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History of osu! 2010


The Wai-con anime convention in Perth had osu!arcade, a fully self-contained arcade machine running a touch-based version of osu!. Although playing too much on it could lead to sore fingers as some people had criticised, the prototype containing custom-made hardware and a built-in touchscreen was well received by the community.1

A touchscreen displaying osu!'s main menuThe osu!arcade machine at 2010's Wai-con


Through February to March, peppy organised an art competition dedicated to banners for in-game challenges, with the prize being the art's official recognition and a year of osu!supporter or physical goods. After a community voting round, the osu! team made the final choice.2

On March 8, an osu! update brought considerable performance and audio improvements to the game.3


Due to infrastructure changes, the IRC server was moved to the address

This month, peppy introduced a new star rating difficulty algorithm in an osu! update.5


On August 2, all users were granted a single username change. To change username, they had to have received an osu!supporter tag at least once, either through purchase or as a gift.6

The !report chat command was added to Bancho, which allowed people to notify chat moderators about users misbehaving in the chat.7

nardii gave peppy access to their Twitter account @osugame which was used for general osu! news from then on.8


On September 2, osu! received several mapping updates, including:9

60 difficulties were affected by a Taiko10 bug causing drum rolls to be incorrectly displayed and thus, all scores on them were deleted.11


Members of the Mapping Assistance Team (MAT) gained the ability to bubble beatmaps deemed to be of good quality.12

The Flashlight mod became unranked for one day until a patch was distributed because players were able to gain an unfair advantage.1314


An osu! update added new sprites for the Taiko10 mode.15

From 20 November to 28 November, the Flashlight mod became disabled in online rankings once again after heavy discussion due to players still being able to cheat with the mod.1617

Notes and references
