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Corne2Plum3 wrote:

tl;dr please?
igorsprite had denizenship status revoked.

the introduction of revocable denizenship was interpreted as a scary precedent toward unfair misuse of power and extrajudicial removal of people from the list of denizens.

people turned it into an unreasonably hyperbolic avalanche of complaints and severe misunderstandings about what qualifies denizenship and what qualifies it being revoked.

ghouly tried to clarify, people began to antagonize her and unfortunately failed to sit and listen for a moment.

after establishing that revoking denizenship is done in significantly fringe cases, and that nobody else is in danger of it at the moment, we seemed to have accepted it and quieted down.

Achromalia wrote:

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

tl;dr please?
igorsprite had denizenship status revoked.

the introduction of revocable denizenship was interpreted as a scary precedent toward unfair misuse of power and extrajudicial removal of people from the list of denizens.

people turned it into an unreasonably hyperbolic avalanche of complaints and severe misunderstandings about what qualifies denizenship and what qualifies it being revoked.

ghouly tried to clarify, people began to antagonize her and unfortunately failed to sit and listen for a moment.

after establishing that revoking denizenship is done in significantly fringe cases, and that nobody else is in danger of it at the moment, we seemed to have accepted it and quieted down.
i think his denizenship is revoked due to evidence (and a admittance according to abarker) that he is a pedo
It hurt reading all of that.
i think people seem to forget its literally just an imaginary title on a forum thread lol
I think this situation would be avoided if you guys only typed "we revoked igor denizenship because he didnt do shit and is a pedo this wont happen again my bad."

Polyspora wrote:

I think this situation would be avoided if you guys only typed "we revoked igor denizenship because he didnt do shit and is a pedo this wont happen again my bad."

Polyspora wrote:

I think this situation would be avoided if you guys only typed "we revoked igor denizenship because he didnt do shit and is a pedo this wont happen again my bad."
Yeah, totally. People definitely read those posts too!

(though I do agree that there should have been more of an elaboration in the original statement)

ghoulybits wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

I think this situation would be avoided if you guys only typed "we revoked igor denizenship because he didnt do shit and is a pedo this wont happen again my bad."
Yeah, totally. People definitely read those posts too!

(though I do agree that there should have been more of an elaboration in the original statement)
It was between wall of texts that why some people missed it.

ghoulybits wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

I think this situation would be avoided if you guys only typed "we revoked igor denizenship because he didnt do shit and is a pedo this wont happen again my bad."
Yeah, totally. People definitely read those posts too!

(though I do agree that there should have been more of an elaboration in the original statement)
imma be honest there has been way too many denizen posts here i just stopped caring to read em lol
i want the reject group of terrorist
y'all nerds
yeah i'm out of this disscusion, said what I felt to shinrun in DM, if I end up getting denizen (aparrently I cant reject it) that shows that thy system is just fucked, since I do not deserve it contribution-wise, my clears on everything else are clear if you read this thread, and it doesn't seem that my feedback is going to make it to change
bro just take it
Topic Starter


Despite the current turbulent mayhem and controversial decisions taken, things shall progress as they did. Today the OT! parliament has passed a vote to bestow the great title of denizen to a fellow dweller. Except the title is not great and means nothing, so- ahem. This individual’s activity is rather lackluster compared to others however their contribution is without a doubt one of a kind. Their talent and love for the OT community landed not one but two of their creations in OT’s Royal Museum of Art. Their work has captured the beginnings of 9th gen and brought many denizens together through his collabs. Give a round of applause to synthwavesquid! Oh Wait holup, I've been told they leveled up - fun stuff. Give 8x rounds of applause to octowave!
Written by ShinRun, editorialized by abraker
congrats dude
Oi lads, we got us ‘ere a bri-ish mate innit
[ Sebastian ]
Nice 👏
Here's to seeing more of your artworks here, octo. 🥂
oc-to-wave! oc-to-wave! oc-to-wave!

[celebratory bone-rattling]
Congrats octowave 🥳🥳🥳
Zelzatter Zero
2nd addition to 9th gen

it's been a while
i can't wait until they make some foundational thread in OT that kickstarts a whole new lore arc, to celebrate their newfound denizenship

maybe, i'm just hoping for more OT shenanigans that aren't just meta issues

idk octowave can do whatever they want x'D
Congrats octo
Tad Fibonacci
I like how people fear mongered each other that the Gov is gonna kick others out of denizenship because they kicked out a disgusting pedophile.

Somehow a group of people you fuckers voted in power for (in which they barely has any and didn't do much with it anyways) is more villainous and evil than a guy who's unapologetically pedophillic, posted cp in the Discord server and did other disgusting shits that's caused his exile.

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

I like how people fear mongered each other that the Gov is gonna kick others out of denizenship because they kicked out a disgusting pedophile.

Somehow a group of people you fuckers voted in power for (in which they barely has any and didn't do much with it anyways) is more villainous and evil than a guy who's unapologetically pedophillic, posted cp in the Discord server and did other disgusting shits that's caused his exile.
i can't deny that there are excellent points here, nor can that glaring spotlight on the irony be dismissed.

though to be fair, maybe not all of them were involved in the voting process, therefore not really being capable of being held responsible for ot!government elections, as they'd likely been new at the time if my uninformed guess is correct. it also can be difficult to see things in as clear a scope as this due to how ot!government content is published in the subforum to an extent of prevalence that speaks more to the effectiveness of the roleplay in a sense.

this also isn't too dissimilar from general mechanisms of internet commentary to begin with, in that it can be difficult to differentiate the real scale of things once you're immersed, and people can grow easily agitated and vigilant through this immersion in the internet as a medium for communication, including any form of conflict. that's where we might take something personally, often venturing to do something about it-- even when it's hardly constructive-- like fearmongering about a concern.

not that this fundamentally changes anything, just a note of trivially subtle clarifying factors to consider before the dwellers of OT are held responsible.

octowave wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

i can't wait until they make some foundational thread in OT that kickstarts a whole new lore arc, to celebrate their newfound denizenship

maybe, i'm just hoping for more OT shenanigans that aren't just meta issues

idk octowave can do whatever they want x'D
i'm trying, achrom.... -v-
it's just difficult coming up with a thread idea that i think people will want to participate in
and i'm terrible at improv, so that's something i have to work around
there'll be something big someday, i just don't know what or when
no worries, i wouldn't hold you to anything

if you ever plan to though, i'd say i think my start here turned out pretty similarly. it comes with time and exposure to experience with doing it yourself :>
I am always late for his collabs, hopefully I'll be able to secure a spot next time

octowave wrote:

-Remi wrote:

I am always late for his collabs, hopefully I'll be able to secure a spot next time
i already have a date decided for the next one if that helps

20th nov 2023

it's a thematic thing
Is it okay to reserve a spot in advance?
Oh good another denizen, congrats!
I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?
That still wouldn't change the fact that he was clearly aware that his actions were wrong and had been given multiple different warnings, none of which he listened to.

ghoulybits wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?
That still wouldn't change the fact that he was clearly aware that his actions were wrong and had been given multiple different warnings, none of which he listened to.
just a game theory :)

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?
at some point it stops mattering if it was done "ironically" and is still just a fucked up thing to do/say.

much of what he's done is over that line

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?

ghoulybits wrote:

That still wouldn't change the fact that he was clearly aware that his actions were wrong and had been given multiple different warnings, none of which he listened to.

WitherMite wrote:

at some point it stops mattering if it was done "ironically" and is still just a fucked up thing to do/say.

much of what he's done is over that line

precisely. it would be a classic scenario of playing stupid games, winning stupid prizes. there really wouldn't be anything more to expect of it after ignoring the efforts previously described, and so the case is effectively shut, cut, and dried.

WitherMite wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?
at some point it stops mattering if it was done "ironically" and is still just a fucked up thing to do/say.

much of what he's done is over that line
edgy and actually meaning the thing might as well be the same thing since it would be hard to tell intent
Topic Starter

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?
Fuck around and find out
[ Sebastian ]

abraker wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

I was thinking, I know it doesnt make him innocent but what if igor was just trying really hard to be edgy?
Fuck around and find out
Really poor word choice for the situation lol
[ Sebastian ]
It's hard to think that everyone was complaining about the OT government a few days ago. Now it seems like nobody cares.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

It's hard to think that everyone was complaining about the OT government a few days ago. Now it seems like nobody cares.
I lost interest, people took it too seriously. government havent made an alliance with us yet, so I'll keep shitting on them lmao

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

It's hard to think that everyone was complaining about the OT government a few days ago. Now it seems like nobody cares.
People are able to continue to complain if they wish, but I can't say I'll be too inclined to respond if the only complaints are either about things that we've already addressed or things that aren't true/won't happen.

ghoulybits wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

It's hard to think that everyone was complaining about the OT government a few days ago. Now it seems like nobody cares.
People are able to continue to complain if they wish, but I can't say I'll be too inclined to respond if the only complaints are either about things that we've already addressed or things that aren't true/won't happen.

Manishh wrote:

ghoulybits wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

It's hard to think that everyone was complaining about the OT government a few days ago. Now it seems like nobody cares.
People are able to continue to complain if they wish, but I can't say I'll be too inclined to respond if the only complaints are either about things that we've already addressed or things that aren't true/won't happen.
Jar, get off manishh's account
Topic Starter


Following the announcement of octowave’s entry as a denizen, we are back to follow up with another member. Consisting of more than 10 months wasted in OT, this member has proven their worth to claim the title of a denizen. With their iconic perfectly round head, sexy slim shape, and minimalist appearance, they have helped set the building block for the 9th generation and all the people, creatures, aliens, and abominations that dwell within it. The OT! Parliament is pleased to welcome Stomiks of the non-essential quintuplet as the third 9th generation denizen!
Written by ShinRun, editorialized by abraker
Ryu Sei
but which gen am i, confusion noises

looks great tbh

[ Sebastian ]
Congrats to Stomiks! But this begs a question. How often are you guys electing new denizens?
Duck o-o
Stomiks pog
[ Sebastian ]

Ryu Sei wrote:

but which gen am i, confusion noises

looks great tbh
You have to be active on OT for 8 months before you can qualify to be denizen. Gen 9 might still be open by that time.
Topic Starter

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Congrats to Stomiks! But this begs a question. How often are you guys electing new denizens?
We got a few lined up, but I want to space them out by a week at the very least. Doing them all at once is ehhh

abraker wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Congrats to Stomiks! But this begs a question. How often are you guys electing new denizens?
We got a few lined up, but I want to space them out by a week at the very least. Doing them all at once is ehhh
i hope i'll be next which i'm more likely not, btw congrats Stomiks. after 10 fricking months, you finally are in the history books 🥳🥳🥳
lesgooo stomikss
Congratulations Stickman

octowave wrote:

Kaaruumii wrote:


i was expecting stomiks to be the next denizen as well
I know you guys won’t believe it but I also knew Stomiks would be the next denizen
Damn I got denizenship on Christmas day. Thanks for the Christmas present guys.
Who's next?
The Stick of 9th
Hoshimegu Mio
Grats stick person
Well fucking deserved 👏👏
Topic Starter

B0ii wrote:

Who's next?
not you

abraker wrote:

B0ii wrote:

Who's next?
not you
[ Sebastian ]
Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".

Stomiks wrote:

Damn I got denizenship on Christmas day. Thanks for the Christmas present guys.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
[ Sebastian ]

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
u also get a pat on the back by abraker

Cerno wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
u also get a pat on the back by abraker
you do?

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
You will not get that just for visiting a forum

Get to run for the president/parliamnet member

Get to join collabs

Get to join denzin only stuff

People will recognize you in future if you spent long enough time like you were some legendary 💩💩💩
why are we discussing about denizenship again
Are people going to throw their opinions around every time someone becomes Denizen?

Say your grats and shut the fuck up Σ(・ω・ノ)

-Remi wrote:

Are people going to throw their opinions around every time someone becomes Denizen?

Say your grats and shut the fuck up Σ(・ω・ノ)
[ Sebastian ]

Manishh wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
You will not get that just for visiting a forum

Get to run for the president/parliamnet member

Get to join collabs

Get to join denzin only stuff

People will recognize you in future if you spent long enough time like you were some legendary 💩💩💩
The main thing I'm communicating is I don't get why some people try to achieve denizen like it's sone kind of ancient treasure worth a fortune.
[ Sebastian ]

-Remi wrote:

Are people going to throw their opinions around every time someone becomes Denizen?

Say your grats and shut the fuck up Σ(・ω・ノ)
I'm not trying to say how the denizenship system is messed up. Like I said before, I'm just ranting about how sone people imagine being a denizen as way more than it actually is.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Manishh wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
You will not get that just for visiting a forum

Get to run for the president/parliamnet member

Get to join collabs

Get to join denzin only stuff

People will recognize you in future if you spent long enough time like you were some legendary 💩💩💩
The main thing I'm communicating is I don't get why some people try to achieve denizen like it's sone kind of ancient treasure worth a fortune.
I mean, I thought you'd know based on how much you keep talking about getting denizenship in the beginning.
[ Sebastian ]

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Manishh wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
You will not get that just for visiting a forum

Get to run for the president/parliamnet member

Get to join collabs

Get to join denzin only stuff

People will recognize you in future if you spent long enough time like you were some legendary 💩💩💩
The main thing I'm communicating is I don't get why some people try to achieve denizen like it's sone kind of ancient treasure worth a fortune.
I mean, I thought you'd know based on how much you keep talking about getting denizenship in the beginning.
[ Sebastian ]
I wasn't trying to degrade Stomiks, sythwave, or the other denizens. Sorry if it seemed like that way.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

I wasn't trying to degrade Stomiks, sythwave, or the other denizens. Sorry if it seemed like that way.
bro people can be really strange, if it felt right in your heart everything is fine.
[ Sebastian ]
Is saying denizenship doesn't give you a lot of special advantages controversial now?

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Is saying denizenship doesn't give you a lot of special advantages controversial now?
lately yes
Yoooooo congrats
[ Sebastian ]

ShinRun wrote:

I'm trying to explain that Denizenship is mostly just a title, and everyone, well at least Remi, assumed I was being bitter about not being Denizen.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

I'm trying to explain that Denizenship is mostly just a title, and everyone, well at least Remi, assumed I was being bitter about not being Denizen.

I don't recall mentioning you not being a denizen, nor did I claim you were bitter.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Manishh wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Becoming a denizen doesn't matter that much. The only real advantage you get is having a title that's specific to this subforum. A denizen like Stomiks and a Dweller like me realistically basically have the same level of "advantageness".
You get to run and vote in elections
There's that too, but my main point is denizen isn't something that gives you a lot of advantages like supporter.
You will not get that just for visiting a forum

Get to run for the president/parliamnet member

Get to join collabs

Get to join denzin only stuff

People will recognize you in future if you spent long enough time like you were some legendary 💩💩💩
The main thing I'm communicating is I don't get why some people try to achieve denizen like it's sone kind of ancient treasure worth a fortune.
is a recognizement for people, and it feels nice to have it. just like having a medal in sports, it is not useful for nothing but to be proud of yourself, but here, is a recognizement for spending time on making other people have a good time, which at the end of the day is something similar because both sports and forums are a hobbie.
[ Sebastian ]
I don't want to cause drama, so I'll stop now. But my opinions still stay the same.
[ Sebastian ]

-Remi wrote:

850 sm posts later and i ain here L
[ Sebastian ]

qwt wrote:

850 sm posts later and i ain here L
Maybe try asking abraker or Shinrun about it.
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