05:045 (65045|2,65113|3,65180|2) - where there is nothing to emphasize, or probably just move 01:05:045 (65045|2) - to col6
00:59:234 (59234|4,59302|3) - maybe switch these two so it's not an anchor that on the two columns [56]?
same for extra and top diff
then maybe also 00:50:451 - ?
00:37:343 (37343|3,37343|2,37343|6) - 00:37:883 (37883|3,37883|6,37883|5) - 00:39:505 (39505|4,39505|2,39505|6) - 00:41:667 (41667|6,41667|0,41667|4) - 00:42:207 (42207|5,42207|2,42207|6) - 00:43:829 (43829|6,43829|0,43829|4) - 00:46:532 (46532|1,46532|4,46532|3) - might need reduced for the same reason
02:31:487 (151487|4) - just to make sure but this one is kinda different in this diff, other diffs it's on space bar
could take a look of lower diffs, at least for extreme
01:50:856 (110856|5,110924|6,110991|5,111059|4) - this one left
00:12:951 (12951|3) - to col5?
现在时间戳的 00:11:582 (11582|1,11582|3,11582|0,11582|2,11683|5,11683|1,11785|3,11785|5,11785|4) - 01:17:662 (77662|1,77662|3,77662|0,77662|2,77764|5,77764|1,77865|5,77865|3,77865|4) - 这两个叠我还是觉得没有那种感觉 (或者说我不知道你改了啥)
前面那个挺明显,后面的可有可无,但是如果要写感觉01:17:133 - 是一样的
that's ok
alright i don't have more to add then, feel free to resolve it you don't want to change it further