
Sako Tomohisa - Kirakira

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, August 21, 2017 at 5:27:42 PM

Artist: Sako Tomohisa
Title: Kirakira
Source: ゲッタバンバン - EP
Tags: Pokémon Pokemon Clemont Citron XYZ Full Ending
BPM: 170
Filesize: 7353kb
Play Time: 03:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bright and Brilliant (5.54 stars, 741 notes)
  2. Easy (1.49 stars, 235 notes)
  3. Hard (3.22 stars, 496 notes)
  4. Insane (4.48 stars, 683 notes)
  5. Normal (2.06 stars, 325 notes)
Download: Sako Tomohisa - Kirakira
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Alright, mods, tear it apart.

Easy: 100% (Total mods received: 11)
Normal: 100% (Total mods received: 11)
Hard: 100% (Total mods received: 14)
Insane: 100% (Total mods received: 16)
Bright and Brilliant: 100% (Total mods received: 18)

00:08:264 (3,4,5,1) - Inconsistent with previous spacings, these ones are a lot smaller compared to stuff like 00:02:617 (3) - and 00:05:440 (3) -
00:10:382 (1) - These jumps don't really emphasise any specific sounds, they just get bigger. eg. 00:10:911 (3,4) - is bigger than the last ones without much extra
00:11:617 (8) - should really map the drums here
00:13:205 (1,2,3) - Using really wide angles like this isn't great for normal flow
00:13:911 (3) - Vocals are mostly 1/2, but are mapped with sliders which only emphasise half of them, whereas 00:15:499 (4) - has one vocal held sound and is circle jumps. Should really be swapped.
00:16:029 (1) - This slider doesn't look nice, just use a normal S shaped one like 01:12:499 (1) -
00:16:558 (2,3,4) - same thing about wide angle flow, doesn't work well here
00:16:911 (4) - You can't click the higher note which is at 00:17:264 (5) - , which emphasises it less. Change to just circles
00:17:440 (1) - guitar is on the slider tail, change rhythm so it's clickable
00:20:264 (1) - This finish uses the exact same spacing compared to the other circles, increase for proper emphasis
00:21:499 (4,5,1) - just use a normal stack
00:22:911 (3) - Should map vocal here because there's an "a" sound here
00:39:146 (2) - ^
00:24:499 (1) - This would look a lot better if it was curved
00:26:087 (2,3) - spacing too small here
00:34:911 (4,5,1) - Use normal stack, cursor has to really slow down to hit this properly
00:35:440 (2,1) - More important sounds need larger spacing, just make sure that most finishes use larger spacing than other parts.
00:42:676 (6,1) - This doesn't flow
00:48:146 (1,1) - Needs larger spacing for important part here
00:49:205 (3) - Map piano like you did before other chorus
00:53:264 (6) - This would look better if curved to the right
00:56:264 (4) - ^
00:56:793 (1) - Slider body is undreadable here, just use something a little more normal
00:56:793 (1,2) - why spacing so small
00:57:676 (4,1) - same thing about spacing, larger for important parts
00:59:440 (5,6,1) - 6,1 shouldn't be smaller for better flow
01:04:382 (5,6) - check rhythm here, doesn't follow vocals well because slider tail on important sound
01:05:264 (1,2,3,4) - nice pattern here
01:06:676 (1) - slider body doesn't work for flow, ctrl-h
01:08:087 (1) - same kind of thing. The cursor has to stop moving in order to follow the slider
01:50:264 (4,5) - spacing emphasis way too large
01:51:676 (9,1) - + harder to follow because slider goes other way
01:56:264 (1) - hard to follow slider flow
02:14:440 (1) - don't make sliders flow directly where they came from after a jump
02:27:146 (4,5) - sliders don't flow to each other, move 5 and 7 up
02:31:911 (3,1) - same thing about spacing, use higher spacing for important stuff. this really needs changing.
03:25:558 (3,1) - ^
02:33:676 (1,2,3,4,5) - doesn't flow well from previous jumps, try curving
02:47:087 (1) - try putting this under 02:46:029 (2) - , deserves as much emphasis as next circle
02:51:499 (4,5) - iirc you didn't use double stacked notes like this much in other kiais, don't introduce out of nowhere
03:06:676 (7,1,2,3) - please do not mess around with SV like this until you are 100% confident with what you are doing
03:07:205 (1) - burai sliders, unrankable since unsure what is going on in the middle bit. 03:12:852 (1) - are fine though
03:08:264 (1) - 3/4 sliders weren't used anywhere else before, too late to introduce
03:20:264 (3) - don't place next slider directly behind reverse slider it rarely works

Haven't looked at the other diffs but the same things I said in here will probably apply to the other ones, mainly sliders flow and distance spacing. gl
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

00:08:264 (3,4,5,1) - Inconsistent with previous spacings, these ones are a lot smaller compared to stuff like 00:02:617 (3) - and 00:05:440 (3) - Fixed.
00:10:382 (1) - These jumps don't really emphasise any specific sounds, they just get bigger. eg. 00:10:911 (3,4) - is bigger than the last ones without much extra Fixed
00:11:617 (8) - should really map the drums here
00:13:205 (1,2,3) - Using really wide angles like this isn't great for normal flow Modified
00:13:911 (3) - Vocals are mostly 1/2, but are mapped with sliders which only emphasise half of them, whereas 00:15:499 (4) - has one vocal held sound and is circle jumps. Should really be swapped. Modified
00:16:029 (1) - This slider doesn't look nice, just use a normal S shaped one like 01:12:499 (1) -
00:16:558 (2,3,4) - same thing about wide angle flow, doesn't work well here Modified
00:16:911 (4) - You can't click the higher note which is at 00:17:264 (5) - , which emphasises it less. Change to just circles
00:17:440 (1) - guitar is on the slider tail, change rhythm so it's clickable
00:20:264 (1) - This finish uses the exact same spacing compared to the other circles, increase for proper emphasis Fixed
00:21:499 (4,5,1) - just use a normal stack
00:22:911 (3) - Should map vocal here because there's an "a" sound here
00:39:146 (2) - ^
00:24:499 (1) - This would look a lot better if it was curved Fixed
00:26:087 (2,3) - spacing too small here
00:34:911 (4,5,1) - Use normal stack, cursor has to really slow down to hit this properly Okay
00:35:440 (2,1) - More important sounds need larger spacing, just make sure that most finishes use larger spacing than other parts.
00:42:676 (6,1) - This doesn't flow Fixed
00:48:146 (1,1) - Needs larger spacing for important part here Fixed
00:49:205 (3) - Map piano like you did before other chorus
00:53:264 (6) - This would look better if curved to the right
00:56:264 (4) - ^
00:56:793 (1) - Slider body is undreadable here, just use something a little more normal Fixed
00:56:793 (1,2) - why spacing so small Fixed
00:57:676 (4,1) - same thing about spacing, larger for important parts Fixed here
00:59:440 (5,6,1) - 6,1 shouldn't be smaller for better flow
01:04:382 (5,6) - check rhythm here, doesn't follow vocals well because slider tail on important sound
01:05:264 (1,2,3,4) - nice pattern here Thank you. :)
01:06:676 (1) - slider body doesn't work for flow, ctrl-h
01:08:087 (1) - same kind of thing. The cursor has to stop moving in order to follow the slider Modified this one, kept the other one.
01:50:264 (4,5) - spacing emphasis way too large Fixed
01:51:676 (9,1) - + harder to follow because slider goes other way
01:56:264 (1) - hard to follow slider flow Fixed
02:14:440 (1) - don't make sliders flow directly where they came from after a jump Modified
02:27:146 (4,5) - sliders don't flow to each other, move 5 and 7 up Fixed
02:31:911 (3,1) - same thing about spacing, use higher spacing for important stuff. this really needs changing. Fixed
03:25:558 (3,1) - ^ Fixed
02:33:676 (1,2,3,4,5) - doesn't flow well from previous jumps, try curving
02:47:087 (1) - try putting this under 02:46:029 (2) - , deserves as much emphasis as next circle Fixed
02:51:499 (4,5) - iirc you didn't use double stacked notes like this much in other kiais, don't introduce out of nowhere Fixed
03:06:676 (7,1,2,3) - please do not mess around with SV like this until you are 100% confident with what you are doing
03:07:205 (1) - burai sliders, unrankable since unsure what is going on in the middle bit. 03:12:852 (1) - are fine though ? The sliders don't overlap into themselves; they're just textured. That shape is taken directly from another map that was ranked about a year ago.
03:08:264 (1) - 3/4 sliders weren't used anywhere else before, too late to introduce
03:20:264 (3) - don't place next slider directly behind reverse slider it rarely works Fixed

Haven't looked at the other diffs but the same things I said in here will probably apply to the other ones, mainly sliders flow and distance spacing. gl
Thank you very much!
Hiya! From the M4M request


  • 00:03:146 (1) - The slider ends on a sound equally loud and important as the the start. I disallows clicking on an important beat. Maybe try a 1/2 slider and a note on the white tick?
    00:03:146 (1,2,3) - The circle in the centre isn't centred
    00:03:852 (3) - Again, these's an important clapping noise on the tail of the slider
    00:04:382 (4) - NC?
    00:05:970 (1,2,3) - Why are these sliders moving closer when the rhythm is building up in intensity?
    00:07:205 (5,6,7,8,1) - These's no sounds on the blue ticks to support a stream. Slow down to 25% and listen
    00:08:793 (1) - Maybe redo this slider? It looks slightly ugly as is
    00:26:970 (7,1) - This overlap looks kind of ugly, I would recommend moving one of the notes
    00:34:382 (1) - The sound that the tail is on is just as important as the head.
    00:34:911 (3,4,5) - Why the triplet here? I don't think there's a sound on blue tick. slow down to 25% and check
    00:37:029 (4) - The sound on the head is quieter than the tail. I'd recommend changing it to slider and then a note.
    00:37:558 (5,6) - Change to 1/2 circles to emphasize and follow the drums
    00:41:264 (9,10,1) - Again, no sound on blue tick
    00:43:911 (5,6,7,8) - Same^
    00:46:558 (3,5) - Have three on the tail of 5 to improve aesthetics
    00:48:323 (2) - Both red ticks are equally important, change to two 1/2 sliders on the red ticks?
    00:51:676 (2,3,1,2) - Change this pattern. Move the 1/1 beat notes further away, I misread when I was playing it.
    00:55:029 (4) - Head and tail sounds are equally important. Maybe change to circles to emphasize the clap?
    00:55:382 (1,1,2) - I'd change this and not have it overlapping
    01:00:499 (1,2) - Offscreen
    01:02:970 (2,3,1,2) - Same issue with this pattern as 00:51:676 (2,3,1,2)
    01:36:323 (4,1) - There's a strong sounds on the blue tick between 4 and 1. Triplet?
    01:41:970 (4) - Strong sound on the tail that should be clicked
    01:51:676 (4,1) - Fix overlap
    01:56:616 (2,3,1,2) - Hard to read again
    01:59:970 (4) - These a equally strong clapping sound on both head and tail that should be equally emphasized
    02:22:382 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Where does this stream come from? There's little to no sounds that would support this
    02:31:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Incredibly hard to read. Please change this pattern
    03:03:851 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - These are unsupported by the rhythm
    03:05:264 (1) - Strong sound on the white that isn't emphasized because of the slider
    03:05:970 (3) - Same^
    03:16:558 (1) - Same^
    03:17:264 (3) - ^
One of the main thing you need to work on is general aesthetics and flow. The map needs some work but it's almost there!

  • 00:16:029 (1) - Why the funky slider shape? A curved slider would fit the smoother sound of the bass better
    00:23:617 (3,5) - Increase the distance between these so they don't overlap, this will improve aesthetics
    Make 00:23:440 (2,3) - and 00:23:970 (5,6) - the same lengths to improve visual quality
    00:28:558 (4,1) - Triplet should go here as there is a strong sound on blue
    00:28:911 (2,3,4) - No sound to support triplets
    00:34:558 (2,3) - Too bit spacing for such a soft sound
    00:37:205 (1) - Tail sound is stronger than head. This should be so that the stronger sounds is clicked instead
    00:40:735 (6) - NC
    00:40:735 (6,7,8) - 6 should be closer to 7. 7 and 8 should be more spaced
    00:41:264 (9,10,1) - No sound on blue tick
    00:43:911 (5,6,7,8,1) - Same^
    01:28:911 (6) - NC
    02:22:382 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Again, the sound lacks the rhythm to support this
    02:46:735 (6,7,1,2) - Wayyy too big of a change in spacing that isn't intuitive to play
    02:48:146 - There should be a 5 note stream here
    03:07:205 (1,2,3) - I think these are unrankable :/
    03:12:852 (1,2,3) - These too
Again, the general aesthetics need to be improved through the map

Fun map! However, you really need to listen to the song closely and sometimes on slower speeds to figure out the correct rhythm
Topic Starter

HM02CauseImFly wrote:

Hiya! From the M4M request

00:03:146 (1) - The slider ends on a sound equally loud and important as the the start. I disallows clicking on an important beat. Maybe try a 1/2 slider and a note on the white tick? I see what you mean, but the guitar melody holds that note. Dividing it any further would place a slider-end where there's no sound at all--which isn't inherently bad (I do it all the time in this map), but I think it's good enough reason to keep what I have.
00:03:146 (1,2,3) - The circle in the centre isn't centred Fixed.
00:03:852 (3) - Again, these's an important clapping noise on the tail of the slider
00:04:382 (4) - NC?
00:05:970 (1,2,3) - Why are these sliders moving closer when the rhythm is building up in intensity? Fixed.
00:07:205 (5,6,7,8,1) - These's no sounds on the blue ticks to support a stream. Slow down to 25% and listen No, but I think the stream compliments the progression. If I removed it, I'd have to remove the one before it too.
00:08:793 (1) - Maybe redo this slider? It looks slightly ugly as is Fixed.
00:26:970 (7,1) - This overlap looks kind of ugly, I would recommend moving one of the notes Fixed.
00:34:382 (1) - The sound that the tail is on is just as important as the head.
00:34:911 (3,4,5) - Why the triplet here? I don't think there's a sound on blue tick. slow down to 25% and check It introduces the snare.
00:37:029 (4) - The sound on the head is quieter than the tail. I'd recommend changing it to slider and then a note.
00:37:558 (5,6) - Change to 1/2 circles to emphasize and follow the drums
00:41:264 (9,10,1) - Again, no sound on blue tick
00:43:911 (5,6,7,8) - Same^
00:46:558 (3,5) - Have three on the tail of 5 to improve aesthetics Okay.
00:48:323 (2) - Both red ticks are equally important, change to two 1/2 sliders on the red ticks?
00:51:676 (2,3,1,2) - Change this pattern. Move the 1/1 beat notes further away, I misread when I was playing it.
00:55:029 (4) - Head and tail sounds are equally important. Maybe change to circles to emphasize the clap?
00:55:382 (1,1,2) - I'd change this and not have it overlapping
01:00:499 (1,2) - Offscreen It wasn't for me, but I'll take your word for it. Fixed.
01:02:970 (2,3,1,2) - Same issue with this pattern as 00:51:676 (2,3,1,2)
01:36:323 (4,1) - There's a strong sounds on the blue tick between 4 and 1. Triplet?
01:41:970 (4) - Strong sound on the tail that should be clicked
01:51:676 (4,1) - Fix overlap Fixed.
01:56:616 (2,3,1,2) - Hard to read again
01:59:970 (4) - These a equally strong clapping sound on both head and tail that should be equally emphasized
02:22:382 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Where does this stream come from? There's little to no sounds that would support this Okay.
02:31:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Incredibly hard to read. Please change this pattern Made a modification, but the over-all structure is the same.
03:03:851 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - These are unsupported by the rhythm
03:05:264 (1) - Strong sound on the white that isn't emphasized because of the slider
03:05:970 (3) - Same^
03:16:558 (1) - Same^
03:17:264 (3) - ^
One of the main thing you need to work on is general aesthetics and flow. The map needs some work but it's almost there![/box]

  • 00:16:029 (1) - Why the funky slider shape? A curved slider would fit the smoother sound of the bass better Okay.
    00:23:617 (3,5) - Increase the distance between these so they don't overlap, this will improve aesthetics
    Make 00:23:440 (2,3) - and 00:23:970 (5,6) - the same lengths to improve visual quality Okay.
    00:28:558 (4,1) - Triplet should go here as there is a strong sound on blue Fixed.
    00:28:911 (2,3,4) - No sound to support triplets
    00:34:558 (2,3) - Too bit spacing for such a soft sound
    00:37:205 (1) - Tail sound is stronger than head. This should be so that the stronger sounds is clicked instead
    00:40:735 (6) - NC Wrong place but fixed.
    00:40:735 (6,7,8) - 6 should be closer to 7. 7 and 8 should be more spaced
    00:41:264 (9,10,1) - No sound on blue tick
    00:43:911 (5,6,7,8,1) - Same^
    01:28:911 (6) - NC
    02:22:382 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Again, the sound lacks the rhythm to support this
    02:46:735 (6,7,1,2) - Wayyy too big of a change in spacing that isn't intuitive to play I gave it some thought and reverted it to what I had before the previous modder's suggestions. I like what I had better and it fixes this problem.
    02:48:146 - There should be a 5 note stream here
    03:07:205 (1,2,3) - I think these are unrankable :/ That's strange, considering I adopted that slider directly from a recently ranked map.
    03:12:852 (1,2,3) - These too
Again, the general aesthetics need to be improved through the map[/box]

Fun map! However, you really need to listen to the song closely and sometimes on slower speeds to figure out the correct rhythm
Thank you so much! :)
M4M from my queue, I'll get my reply to your mod done soon

[Bright and Brilliant]

  1. 00:04:382 (5,6,7,8) - there's no sounds on the 1/4 beats on this stream, so it should instead be just 1/2 jumps
  2. 00:07:205 (5,6,7,8) - same here
  3. 00:17:970 (3) - make this slider curve more so it blankets the previous note
  4. 00:38:264 (5) - it feels like this should probably be a slider so that you can cover both the lyrics and the background drums like you were doing
  5. 00:45:499 (1,2) - space these two a little more, spacing seems low compared to the rest of the section
  6. 00:46:735 (1) - rhythm doesn't really support a 1/4 slider here
  7. 00:55:382 (1,2) - spacing should be increased a bit
  8. 01:14:617 (3,4,5) - either increase spacing here or reduce spacing to this note 01:15:323 (1) I know you are trying to emphasize the strong sound but it feels a little excessive compared the section right after it 01:15:852 (2,3,4,5,1)
  9. 01:25:205 (1,2,3) - maybe place like this to make the transition from circular flow to linear flow a bit easier, the way you have it almost feels like it's transitioning to CW circular flow and then going into linear flow
  10. 01:29:440 (1,2) - try blanketing these two
  11. 01:33:676 (1,2,3) - this wider angle isn't really emphasizing anything, wide angles are fine as long as they have a reason to be there but this doesn't seem like it should be there
  12. 02:03:676 (2,3,4) - all of these sliders look slightly different, you should copy paste one of them instead of free handing it
  13. 02:19:911 (7,8,9,10) - maybe extend this stream to here 02:19:558 (5) to compliment the piano sound
  14. 02:23:440 (2,3,4,5) - maybe place like this for better flow, and to emphasize this 02:24:323 (1) sound better by breaking the flow
  15. 02:27:146 (4) - NC here
  16. 02:30:146 (6) - ^
  17. 02:30:323 (7) - there's an unused anchor in this slider
  18. 02:44:617 (2) - place more like this for better flow
  19. 02:46:029 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - you should continually increase the spacing kinda like this to emphasize the sound getting louder
  20. 02:52:558 (1,1,1,1) - don't really understand why NC spam is here
  21. 03:02:793 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - triples here feel a tad overmapped
  22. 03:09:499 (6,1) - space a bit more
Topic Starter

cooldude4232 wrote:

M4M from my queue, I'll get my reply to your mod done soon

[Bright and Brilliant]

  1. 00:04:382 (5,6,7,8) - there's no sounds on the 1/4 beats on this stream, so it should instead be just 1/2 jumps Okay, two people complained in a row. I'll give.
  2. 00:07:205 (5,6,7,8) - same here Fixed.
  3. 00:17:970 (3) - make this slider curve more so it blankets the previous note Done.
  4. 00:38:264 (5) - it feels like this should probably be a slider so that you can cover both the lyrics and the background drums like you were doing I'm liking your advice so far. :)
  5. 00:45:499 (1,2) - space these two a little more, spacing seems low compared to the rest of the section Fixed.
  6. 00:46:735 (1) - rhythm doesn't really support a 1/4 slider here Fixed.
  7. 00:55:382 (1,2) - spacing should be increased a bit Fixed.
  8. 01:14:617 (3,4,5) - either increase spacing here or reduce spacing to this note 01:15:323 (1) I know you are trying to emphasize the strong sound but it feels a little excessive compared the section right after it 01:15:852 (2,3,4,5,1) Made a slight adjustment.
  9. 01:25:205 (1,2,3) - maybe place like this to make the transition from circular flow to linear flow a bit easier, the way you have it almost feels like it's transitioning to CW circular flow and then going into linear flow The pattern has more to do with alternating downward movements on the downbeat. No change.
  10. 01:29:440 (1,2) - try blanketing these two I widened the curvature a bit, but making a full blanked doesn't quite feel right.
  11. 01:33:676 (1,2,3) - this wider angle isn't really emphasizing anything, wide angles are fine as long as they have a reason to be there but this doesn't seem like it should be there For the sake of variety, I like to allow the possibility of wide angles in sections. It's still obtuse, but I made the jumping distance shorter so that it isn't as easy to miss.
  12. 02:03:676 (2,3,4) - all of these sliders look slightly different, you should copy paste one of them instead of free handing it I don't want to copy and paste because re-adding hitsounds is a pain, but I basically fixed this by making the sliders all look exactly the same.
  13. 02:19:911 (7,8,9,10) - maybe extend this stream to here 02:19:558 (5) to compliment the piano sound Nice suggestion, but I'll turn it down.
  14. 02:23:440 (2,3,4,5) - maybe place like this for better flow, and to emphasize this 02:24:323 (1) sound better by breaking the flow I think you wanted to add an image with this or something. Since I don't really know where you're going, no change.
  15. 02:27:146 (4) - NC here Fixed.
  16. 02:30:146 (6) - ^ There's a syncopation going on with the rhythm. NC there wouldn't follow that syncopation.
  17. 02:30:323 (7) - there's an unused anchor in this slider Fixed.
  18. 02:44:617 (2) - place more like this for better flow Fixed.
  19. 02:46:029 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - you should continually increase the spacing kinda like this to emphasize the sound getting louder Done.
  20. 02:52:558 (1,1,1,1) - don't really understand why NC spam is here I guess I thought it looked pretty. It doesn't make sense, though, you're right. Fixed.
  21. 03:02:793 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - triples here feel a tad overmapped No change.
  22. 03:09:499 (6,1) - space a bit more Fixed.
Wow, thanks for the excellent suggestions!
Bright and Brilliant:
00:55:029 (6) - On parts like this I think you should emphasize the clap sound here and replace this with two circles
01:06:323 (4) - ^ another part like this, applies to almost every kiai i think

01:46:382 (1) - I think you shouldn't start with the big jumps here as this plays as the build up to the kiai and has almost equal DS here, keep the jumps but nerf them a bit as the jumps here are basically equal to the kiai when they shouldn't be
02:19:558 (5) - Why not start the stream here? thats when the piano starts playing
Topic Starter

Juiceys wrote:

Bright and Brilliant:
00:55:029 (6) - On parts like this I think you should emphasize the clap sound here and replace this with two circles
01:06:323 (4) - ^ another part like this, applies to almost every kiai i think

01:46:382 (1) - I think you shouldn't start with the big jumps here as this plays as the build up to the kiai and has almost equal DS here, keep the jumps but nerf them a bit as the jumps here are basically equal to the kiai when they shouldn't be Fixed.
02:19:558 (5) - Why not start the stream here? thats when the piano starts playing Done.
super tired NM comin in hot with dat experimental mod format

[Bright and Brilliant]

Sliders and Patterns
Sliders look their best when you use them at consistent angles (excluding special cases like triangle patterns that angle sliders for aesthetic consistency). Thus,
objects like 00:02:264 (2) - do not fit, as commonly (and in this map), sliders are established as generally being close to horizontal or vertical.
00:03:146 (1,2,3) - When making patterns using several different angles, try to make those angles conduct to each other - not necessarily pointing at each other, but sliders that either consistently flow into each other or look aesthetically consistent relative to each other. In this case, there are a few issues. One is that sliders 1 and 2 have an entirely different visual distance from 2 to 3. Another issue is that the slider angles go near vertical-near horizontal-diagonal. It'd probably be better to go near vertical-diagonal-near horizontal, creating a consistent change in angle that forms a good pattern that flows well circularly. A third problem with this particular set of sliders is that while 00:03:146 (1,3) - maintain a consistent curve, 00:03:499 (2) - goes the opposite direction for no apparent reason, leading to some level of inconsistency in the pattern.

Spacing Emphasis
00:04:735 (1,2,3) - Would you say that 00:05:087 (2) - is stronger than 00:05:440 (3) - ? If not, you have made an error in your spacing emphasis. The movement towards 00:05:087 (2) - is over twice the movement towards 00:05:440 (3) - leading to stronger emphasis of slider 2 than circle 3.
Example 2 (more extreme example):
00:04:205 (4,5,6) - It is difficult to say that this doesn't also fall under overmapping. Claps emphasize 00:04:205 (4,5) - and bring them apart from everything else in the song. 00:04:558 (6) - is a quiet repeat of a guitar strum on 00:04:382 (5) - . 00:04:558 (6) - has received greater spacing emphasis than either of the preceding notes, though.
The use of spacing emphasis is highly important, especially in higher difficulties. Most of the time, the reason for variation in spacing is the intensity of the song itself, and in several places, the map seems to disregard that.

In the case that the song does not present you with a beat upon which you can place a note, it is highly unadvisable that you place notes upon these places with a lack of new sounds. There are exceptions to this, but those will not be found on a Japanese Pokemon song.
Example: 00:07:382 (6) - is mapped when there is no sound behind it.

Basic Rhythm
There are several different hit objects in osu! that can emphasize beats in the song a little or a lot. However, the few that we can focus on here are the sliderend, the sliderhead, and the hit circle. The sliderhead and hit circle are both forms of active emphasis, meaning the player responds to them by clicking them. The sliderend, though, is passive - the player does not click it, but it still provides feedback, controls movement, and plays a sound when it is completed.
Conventionally in mapping, active emphasis is used to represent stronger beats while passive emphasis is used to represent weaker beats. In pishifat's words, a slider should start on a strong beat and end on a beat of equal or lesser strength.
Example: 00:14:440 (1) - here, you decide to emphasize the vocal track's syncopation by following it with sliders. However, in doing so, you disregard the foundation of drums behind the song, and place a sliderend on one of the strongest beats in the entire song - a downbeat.
00:55:382 (1) - Example 2: This slider begins on moderately strong vocals, ignores a very strong downbeat, and ends on slightly weaker vocals. This is poor because it prioritizes weaker sounds and entirely flouts the strongest among them.

Movement and Flow
Flow, in short, can be defined as movement taken by the player between objects.
It can then be divided into a few extra categories - a few prominent ones including linear, zig-zag, and circular.
Some movement taken by the player can be jarring and unexpected. This is not good flow.
00:39:676 (3,4,1,2,3) - Relatively low spacing goes into 00:40:029 (1) - followed by a much, much higher spaced circle, which sits upon another note 1/2 a beat later, forcing the player to both move more quickly than the map has established and subsequently immediately stop their movement. To say the least,
this is uncomfortable and difficult movement.

Complex Slider Shapes
When making a slider with more than one point between the beginning and the end, it no longer follows the normal algorithm used for sliders, and becomes a bezier curve. These curves tend to have harsher, uglier angles (look at maps from 2011 and earlier, a prime example being FREEDOM DiVE.
For this reason, most mappers making complex sliders will make their curves using multiple grey points. Thus, instead of this (notice the bottom curve looks sharper and more imbalanced than a normal curved slider), one might create something more like this, which is the same shape, but using 2 grey points in each curve. This creates a better looking slider.
As a footnote, complex sliders usually work best either in sliderart or when representing an abnormal sound. Thus, using one to represent simple held vocals like 00:49:735 (1) - may not hold water.

Representing Sounds
When representing the same sound, a mapper will often use the same objects. Maybe the same slider shape, the same spacing,
a similar pattern, or something else, but there is always some sort of consistency. On the other hand, when mapping a different sound, they will not represent it in a way that is visually similar (or the same), nor will they represent it in a way that plays the same way.
For example, 00:53:970 (3,4,5,6) - follows vocals for 3 sliders, then claps for a 4th slider that joins the combo and plays the same way, yet represents a sound in the song that is entirely separate from the previous vocals.

Held Sounds
Conventionally, a sound in the song that is held into the next sound that the mapper wants an object to be placed on is represented in the map by a slider that ends 1/4 of a beat before the sound that interrupts the held sound.
01:17:264 (3,4) - While this also falls under overmapping (4 is mapped to nothing), there is a guitar strum that is held from 01:17:264 (3) - to 01:17:617 (5) - . In this case, conventional wisdom states that you represent that held sound with a slider that starts at 01:17:264 - and ends at 01:17:529 - .

Use the entire space of the editor!

Bear in mind that everything written here is an explanation of a concept followed by a relevant example. If you want me to go through the map and point out every violation of each concept, I will be glad to do so, but this should suffice when looking for where the map goes wrong.

This is every concept I felt the need to explain, though the same issues present themselves on every map in the set.
Speaking of set, huge props to you for making an entire set of such a long song.
Topic Starter
re: Mun's mod.

Because of the way this mod is set up, I think it's more appropriate to respond directly rather than line for line.

First of all, a huge thanks for taking the time and going through the effort of making such a detailed mod! You've given me a lot to work with, and there's a lot that I've learned from this.

I never actually took the general latitudinal/longitudinal nature of slider flow into consideration when I made these maps. They defaulted to that in general because they seemed to flow well to me. But, looking at other ranked maps that I really like, you're definitely right: sliders generally either have a higher curvature, or they hug the longitude and latitude lines by a factor of 5-15 degrees. The example you highlighted (00:03:146 (1,2,3)) actually does have a pattern that I guess I just didn't clearly elicit: it's kind of a back-shuffling of sorts. (1) was supposed to look close to the same as (3), which I'll make clearer in my next update of the map. I haven't committed to completely changing the pattern yet, but knowing how I operate with these maps, they'll probably end up getting modified. In future updates, I'll comb through my maps and consider reconsidering the dubious placement of certain sliders. Thanks.

Overmapping has been a wishy-washy subject for me. I do try and keep myself from placing objects in spots where there's no "dominant" sound, but if I follow this rule to a T, then I always end up preferring what I originally had over the reduction that I had made, even after getting accustomed to the modification. I like to go with what feels right to me. I do take that metric with a grain of salt because what feels right is what I'm used to, and I'm used to the map as it currently stands and any modification will immediately feel awkward. But at the same time, I think it can be a more powerful tool to measure mapping fluidity at times than general convention. The example that you highlighted isn't one that I feel particularly bothered by. For one, there is a sound there: there's a light percussion noise in the background that it's following. Secondly, that pattern is consistent throughout the entire first phrase of the song, so if I modified what you highlighted, I would have to modify all three identical repeats to it as well. Thirdly, I found this after I had finished the beatmap, but there is a ranked beatmap of the short version of this song that uses an pattern to the one I used here. That doesn't make it objectively correct, no, but it gives me enough reason to think that I don't need to modify it. Thanks for the advice, though.

I'm an active watcher of pishifat's video series on beatmapping, and I had an implicit understanding of note emphasis even before then. So I knew what I was doing when I mapped what you highlighted in that way, and I was aware that I was ignoring a dominant beat by following the vocals. I decided to map things the way I did because I thought the vocals were more important: I hear the vocals more clearly, and I think they're the dominant parts of the song in the places where I mapped them. I'm bothered that the strong beat gets ignored as well, but there's not really a way to map both the vocals and the other stuff at the same time without creating disorganized clutter.

I fixed the example you highlighted regarding flow. I try to keep a watchful eye on that, but sometimes things pass through. Thanks for highlighting, and I'll keep an eye out for other violations when I look through the rest of the map (and the others).

I have to admit, I feel a stupid sense of internal guilt if I go too long in a map without adding a mildly complex slider shape. I have no rational reason behind it: it just feels like I'm doing something wrong. That said, since I have no better explanation, and I'm too inexperienced to use an "its just my style" argument, I'll consider making modifications.

The specific example you highlighted with representing sounds kinda strikes a nerve because full-measure slider symmetry is a motif in the "chu chu chu" part of the song everywhere where it occurs. Every time that lyrical idea comes up in the chorus, I use some sort of symmetrical pattern with four consecutive 1/2 sliders, both in Insane and in Bright and Brilliant, and I think I'm justified in doing this because the momentum of the first three beats carry through into the fourth, right before the B part of the chorus.

I'm not the biggest fan of extended sliders, and I prefer to use them sparingly. When I play them in game, they throw off my rhythm if they're not used properly, and I don't trust my abilities to use them properly, except where it's obvious that they're appropriate. Lately I've been trying to open myself up a bit more to them, but eh. Not feeling it quite yet.

Making it a goal to use the space of the entire editor seems a bit petty to me: the positions of each object is placed relative to what's before it, and if things don't venture into the corners, then they won't.

Thank you for all the advice! Good luck modding and mapping.
NM form q

ARenaissance wrote:

Making it a goal to use the space of the entire editor seems a bit petty to me: the positions of each object is placed relative to what's before it, and if things don't venture into the corners, then they won't.
This map feels very freestyled and lacks some pattern consistency. This isn't inherently a bad thing dont get me wrong, but its what separates a beginner with some experience from a beginner who has started understanding how to structure his map. Know how to use space is a very difficult thing to teach imo and you start understanding only with time and practice. Atm objectplacement feels "random" most of the time :/
i didn't read the previous rather long mod all the way through but from the paragraphs i read (first two boxes or smth) most things do ring true in my eyes aswell. If some things overlap then sorry i guess..?

regarding your solution from my q
G being a multiplicative group does in no way imply its abelian! 1.) is true even for non-abelian multiplicative groups! See GLn (matrix multiplication) as an example. But didnt expect anyone to do it or even TeX it lol.

I will use examples to show you some ways you could've mapped some patterns to look nicer and more!

00:02:264 (2,3) - you let the flow follow the slider drop-off direction but here 00:02:970 (5,1) - you freestyle and have the note not flow nicely into the slider
00:03:146 (1,3) - These might follow the same sounds but the way the player snaps to them is way different. 00:02:970 (5,1) - downawards into the slider, 00:03:499 (2,3) - upwards against the slider.
a suggestion: like this you would be able to emphasise what is really important
00:04:558 (6,2) - wierd slight overlaps can really kill a map for some. You might think its miniscule but think about it like this: repeating posistions of objects makes everythign cleaner and thus lovlier to read :> If you just overlap wierdly in a high spaced part like this than you kinda ruin the this. (note: this applies to examples like these, you can use slight overlaps to your advantage with different patterns)
00:05:087 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - what if you organized this pattern like this You would improve the visual presentation of these patterns imensely!
00:08:793 (1,2,3) - you could put them into a imaginary huge circle body see
00:11:087 (3,4,5,6) - you can emphasise objects by contrasting spacing changes! but that goes the other way around aswell: medium spacing -> small spacing -> medium/higher spacing see 5 is liek the weakest sound of them all and you can use that to your advatage!

00:13:205 - needs lower sv like woa there mate! This is a chill verse!
You can use stacks to reduce the intensity of a map: The benefit here is that your map doesnt look the same all the time. You constantly move around and have sliders into spaced circles... try emphasising this rather chill part with some pause on the curser as a change : )
(you do this at 00:35:793 - but i think having it as motif in chill parts is nice if there is a constant stream of 1/2 spacing)
00:13:735 (2) - this over 00:13:911 (3) - as an example
00:15:323 (4) - 00:15:499 (5) -
(00:18:499 (4,5,1) - nice use of contrasting spacing!)
00:16:911 (4,1) - these too sounds are kinda similar? Try creating analogic (and e.g. overlapping) shapes
00:17:793 (2,4,5) - make this a geometrical pattern comeon you a math major :^) or adjust 00:17:793 (2) - to fit a repeat or something like this
00:18:852 (1,2,3) - as a change to not repeat the same circular flow from time to time
00:20:617 (2,3,4,5) - this is pretty cool but the way 00:21:146 (4,5,1) - flows and the way the emphasis is implied by the object placement is kinda off imo
00:22:382 (2,1) - stackerino mayberino
00:24:499 (1,2,3) - be careful with how you space similar patterns 00:13:205 (1,2,3,4) -
00:25:735 (1,2,3,4) - to hit the vocals you miss so many other click-worthy notes. This rythm feels more intuitive to play . Note: the vocal might start at 00:26:440 - but it peaks at 00:26:617 - by repeating the "e" sound intenser (which the instrumentation supplements)
00:27:323 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is very nice ! i would personaly ctrl+g 00:30:676 (2) - so i dont have any wierd drop-off flow from sliders in this section but its ok
00:31:382 (1,2,3,4) - i woudl suggest the same as with 00:25:735 (1,2,3,4) -
00:32:970 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - imo the song is stil lpretty chill for a trnsition this extreme
00:42:323 (4,6,2) - could allign them under 00:41:793 (2) -

00:52:558 (3) - have this 1/1 like 00:49:735 (1) -
01:13:205 (3,1) - overlaps like these can be made more acceptable by simply blanketing

i think i m gonna stop here since this would end up being a huge wall of suggesting (mostly) similar ideas.

I hope some of these inpired you to think of more creative patterns and also about object placement and how objects can interact to emphasise the song. Flow is more versatile than you think!

regarding that "Use the entire space of the editor!" thing the other guy mentioned:
its fine lol. Structure your patterns cleanly and you got yourself something cool for as start and you can go from there : )

It might feel disheartening to hear but you should use this map to study the baisics and move on. I am not an advocate of remapping till its rankable since its hard to change your map when you know how much hard work you put into it. Carry the things you learned into your next map/s and seeing the results should b a matter of time and effort

btw is that a screenshot from the anime as a BG lel.

didn't proof-read this so sorry if shitnglish
baaaai :>

Edit: i just saw your reply in my q.... eeeeeh you didnt have to solve the other thing (forgto to change it) and memes only boost your acceptance rate which is already at 100% if you do the group theory problem :^)
BUT HOLY SHIT those were some nice memes C:
Topic Starter

Smokeman wrote:

NM form q

ARenaissance wrote:

Making it a goal to use the space of the entire editor seems a bit petty to me: the positions of each object is placed relative to what's before it, and if things don't venture into the corners, then they won't.
This map feels very freestyled and lacks some pattern consistency. This isn't inherently a bad thing dont get me wrong, but its what separates a beginner with some experience from a beginner who has started understanding how to structure his map. Know how to use space is a very difficult thing to teach imo and you start understanding only with time and practice. Atm objectplacement feels "random" most of the time :/
i didn't read the previous rather long mod all the way through but from the paragraphs i read (first two boxes or smth) most things do ring true in my eyes aswell. If some things overlap then sorry i guess..?

regarding your solution from my q
G being a multiplicative group does in no way imply its abelian! 1.) is true even for non-abelian multiplicative groups! See GLn (matrix multiplication) as an example. But didnt expect anyone to do it or even TeX it lol.

I will use examples to show you some ways you could've mapped some patterns to look nicer and more!

00:02:264 (2,3) - you let the flow follow the slider drop-off direction but here 00:02:970 (5,1) - you freestyle and have the note not flow nicely into the slider Made a revision
00:03:146 (1,3) - These might follow the same sounds but the way the player snaps to them is way different. 00:02:970 (5,1) - downawards into the slider, 00:03:499 (2,3) - upwards against the slider.
a suggestion: like this you would be able to emphasise what is really important I didn't use your suggestion, but I did change the structure so that it was more circular. I don't think the pattern is too daunting, but a lot of other people do, it seems. So I modified it. It's not what you suggested but it is different.
00:04:558 (6,2) - wierd slight overlaps can really kill a map for some. You might think its miniscule but think about it like this: repeating posistions of objects makes everythign cleaner and thus lovlier to read :> If you just overlap wierdly in a high spaced part like this than you kinda ruin the this. (note: this applies to examples like these, you can use slight overlaps to your advantage with different patterns) Crap, I thought I'd gotten rid of all those. Fixed this one.
00:05:087 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - what if you organized this pattern like this You would improve the visual presentation of these patterns imensely! I'll compromise by overlapping the NC slider with (4).
00:08:793 (1,2,3) - you could put them into a imaginary huge circle body see
00:11:087 (3,4,5,6) - you can emphasise objects by contrasting spacing changes! but that goes the other way around aswell: medium spacing -> small spacing -> medium/higher spacing see 5 is liek the weakest sound of them all and you can use that to your advatage! Done

00:13:205 - needs lower sv like woa there mate! This is a chill verse! Okay, I'll do a bit of a velocity drop. I'm not doing it for the second verse,
though: it's more intense.

You can use stacks to reduce the intensity of a map: The benefit here is that your map doesnt look the same all the time. You constantly move around and have sliders into spaced circles... try emphasising this rather chill part with some pause on the curser as a change : )
(you do this at 00:35:793 - but i think having it as motif in chill parts is nice if there is a constant stream of 1/2 spacing) I have this idea in a couple of areas already. About half the time, I'll use it when there's a 1/1 space.
00:13:735 (2) - this over 00:13:911 (3) - as an example
00:15:323 (4) - 00:15:499 (5) -
(00:18:499 (4,5,1) - nice use of contrasting spacing!)
00:16:911 (4,1) - these too sounds are kinda similar? Try creating analogic (and e.g. overlapping) shapes
00:17:793 (2,4,5) - make this a geometrical pattern comeon you a math major :^) or adjust 00:17:793 (2) - to fit a repeat or something like this Scalene triangles are geometric patterns...sort of! I modified it so that (2) overlapped with (5), but they're so far away time wise that I don't think it'd be particuarly noticeable.
00:18:852 (1,2,3) - as a change to not repeat the same circular flow from time to time I decided that it is a good idea to change the direction of flow at that part, but I did it in my own way.
00:20:617 (2,3,4,5) - this is pretty cool but the way 00:21:146 (4,5,1) - flows and the way the emphasis is implied by the object placement is kinda off imo The sharp change in flow I assumed was enough to indicate a difference. But you're right: I should probably exemplify it a bit more with spacing.
00:22:382 (2,1) - stackerino mayberino Sure.
00:24:499 (1,2,3) - be careful with how you space similar patterns 00:13:205 (1,2,3,4) -
00:25:735 (1,2,3,4) - to hit the vocals you miss so many other click-worthy notes. This rythm feels more intuitive to play . Note: the vocal might start at 00:26:440 - but it peaks at 00:26:617 - by repeating the "e" sound intenser (which the instrumentation supplements) If I start a phrase following the vocals, I want to follow it through with the vocals unless there's a clear shift mid-phrase. I modified it so that the more important vocal shifts were highlighted, meaning I didn't address your precise concern, but I did modify it.
00:27:323 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is very nice ! i would personaly ctrl+g 00:30:676 (2) - so i dont have any wierd drop-off flow from sliders in this section but its ok I did the ctrl+g. Glad you like the pattern.
00:31:382 (1,2,3,4) - i woudl suggest the same as with 00:25:735 (1,2,3,4) - This time, each vocal is deliberately stated: there's a consonant at each syncopated beat.
00:32:970 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - imo the song is stil lpretty chill for a trnsition this extreme There's a buildup here, and the jumps flow pretty well, I think, so I think it's okay...
00:42:323 (4,6,2) - could allign them under 00:41:793 (2) - Done.

00:52:558 (3) - have this 1/1 like 00:49:735 (1) - No change for now. I'll think about it though.
01:13:205 (3,1) - overlaps like these can be made more acceptable by simply blanketing

i think i m gonna stop here since this would end up being a huge wall of suggesting (mostly) similar ideas. Okay, I'll scan through the rest of the map and maps with your frame of mind in consideration, thank you!

I hope some of these inpired you to think of more creative patterns and also about object placement and how objects can interact to emphasise the song. Flow is more versatile than you think!

regarding that "Use the entire space of the editor!" thing the other guy mentioned:
its fine lol. Structure your patterns cleanly and you got yourself something cool for as start and you can go from there : )

It might feel disheartening to hear but you should use this map to study the baisics and move on. I am not an advocate of remapping till its rankable since its hard to change your map when you know how much hard work you put into it. Carry the things you learned into your next map/s and seeing the results should b a matter of time and effort I may be suffering from the Dunning Kruger Effect, but I'm not convinced that this needs to be completely remapped for it to get ranked. If it really isn't, then sure, I'll do that. But I'll keep looking for mods and pushing this for ranked.

btw is that a screenshot from the anime as a BG lel. Yeah, I thought it looked fine, and it seemed to fit the song's theme. I'm open to alternative background images, though.

didn't proof-read this so sorry if shitnglish
baaaai :>

Edit: i just saw your reply in my q.... eeeeeh you didnt have to solve the other thing (forgto to change it) and memes only boost your acceptance rate which is already at 100% if you do the group theory problem :^)
BUT HOLY SHIT those were some nice memes C:
Regarding your comment on my solution
If you count GLn to be a multiplicative group, then the identity doesn't in general hold. For any group, the inverse of a product is the product of the inverses with the order flipped. If x^-1 y^-1 = y^-1 x^-1, then that necessarily implies that the group is abelian, since x^-1 and y^-1 can be chosen without loss of generality.
nm as requested
bright and brilliant
  1. 00:02:617 (3,4,5) - 00:05:440 (3,4,5) - it's odd to have the less important note on 5 stressed more via spacing than the more important one on 4. after those two you put emphasis on the right ones
  2. 00:20:793 (3,4) - with one of the two being a 1/1 and the other one a 1/2 vocal beat it's misrepresenting to play them as were they the same, even if you put the end on drum sounds, it would be good to make some sort of distinction, like making 4 into singles for instance
  3. 00:22:382 (2,1) - i'd add a note in between these as there's a syllable as well as a guitar pluck. especially concidering you map the next pattern on the same guitar beat
  4. 00:28:735 (1,2,3,4) - again lacking accentuation on the vocals. you accentuate them in the rest of the section really, so it stands out if you don't do it here
  5. 00:33:146 (2,5) - not supported by the song - overmapped
  6. 00:48:852 (2,1) - in an extra difficulty i'd expect to play transitions like the one you just left blank between these, but oh well, have it your way i suppose
  7. 00:50:264 (2) - i don't really see a reason to have this be a slider instead of singles like the rest of the pattern. makes it seem like there's something special with these sounds, which there isn't
  8. 00:55:029 (6) - opposite of the above point
  9. 00:55:911 (2,3,4) - having that big a jump onto 3 takes away emphasis from 4 due to non-existing contrast while 4 is clearly more important. in this part 01:07:205 (2,3,4) - both both notes are properly supported which makes this pattern viable, but you see how it's different.
  10. 01:00:323 - concidering you're plaiyng on the vocals and percussion most of the kiai you might want to add a note here with low spacing or stacked on the next note. or you can jsut make a tripple too as it is supported by the percussion
  11. 01:03:852 (3,6) - not the same beat. going by your concept it's
  12. many of the points in the kaiai repeat themselfes, so i'll skip pointing them out again
  13. 01:14:264 (2) - the note on the end of this is much more intense than what you have on the start, so this is misrepresenting the rhythm. it's the same as 01:13:558 (4,1) -
  14. 01:17:440 (4) - not supported by the song
  15. same comments on the kiai as in the last one really, except you fixed the first one
  16. 02:27:499 (2) - 02:31:205 (10) - make it into singles
  17. 02:40:558 (5) - make it longer like 02:39:852 (3) - as they are the same note
  18. 02:47:793 (1,2) - as opposed to the previous itterations of this beat, this one has a drum stream here, as it is a change form the usual in the song, it would be representative of it to also make use of it here
  19. 02:50:087 (6) - not supported
  20. 02:51:676 (5,6) - slider should start on 5, put a note where the end of 6 is now - reference are vocals as in the rest of the song
  21. again look out for things i pointed out in the first kiai already in this chorus too
  22. 03:02:087 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - stream starts on 4 already
  23. 03:02:793 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i don't hear the sog supporting tripple spam at all here. it's instrumentally the same melody as 03:08:264 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - where you didn't even map it that way anymore either

    many of the points are more examplary than momentary. like object choice things. you tend to assimilate sounds too much so that the individual melodies get muddled together and don't stand out as much as the song implies. and on other occasions you tend to map held sounds in weirdly warying ways. like sometimes you end the slider early and sometimes you end them on point, seemingly arbitrary at that. if you have a system in what kind of sound or length you end where, this can be addressed.

    generally the flow is alright, mostly using comfortable flow with few uncomfortable switches, that can work for emphasis, but the aesthetics aren't exactly on top. should work on that. using parallel, geometrical, symmetric shapes as well as constructed, structurized patterns help a great deal in making a map look cleaner. also blanketing properly is something you overgo every here and there, mods often love to point those out, so look out for that. also some overlaps seem coincidental and unappealing. also sliders with more than 3 nodes look messy, using the grid for symmetry or temporary blanket notes can help constructing them. it doesn't look like you used much of anything on this. to a degree these things can be applied even in retrospect, which is what i recommend you to do as far as you can. (goes for all difficulties)
  1. 00:02:617 (3,4) - for emphasis it would be better to have these in reverse order on the timeline
  2. 00:26:616 (6,7,2,3) - you accentuate on vocals this part, but not on these ones?bit out of place imo
  3. 00:53:087 (4,6) - odd to play having less emphasis on 6, which is a repetition of 4 but with two strong sounds and thus more important
  4. 01:04:382 (4,5) - reverse orderof objects
  5. 02:24:676 (2) - 02:27:499 (5) - make it two notes
  6. 02:25:734 (5,1) - since you're following mainly the guitar in this section, it would be better to have the repeat slider start on 5 or make it a regular 1/1 or 1/2 slider depending on what else you want to capture even
  7. 02:33:146 (1,2,3) - 2 and three aren't the same guitar notes as in the previous itterations of the pattern, so it would be more representative to also do something different here. a back and forth like could work
  8. 03:02:793 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - as in the extra, the tripple spam is not supported, only 3 actually works with the song
  1. 00:40:381 (5,6) - reverse order of objects - reference vocals as well as percussion

    seems mostly ok flow and rhythm wise other than that
  1. 00:17:440 (1) - 00:40:028 (3) - i'd like clarification on what this is following
  2. 00:21:322 (3) - 00:55:204 (4) - might be overcomplicating it for a normal. just using a single might be better
  3. 01:06:498 (4) - this one is a filler even, the end isn't really supported by anything you've been following in the kiai
  4. the second verse gets similar concerns towards long repeats as in the first one, so double check on that. same for the second chorus
  1. 00:01:910 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - 02:20:263 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - 02:59:793 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - longer slider only sections like this should be avoided in easy difficulties as beginner players struggle a lot with sliders. so throwing in some more single notes gives thema good break from reading shapes
Topic Starter

Deramok wrote:

nm as requested
bright and brilliant
  1. 00:02:617 (3,4,5) - 00:05:440 (3,4,5) - it's odd to have the less important note on 5 stressed more via spacing than the more important one on 4. after those two you put emphasis on the right ones Fixed, thank you.
  2. 00:20:793 (3,4) - with one of the two being a 1/1 and the other one a 1/2 vocal beat it's misrepresenting to play them as were they the same, even if you put the end on drum sounds, it would be good to make some sort of distinction, like making 4 into singles for instance Changed.
  3. 00:22:382 (2,1) - i'd add a note in between these as there's a syllable as well as a guitar pluck. especially concidering you map the next pattern on the same guitar beat I don't hear a guitar pluck there.
  4. 00:28:735 (1,2,3,4) - again lacking accentuation on the vocals. you accentuate them in the rest of the section really, so it stands out if you don't do it here Okay; circles now match the vocals.
  5. 00:33:146 (2,5) - not supported by the song - overmapped I don't know why you highlighted (5): it's on a strong beat, and a percussive kick.
    I changed (1) into a 1/2 slider, though.
  6. 00:48:852 (2,1) - in an extra difficulty i'd expect to play transitions like the one you just left blank between these, but oh well, have it your way i suppose
  7. 00:50:264 (2) - i don't really see a reason to have this be a slider instead of singles like the rest of the pattern. makes it seem like there's something special with these sounds, which there isn't Fixed, and modified future instances of it as well.
  8. 00:55:029 (6) - opposite of the above point The first three beats I think set a strong precedent for the fourth. In an earlier mod response,
    I described this effectively as a momentum carry. And since the syncopation continues into the next measure, I see no problem with how it's mapped.
  9. 00:55:911 (2,3,4) - having that big a jump onto 3 takes away emphasis from 4 due to non-existing contrast while 4 is clearly more important. in this part 01:07:205 (2,3,4) - both both notes are properly supported which makes this pattern viable, but you see how it's different. Changed the spacing emphasis.
  10. 01:00:323 - concidering you're plaiyng on the vocals and percussion most of the kiai you might want to add a note here with low spacing or stacked on the next note. or you can jsut make a tripple too as it is supported by the percussion The instrumentation here is so much more important than the vocals and drums that I think it's better to deliberately only map it, so as to lend it more attention.
  11. 01:03:852 (3,6) - not the same beat. going by your concept it's The idea was to mimic the pattern in the first part of the chorus, but there is a pretty clear contrast in vocals. Changed.
  12. many of the points in the kaiai repeat themselfes, so i'll skip pointing them out again
  13. 01:14:264 (2) - the note on the end of this is much more intense than what you have on the start, so this is misrepresenting the rhythm. it's the same as 01:13:558 (4,1) - I don't see that. The note on the end seems just as intense, if not less intense than the note at the beginning of the slider
  14. 01:17:440 (4) - not supported by the song Yeah, I see that. Fixed.
  15. same comments on the kiai as in the last one really, except you fixed the first one
  16. 02:27:499 (2) - 02:31:205 (10) - make it into singles Changed the first one, but I don't see enough justification for the second one.
  17. 02:40:558 (5) - make it longer like 02:39:852 (3) - as they are the same note Done.
  18. 02:47:793 (1,2) - as opposed to the previous itterations of this beat, this one has a drum stream here, as it is a change form the usual in the song, it would be representative of it to also make use of it here Done.
  19. 02:50:087 (6) - not supported Whoops! Fixed
  20. 02:51:676 (5,6) - slider should start on 5, put a note where the end of 6 is now - reference are vocals as in the rest of the song Fixed.
  21. again look out for things i pointed out in the first kiai already in this chorus too
  22. 03:02:087 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - stream starts on 4 already
  23. 03:02:793 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i don't hear the sog supporting tripple spam at all here. it's instrumentally the same melody as 03:08:264 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - where you didn't even map it that way anymore either

    many of the points are more examplary than momentary. like object choice things. you tend to assimilate sounds too much so that the individual melodies get muddled together and don't stand out as much as the song implies. and on other occasions you tend to map held sounds in weirdly warying ways. like sometimes you end the slider early and sometimes you end them on point, seemingly arbitrary at that. if you have a system in what kind of sound or length you end where, this can be addressed.

    generally the flow is alright, mostly using comfortable flow with few uncomfortable switches, that can work for emphasis, but the aesthetics aren't exactly on top. should work on that. using parallel, geometrical, symmetric shapes as well as constructed, structurized patterns help a great deal in making a map look cleaner. also blanketing properly is something you overgo every here and there, mods often love to point those out, so look out for that. also some overlaps seem coincidental and unappealing. also sliders with more than 3 nodes look messy, using the grid for symmetry or temporary blanket notes can help constructing them. it doesn't look like you used much of anything on this. to a degree these things can be applied even in retrospect, which is what i recommend you to do as far as you can. (goes for all difficulties)
  1. 00:02:617 (3,4) - for emphasis it would be better to have these in reverse order on the timeline I changed it to all circles instead to reflect the repeated pattern of the song.
  2. 00:26:616 (6,7,2,3) - you accentuate on vocals this part, but not on these ones?bit out of place imo Not exactly sure what you mean, but I did change the first part to lend more strength to the vocals
  3. 00:53:087 (4,6) - odd to play having less emphasis on 6, which is a repetition of 4 but with two strong sounds and thus more important I don't hear a repetition. I placed the sliders on the stressed syllables...
  4. 01:04:382 (4,5) - reverse orderof objects Fixed
  5. 02:24:676 (2) - 02:27:499 (5) - make it two notes Okay.
  6. 02:25:734 (5,1) - since you're following mainly the guitar in this section, it would be better to have the repeat slider start on 5 or make it a regular 1/1 or 1/2 slider depending on what else you want to capture even Modified this
  7. 02:33:146 (1,2,3) - 2 and three aren't the same guitar notes as in the previous itterations of the pattern, so it would be more representative to also do something different here. a back and forth like could work I'm not going to change this: everything else in the song still indicates a strong 3/2 hemiola up until the drum stream.
  8. 03:02:793 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - as in the extra, the tripple spam is not supported, only 3 actually works with the song Fixed.
  1. 00:40:381 (5,6) - reverse order of objects - reference vocals as well as percussion Whoops! I meant to fix this a while ago.
    Thanks for pointing that out.

    seems mostly ok flow and rhythm wise other than that
  1. 00:17:440 (1) - 00:40:028 (3) - i'd like clarification on what this is following The first object highlights the highpoints of the guitar over-riff. The second object emphasizes the repetition of the melody of that section.
  2. 00:21:322 (3) - 00:55:204 (4) - might be overcomplicating it for a normal. just using a single might be better
  3. 01:06:498 (4) - this one is a filler even, the end isn't really supported by anything you've been following in the kiai
  4. the second verse gets similar concerns towards long repeats as in the first one, so double check on that. same for the second chorus
    All fix. Thanks.
  1. 00:01:910 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - 02:20:263 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - 02:59:793 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - longer slider only sections like this should be avoided in easy difficulties as beginner players struggle a lot with sliders. so throwing in some more single notes gives thema good break from reading shapes This is actually something I learned just the other day! Thanks for highlighting specific examples;
    I'll get to fixing them.
from my nm qq

bright and brilliant

00:09:852 (3,4) - blanket this better

00:11:793 - im pretty sure you can add something here instead of leaving it blank

01:10:911 (1,2) - this jump is too big and it doesn't reflect the song imo, i would just remap the jumps

01:28:558 - missing sound here, and the white mark after too

02:12:852 (5) - overlap this on 02:12:146 (2) -

02:15:852 (1,2) - same thing here, jump is too big and i dont think it fits the verse, also you're losing sound after that phrase too (gap after the 1 should be shortened in my opinion)

03:06:676 (3,1) - i think you should blanket the 3 on the 1

pretty good song tho
Topic Starter

kookoo11 wrote:

from my nm qq

bright and brilliant

00:09:852 (3,4) - blanket this better Okay

00:11:793 - im pretty sure you can add something here instead of leaving it blank I'll mess around with some ideas, but since the previous sounds map to the melody and this part is absent of melody, I like leaving empty space for the brief drum fill.

01:10:911 (1,2) - this jump is too big and it doesn't reflect the song imo, i would just remap the jumps The note directly at the end is the most powerful in the entire phrase; it should be larger than the rest.

01:28:558 - missing sound here, and the white mark after too The drums cut out at that point, which is why I cut out too.

02:12:852 (5) - overlap this on 02:12:146 (2) - Fixed

02:15:852 (1,2) - same thing here, jump is too big and i dont think it fits the verse, also you're losing sound after that phrase too (gap after the 1 should be shortened in my opinion)

03:06:676 (3,1) - i think you should blanket the 3 on the 1 It pretty much already does blanket. There's perfect horizontal symmetry.

pretty good song tho
Thank you!
hullo, come from my queue for M4M, wait did i say no more than 10 SP? nevermind

00:03:146 (1,3) - slider need more curve
00:15:322 (1,2) - looks like imperfect blanket to me
00:41:440 (1,2) - different shaped slider, just make it the same
01:09:498 (1) - also need more curve
01:38:440 (1,1,1) - why NC?
02:58:028 (1,2,1) - the last 1 is stronger sound, move it a bit away from 2
03:16:557 (1,3,5) - come on, you can make it better
i think that's all from me, i can't point much because it's already nice map overall, best of luck

you can mod this map in return,
Topic Starter

Amos wrote:

hullo, come from my queue for M4M, wait did i say no more than 10 SP? nevermind Hope not. :/

00:03:146 (1,3) - slider need more curve Fixed
00:15:322 (1,2) - looks like imperfect blanket to me Wasn't supposed to be a blanket initially, but I'll make it one.
00:41:440 (1,2) - different shaped slider, just make it the same fixed
01:09:498 (1) - also need more curve This pattern is meant to emphasize up-down motion. Note how from (3) in the last pattern up to the first circle, all of the sliders are vertical, or close to vertical. There is circular motion, hence the slight curvature, but I don't want to curve it any more.
01:38:440 (1,1,1) - why NC? Simply to place more emphasis on each note. I don't see a pressing need to remove them.
02:58:028 (1,2,1) - the last 1 is stronger sound, move it a bit away from 2 Fixed.
03:16:557 (1,3,5) - come on, you can make it better You're not really giving me much feedback here. What don't you like about that pattern?
I'm quite fond of it. I did make it overlap more cleanly, and there was a missing hitsound that I didn't notice, but other than that, I made no change.
i think that's all from me, i can't point much because it's already nice map overall, best of luck

you can mod this map in return,
Thank you very much! I'll get right to modding your map.
Heyo, m4m

First of all, I commend you for choosing the full version over the tv size, haha. It looks like the lower diffs aren't getting much love so I'll mod everything except the top diff

• AI mod: More than 1/3 of the map is kiai time. Please consider reducing this.

• You have 2 bg files (kirakira and kirakira3 .png) and one should be deleted. But that doensn't really matter because you should find a bg that's at least 1366x768 anyways

• Just from playing, I was able to notice that you didn't take advantage of the full playfeild (on top diff too). Ctrl+a yeilded this for both diffs: Map these corners and edges! It might not feel comfortable but it makes the map feel a lot less cramped. :)

• 00:11:616 (6) - Shouldn't this note be nc'ed, if 00:05:793 (5,1) - and 00:08:616 (5,1) - are as well? This just makes your pattern feel inconsistent, even if this is the last note

• 00:17:263 (4,6,1) - These sliders feel like they were handdrawn and causes the pattern to lose a sense of structure. This might sound picky, but i think you should make these sliders all have the same curve.

• 00:30:675 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:30:675 (2,3,4) - is mapped to vocals, then you suddenly start mapping to drums at 00:31:557 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . I suggest mapping to something consistently here for more fluent gameplay

• 00:58:204 (1,2) - while this pattern works aesthetically, it doesn't play that great because of the spacing change between the jumps from each object at 00:58:204 (1,2) - vs 00:58:734 (2,3) - and bigger jumps from there

• 01:02:263 (4,1) - 01:04:381 (4,5) - both of these objects collectively are spaced much smaller compared to the surrounding patterns

• 01:22:204 (1) - I would suggest moving this slider to start at 01:22:381 - because there is a strong kick and guitar note there, so this would confuse the player

• 01:34:734 (4,1) - can you blanket these or make these notes aesthetically nicer somehow? looks like a blanket gone wrong lol

• 01:53:263 (1) - remove nc (you can put it somewhere else if you like though), this breaks the 1-2 nc pattern at 01:52:381 (1,2,1,2) - and it doesn't really make sense for 01:53:087 (1) - to have its own combo because its not more significant than the notes at 01:52:381 (1,2,1,2) -

• 02:26:440 (3) - small thing, but move the third node farther to the right for a more evenly curved slider (and maybe move the second one to the left too)

• 02:38:969 (6,7,1,2) - Compared to the spacing at 02:37:028 (1,2,3,4,5) - its easy to misread these as 1/1 gaps instead of 1/2 jumps. Maybe decrease spacing here?

• 03:04:381 (2,1,3,5) - Fix the aesthetics up here. I see what youre trying to do with the slider intersections here (and it can be done) but atm its done with some ugly placements, for example slidertail 3 barely touching the body of slider 1, plus it looks like a misplaced blanket

• 03:13:910 (1,2,3) - This spacing feels pretty unorganized atm. Can you space 2 evenly for 1 and 3 like you did with 03:15:146 (1,2,3) - ?

• 03:22:910 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - These jumps also feel unorganized. The variety of spacing you choose to use here, between 03:22:910 (2,1) - and 03:23:440 (3,4) - makes the pattern feel random. Plus, 03:23:793 (5) - feels like it should fit in more with 03:23:087 (1,3) -

• 00:07:204 (3,1) - Blanket?

• 00:11:616 (6) - same thing about the nc as last diff

• 00:14:440 - from here on i think you should use a set ds, probably either 1.4 or 1.5x. for this type of mapping continuity between objects is important, and atm objects look really unevenly spaced. look at 00:15:322 (2) - and 00:20:793 (4,5,1) - for example

• 00:23:969 (4,1) - this overlap doesn't really look aesthetically correct

• 00:47:616 (3,4) - Holy crap this spacing change. It's such a shock compared to 00:47:440 (2,3) - and 00:47:793 (4,5,6,1) - please reduce this

• 01:11:087 (1) - Not a big fan of this aesthetic. Doesn't fit in with the rest of the map and is obstructed behind the sliderend of 01:10:381 (3) -

• 01:35:616 (2,3) - This spacing feels a bit big. The exaggeration is necessary afterward, but beforehand this is compared to 01:34:910 (3,1,2) - and the music is still calmer here

• 01:40:734 (1,2) - Space this more, this 1/1 gap is confused with the 1/2 rhythm at 01:41:440 (2,3,4) -

• 01:54:146 (3,4,5) - I really think that you should make this drumroll stand out by mapping something different from jumps, since the drumroll is different from most of the music. Maybe try a creative slider or a 1/4 repeat slider?

• 02:00:498 (1,1) - Can you make this look more aesthetically pleasing? They currently intersect in a pretty awkward way. Also, it would look nicer if 02:02:263 (2,3) - were symmetrically the same slider

• 02:03:146 (4,1,2,3,4) - I don't like it when you use this pattern because if these were to be perfectly consistent in spacing, 02:02:616 (3,4,1) - would feel very intense and 02:03:322 (1,2,3,4) - would be low in energy. Can you make the square pattern a little more interesting or somehow harder?

• 02:16:028 (1) - I see what you were aiming for with this slider but at teh moment it looks really really sloppy. You can do the bouncing thingy but please make this look more aesthetically pleasing

• 02:52:028 (4,5,1) - can you even out the spacing in between these? this movement doesnt feel fluid in between the notes

Getting tired so ima stop here. Good luck! :D
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

Heyo, m4m

First of all, I commend you for choosing the full version over the tv size, haha. It looks like the lower diffs aren't getting much love so I'll mod everything except the top diff Thank you! It's definitely a bit of a struggle choosing the longer version of the song, since I'm an inexperienced mapper and there's much more room for error, but I'm stupid and dedicated, so I ended up mapping the whole thing. Besides, there's already a map of the TV Size.

Also, thank you for looking at the lower difficulties. I'm going to spend a lot more time studying some hard level maps for patterns and techniques that I find attractive, because right now, the Hard in this set just looks kind of ugly to me.

• AI mod: More than 1/3 of the map is kiai time. Please consider reducing this. I'm aware that AIMod is upset with me due to Kiai troubles, but there are plenty of ranked maps where AIMod makes the same complaint. I think the placement of the Kiais are justified in the song, so I'll make no change.

• Just from playing, I was able to notice that you didn't take advantage of the full playfeild (on top diff too). Ctrl+a yeilded this for both diffs: Map these corners and edges! It might not feel comfortable but it makes the map feel a lot less cramped. :) I do have reservations against placing objects at the upper left hand corner because the HP bar is there and it could obfuscate reading for some skins, but I'll try and expand into the other corners when making adjustments when doing so would be more natural.

• 00:11:616 (6) - Shouldn't this note be nc'ed, if 00:05:793 (5,1) - and 00:08:616 (5,1) - are as well? This just makes your pattern feel inconsistent, even if this is the last note I suppose you're right. Fixed.

• 00:17:263 (4,6,1) - These sliders feel like they were handdrawn and causes the pattern to lose a sense of structure. This might sound picky, but i think you should make these sliders all have the same curve. Copy/paste + rotated the first one, and made the NC slider more curved. The (1) slider I think is less pressing because it initiates a new phrase, so I only eyeballed it.

• 00:30:675 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:30:675 (2,3,4) - is mapped to vocals, then you suddenly start mapping to drums at 00:31:557 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . I suggest mapping to something consistently here for more fluent gameplay I remapped the section: it entirely maps to the vocals now.

• 00:58:204 (1,2) - while this pattern works aesthetically, it doesn't play that great because of the spacing change between the jumps from each object at 00:58:204 (1,2) - vs 00:58:734 (2,3) - and bigger jumps from there I took the hard way out and kept the pattern, but changed the spacing of the notes that followed.

• 01:02:263 (4,1) - 01:04:381 (4,5) - both of these objects collectively are spaced much smaller compared to the surrounding patterns Fixed both.

• 01:22:204 (1) - I would suggest moving this slider to start at 01:22:381 - because there is a strong kick and guitar note there, so this would confuse the player There's a piano melody that I'm mapping to at this part. Notice that I map to the same melody in the first verse of this song as well.
Thank you for the suggestion, but no change made.

• 01:34:734 (4,1) - can you blanket these or make these notes aesthetically nicer somehow? looks like a blanket gone wrong lol Yep. That was a product of a previous modification that I didn't check. It coincidentally looks like a blanked, but I fixed it so that it deliberately is a blanket now.

• 01:53:263 (1) - remove nc (you can put it somewhere else if you like though), this breaks the 1-2 nc pattern at 01:52:381 (1,2,1,2) - and it doesn't really make sense for 01:53:087 (1) - to have its own combo because its not more significant than the notes at 01:52:381 (1,2,1,2) - I have to disagree with you there. 01:53:263 (1) is a strong syncopated beat that has a chord change, which the other notes don't have. The (1,2) pattern is broken here for that reason.

• 02:26:440 (3) - small thing, but move the third node farther to the right for a more evenly curved slider (and maybe move the second one to the left too)

Made an adjustment.

• 02:38:969 (6,7,1,2) - Compared to the spacing at 02:37:028 (1,2,3,4,5) - its easy to misread these as 1/1 gaps instead of 1/2 jumps. Maybe decrease spacing here? Fixed.

• 03:04:381 (2,1,3,5) - Fix the aesthetics up here. I see what youre trying to do with the slider intersections here (and it can be done) but atm its done with some ugly placements, for example slidertail 3 barely touching the body of slider 1, plus it looks like a misplaced blanket Made a change.

• 03:13:910 (1,2,3) - This spacing feels pretty unorganized atm. Can you space 2 evenly for 1 and 3 like you did with 03:15:146 (1,2,3) - ? Yep, no problem.

• 03:22:910 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - These jumps also feel unorganized. The variety of spacing you choose to use here, between 03:22:910 (2,1) - and 03:23:440 (3,4) - makes the pattern feel random. Plus, 03:23:793 (5) - feels like it should fit in more with 03:23:087 (1,3) - I kept the same structure that I originally had, but I made things a bit more geometrically aligned. The spacing variance is reflective of the strong beats of the song.

• 00:07:204 (3,1) - Blanket? I was actually going more for kind of a half-blanket here, where the slider leads right into the next slider, but then the one that follows hugs along one side of the previous slider. I modified it so that the idea was a bit clearer.

• 00:11:616 (6) - same thing about the nc as last diff Thank you for reminding me; fixed.

• 00:14:440 - from here on i think you should use a set ds, probably either 1.4 or 1.5x. for this type of mapping continuity between objects is important, and atm objects look really unevenly spaced. look at 00:15:322 (2) - and 00:20:793 (4,5,1) - for example Yeah, I don't know why I didn't use DS to my advantage more for this difficulty. I combed through most of the map and cleaned this up.

• 00:23:969 (4,1) - this overlap doesn't really look aesthetically correct Removed the overlap.

• 00:47:616 (3,4) - Holy crap this spacing change. It's such a shock compared to 00:47:440 (2,3) - and 00:47:793 (4,5,6,1) - please reduce this I did have the spacing intentionally high here, and it didn't feel too hard, but I did push it down a bit.

• 01:11:087 (1) - Not a big fan of this aesthetic. Doesn't fit in with the rest of the map and is obstructed behind the sliderend of 01:10:381 (3) - I don't see anything wrong with the slider itself, but I did modify the 1/2 sliders so that there was no obstruction.

• 01:35:616 (2,3) - This spacing feels a bit big. The exaggeration is necessary afterward, but beforehand this is compared to 01:34:910 (3,1,2) - and the music is still calmer here Fixed this by modifying other things.

• 01:40:734 (1,2) - Space this more, this 1/1 gap is confused with the 1/2 rhythm at 01:41:440 (2,3,4) - Fixed this too.

• 01:54:146 (3,4,5) - I really think that you should make this drumroll stand out by mapping something different from jumps, since the drumroll is different from most of the music. Maybe try a creative slider or a 1/4 repeat slider? Suggestion accepted.

• 02:00:498 (1,1) - Can you make this look more aesthetically pleasing? They currently intersect in a pretty awkward way. Also, it would look nicer if 02:02:263 (2,3) - were symmetrically the same slider Fixed.

• 02:03:146 (4,1,2,3,4) - I don't like it when you use this pattern because if these were to be perfectly consistent in spacing, 02:02:616 (3,4,1) - would feel very intense and 02:03:322 (1,2,3,4) - would be low in energy. Can you make the square pattern a little more interesting or somehow harder? I don't know exactly what you mean with your spacing comment. I ended up deciding that repeating the square pattern was a bit boring, and opted instead to construct a parallelogram, but I still don't quite know what you mean here.

• 02:16:028 (1) - I see what you were aiming for with this slider but at teh moment it looks really really sloppy. You can do the bouncing thingy but please make this look more aesthetically pleasing I tried a different shape. I think it looks alright, but slider aesthetics is something I've had a tough time with. If it looks bad, I could always just switch to a long 3-point slider.

• 02:52:028 (4,5,1) - can you even out the spacing in between these? this movement doesnt feel fluid in between the notes The spacing is like that at every instance in the chorus where it occurs. I modified it because I didn't like how it flowed, but I otherwise kept it the same.

Getting tired so ima stop here. Good luck! :D
Thank you very much!
Topic Starter
I have read the rules of Kibbleru's queue
Fu Xuan

ARenaissance wrote:

I have read the rules of Kibbleru's queue
what the fuck. lol
Fu Xuan
Hello, from my queue

00:06:851 (3) - I would stack this to the slider end of 00:04:734 (1) - so it would flow smoothly to 00:07:557 (1) -

00:07:557 (1) - rotate 180 degrees and ctrl g, could flow better that way imo

00:42:851 (3) - Maybe u can make this blanket to 00:44:263 (1) -

00:49:734 (1) - this rhythm works better cos you're missing the beat on 00:50:263 -

01:37:910 (1) - same with 2nd point

01:47:440 (2) - stack this with 01:44:969 (3) - stack anything as long as it's stackable

02:42:851 (1,2) - Fix blanket

maybe u can improve your flow and rhythm choice, imo this needs work.
Topic Starter

-Aqua wrote:

ARenaissance wrote:

I have read the rules of Kibbleru's queue
what the fuck. lol
That's a residue from a series of faulty instructions from noobleru's modding queue. It's...not worth going into detail about.

-Aqua wrote:

Hello, from my queue

00:06:851 (3) - I would stack this to the slider end of 00:04:734 (1) - so it would flow smoothly to 00:07:557 (1) - Okay.

00:07:557 (1) - rotate 180 degrees and ctrl g, could flow better that way imo I think I already did something like that when I adjusted the location from your last suggestion.

00:42:851 (3) - Maybe u can make this blanket to 00:44:263 (1) - Done.

00:49:734 (1) - this rhythm works better cos you're missing the beat on 00:50:263 - If I do this pattern,
then I would have to do it for every instance it arises in the song, which is 5 times. That would add another difficulty element to the map, and it's already pretty close to Normal's difficulty level. If anything, I want to simplify the map as it is, not make it more challenging.

01:37:910 (1) - same with 2nd point

01:47:440 (2) - stack this with 01:44:969 (3) - stack anything as long as it's stackable I'll see what I can do.

02:42:851 (1,2) - Fix blanket Done, thanks.

maybe u can improve your flow and rhythm choice, imo this needs work. I'm sure it needs work as well. But I chose the rhythm and location of each note very carefully for this difficulty, so I'll need to know how my object placement can be improved before actually improving it.
Thank you very much! :)
o/ sorry for long ass wait lol I was very flojo

  • Bright and Brilliant

    00:01:558 (4,5,6,7) - not really an issue but this streamshape could look neater
    00:02:617 (3) - move this closer to prev slider, spacing its a bit too high (a bit too high lmao)
    00:07:911 (2,3) - should move the 3 bit closer, spacing in beginning of the map feels unconsistent, 00:04:205 (4,5) - spacing between these shouldnt be as long as 00:07:911 (2,3) - or opposite? w/e, maybe try to be more consistent in which shound you emphasize with more spacing since the map starts to 00:11:793 -
    00:18:499 (4,5) - maybe ctrl+g these?
    00:20:617 (2) - move to 162/160 for consistency w/ spacing @ 00:21:146 (4,5) -
    00:21:676 (1) - should ctrl+g
    00:48:323 (1) - remove nc
    00:48:852 (2) - move this out from there, maybe place it in the right side of the screen to make a long jump to 00:49:735 (1) - so the start of that section get's more emphasized? and maybe add 2 circles in that gap? something like
    00:51:323 (1) - ctrl+g maybe?
    00:53:970 (3,5) - move them to the right adding more spacing in these jumps could emphasize vocals better (spacing rn feels too short)
    00:55:029 (6) - should change it into 2 circles, vocals has stopped and theres that clap sound
    00:56:264 (4) - move this closer to next slider, like this 00:58:205 (1) - 212/348 could work
    01:06:323 (4) - saem suggestion of 2 circles
    01:14:617 (3,5) - you can't stack these properly so why not stack 01:15:146 (5) - with head of 01:14:264 (2) - instead
    01:16:382 (5,1) - spacing tooooo much
    01:18:852 (3) - rotate this -24°~
    01:22:735 (5,7) - avoid overlap
    01:23:793 (1) - move this down to line up with prev slider
    01:24:852 (4,3) - avoid overlap
    01:24:323 (2,3,4) - reduce spacing
    01:28:911 (2,2) - stack and blanket with 01:29:440 (1) -
    01:29:970 (2,3) - too much spacing ==
    01:31:205 (2,3) - should add more spacing there to emphasize vocals better
    01:31:911 (4,1) - shouldreduce spacing too, ehh.. the jump on 01:31:205 (2,3) -should be higher than 01:31:911 (4,1) - vocals feels more calm on 01:31:911 (4,1) -
    01:36:323 (4,1) - reduce spacing
    01:47:440 (4,5) - why such spacing? Im asking because.. I don't really get what u tried to emphasize here :T shouldnt the jump be on 01:47:617 (5,1) - instead?
    01:55:735 (5) - move to the right to line up with 01:55:382 (3,7) -
    01:58:735 (8,1) - more spacing needed
    02:01:205 (4,5) - why such spacing? asking again for.. same reason, and again, shouldnt the jump be on 02:01:558 (5,1) - instead? and 02:02:970 (5,1) - ?
    02:11:264 (4) - circlez?
    02:19:205 (3,5) - ugly overlap, nuke this overlap maybe something like
    02:27:499 (2,3) - add more spacing here
    02:34:205 (6) - 02:34:029 (5,6) - ^
    03:07:205 (2,3,4) - add more spacing?
    nazi stuff:
    00:02:970 (5) - stack with end of 00:03:499 (2) -
    00:08:440 (4,2) - bblanket
    00:17:970 (3,4) - blanket?
    00:30:146 (1) - stack its end with end of 00:29:087 (2) -
    00:31:029 (3,2) - stackkk
    00:32:087 (3,5) - ^ ? owo
    00:50:970 (6,3) - ^
    01:06:676 (1) - stack its end with 01:05:617 (2) - end
    01:16:205 (4,2) - stack
    01:39:676 (1,6) - ^
    blanket with end of 01:42:852 (8) -
    01:55:205 (2,6) - stack
    02:04:382 (4,2) - stack
    02:23:970 (4,1) -
    02:25:735 (5,2) -
    03:02:088 (4,2) -
    03:04:382 (2,5,3) - stack these 3
    03:20:264 (3,3) -

    Map plays well and all but it feels very inconsistent, and sometimes emphasize could be done better, for example.. 03:07:205 (2,3,4) - why you have short spacing here when vocals goes powerful with that EH EH EH!! and then a jump like this 03:09:323 (5,6) - in a part you dont really notice a big change in music, 03:17:793 (3,4) - same here, like.. jumps were done in places of the song that dont deserve any big jump like that, and also try to map more clean, avoid some overlaps and stack circles properly, with blankets, like here 03:11:617 (4,7) - , 03:14:440 (4,7) - stack these, I mentioned some there but I'm sure I skiped some. be clear in what you emphasize according to the music
Topic Starter

Itasha_S13 wrote:

o/ sorry for long ass wait lol I was very flojo

  • Bright and Brilliant

    00:01:558 (4,5,6,7) - not really an issue but this streamshape could look neater I don't want the curvature of the streams to exceed the curvature of the slider unless the slider were straight.
    00:02:617 (3) - move this closer to prev slider, spacing its a bit too high (a bit too high lmao) Really doesn't feel that way...The circle is right in line with the slider's curve, and it's on a relatively stronger beat.
    00:07:911 (2,3) - should move the 3 bit closer, spacing in beginning of the map feels unconsistent I don't see why or how. This is consistent with the other patterns.
    00:04:205 (4,5) - spacing between these shouldnt be as long as 00:07:911 (2,3) - or opposite? w/e, maybe try to be more consistent in which shound you emphasize with more spacing since the map starts to 00:11:793 - I moved (5) a bit closer to (6).
    00:18:499 (4,5) - maybe ctrl+g these? That would push the change in circular flow to before the new phrase. I want to be consistent until the NC.
    00:20:617 (2) - move to 162/160 for consistency w/ spacing @ 00:21:146 (4,5) -
    00:21:676 (1) - should ctrl+g Did you highlight the right spot? This makes no sense to me.
    00:48:323 (1) - remove nc But that starts a new phrase. A new combo is perfectly appropriate.
    00:48:852 (2) - move this out from there, maybe place it in the right side of the screen to make a long jump to 00:49:735 (1) - so the start of that section get's more emphasized? and maybe add 2 circles in that gap? something like I like the idea!
    00:51:323 (1) - ctrl+g maybe? That would just add unnecessary uncomfortable slider motion.
    00:53:970 (3,5) - move them to the right adding more spacing in these jumps could emphasize vocals better (spacing rn feels too short)
    00:55:029 (6) - should change it into 2 circles, vocals has stopped and theres that clap sound I map those sliders on both the kick sound and the vocals. Since the kick lands on the fourth beat, the vocals lend momentum to the phrase, and those four sliders is a common motif throughout the entire map, no change is made.
    00:56:264 (4) - move this closer to next slider, like this I don't really see why.
    00:58:205 (1) - 212/348 could work ??? I can't even put it there.
    01:06:323 (4) - saem suggestion of 2 circles x
    01:14:617 (3,5) - you can't stack these properly so why not stack 01:15:146 (5) - with head of 01:14:264 (2) - instead
    01:16:382 (5,1) - spacing tooooo much
    01:18:852 (3) - rotate this -24°~
    01:22:735 (5,7) - avoid overlap
    01:23:793 (1) - move this down to line up with prev slider
    01:24:852 (4,3) - avoid overlap
    01:24:323 (2,3,4) - reduce spacing
    01:28:911 (2,2) - stack and blanket with 01:29:440 (1) -
    01:29:970 (2,3) - too much spacing ==
    01:31:205 (2,3) - should add more spacing there to emphasize vocals better
    01:31:911 (4,1) - shouldreduce spacing too, ehh..the jump on 01:31:205 (2,3) -should be higher than 01:31:911 (4,1) - vocals feels more calm on 01:31:911 (4,1) -
    01:36:323 (4,1) - reduce spacing There's a sudden change in the drum pattern that I'm mapping to.
    01:47:440 (4,5) - why such spacing? Im asking because.. I don't really get what u tried to emphasize here :T shouldnt the jump be on 01:47:617 (5,1) - instead?
    01:55:735 (5) - move to the right to line up with 01:55:382 (3,7) -
    01:58:735 (8,1) - more spacing needed The NC already highlights it. This pattern is consistent with the patterns that follow.
    02:01:205 (4,5) - why such spacing? asking again for.. same reason, and again, shouldnt the jump be on 02:01:558 (5,1) - instead? and 02:02:970 (5,1) - ?
    02:11:264 (4) - circlez? x
    02:19:205 (3,5) - ugly overlap, nuke this overlap maybe something like
    02:27:499 (2,3) - add more spacing here
    02:34:205 (6) - 02:34:029 (5,6) - ^ It's hard to go from streams to a large jump, in general. So I didn't make the jump insane.
    03:07:205 (2,3,4) - add more spacing?
    nazi stuff:
    00:02:970 (5) - stack with end of 00:03:499 (2) -
    00:08:440 (4,2) - bblanket
    00:17:970 (3,4) - blanket? Getting a good blanket seems to be impossible. There are already lots of stacks and distance equalities and other blankets in the way.
    00:30:146 (1) - stack its end with end of 00:29:087 (2) - No real point; they're so far apart.
    00:31:029 (3,2) - stackkk
    00:32:087 (3,5) - ^ ? owo
    00:50:970 (6,3) - ^
    01:06:676 (1) - stack its end with 01:05:617 (2) - end Again, no real point. Doing this would bring (1) out of the line of the rotation with the last slider.
    01:16:205 (4,2) - stack
    01:39:676 (1,6) - ^
    blanket with end of 01:42:852 (8) -
    01:55:205 (2,6) - stack
    02:04:382 (4,2) - stack I actually want to leave a bit of visual space here.
    02:23:970 (4,1) -
    02:25:735 (5,2) -
    03:02:088 (4,2) -
    03:04:382 (2,5,3) - stack these 3
    03:20:264 (3,3) -

    Map plays well and all but it feels very inconsistent, and sometimes emphasize could be done better, for example.. 03:07:205 (2,3,4) - why you have short spacing here when vocals goes powerful with that EH EH EH!! and then a jump like this 03:09:323 (5,6) - in a part you dont really notice a big change in music, 03:17:793 (3,4) - same here, like.. jumps were done in places of the song that dont deserve any big jump like that, and also try to map more clean, avoid some overlaps and stack circles properly, with blankets, like here 03:11:617 (4,7) - , 03:14:440 (4,7) - stack these, I mentioned some there but I'm sure I skiped some. be clear in what you emphasize according to the music I don't really agree with you on the spacing point. A lot of the high spaces ARE where there's strong emphasis. I did fix a couple of mistakes you pointed out, but a lot of them I disagreed with: I don't think this was a consistent issue, especially considering the extent to which I've already modified spacing in the past and accounted for it when mapping. The blankets and stacks are just hard for me to find sometimes. I've been meaning to do them, but I can't find them all. Thanks for pointing out the others.
I fixed anything without a comment next to it. Thank you very much!
Hi From your M4M queue
Since I'm not experienced in either mapping or playing hard diffs, and that the Bright and Brilliant has been modded by many others. So I will just mod the other diffs.

There are no disturbance while playing, but changes to the positions of the notes would make it flow better:
1. 00:10:028 (4,1) - Change the positioning of 4 or 1
2. 00:28:381 (2,1) - This overlapping makes a unpleasant look to the gameplay.
3. 00:35:793 (1,3) - Try to make the curve sections(aka white dots) the same using tools at Edit (the top left-hand corner).
4. 00:35:793 (1,4) - Make the 4 stack on the slider tail of 1, just like what you did in the first 30 seconds.
5. 01:01:028 (1) - Make it curves the same (I mean the white dots placement) as 00:50:331.
6. 01:10:734 (2,1) - Same issue as #2.
7. 01:36:851 (2,1) - ^
8. 02:10:910 (3,1) - Change the curvature of 3 or the placement of 1 to make it flow better.
9. 02:27:322 (1) - Feel like the NC is unnecessary. Also make it looks the same(but inverted of course) as the previous slider 1.
10. 02:52:910 (3,1) - Same issue as #2.
11. 02:59:440 (1,1) - Same issue as #8.
12. 03:06:146 (1,2) = Move down 2 a bit to make it flow better.

1. 00:21:675 (1,2) - Try to make the curve sections(aka white dots) the same.
2. 00:25:910 (1,3) - Make the head of 3 stack on the tail of 1 to make it look better.
3. 00:38:616 (1,2) - Change the curvature of 1 or the placement of 2 to make it flow better.
4. 00:47:793 (2,3) - Same issue as #3.
5. 00:54:675 (3,4) - ^
6. 01:09:675 (1,2) - Try to make them parallel.
7. 01:33:322 (2,2) - Same issue as #2.
8. 02:03:322 (1,2) - Same issue as #6.
9. 02:53:263 (3,4) - Change the placement of 4 to fit 02:52:028 (2,1), or vice versa.
10. 03:02:616 (1,2,1,2) - Their angles look unpleasant in gameplay. I think you should parallel them, or do something else to make it look better.
11. 03:21:498 (1) - I think you can curve the slider downwards instead.

1. 00:10:381 (1,2) - Try to make the curve sections(aka white dots) the same.
2. 00:50:263 (2,3,4) - Not sure if they really need to be curved.
3. 01:45:322 (5) - You should make it parallel to the adjacent sliders.
4. 02:55:910 (2,3) - Move up 3, or move down 2.
5. 02:58:028 (4,5,6) - You may make it a equilateral triangle.
6. 03:00:322 (2,3,1) - 1 is not parallel to 2.
7. 03:05:263 (1) - Make it less curvy upwards, but then the afterwards notes need to be tweaked as well to keep appropriate distance.
8. 03:23:440 (3,4,5) - Same suggestion as #5.

1. 00:31:028 (3,4) - Try to make them not overlap.
2. 00:36:851 (2,3) - Not sure if 3 should incline like that, but not parallel with 2.
3. 00:38:263 (7,8) - This I think the 8 should probably be parallel with 7.
4. 01:09:498 (1) - Maybe move it a bit left.
5. 01:43:557 (1) - Flip it vertically.
6. 03:17:969 (5) - Maybe also curve it as in 1 and 3?

Your map's pretty fun to play. Keep up with it!! :D
I've got a bunch of things irl so the mod might come tomorrow. Sorry for the delay xd
Topic Starter

jack1817 wrote:

Hi From your M4M queue
Since I'm not experienced in either mapping or playing hard diffs, and that the Bright and Brilliant has been modded by many others. So I will just mod the other diffs.

There are no disturbance while playing, but changes to the positions of the notes would make it flow better:
1. 00:10:028 (4,1) - Change the positioning of 4 or 1
2. 00:28:381 (2,1) - This overlapping makes a unpleasant look to the gameplay. I don't think this overlap looks that bad. Since it's more distinct overlap, it's less claustrophobic.
3. 00:35:793 (1,3) - Try to make the curve sections(aka white dots) the same using tools at Edit (the top left-hand corner).
4. 00:35:793 (1,4) - Make the 4 stack on the slider tail of 1, just like what you did in the first 30 seconds.
5. 01:01:028 (1) - Make it curves the same (I mean the white dots placement) as 00:50:331. I think you messed up something here, the second thing doesn't really point to anything.
6. 01:10:734 (2,1) - Same issue as #2. Again, this is a fairly direct overlap; it doesn't obfuscate anything, and there's no strange pinched spaces. The objects kind of intersect orthogonally.
7. 01:36:851 (2,1) - ^ No change for similar reasons.
8. 02:10:910 (3,1) - Change the curvature of 3 or the placement of 1 to make it flow better.
9. 02:27:322 (1) - Feel like the NC is unnecessary. Also make it looks the same(but inverted of course) as the previous slider 1. Oh, you actually reminded me that I needed to do a rehash of all the NC's on this map! Thanks for that. I did fix this one.
10. 02:52:910 (3,1) - Same issue as #2. Similar justification.
11. 02:59:440 (1,1) - Same issue as #8. This one I don't understand. The slider curves right into the next one.
12. 03:06:146 (1,2) = Move down 2 a bit to make it flow better. Flow seems alright to me.

1. 00:21:675 (1,2) - Try to make the curve sections(aka white dots) the same.
2. 00:25:910 (1,3) - Make the head of 3 stack on the tail of 1 to make it look better.
3. 00:38:616 (1,2) - Change the curvature of 1 or the placement of 2 to make it flow better. I don't see anything wrong with it.
4. 00:47:793 (2,3) - Same issue as #3. Again, I don't really see a problem.
5. 00:54:675 (3,4) - ^ Same.
6. 01:09:675 (1,2) - Try to make them parallel.
7. 01:33:322 (2,2) - Same issue as #2.
8. 02:03:322 (1,2) - Same issue as #6.
9. 02:53:263 (3,4) - Change the placement of 4 to fit 02:52:028 (2,1), or vice versa.
10. 03:02:616 (1,2,1,2) - Their angles look unpleasant in gameplay. I think you should parallel them, or do something else to make it look better.
11. 03:21:498 (1) - I think you can curve the slider downwards instead. I think it's fine. Changing directions like that isn't very hard to follow,
and I think it looks better.

1. 00:10:381 (1,2) - Try to make the curve sections(aka white dots) the same.
2. 00:50:263 (2,3,4) - Not sure if they really need to be curved. I made an adjustment, but not this one. I still need to work the over-all aesthetics of Hard: there's a lot of gook that needs patching up.
3. 01:45:322 (5) - You should make it parallel to the adjacent sliders.
4. 02:55:910 (2,3) - Move up 3, or move down 2.
5. 02:58:028 (4,5,6) - You may make it a equilateral triangle.
6. 03:00:322 (2,3,1) - 1 is not parallel to 2.
7. 03:05:263 (1) - Make it less curvy upwards, but then the afterwards notes need to be tweaked as well to keep appropriate distance.
8. 03:23:440 (3,4,5) - Same suggestion as #5. What I have is more comfortable than an equilateral triangle. Plus, it emphasizes (5), which is the strongest note in the phrase.

1. 00:31:028 (3,4) - Try to make them not overlap. Again, this is fine.
2. 00:36:851 (2,3) - Not sure if 3 should incline like that, but not parallel with 2.
3. 00:38:263 (7,8) - This I think the 8 should probably be parallel with 7.
4. 01:09:498 (1) - Maybe move it a bit left.
5. 01:43:557 (1) - Flip it vertically. Then it would go off-screen.
6. 03:17:969 (5) - Maybe also curve it as in 1 and 3? That wasn't my idea when I made that pattern: my idea was to have each slider be different. The third is the most different because the vocals are the most different in terms of inflections.

Your map's pretty fun to play. Keep up with it!! :D Thank you very much!
No comment = Fixed. Thank you for the suggestions!
hi, sorry i´m super late :D

m4m q: t/601442
link to my map:

some minor issues i found with the top diffs:


00:07:204 (3,1) - blanket off
00:08:793 (1,2,3) - ^
00:10:381 (1,2,3) - why do you change spacing so suddenly?
00:16:028 (1) - may make sense if the timing changes, but not here imo
00:26:881 - blanket´s off
00:28:028 (2) - same as before
00:29:087 (2,4) - this overlap should be 1/2 exactly
00:42:851 (1,3) - overlap´s off
00:45:322 (4,1) - it looks cleaner to draw the slider along the approach circle
00:53:969 - here you use minimal spacing for the 1/1 then afterward you use larger ds, i´d stick to one way
00:55:381 - there´s a downbeat here, make this clickable
01:03:145 (2,3) - stack´s a tiny bit off
01:28:910 (2) - 1/2 overlap with 01:30:145 (3)
01:56:263 (1,2,3) - blanket better
01:58:733 (4,1) - whoa, this gap is really big compared to pretty much the rest of the map
02:10:021 (4,1) - ^
02:58:028 (4,5,6) - i can pretty much see without checking the triangle´s not equilateral (as i assume it was meant to be)
03:09:498 (1,2) - this could be blanketed
03:17:263 (3,4) - ^
03:17:792 (4,1) - overlap´s a tiny bit off


00:03:146 (1) - overlap with 00:01:910 (1) ´s tail (if you don´t mind moving the whole pattern)
00:08:263 (3,4,5) - make these equilateral?
00:10:204 (5) - 1/2 overlap is better imo
00:17:263 (4) - overlap with 00:16:028 (1)
00:20:440 - should be followed with a slider like in a previous case (plus you missed a downbeat)
00:23:440 - could be created by copypasting; i can see the ds is unequal
00:26:263 (6,7) - blanket this better
00:28:028 (2,3) - make these copypasted
00:31:557 - missed downbeat
00:32:969 (1) - space this out more for a downbeat
00:34:028 (4,5,1) - make them equilateral
00:35:263 (6,7,8) - ^
00:49:204 - there´s a super loud "whoosh" sound here
00:50:263 (2,3,4) - geometrically off
00:56:263 (3,4,5) - make these equilateral
00:56:793 (1) - blanket off
01:04:381 (4) - curve the slider more
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4) - off geometry
01:10:734 (4,5,6) - make these equilateral
01:20:440 (2) - overlap the tail with 01:18:675 (2,3)
01:23:793 (1,2) - make them copypasted
01:24:322 (2,3,1) - blanket this better
01:33:322 (3) - this slider should be heading down
01:34:910 (5,3) - overlap these
01:36:851 (2) - there´s a finish here yet you used clap
01:40:734 - the 2 following combos are unnecesarily long
01:44:616 (3,4,5) - make these equilateral
01:48:851 (4,1,3) - blanket better
01:51:322 (2,3,4) - lower the spacing
01:59:969 (4) - this is a clearly different tone from the vocal so you could try at least a different slider shape
02:04:734 (1,2) - the high spacing and a new combo confused me, looks like a 1/1 spacing gap imo
02:11:263 (4) - split into two objects
02:14:969 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - the jumps are ok but they lack organisation
02:21:498 (1,2) - blanket´s off
02:24:851 - this beat should be clickable
02:28:734 - the comboing is weird here
03:01:557 (1,2,1) - the spacing among these should be more or less equal
03:16:557 - what is the idea behind equal vocals given different shapes?
03:19:557 (1) - overlap with 03:18:675 (2)


00:01:911 (1,2) - these two would be better off copypasted
00:04:735 (1,2) - the ds is too big imo
00:11:440 (5) - this hitcircle needs more spacing
00:14:793 (2) - half overlap with 00:13:911 (3) ´s tail?
00:18:499 (4,5,1) - equilateral triangle here
00:21:676 (1,2) - these could be copypasted as well
00:32:440 (4) - any reason why this slider is visibly more curved?
00:33:676 (4) - half overlap with 00:32:793
00:34:205 (7) - ^ with 00:34:910 (4,5,1)
00:48:852 (2) - ctrl+j and move up
00:55:029 (6) - change into 2 circles
01:02:264 (6) - place in between 01:01:735 (3,4)
01:08:087 (1,3) - blanket this better; try to use the approach circle for help
01:22:205 (4,6) - ^
01:39:146 (5,1) - ^
01:41:440 (3,4,5) - make into an equilateral triangle
01:44:793 (4,7,8,9) - overlap
02:04:911 (2) i´d try to avoid overlapping here
02:22:205 (3,4) - blanket´s off
02:53:617 (4) - split into 2 notes
03:05:264 (1,2,3,4) - pretty inconsistent spacing wise
03:07:558 (3) - overlap with 03:06:499 (6)
03:08:264 (1,2) - lower the spacing maybe, the 1/4 gap isn´t obvious
03:11:617 (4,7) - blanket´s off
03:19:558 (1,2,3) - make an equilateral triangle here

Overally a nice work. Hope to see it ranked!
Topic Starter

AlphaDude95 wrote:

hi, sorry i´m super late :D

m4m q: t/601442
link to my map:

some minor issues i found with the top diffs:


00:07:204 (3,1) - blanket off Understand that this isn't supposed to be a perfect blanket: it's supposed to go over the side with the slider leading into it. I did make a slight adjustment though.
00:08:793 (1,2,3) - ^
00:10:381 (1,2,3) - why do you change spacing so suddenly? It didn't seem that drastic to me, but I made a change.
00:16:028 (1) - may make sense if the timing changes, but not here imo I don't really see a problem; it emphasizes the vocals.
00:26:881 - blanket´s off
00:28:028 (2) - same as before :/
00:29:087 (2,4) - this overlap should be 1/2 exactly
00:42:851 (1,3) - overlap´s off
00:45:322 (4,1) - it looks cleaner to draw the slider along the approach circle
00:53:969 - here you use minimal spacing for the 1/1 then afterward you use larger ds, i´d stick to one way I brought (4) a bit closer to (5),
but the spacing seemed fine to me otherwise.

00:55:381 - there´s a downbeat here, make this clickable There's a pick-up for the vocals, but nothing else. I can either map to the vocals or map to the instruments. I decided to map to the instruments to this difficulty.
01:03:145 (2,3) - stack´s a tiny bit off Huh, how did that happen?
01:28:910 (2) - 1/2 overlap with 01:30:145 (3)
01:56:263 (1,2,3) - blanket better
01:58:733 (4,1) - whoa, this gap is really big compared to pretty much the rest of the map
02:10:021 (4,1) - ^ This one's actually not that far. It's the same distance as the very first one.
02:58:028 (4,5,6) - i can pretty much see without checking the triangle´s not equilateral (as i assume it was meant to be)
03:09:498 (1,2) - this could be blanketed
03:17:263 (3,4) - ^
03:17:792 (4,1) - overlap´s a tiny bit off Didn't seem off to me.


00:03:146 (1) - overlap with 00:01:910 (1) ´s tail (if you don´t mind moving the whole pattern) Achieved by moving the much shorter and disconnected stream pattern, although the distance between the objects was great enough that I don't think it was worth the effort.
00:08:263 (3,4,5) - make these equilateral? I actually wanted to use spacing to highlight the first two beats over the third. I modified it to make that a bit clearer.
00:10:204 (5) - 1/2 overlap is better imo
00:17:263 (4) - overlap with 00:16:028 (1) I don't want to change the spacing.
00:20:440 - should be followed with a slider like in a previous case (plus you missed a downbeat) I'm mapping to the vocals here, though.
00:23:440 - could be created by copypasting; i can see the ds is unequal I actually came up with a different way to map this just now; it more clearly maps to the vocals.
00:26:263 (6,7) - blanket this better
00:28:028 (2,3) - make these copypasted
00:31:557 - missed downbeat
00:32:969 (1) - space this out more for a downbeat
00:34:028 (4,5,1) - make them equilateral
00:35:263 (6,7,8) - ^
00:49:204 - there´s a super loud "whoosh" sound here
00:50:263 (2,3,4) - geometrically off
00:56:263 (3,4,5) - make these equilateral
00:56:793 (1) - blanket off
01:04:381 (4) - curve the slider more I think I made a modification on my own that nullifies this. Sorry, I make minor tweaks all the time to this map: never satisfied....
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4) - off geometry
01:10:734 (4,5,6) - make these equilateral I had a better idea that involved variant spacing.
01:20:440 (2) - overlap the tail with 01:18:675 (2,3) That'd be too challenging to do without breaking the spacing.
01:23:793 (1,2) - make them copypasted
01:24:322 (2,3,1) - blanket this better I care more about flow there; blanketing would prematurely change rotations or make the slider too close.
01:33:322 (3) - this slider should be heading down I don't really see that...
01:34:910 (5,3) - overlap these
01:36:851 (2) - there´s a finish here yet you used clap
01:40:734 - the 2 following combos are unnecesarily long Combos are that long for all parts on all difficulties. I do it this way to reflect the slower nature of this part of the song.
01:44:616 (3,4,5) - make these equilateral
01:48:851 (4,1,3) - blanket better
01:51:322 (2,3,4) - lower the spacing
01:59:969 (4) - this is a clearly different tone from the vocal so you could try at least a different slider shape Enough people have complained about this for me to change the pattern. It ends with two overlapped circles now, as do all the others.
02:04:734 (1,2) - the high spacing and a new combo confused me, looks like a 1/1 spacing gap imo I shortened it slightly, but it's an extremely emphasized note.
02:11:263 (4) - split into two objects
02:14:969 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - the jumps are ok but they lack organisation
02:21:498 (1,2) - blanket´s off
02:24:851 - this beat should be clickable I hear one distinct note from the electric guitar.
02:28:734 - the comboing is weird here
03:01:557 (1,2,1) - the spacing among these should be more or less equal
03:16:557 - what is the idea behind equal vocals given different shapes? 1: It's more clear that there are sliders than if there would be if there were direct overlap. 2: the third line is most distinct, so it is straight rather than curved.
03:19:557 (1) - overlap with 03:18:675 (2) That would force it closer and with a harsher angle.


00:01:911 (1,2) - these two would be better off copypasted
00:04:735 (1,2) - the ds is too big imo
00:11:440 (5) - this hitcircle needs more spacing It's not an emphasized beat.
00:14:793 (2) - half overlap with 00:13:911 (3) ´s tail? Made my own adjustment
00:18:499 (4,5,1) - equilateral triangle here I increased the spacing instead, for emphasis.
00:21:676 (1,2) - these could be copypasted as well
00:32:440 (4) - any reason why this slider is visibly more curved? Yes, because I messed up. Fixed.
00:33:676 (4) - half overlap with 00:32:793
00:34:205 (7) - ^ with 00:34:910 (4,5,1)
00:48:852 (2) - ctrl+j and move up This is intentionally uncomfortable.
00:55:029 (6) - change into 2 circles
01:02:264 (6) - place in between 01:01:735 (3,4)
01:08:087 (1,3) - blanket this better; try to use the approach circle for help I won't blanket it, but I did increase the curvature
01:22:205 (4,6) - ^ I opted to overlap with a previous circle instead.
01:39:146 (5,1) - ^ This decreases the curvature more than I want: I don't like the way the slider looks.
01:41:440 (3,4,5) - make into an equilateral triangle
01:44:793 (4,7,8,9) - overlap
02:04:911 (2) i´d try to avoid overlapping here Seems fine to me. :/
02:22:205 (3,4) - blanket´s off
02:53:617 (4) - split into 2 notes
03:05:264 (1,2,3,4) - pretty inconsistent spacing wise
03:07:558 (3) - overlap with 03:06:499 (6)
03:08:264 (1,2) - lower the spacing maybe, the 1/4 gap isn´t obvious
03:11:617 (4,7) - blanket´s off
03:19:558 (1,2,3) - make an equilateral triangle here

Overally a nice work. Hope to see it ranked!
No comment = Fixed, thank you very much!
Sorry for the delay, finally got some times here
• You have a conflict source here.
• 00:59:793 (2) - Bad blanket here tho
• 01:02:263 (2) - Not a big deal but the touching sliderend feels bad. Maybe you could adjust it a bit
• 01:08:087 (3) - You strictly followed the vocal here, but why not 01:09:675 (1) - here? It should start on 01:09:498 - if you know what I mean
• 02:03:322 (1) - Same thing here, and the other few mores after this
• 01:26:616 (1) - You should use less anchor here. Firstly when you do that, the shape would look like a glitch, even while playing you can notice that. Isn't this enough?
• 02:08:793 (1) - This slider looks messy tho. The 02:07:557 (3) - didn't fully fade away but this slider faded in already. I'd recommend a new pattern tho
• 02:23:793 (2) - Imo this slider flows better
• 02:42:851 (1,2,3) - This is a dangerous pattern tho. Mostly players might not notice (2) and skip it to click 3, because that's where the flow is going. Ctrl + G (1) is a better choice tho
• 03:21:675 (3) - No stack with 03:19:204 (4) - ?
• 00:03:146 (3) - I'd use the same shape with 00:01:910 (1) - for better aesthetics tho
• 00:05:969 (3) - I highly not recommended this since players at this diff could not read it properly, so they hardly know if it's 1/2 or 1/1 or even 1/4? Overlapping might be a better idea than stack, like 00:11:087 (3,4) - this
• 00:20:432 - imo the hitfinish sounds weird, maybe remove it? If you're using it to represent the vocal then you should not
• 00:23:793 (4) - If you're following the vocal, then what does this slider represent for? I think just a circle would be enough
• 01:01:028 (1) - the sliderend is not properly stacked.
• 01:25:734 (5) - Same goes, and you should check if there is still more
• 00:01:557 (4,5,6,7) - these even have higher spacing than 01:54:146 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - altho the second stream is stronger? You might wanna reduce it
• 00:03:146 (1) - You're increasing spacing for this but not 00:03:851 (3) - this?
• Ye those are just small examples for the awkward spacing I found in your map
• 00:51:851 (3,1) - These should be a 1/1 slider tho. The gap in between feels empty
• 00:53:087 (4,5,6) - hmm what about this?
• 01:42:146 (5,5) - Nc for these are fine tho. 10 might be too much
• 01:54:146 (3) - Why does this have 0.78x spacing while others are 0.71?
• 02:05:969 (1) - You didn't stack this at 01:01:028 (1) - so why did you do here?
• 03:16:557 (1,3,5) - These feels weird tho. they don't really express the song with those slider shape
Topic Starter

Yamicchi wrote:

Sorry for the delay, finally got some times here
• You have a conflict source here. What the heck? That's not what it is in the Beatmap listing. Okay, fixed.
• 00:59:793 (2) - Bad blanket here tho Fixed.
• 01:02:263 (2) - Not a big deal but the touching sliderend feels bad. Maybe you could adjust it a bit I can't seem to find anything wrong with it.
• 01:08:087 (3) - You strictly followed the vocal here, but why not 01:09:675 (1) - here? It should start on 01:09:498 - if you know what I mean I guess I thought it'd be easier, but no, you're right. By fixing this, though, I'll have to fix every other instance of it, which I will do. If you bring it up later, I'll just pass it over.
• 02:03:322 (1) - Same thing here, and the other few mores after this Ah. These are easy to fix, so no biggie.
• 01:26:616 (1) - You should use less anchor here. Firstly when you do that, the shape would look like a glitch, even while playing you can notice that. Isn't this enough? I have a bad intuition with spiral shapes and beziers. I didn't know excess anchors cause errors; I reduced it.
• 02:08:793 (1) - This slider looks messy tho. The 02:07:557 (3) - didn't fully fade away but this slider faded in already. I'd recommend a new pattern tho The overlap was intentional. However, it isn't as symmetrical as it could be, so I fixed that.
• 02:23:793 (2) - Imo this slider flows better All of the sliders in the guitar solo are bent. I made it more symmetrical, though.
• 02:42:851 (1,2,3) - This is a dangerous pattern tho. Mostly players might not notice (2) and skip it to click 3, because that's where the flow is going. Ctrl + G (1) is a better choice tho Fixed, thank you.
• 03:21:675 (3) - No stack with 03:19:204 (4) - ? Fixed, thank you.
• 00:03:146 (3) - I'd use the same shape with 00:01:910 (1) - for better aesthetics tho Done, thank you
• 00:05:969 (3) - I highly not recommended this since players at this diff could not read it properly, so they hardly know if it's 1/2 or 1/1 or even 1/4? Overlapping might be a better idea than stack, like 00:11:087 (3,4) - this Fixed.
• 00:20:432 - imo the hitfinish sounds weird, maybe remove it? If you're using it to represent the vocal then you should not Done, I thought I had gotten rid of it earlier.
• 00:23:793 (4) - If you're following the vocal, then what does this slider represent for? I think just a circle would be enough I had it there to reflect the blooming piano after the voice receded, however, I think your suggestion is better for this difficulty is better.
• 01:01:028 (1) - the sliderend is not properly stacked. Wat du hek? I don't even remember intending to stack this. Fixed.
• 01:25:734 (5) - Same goes, and you should check if there is still more Huh, good eye.
• 00:01:557 (4,5,6,7) - these even have higher spacing than 01:54:146 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - altho the second stream is stronger? You might wanna reduce it I increased the spacing on the second stream. The stream length is reflective of the drumroll length.
• 00:03:146 (1) - You're increasing spacing for this but not 00:03:851 (3) - this? My justification for this is the symmetry in the pattern: the melody is the same rhythmically for both sliders so I wanted to express that through a symmetrical slider pattern.
• Ye those are just small examples for the awkward spacing I found in your map
• 00:51:851 (3,1) - These should be a 1/1 slider tho. The gap in between feels empty 1/1 slider would cover up the lyrics that I want to map to. The double overlap is a recurring motif in both Insane and Extra, and it effectively reflects the song, so I don't see a reason to eliminate it. 1/1 gaps separated by circles aren't that bad.
• 00:53:087 (4,5,6) - hmm what about this? Makes sense. Fixed.
• 01:42:146 (5,5) - Nc for these are fine tho. 10 might be too much No change yet, but I'll mull this over. I've intentionally had the combo continue for two measures for my own reasons: namely that it compartmentalizes the bridge into two dominant, similar lines. But it may be a bit unconventional, so I don't know.
• 01:54:146 (3) - Why does this have 0.78x spacing while others are 0.71? Fixed.
• 02:05:969 (1) - You didn't stack this at 01:01:028 (1) - so why did you do here? Oh, fine. I modified the earlier one to make it stack.
It was a lot more work than I had expected.

• 03:16:557 (1,3,5) - These feels weird tho. they don't really express the song with those slider shape Okay, since so many people have risen concerns, I'll change it. I didn't find anything wrong with it, but I'm a complacent man.
Thank you very much!
Hi! Thanks for the m4m
this song makes me soft

  1. uncheck Countdown at Song Setup, unless you did that on purpose, which i dont highly recommend
[Bright and Brilliant]
  1. 00:00:390 (1,2,3) - why no finish hitsound :<
  2. 00:04:095 (4,5) - i think it would be better if u add clap hitsound here instead. same suggestion at 00:04:095 (4,5) - 00:04:095 (4,5) - too
  3. 00:15:919 (1) - only suggestion, better flow if its like this
  4. 00:22:272 (2,1) - when i played this diff, this anti-stack is kinda disturbing bcs the song doesnt indicate any significant change that could be emphasized with this anti-stack. so uh yea i suggest to move 00:22:978 (1) - elsewhere
  5. 00:38:507 (1,2) - i suggest to anti-stack these two instead to make it consistent with 00:35:684 (1,2) -
  6. 00:52:095 (1,2) - man, if you add clap at these two circles it would feel good when you play it. same suggestions at 01:03:389 (1,2) -
  7. 02:24:919 (3) - suggestion for slider's shape

    well there are places where i think the jumps are very extreme but idk its probably just me
  1. 00:00:390 (1,2,3) - why no finish hitsound :<
  2. 00:04:095 - 00:04:272 - 00:06:919 (4,5) - 00:09:742 - 00:09:919 - 00:52:096 (1,2) - its really a shame that you didnt use clap hitsound at these places while you used them at 00:54:919 (4,5) - 01:06:213 (4,5) -
  3. 00:15:213 (1) - new combo here feels weird bcs its still a part of this pattern 00:13:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - so i suggest to remove the new combo
  4. 00:33:566 (3) - it would be better if you use the same shape like 00:33:213 (2) - instead
  5. 01:20:154 (1) - remove new combo
  6. 01:24:213 (2,1) - how many ppl told you to blanket these HAHAHAHHAH OH GOD idk tbh i think theyre fine but if i were you, i'd place them like this
  7. 01:48:213 (3) - only suggestion
gonna continue this later, my battery is dying
EDIT: Mod continuation

  1. 00:03:036 (3,4) - the flow isn't really good here. i'd suggest to tweak this part a bit but that'll require quite a lot of change so idk its up to u
  2. 00:08:683 (3) - minor stuffs, blanket could be better
  3. 00:13:095 (1) - well i know distance snap doesn't give you better position bcs the rhythm gap is quite big, but tbh i'd place this slider somewhere a bit far from previous circle so players won't misread the rhythm
  4. 00:14:507 (4) - i'd suggest to move this slider somewhere else because when this slider appear, the previous slider 00:13:095 (1) - has not disappeared completely so tbh it doesn't look really good.
  5. 00:22:977 (3,1) - same reason like 00:13:095 (1) -
  6. 00:41:330 (1) - only suggestion. i'd move this slider a bit to the left so it'd be kinda symmetrical with previous slider like this
  7. 00:42:036 (2) - also at this part, the previous slider 00:39:918 (3) - still has not disappeared completely too which kinda makes it look ugly during gameplay. i suggest to move this to another place but damn thats a lot of pattern changes so yeah but pls consider
  8. 00:58:271 (1,2) - well maybe this is just my perks but i prefer if these two are not really that close
  9. 01:19:448 (4,1) - stacks are a bit off?
  10. 01:31:095 - add clap at slider's arrow?
  11. 01:34:271 (4,3) - idk if this is intentional or not but this kind of thing is quite uncommon in normal diffs. not telling u to change tho lmao
  12. 02:34:272 - btw how about moving the break here to start at 02:37:095 - ? move your cursor to that 'break' word then you'll see the arrow which could help you move the time where the break starts
  13. 03:18:389 (7) - i suggest to make this slider's shape a bit different, not just normal lenient curve like previous slider, to emphasize the vocal you're following
  1. 00:35:331 (5,1) - these two dont really look good during gameplay because 00:35:331 (5) - has not disappeared completely so it doesnt look neat. i'd suggest something like this
  2. 02:34:272 - same thing about break like in normal diff
  3. 03:04:449 (3,4) - umm idk only suggestion? because i like the circular flow between 03:04:801 (4,1) -
okk i guess thats all. what budges me is the fact that there are places where you can emphasis with clap but you didnt. like, you did it here 00:54:919 - 00:55:095 - but you didn't do it here 00:52:095 - 00:52:272 - but well its still up to u anyway
Hi, decided to mod first because I like the song. Hope this helps:

01:33:566 (2) - You're skipping over sounds/vocals that you mapped correctly in most other parts of the map.

01:46:272 (1) - Here I just have a suggestion. Make this slider curve the other way because here the song starts to ramp up again, in preparation for the next kiai time. The reason I point this out is because from 01:39:037 (3) up until 01:47:331 (2) there's one movement, and that's counter-clockwise. This is appropriate, for example for these 01:42:037 (3,3) because it's a very similar sound.

00:15:390 (3,1) - This placement usually implies a very small gap between the objects. Like a 1/4th gap. But here it's a 1/2 gap. You use this placement here correctly 00:17:154 (1,2,3). Here it's clear that it's not a small gap because there's another hitcircle separating them using the combo numbers.

Might want to revise your combo changes. Sometimes they last long and sometimes they end pretty quickly, when there's no difference in music.

02:18:743 (1,2) - This part is a bit confusing to play just after that particular pattern of circles. Move the hitcircle under the sliderend and after the slider in the timeline. Or just Ctrl+G and flip horizontally.

02:19:272 (3,4) - Same here. (After you flip make sure to move back into place)

00:43:272 (3) - Make this a reverse slider 1/4th of a beat long?

02:05:507 (2) - Move so it's doesn't stack with 02:04:801 (2)

02:18:743 (1,2) - Same as with the Hard difficulty. Swap the position of these in the timeline and move the circle under the slider end.

02:34:096 (6) - NC?

02:53:860 (1) - Change to a curved slider instead of a double-anchored one. For other similar sounds you used curved sliders and there's nothing different about this slider

[Bright and Brilliant]
00:11:154 (4,5,6) - The angle that these form is a bit too sharp. I see that #6 is emphasized which is good but moving it a little to the right would help

01:24:742 (4,1) - Blanket?

01:37:272 (3,4) - Very minor thing but, if you look at the follow point and the line that defines the slider, the second anchor point of the slider is a bit too high. This is really noticeable with follow points turned on. Otherwise, not so important.

I'm noticing in this part of the song (around 01:40:000 and forward) the new combos are inconsistent.

02:43:448 (3,5) - Unstack and separate?

02:54:566 (3,5) - Stack here because it goes from larger to smaller spacing. Either keep the spacing the same or do the opposite, make it larger from smaller.

That's pretty much it. Sorry for the length of this mod, other notes are just suggestions that are probably wrong.
You might want to check/change the name of the song file because, in each diff's file if Japanese characters exist the diff won't play the song. After removing them, it works.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

jyu wrote:

Hi! Thanks for the m4m
this song makes me soft I sure hope that's a good thing...

  1. uncheck Countdown at Song Setup, unless you did that on purpose, which i dont highly recommend I'm surprised it got this far without anyone noticing. Fixed.
[Bright and Brilliant]
  1. 00:00:390 (1,2,3) - why no finish hitsound :< I don't really like the way that hitsound sounds on these notes. I don't want to muddy the hi-hat in the song with sleigh bells.
  2. 00:04:095 (4,5) - i think it would be better if u add clap hitsound here instead. same suggestion at 00:04:095 (4,5) - 00:04:095 (4,5) - too Hey, those all link to the same parts in the map. I kept what I have; I only hitsound to the background claps in a choice section of the map that I explicitly mapped to the claps as well. I'm mapping to the drums here.
  3. 00:15:919 (1) - only suggestion, better flow if its like this Adjustment made.
  4. 00:22:272 (2,1) - when i played this diff, this anti-stack is kinda disturbing bcs the song doesnt indicate any significant change that could be emphasized with this anti-stack. so uh yea i suggest to move 00:22:978 (1) - elsewhere I have it there because it marks a change in what I'm mapping:
    I was mapping to the vocals, and then I switched to mapping the guitar.
  5. 00:38:507 (1,2) - i suggest to anti-stack these two instead to make it consistent with 00:35:684 (1,2) - Okay.
  6. 00:52:095 (1,2) - man, if you add clap at these two circles it would feel good when you play it. same suggestions at 01:03:389 (1,2) - I much prefer to contain the clap hitsound to the louder claps that I explicitly map to. I'm mapping to the vocals here, so I don't want to obfuscate it with the more boisterous hitsound.
  7. 02:24:919 (3) - suggestion for slider's shape Suggestion applied.

    well there are places where i think the jumps are very extreme but idk its probably just me
  1. 00:00:390 (1,2,3) - why no finish hitsound :< Because I don't want it. :(
  2. 00:04:095 - 00:04:272 - 00:06:919 (4,5) - 00:09:742 - 00:09:919 - 00:52:096 (1,2) - its really a shame that you didnt use clap hitsound at these places while you used them at 00:54:919 (4,5) - 01:06:213 (4,5) - [color=#FF800]I like the clap sound too, but I reserve myself to using them sparingly, so that they're that much nicer when they do show up.[/color]
  3. 00:15:213 (1) - new combo here feels weird bcs its still a part of this pattern 00:13:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - so i suggest to remove the new combo Moved the NC to the 1/1 reverse slider.
  4. 00:33:566 (3) - it would be better if you use the same shape like 00:33:213 (2) - instead Yes, I agree.
  5. 01:20:154 (1) - remove new combo Made the same correction, thanks for pointing it out again.
  6. 01:24:213 (2,1) - how many ppl told you to blanket these HAHAHAHHAH OH GOD idk tbh i think theyre fine but if i were you, i'd place them like this Nobody yet, actually, although I understand the temptation. This would be tricky to blanket because of the mingling of the objects: they're a bit confined. I can't see your image because the puush isn't working, but I changed the slider shape so that it was straight.
  7. 01:48:213 (3) - only suggestion That would cause some overlapping issues that I'd otherwise not want to deal with
gonna continue this later, my battery is dying
EDIT: Mod continuation

  1. 00:03:036 (3,4) - the flow isn't really good here. i'd suggest to tweak this part a bit but that'll require quite a lot of change so idk its up to u Fixed, the goose chase wasn't that bad.
  2. 00:08:683 (3) - minor stuffs, blanket could be better
  3. 00:13:095 (1) - well i know distance snap doesn't give you better position bcs the rhythm gap is quite big, but tbh i'd place this slider somewhere a bit far from previous circle so players won't misread the rhythm I don't need strict time distance equality, but I did change the location of the slider.
  4. 00:14:507 (4) - i'd suggest to move this slider somewhere else because when this slider appear, the previous slider 00:13:095 (1) - has not disappeared completely so tbh it doesn't look really good. Well you told me to change the location of it before and I did change the location of it, so we're good here.
  5. 00:22:977 (3,1) - same reason like 00:13:095 (1) - Yeah, I was thinking this when I looked through it. Fix made.
  6. 00:41:330 (1) - only suggestion. i'd move this slider a bit to the left so it'd be kinda symmetrical with previous slider like this Fixed.
  7. 00:42:036 (2) - also at this part, the previous slider 00:39:918 (3) - still has not disappeared completely too which kinda makes it look ugly during gameplay. i suggest to move this to another place but damn thats a lot of pattern changes so yeah but pls consider Ah, my boy: the trick is to look the other direction. I changed the location of these guys 00:39:566 (2,3,1) instead, and the overlap was eliminated.
  8. 00:58:271 (1,2) - well maybe this is just my perks but i prefer if these two are not really that close I don't see anything wrong with what I have.
  9. 01:19:448 (4,1) - stacks are a bit off? Fix.
  10. 01:31:095 - add clap at slider's arrow? Ah, yes! Hitsound copier didn't get this because the other difficulties had a 3/2 slider there.
  11. 01:34:271 (4,3) - idk if this is intentional or not but this kind of thing is quite uncommon in normal diffs. not telling u to change tho lmao I'm not bothered by it myself. I'll see if later mods complain, though. I'm easy to persuade.
  12. 02:34:272 - btw how about moving the break here to start at 02:37:095 - ? move your cursor to that 'break' word then you'll see the arrow which could help you move the time where the break starts I don't really see how it changes things, but fix made.
  13. 03:18:389 (7) - i suggest to make this slider's shape a bit different, not just normal lenient curve like previous slider, to emphasize the vocal you're following Fixed.
  1. 00:35:331 (5,1) - these two dont really look good during gameplay because 00:35:331 (5) - has not disappeared completely so it doesnt look neat. i'd suggest something like this Fixed.
  2. 02:34:272 - same thing about break like in normal diff Okay.
  3. 03:04:449 (3,4) - umm idk only suggestion? because i like the circular flow between 03:04:801 (4,1) - Edit made.
okk i guess thats all. what budges me is the fact that there are places where you can emphasis with clap but you didnt. like, you did it here 00:54:919 - 00:55:095 - but you didn't do it here 00:52:095 - 00:52:272 - but well its still up to u anyway

LimePixel wrote:

Hi, decided to mod first because I like the song. Hope this helps: You actually didn't mod first I don't think because I'm a speed demon, but I thank you for the quick mod nonetheless!

01:33:566 (2) - You're skipping over sounds/vocals that you mapped correctly in most other parts of the map. I'm mapping to the guitar at this part.

01:46:272 (1) - Here I just have a suggestion. Make this slider curve the other way because here the song starts to ramp up again, in preparation for the next kiai time. The reason I point this out is because from 01:39:037 (3) up until 01:47:331 (2) there's one movement, and that's counter-clockwise. This is appropriate, for example for these 01:42:037 (3,3) because it's a very similar sound. I appreciate the suggestion, but it would require far too much goose chasing to apply it, and I don't think it's at all pressing.

00:15:390 (3,1) - This placement usually implies a very small gap between the objects. Like a 1/4th gap. But here it's a 1/2 gap. You use this placement here correctly 00:17:154 (1,2,3). Here it's clear that it's not a small gap because there's another hitcircle separating them using the combo numbers In upper level difficulties, full overlaps are actually used to emphasize particular notes or sounds. In fact, a direct overlap like the one that I did has to be 1/2 or higher because otherwise it would have stacked.

Might want to revise your combo changes. Sometimes they last long and sometimes they end pretty quickly, when there's no difference in music. I looked through and made the edits that I wanted, though many that you're probably upset with are intentional.

02:18:743 (1,2) - This part is a bit confusing to play just after that particular pattern of circles. Move the hitcircle under the sliderend and after the slider in the timeline. Or just Ctrl+G and flip horizontally. I made the pattern a bit easier to follow by making it more staggered, but I don't like the idea you suggested.

02:19:272 (3,4) - Same here. (After you flip make sure to move back into place) No change made.

00:43:272 (3) - Make this a reverse slider 1/4th of a beat long? That rhythm makes no sense to me. I think you mean half a beat, but even that doesn't really make sense. I'm mapping to that "tachiagaru kara" in the muffled background.

02:05:507 (2) - Move so it's doesn't stack with 02:04:801 (2) No, I very much want this to stack.

02:18:743 (1,2) - Same as with the Hard difficulty. Swap the position of these in the timeline and move the circle under the slider end. No change.

02:34:096 (6) - NC? It's easier to read without one.

02:53:860 (1) - Change to a curved slider instead of a double-anchored one. For other similar sounds you used curved sliders and there's nothing different about this slider The anchor helps streamline to the next slider: it does this better than a curved slider would.

[Bright and Brilliant]
00:11:154 (4,5,6) - The angle that these form is a bit too sharp. I see that #6 is emphasized which is good but moving it a little to the right would help Okay, fixed.

01:24:742 (4,1) - Blanket? Okay.

01:37:272 (3,4) - Very minor thing but, if you look at the follow point and the line that defines the slider, the second anchor point of the slider is a bit too high. This is really noticeable with follow points turned on. Otherwise, not so important. Fixed.

I'm noticing in this part of the song (around 01:40:000 and forward) the new combos are inconsistent. Looked through and fixed the ones I wanted to fix.

02:43:448 (3,5) - Unstack and separate? Hmm, okay.

02:54:566 (3,5) - Stack here because it goes from larger to smaller spacing. Either keep the spacing the same or do the opposite, make it larger from smaller. I don't really see a reason for this.

That's pretty much it. Sorry for the length of this mod, other notes are just suggestions that are probably wrong.
You might want to check/change the name of the song file because, in each diff's file if Japanese characters exist the diff won't play the song. After removing them, it works.

Good luck!
Thank you both very much for the mods!
Topic Starter
Oh, and by the way, I changed the mp3 name. It should work now.
m4m queue w

00:49:625 (1,2,3) - this pattern fits better >
00:58:096 (1,2) - ^ >
01:37:802 (1) - move to the left so the end circle doesnt overlap with 01:36:743 (4) - 's end circle
01:53:155 (2) - turn this into > for a circular flow or better aesthetic
01:54:566 (1,2,3) - same as 00:49:625 (1,2,3) -
02:03:037 (1,2) - same as 00:58:096 (1,2) -
02:28:625 (1,2) - ctrl+j 1 so that it wont touch each other
02:48:213 (1,2,3) - same as 00:49:625 (1,2,3) -
03:14:508 (2) - place this here instead >

00:31:448 (3) - other diffs has finish hitsound here but not in this diff ( also do this to insane )
01:03:742 (1) - good circular flow if you change slider shape >
01:10:978 (1) - improve blanket
01:34:272 (4,1,2) - this might be too much for normal diff
02:42:213 (1,1) - the vocal starts at > 02:42:566 remove the reverse and make the slider half a beat longer

00:37:096 (4,4) - nc, since after them is a fast part that is far from 00:35:684 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 's pace
00:53:860 (1,2,3) - this part should be a slider >
00:58:272 (1,2,3,4) - two 1/1 sliders would probably fit better here
01:05:154 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
01:26:860 (2) - ctrl+g
01:42:037 (4,4) - 00:37:096 (4,4) -
01:58:801 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
02:10:096 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
02:31:978 (1,1) - remove nc
02:52:449 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
03:25:625 (1) - remove nc

02:17:331 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - add something like a volume buildup > like

bright and brilliant
02:17:331 (1) - its on 1/3
02:17:331 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - add something like a volume buildup

good song and map
good luck on ranking
Topic Starter

KantanDez wrote:

m4m queue w

00:49:625 (1,2,3) - this pattern fits better > Fixed every instance of it.
00:58:096 (1,2) - ^ > Fixed.
01:37:802 (1) - move to the left so the end circle doesnt overlap with 01:36:743 (4) - 's end circle I actually like the way it looks overlapped.
01:53:155 (2) - turn this into > for a circular flow or better aesthetic Fixed.
01:54:566 (1,2,3) - same as 00:49:625 (1,2,3) -
02:03:037 (1,2) - same as 00:58:096 (1,2) -
02:28:625 (1,2) - ctrl+j 1 so that it wont touch each other They're not touching though.
02:48:213 (1,2,3) - same as 00:49:625 (1,2,3) -
03:14:508 (2) - place this here instead > Fixed.

00:31:448 (3) - other diffs has finish hitsound here but not in this diff ( also do this to insane ) I keep on changing the objects in this map;
I should probably do a full hitsound copy again one of these days.

01:03:742 (1) - good circular flow if you change slider shape > Fixed.
01:10:978 (1) - improve blanket Fixed.
01:34:272 (4,1,2) - this might be too much for normal diff Okay. :/
02:42:213 (1,1) - the vocal starts at > 02:42:566 remove the reverse and make the slider half a beat longer I'm mapping to the drum pick-up there. The pattern that follows is consistent with the patterns I had for it before.

00:37:096 (4,4) - nc, since after them is a fast part that is far from 00:35:684 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 's pace Alright. Since I'm aware that this is a consistent NC set-up throughout the map, I'll change it in all spots.
00:53:860 (1,2,3) - this part should be a slider > I prefer what I have.
00:58:272 (1,2,3,4) - two 1/1 sliders would probably fit better here I don't think so. There are bells dinging in the background: I want to highlight each note.
01:05:154 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
01:26:860 (2) - ctrl+g I prefer what I have: it preserves translational symmetry.
01:42:037 (4,4) - 00:37:096 (4,4) -
01:58:801 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
02:10:096 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
02:31:978 (1,1) - remove nc I'm highlighting the syncopation here: I want NC's on each object.
02:52:449 (1,2,3) - 00:53:860 (1,2,3) -
03:25:625 (1) - remove nc Same.

02:17:331 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - add something like a volume buildup > like Okay

bright and brilliant
02:17:331 (1) - its on 1/3 Fixed
02:17:331 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - add something like a volume buildup Fixed.

good song and map
good luck on ranking
Thank you!
M4M from my queue.


00:38:154 (5) - I'd move it down a little so that they make a more natural flow (like so)
00:39:919 (1,5) - stack?
00:53:860 (1,2,3) - this would be better imo
01:01:449 (2,3,4) - triangular flow would be a bit more flowy
01:48:213 (3) - I feel like following the BGM music would be better here (just like here 01:46:978 (3,4,5,6) - )
01:46:978 (3,2) - how about you stack this btw?
02:17:684 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - either move (6,7) farther away or make them spaced equally in a triangle shape
02:58:272 (1,1) - I'd much rather see these two stacked onto each other, maybe reorganise the flow there?
03:10:449 (4,5,2,3) - stack
03:16:449 (1,3,5) - how about you curve the first slider a little more and then gradually straighten the next two as the vocals increase in intensity?

Bright and Brilliant

00:01:095 (3,4) - increase spacing, it's an entirely new part of the song and deserves that kick in difficulty imo
00:14:331 (1,2) - just copypaste one of them so that they look identical
00:50:684 (5,6) - come on, this is a kiai section, give the jumps a little more power by increasing spacing there!
02:14:860 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - dirty pp farmers exclusive™
02:23:860 (4,1) - stack it lol
02:57:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - dirty pp farmers exclusive vol.2™
03:07:095 (1,2,3) - I like how you used the same slider shape for HEY's in both diffs

All from me, good luck

Btw, your mod was a little harsh but helpful, ty.
Topic Starter

[Nemesis] wrote:

M4M from my queue.


00:38:154 (5) - I'd move it down a little so that they make a more natural flow (like so) Fixed.
00:39:919 (1,5) - stack? Fixed.
00:53:860 (1,2,3) - this would be better imo If you pay attention to the (4) note, you'll find that they form a perfect square. There's a common lending to 4-fold symmetry whenever this part of the chorus comes up.
01:01:449 (2,3,4) - triangular flow would be a bit more flowy I have the "kurukuru" part a bit less fluid in this difficulty because I feel the vocals are slightly harsher than "kirakira."
01:48:213 (3) - I feel like following the BGM music would be better here (just like here 01:46:978 (3,4,5,6) - ) I'm following the drums at that part, actually. There's a break on the 1/1 slider that I'm mapping to. Conveniently, the background vocals overlap as well.
01:46:978 (3,2) - how about you stack this btw? I don't think you highlighted the right things? I stacked 01:46:625 (2,1) though.
02:17:684 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - either move (6,7) farther away or make them spaced equally in a triangle shape I increased the spacing disparity for buildup purposes.
02:58:272 (1,1) - I'd much rather see these two stacked onto each other, maybe reorganise the flow there? I don't really see a problem.
03:10:449 (4,5,2,3) - stack Fix.
03:16:449 (1,3,5) - how about you curve the first slider a little more and then gradually straighten the next two as the vocals increase in intensity? Hm, okay. They're concentric now.

Bright and Brilliant

00:01:095 (3,4) - increase spacing, it's an entirely new part of the song and deserves that kick in difficulty imo I was just thinking about this the other day but I didn't get around to fixing it!
00:14:331 (1,2) - just copypaste one of them so that they look identical Fixed.
00:50:684 (5,6) - come on, this is a kiai section, give the jumps a little more power by increasing spacing there! okay.
02:14:860 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - dirty pp farmers exclusive™ I didn't make this pattern with the intent of high pp, I just like the aesthetic of (1, 2)
(1, 2) patterns. Do you think it should be modified, or is it fine? I can personally justify the rhythm choice, but I've been thinking lately that there might be better alternatives.

02:23:860 (4,1) - stack it lol Grr, those sneaky buggers.
02:57:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - dirty pp farmers exclusive vol.2™
03:07:095 (1,2,3) - I like how you used the same slider shape for HEY's in both diffs Thanks!

All from me, good luck

Btw, your mod was a little harsh but helpful, ty. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be too harsh. It's just that it's not always the most prudent idea to spend so much time on a map as complex as yours when you have so little experience. A lot of the main points I pointed out were the same mistakes that I had made early on when making this map, and it took a lot of effort to work out the mistakes myself and get them fixed.

Thank you very much!
From m4m queue!

00:35:684 - I don't agree with the volume decrease, as more intruments are introduced and the overall music is louder
If there's no video/SB you should turn off widescreen support on all diffs

Not a big deal, but in the future try to use the full grid. If you press ctrl + A there's lots of space that you didn't use and everything feels so centered. Don't be afraid!
00:19:802 (2,3) - could be better (look at the approach circle) then reposition 00:21:213 (4) - as well
00:53:331 (2,4) - pretty unappealing overlap. Can be avoided
01:00:919 - starting here until the break, everything you map goes in a complete circle and I feel like you could use more variety. Maybe starting at 01:06:742 - change directions, idk. I just feel like this diff is pretty stale in terms of
01:09:566 - I feel like this needs to be clickable, since you arent mapping vocals before (similar to 01:06:566 - / 01:06:742 - ) which means an object can go 01:09:213 - too. You map instruments in normal diff for these parts too so it's logical
01:10:978 (1) - no need for NC tbh
01:31:802 (4,1,2) - ehhh
01:37:802 (1,2,3) - this flow just feels awkward D: and not to mention overlaps

I really wish you would have mapped this whole diff like 01:18:037 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - It's just so much cleaner and flows really well. Mostly everything else just feels randomly placed and there's no real flow to it.

02:02:508 (4,5) - similar to 01:09:566 -
02:28:625 (1,2) - visual spacing, yeah it's 1.0 DS but you don't have any objects this close to eachother anywhere else D:
02:31:449 (1,2,3) - I like this, cool pattern and fits well
02:51:037 (1,3) - fsdkfd overlaps aren't a huge deal but you REALLY want to avoid them in easy diffs.
03:06:037 (2,3,4) - where did this pattern come from? Everything feels so circular before but just a random stright pattern. Just doesn't work well imo
03:19:096 (4,2) - blanket fix

Again, same as easy. Try to use the full grid! 'ctrl + a' to see what I mean
This diff is much better in terms of flow/patterns + rhythm choice :^)

00:05:331 (2,5) - not very appealing
00:35:684 - I don't agree with the volume decrease, as more intruments are introduced and the overall music is louder
01:31:801 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I don't agree with how clustered this section is.
02:03:919 (2,1) - small DS error
02:11:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - more cluster and no real structure to the patterns in this area. Most of these issues stem back to my point of you not using the entire grid. Not everything has to go in a circle, use your grid wisely :^)

00:20:154 - I feel like this should be mapped. It's a pretty strong sound and it just feels empty
00:50:860 (4,1) - blanket fix
01:31:801 (4,1) - ^ also I feel like you're missing a string note at 01:32:507 - and if you're mapping vocals it would still make sense to do this because he changes the tone in his singing with the strong beat
01:51:213 (3,4,5,1) - same complaint from easy diff. Just a random straight pattern when everything is so circular
02:05:507 (2,1) - spacing? feels off and needs more especially since 02:05:860 (1) - is really strong
02:27:743 (3,1) - same
02:31:978 (2) - remove NC
02:33:037 (1) - ^
03:25:096 (1,2,3,4) - keep this all the same combo

Overall, I would spend some time working on Easy and Normal's aesthetics. I'm seeing a lot of issues. As the diffs go up, they become a lot cleaner so I do see lots of improvement. GL!! ^^
Topic Starter

Ora wrote:

From m4m queue!

00:35:684 - I don't agree with the volume decrease, as more intruments are introduced and the overall music is louder
If there's no video/SB you should turn off widescreen support on all diffs

Not a big deal, but in the future try to use the full grid. If you press ctrl + A there's lots of space that you didn't use and everything feels so centered. Don't be afraid!
00:19:802 (2,3) - could be better (look at the approach circle) then reposition 00:21:213 (4) - as well
00:53:331 (2,4) - pretty unappealing overlap. Can be avoided
01:00:919 - starting here until the break, everything you map goes in a complete circle and I feel like you could use more variety. Maybe starting at 01:06:742 - change directions, idk. I just feel like this diff is pretty stale in terms of
01:09:566 - I feel like this needs to be clickable, since you arent mapping vocals before (similar to 01:06:566 - / 01:06:742 - ) which means an object can go 01:09:213 - too. You map instruments in normal diff for these parts too so it's logical I'm going to have to wait for other opinions on this.
I initially had it the way you described it, but a modder told me that it wasn't desirable. I was mapping to the vocals briefly before it. I don't like the consistency of the alternative you offered: to make it work, I would have needed to map the whole section before it to 1/1 rhythms, which I feel is too dense for this difficulty.

01:10:978 (1) - no need for NC tbh
01:31:802 (4,1,2) - ehhh
01:37:802 (1,2,3) - this flow just feels awkward D: and not to mention overlaps

I really wish you would have mapped this whole diff like 01:18:037 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - It's just so much cleaner and flows really well. Mostly everything else just feels randomly placed and there's no real flow to it.

02:02:508 (4,5) - similar to 01:09:566 -
02:28:625 (1,2) - visual spacing, yeah it's 1.0 DS but you don't have any objects this close to eachother anywhere else D: I think it's just the way it looks: the slider tail of (1) and the slider head of (2) are actually reasonably far apart. If I receive more complaints about it, though, I will make the modification.
02:31:449 (1,2,3) - I like this, cool pattern and fits well Thank you! :D
02:51:037 (1,3) - fsdkfd overlaps aren't a huge deal but you REALLY want to avoid them in easy diffs.
03:06:037 (2,3,4) - where did this pattern come from? Everything feels so circular before but just a random stright pattern. Just doesn't work well imo The contrast in flow is meant to show the contrast in the song. I'm mapping to much stronger sounds than usual here, so I made that section stand out. Naturally, though, I'll change it if others convince me more.
03:19:096 (4,2) - blanket fix

Again, same as easy. Try to use the full grid! 'ctrl + a' to see what I mean
This diff is much better in terms of flow/patterns + rhythm choice :^)

00:05:331 (2,5) - not very appealing
00:35:684 - I don't agree with the volume decrease, as more intruments are introduced and the overall music is louder
01:31:801 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I don't agree with how clustered this section is.
02:03:919 (2,1) - small DS error
02:11:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - more cluster and no real structure to the patterns in this area. Most of these issues stem back to my point of you not using the entire grid. Not everything has to go in a circle, use your grid wisely :^) This is something that I need to internalize in-general. I made the early mistake of not thinking about flow at all, and my response to that mistake was trying to make everything circular flow. It'll take a bit of time to actually open up to more lenient placement options, so for now, I'll try and rely on feedback as my metric.

00:20:154 - I feel like this should be mapped. It's a pretty strong sound and it just feels empty
00:50:860 (4,1) - blanket fix I don't exactly know how to precisely fix this without having an approach circle for reference, but I tried.
01:31:801 (4,1) - ^ also I feel like you're missing a string note at 01:32:507 - and if you're mapping vocals it would still make sense to do this because he changes the tone in his singing with the strong beat The enunciative change in that part is relatively weak, though. It's surrounded by two much stronger changes, so I think this set-up is appropriate. Fixed blanket, though.
01:51:213 (3,4,5,1) - same complaint from easy diff. Just a random straight pattern when everything is so circular I don't know how to map repeated circles in hard mode. :/ Tried something else.
02:05:507 (2,1) - spacing? feels off and needs more especially since 02:05:860 (1) - is really strong
02:27:743 (3,1) - same I don't see anything wrong with this spacing...
02:31:978 (2) - remove NC
02:33:037 (1) - ^ I'm going to keep these for two reasons: firstly, this was a relatively challenging section and the NC's can boost the HP of the player, and secondly, the NC's emphasize the syncopated rhythm more.
03:25:096 (1,2,3,4) - keep this all the same combo I suppose I'll budge on this one, though, since the first reason doesn't appy.

Overall, I would spend some time working on Easy and Normal's aesthetics. I'm seeing a lot of issues. As the diffs go up, they become a lot cleaner so I do see lots of improvement. GL!! ^^
Thank you very much for the mod! Anything without a comment was fixed. Also, I will be paying attention to aesthetics more in these early maps; that was the last thing that I eventually came to grasp in mapping, so bits of my inexpertise still linger.
Hi mod coming from my queue!

Set is already pretty clean, just a few suggestions.


  1. I'm not usually a normal diff modder, but I found an inconsistency at 00:46:625 (5,1) - this is the only full 1/2 overlap in the same song plus it is not emphasized the same way in the second kiai. I understand the lyrics are different, but the basis of the music is the same.


  1. 01:36:390 (1,2,3) - in this part here you could map some sliders focusing more in the vocals than in the drums, as the section feels kinda blank imo
  2. 02:42:213 (1) - It is a hard difficulty after all, you could map this as a triple as it follows the music. Not saying it is wrong as it is.


  1. 00:58:096 (1,2) - You use this kind of overlap for the first time in the map here, what looks inconsistent, try to move the whole pattern away from the first slider so it doesnt look as clustered as it is now.
  2. Movement in 01:43:096 (5,6,1) - feels weird, try to find another way of making movement smoother. I think something like this would work
  3. Playing the map 01:56:507 (2,3,1,2) - feels weird as it is the first time you fully overlap a 1/1 distance snap
  4. 02:13:801 (3,4,5) - Triangle is off, copy paste first 2 objects, rotate them by 60 degrees and then delete the one you overlapped with 4. Should work with that.
  5. 02:17:684 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This is an insane and the music kinda allows it, try to make a different jump pattern, this feels kinda bland. Same complain in 02:45:566 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
  6. 02:24:566 (2,4) - Considering the kind of overlaps you have done through the map this one should be overlapped.
  7. 02:30:037 (6) - NC?


  1. Seems clean for me

Set is already pretty clean. Good luck!
Topic Starter

MrMenda wrote:

Hi mod coming from my queue!

Set is already pretty clean, just a few suggestions.


  1. I'm not usually a normal diff modder, but I found an inconsistency at 00:46:625 (5,1) - this is the only full 1/2 overlap in the same song plus it is not emphasized the same way in the second kiai. I understand the lyrics are different, but the basis of the music is the same. Fixed.


  1. 01:36:390 (1,2,3) - in this part here you could map some sliders focusing more in the vocals than in the drums, as the section feels kinda blank imo I'd rather reflect the drums here, as they're the most rhythmically eye-catching in my opinion.
  2. 02:42:213 (1) - It is a hard difficulty after all, you could map this as a triple as it follows the music. Not saying it is wrong as it is. I'd rather not. I remember having difficulties with even short triplets when I was a hard level payer. Triplets simply aren't a difficulty element in the hard mode of the map.


  1. 00:58:096 (1,2) - You use this kind of overlap for the first time in the map here, what looks inconsistent, try to move the whole pattern away from the first slider so it doesnt look as clustered as it is now. The overlap looks fine to me. It's not hard to read and the flow isn't bad. I'll think about it, though...
  2. Movement in 01:43:096 (5,6,1) - feels weird, try to find another way of making movement smoother. I think something like this would work The pattern you suggested dissolves the emphasis that (1) gets by the obtuse flow.
    It also creates an unpleasant overlap, although that could easily be fixed. The spacing isn't very high, so what I have now shouldn't be tough to play. It's straight-line flow for the sake of emphasis.
  3. Playing the map 01:56:507 (2,3,1,2) - feels weird as it is the first time you fully overlap a 1/1 distance snap This is incorrect. I fully overlap the distance snap every time at that line in the chorus. See 00:51:566 (2,3,1,2) and 01:02:860 (2,3,1,2).
  4. 02:13:801 (3,4,5) - Triangle is off, copy paste first 2 objects, rotate them by 60 degrees and then delete the one you overlapped with 4. Should work with that. The jumps in this section are largely vertical jumps. See 02:12:390 (3,4,5) for a similar pattern right before it. Still, though, I made the structure isosceles.
  5. 02:17:684 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This is an insane and the music kinda allows it, try to make a different jump pattern, this feels kinda bland. Same complain in 02:45:566 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - What do you have against double taps? They seem fine to me in terms of emphasis.
  6. 02:24:566 (2,4) - Considering the kind of overlaps you have done through the map this one should be overlapped. Fixed.
  7. 02:30:037 (6) - NC? This whole part is one combo intentionally: it reflects a singular part of a syncopated rhythm that is reflected through the same structural idea.


  1. Seems clean for me

Set is already pretty clean. Good luck!
Thank you very much for the mod!
from q

you mapping for vocals here but ncing using downbeats:( would be better if you nced accordingly to vocals in my opinion but its fine as it is now i guess. (for example you could nc this 00:29:507 (4) - instead of 00:30:037 (1) - etc.)
00:48:213 (1) - idk for me this is just nc spam, seems unneceserry, just remove it from here and put it on 00:48:742 (2) - instead
02:45:037 (4) - i cant hear such a jump here, reduce to something more relevant to music

01:53:154 (1) - same as for extra

02:31:096 (6) - should increase spacing imo smth like should be ok

hey it is short xd

Mirash wrote:

hey it is short xd
..That's what she said

Me runs
Topic Starter

Mirash wrote:

from q

you mapping for vocals here but ncing using downbeats:( would be better if you nced accordingly to vocals in my opinion but its fine as it is now i guess. (for example you could nc this 00:29:507 (4) - instead of 00:30:037 (1) - etc.) I'll keep what I have for now.
00:48:213 (1) - idk for me this is just nc spam, seems unneceserry, just remove it from here and put it on 00:48:742 (2) - instead That beat is far too important not to NC.
02:45:037 (4) - i cant hear such a jump here, reduce to something more relevant to music Fixed.

01:53:154 (1) - same as for extra Rejected.

02:31:096 (6) - should increase spacing imo smth like should be ok Increased spacing a bit: where you had it,
though, was dubious because it changed the emphasis of the reverse arrow slider after it.

hey it is short xd
Thank you very much!
from my q


  1. there is questionable stuff about metadata. probably the "Source" doesn't need to input anything. if you wanna input the album name, more better to add it into tags. this song is cover ver. from unofficial singer, right? then idk what it should be added the anime title into Source or not. you'd better to confirm someone about metadata.

Bright and Brilliant

  1. 00:12:213 - change to sumpleset drum finish? more suitable so that imo
  2. 00:59:331 (5,6) - it's overdone since 00:59:507 (6) - is very minor sound.
  3. 01:00:742 - why do you ignore this drum sound? in case you put circles on 00:59:684 (1,2,1,2) - which based drum sound, should pick up this sound imo 02:05:684 - ^
  4. 01:10:448 (2,2) - it doesnt look nicely for aesthetic
  5. 01:17:595 (4) - no overmapped ;w;
  6. 02:43:978 (1,3) - unstacked intentional? 03:10:448 (4,5,2,3) - same


  1. 00:57:919 (5,1) - can you increase distance same as 00:56:507 (5,1) - for consistency
  2. 01:00:742 - same as top diff 02:05:684 -
  3. 01:26:860 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - why do you beat 1/2 circles on calm part? i recommend to change 1/2 sliders


  1. 00:31:625 (2,3) - blanket
  2. 00:34:978 (3,4,5,6) - there are difficult for calm section. can you stuck two cirles to be pair?
  3. 01:03:742 (1,3) - i recommend to stuck perfectly on lower diff

00:00:390 - it's unrankable. accoding to RC, no two uninherited or two inherited timing sections should be placed at the same point. easy is okay on the thing

overall flow is well done however i feel you can polish a bit whole diffs in term of aesthetic.
if you have some question about my mod, freely poke me
Good Luck~
Hello, M4M
sorry for the very late reply >.<

Red : unrankable (or might be unrankable) issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. I think you should check the metadata, since the ranked version of this song (the short version tho) have Tomohisa Sako as the artist (not Sako Tomohisa) and Kira Kira as the title (not Kirakira).
  2. I think this verse 03:02:507 and so on don't count as chorus. more like an outro or something so I don't think you need kiai here. But well, it's up to you. Well, even AiMod said you used too much kiai time, so you might reconsider this.

  1. 00:14:508 (3) - I think you're trying to follow the vocal with the reverse at red line here. But I have to say it's kinda unfit because the vocal sound here 00:15:213 is much bigger than the one at red tick. There's also drum sound there which make it even bigger. So I think you better stay at white tick pattern with using simple rhythm like this
  2. 00:18:743 (1,2,3) - We could kinda fix the difference in visual spacing here so (3) don't look like it's closer to (1) than to (2). The trick is by ctrl+g-ing (3) for a while, then, adjust them so (1)'s tail, (2), and (3)'s head would form a triangle while keeping the blanket clean. then ctrl+g (3) again
  3. 00:20:155 (3,1) - This kind of pattern looks real weird if it's not blanketed. It's still fine if (3) is still placed in the middle like so but it's a total nope if it's like the current. You might ran out of space to blanket tho especially if you apply above ^ mod. So I think you reposition (1) somewhere else like if you do so, would be better if you just make symmetry from 00:20:155 (3) - and you can stack 00:23:331 (2) - with 00:21:213 (4) - afterwards.
  4. 00:30:037 (1,2) - The music doesn't really change or slow down here so it feels real weird that the map suddenly "slows down". I think you better keep the normal pace here by putting circles at empty white ticks.
  5. 00:34:272 (2) - similar as 00:14:508 (3) - , the sound here 00:34:978 is wayy bigger with bigger vocal and snare than the one at red tick, so you better keep using white tick pattern here. You could use the same rhythm I suggested as the first mod as well. If you don't apply that, at least blanket these two 00:34:272 (2,1) - since I see no reason not to. If it's about flow, blanketing them wouldn't ruin the flow too badly because slider leniency would do just the thing
  6. 00:48:213 (2) - I get you're trying to follow the long vocal here, but I think the sound here 00:48:742 needs to be emphasized at least with slider tail. Furthermore, the music paused there, so if the slider goes on, it feels kinda weird. And one more, the sound here 00:48:742 and here 00:49:095 is very separated so it feels weird if they got mapped with the same slider. If you apply, you can add circle here 00:49:095 as filler.
  7. 00:53:331 (2,3,4) - Boom, I would like to share some hack that I learned here. If you see carefully, the flow here is kinda pointy even though it looked nice. so I learned a new way that seemed broken but actually make the flow better, which is by moving (4) slightly to the left Doing this will create some sort of "bumper" that created nicer flow ;) . But you're free to ignore this one.
  8. 00:58:095 (1) - Actually I think the sound at big white tick is bigger and it would reduce the number of polarity issue if you moved the slider to start at big white tick. But since you've been following vocal all this time, you might ignore this one. If you change however, better change the other as well.
  9. 00:59:684 (3) - better use two circles here because the two (four actually) sounds are completely separated so you better don't merge them. This apply to all next similar patterns.
  10. 01:39:919 (4) - Actually I prefer you to use normally flowed pattern like or more simply
  11. 01:47:684 (3) - I like your creativity, but this one really better if curved the other way.
  12. 01:53:155 (2) - Blanket to closely imo. Maybe make this blanketed kinda far away by moving the red anchor more upward, then reblanket the whole thing.
  13. 02:03:037 (5) - NC here
  14. 02:07:449 (3,1) - This is fine, but I recommend not to use slider bow pattern at Easy or at any other diff that make the slider look like this. I mean that make the slider tail collide with the bowing slider's body since most of the time it don't look that nice. But you still can keep this one.
  15. 02:15:919 (1) - remove NC since you don't NC before. Or NC the previous pattern, just be consistent.
  16. 02:28:625 (1,2) - nooooo they are too close, don't force it. Better curve each of them the other way to make circular flow.
  17. 02:33:566 (3) - You can change this to circle and start a spinner that ends here 02:36:919 If you decide not to tho, start the break at the red tick here 02:36:919 not at white tick because it's where the big sound is at.
  18. 02:45:566 (1) - You actually don't map vocal here, maybe you could apply my previous mod about this similar rhythm... well I get it, the sound here is bigger. Feel free to ignore my prev mod.
  19. 02:53:155 (4,2) - Almost touchinggg, move (2) kinda upward.
  20. Mostly fine map :D

  1. 00:17:331 (3) - move this kinda upward for better flow similar about the hack I told you in Easy, moreover, this one actually has curve.
  2. 00:23:684 (4,1) - DS this properly. furthermore, I think it's kinda empty without anything here 00:24:037 so I think you better add a circle or something, considering this is Normal so it's okay to stuff more notes in.
  3. 00:28:625 (3,4) - Eh, looks kinda awful imo, especially with default skin that has slider tail Better just use normal pattern like so
  4. 00:56:860 (4,1) - touchinggg, it's not nice. If you want to keep the circular motion, try to readjust the whole pattern to make a bigger circle
  5. 00:58:978 (2,2) - Too close imo, move 01:00:389 (2) - slightly downward.
  6. 01:08:154 (4) - You actually don't map vocal here? .-. I think mapping vocal here is pretty fitting since it's kinda big. Maybe use this kind of rhythm for consistency.
  7. 01:09:213 (6) - you could use 1/2 slider here to map the vocal at red tick as well.
  8. 01:18:037 (1,4) - Nazi mod, lol, stack properly.
  9. 01:26:507 (1,2,3,4,5) - Personal preference, but since there are five notes here, maybe you could use actual hexagon pattern instead of using square with stacking.
  10. 01:40:625 (1,2,3) - Don't look that nice actually. Maybe adjust it a bit. Furthermore, I think the rhythm doesn't really make sense because the bigger sound is at white tick yet the reverse arrow is just covering the not-so-big-sound at red tick. I think something like this would fit better or if you want simpler rhythm, just do it like you did in Easy
  11. 01:44:860 (3) - ^ furthermore, the triplet that started at red tick is used as lead up for the sound at white tick so the sound at white tick should be emphasized more. Well since this one is used as lead up to the next, faster verse, maybe you can use some more complicated pattern like
  12. Mod above ^ apply here too 00:37:095 (3,3) -
  13. 02:28:625 (1,2) - this part is kinda undermapped compared to other part imo. Maybe try adding circle here 02:29:507 to make it feels fuller.
  14. 02:34:272 same suggestion about spinner and/or break start as Easy.

  1. 00:06:743 (2) - Starting a slider at white tick make the sound here 00:06:566 seems weak and less emphasized imo. Try to change this slider to a circle at red tick to emphasize the clap only.
  2. 00:10:625 (2) - would give better visual if ctrl+h-ed imo.
  3. 01:36:301 maybe add a note here for triplet? and it's really better to use slider here 01:36:743 (2) - because of the long sound afterwards.
  4. 02:34:272 same spinner or break mod as Easy and Normal
  5. 03:10:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - I really prefer if you use neater pattern here the secret to make it is you only need one slider, then add a note and blanket it with the slider. Then copy paste the slider, press ctrl+shift+R and rotate 120° and place them as shown in the pic (I'm getting lazy at explaining xD) then use the same method to make the third slider and add circle at the corresponding slider tails.
  6. 03:16:448 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  7. yay

Yay, nice mapset and song ^^
Going insane about susume susume right now

Sorry I can't mod full mapset like you do since this has taken me a long time already :o
Still hope it's helpful tho :3

Good luck ^^
Topic Starter

joker- wrote:

from my q


  1. there is questionable stuff about metadata. probably the "Source" doesn't need to input anything. if you wanna input the album name, more better to add it into tags. this song is cover ver. from unofficial singer, right? then idk what it should be added the anime title into Source or not. you'd better to confirm someone about metadata. This isn't a cover version from an unofficial singer: this is Sako Tomohisa singing and this is an mp3 taken from the Mad-Paced Getter single. The only thing that's potentially dubious is adding EP at the end since it's a single and not an EP, but that's what the metadata said from the mp3 that I got of this. Since the source of this song is the contents of the Mad-Paced Getter single, I put that as the source.

Bright and Brilliant

  1. 00:12:213 - change to sumpleset drum finish? more suitable so that imo Okay; I'll do it for insane as well.
  2. 00:59:331 (5,6) - it's overdone since 00:59:507 (6) - is very minor sound. Fixed the emphasis.
  3. 01:00:742 - why do you ignore this drum sound? in case you put circles on 00:59:684 (1,2,1,2) - which based drum sound, should pick up this sound imo 02:05:684 - ^ These aren't based on the drum sound. They're based on the electric guitar chords in the back which map precisely to those beats.
  4. 01:10:448 (2,2) - it doesnt look nicely for aesthetic I think the spiral symmetry more than makes up for the slight overlap.
  5. 01:17:595 (4) - no overmapped ;w; Removed the triplet.
  6. 02:43:978 (1,3) - unstacked intentional? 03:10:448 (4,5,2,3) - same Fixed both.


  1. 00:57:919 (5,1) - can you increase distance same as 00:56:507 (5,1) - for consistency Okay.
  2. 01:00:742 - same as top diff 02:05:684 -
  3. 01:26:860 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - why do you beat 1/2 circles on calm part? i recommend to change 1/2 sliders Alright, changed.


  1. 00:31:625 (2,3) - blanket I don't see a problem with it. It looks in-line to me.
  2. 00:34:978 (3,4,5,6) - there are difficult for calm section. can you stuck two cirles to be pair? I made the jumps a bit smaller; couldn't manage to fit in overlapping circles properly
  3. 01:03:742 (1,3) - i recommend to stuck perfectly on lower diff Fixed.

00:00:390 - it's unrankable. accoding to RC, no two uninherited or two inherited timing sections should be placed at the same point. easy is okay on the thing

overall flow is well done however i feel you can polish a bit whole diffs in term of aesthetic. Working on aesthetic. It's tough to tell what's pretty and what isn't, though, given how long I've been staring at this map...
if you have some question about my mod, freely poke me
Good Luck~

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Hello, M4M
sorry for the very late reply >.<

Red : unrankable (or might be unrankable) issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. I think you should check the metadata, since the ranked version of this song (the short version tho) have Tomohisa Sako as the artist (not Sako Tomohisa) and Kira Kira as the title (not Kirakira). Here's another ranked version of the map with the same metadata as mine: The Bulbapedia article on the song lists the romanized title as Kirakira. Different maps have been made with Sako Tomohisa as the singer; both variations seem to be accepted.
  2. I think this verse 03:02:507 and so on don't count as chorus. more like an outro or something so I don't think you need kiai here. But well, it's up to you. Well, even AiMod said you used too much kiai time, so you might reconsider this. I'm not too concerned about this. I think the kiais are at appropriate times.

  1. 00:14:508 (3) - I think you're trying to follow the vocal with the reverse at red line here. But I have to say it's kinda unfit because the vocal sound here 00:15:213 is much bigger than the one at red tick. There's also drum sound there which make it even bigger. So I think you better stay at white tick pattern with using simple rhythm like this Okay, fixed.
  2. 00:18:743 (1,2,3) - We could kinda fix the difference in visual spacing here so (3) don't look like it's closer to (1) than to (2). The trick is by ctrl+g-ing (3) for a while, then, adjust them so (1)'s tail, (2), and (3)'s head would form a triangle while keeping the blanket clean. then ctrl+g (3) again You are a genius!
  3. 00:20:155 (3,1) - This kind of pattern looks real weird if it's not blanketed. It's still fine if (3) is still placed in the middle like so but it's a total nope if it's like the current. You might ran out of space to blanket tho especially if you apply above ^ mod. So I think you reposition (1) somewhere else like if you do so, would be better if you just make symmetry from 00:20:155 (3) - and you can stack 00:23:331 (2) - with 00:21:213 (4) - afterwards. I actually fit in a blanket quite painlessly.
  4. 00:30:037 (1,2) - The music doesn't really change or slow down here so it feels real weird that the map suddenly "slows down". I think you better keep the normal pace here by putting circles at empty white ticks. I'll keep it as is for now: the motivation behind this structure is the harmony, which makes the whole song feel a bit warmer at this point.
  5. 00:34:272 (2) - similar as 00:14:508 (3) - , the sound here 00:34:978 is wayy bigger with bigger vocal and snare than the one at red tick, so you better keep using white tick pattern here. You could use the same rhythm I suggested as the first mod as well. If you don't apply that, at least blanket these two 00:34:272 (2,1) - since I see no reason not to. If it's about flow, blanketing them wouldn't ruin the flow too badly because slider leniency would do just the thing I changed the rhythm to two 1/1 sliders and did what I could to fix the blanket.
  6. 00:48:213 (2) - I get you're trying to follow the long vocal here, but I think the sound here 00:48:742 needs to be emphasized at least with slider tail. Furthermore, the music paused there, so if the slider goes on, it feels kinda weird. And one more, the sound here 00:48:742 and here 00:49:095 is very separated so it feels weird if they got mapped with the same slider. If you apply, you can add circle here 00:49:095 as filler. Okay, modified.
    Fixed the second point where it happens as well.
  7. 00:53:331 (2,3,4) - Boom, I would like to share some hack that I learned here. If you see carefully, the flow here is kinda pointy even though it looked nice. so I learned a new way that seemed broken but actually make the flow better, which is by moving (4) slightly to the left Doing this will create some sort of "bumper" that created nicer flow ;) . But you're free to ignore this one. That does look nicer! Fixed. I also added a bit of curve to (4) for flow as well.
  8. 00:58:095 (1) - Actually I think the sound at big white tick is bigger and it would reduce the number of polarity issue if you moved the slider to start at big white tick. But since you've been following vocal all this time, you might ignore this one. If you change however, better change the other as well. Yeah, since I'm mapping to the vocals before this part, I figured I ought to map to vocals here as well. I had it the way you described, but another mod addressed concerns about that rhythm so I changed it.
  9. 00:59:684 (3) - better use two circles here because the two (four actually) sounds are completely separated so you better don't merge them. This apply to all next similar patterns. Yeah, I suppose you're right. Fixed.
  10. 01:39:919 (4) - Actually I prefer you to use normally flowed pattern like or more simply Fixed with your second suggestion.
  11. 01:47:684 (3) - I like your creativity, but this one really better if curved the other way. Okay, fixed.
  12. 01:53:155 (2) - Blanket to closely imo. Maybe make this blanketed kinda far away by moving the red anchor more upward, then reblanket the whole thing. This already got fixed from the other modification you suggested with 00:48:213 (2)
  13. 02:03:037 (5) - NC here Fixed.
  14. 02:07:449 (3,1) - This is fine, but I recommend not to use slider bow pattern at Easy or at any other diff that make the slider look like this. I mean that make the slider tail collide with the bowing slider's body since most of the time it don't look that nice. But you still can keep this one. I don't see any real readability issues, nor do I see aesthetic or flow problems, so I'll keep what I have.
  15. 02:15:919 (1) - remove NC since you don't NC before. Or NC the previous pattern, just be consistent. Whoops, thanks for that. I received a prior mod that only pointed it out once and I forgot to apply the correction to the other areas.
  16. 02:28:625 (1,2) - nooooo they are too close, don't force it. Better curve each of them the other way to make circular flow. Okay, fixed.
  17. 02:33:566 (3) - You can change this to circle and start a spinner that ends here 02:36:919 If you decide not to tho, start the break at the red tick here 02:36:919 not at white tick because it's where the big sound is at. Changed the break time, didn't add spinner though. I hated spinners as an easy player, so I don't want to add any ones that aren't particularly long.
  18. 02:45:566 (1) - You actually don't map vocal here, maybe you could apply my previous mod about this similar rhythm... well I get it, the sound here is bigger. Feel free to ignore my prev mod. There's a strong buildup sound, so I'm going to deviate from the rhythmic choice and keep what I have.
  19. 02:53:155 (4,2) - Almost touchinggg, move (2) kinda upward. Okay, fixed.
  20. Mostly fine map :D *processing....color=black, therefore this is normal suggestion... ...* Instructions unclear! (Seriously, though, thanks.)

  1. 00:17:331 (3) - move this kinda upward for better flow similar about the hack I told you in Easy, moreover, this one actually has curve. Fixed.
  2. 00:23:684 (4,1) - DS this properly. furthermore, I think it's kinda empty without anything here 00:24:037 so I think you better add a circle or something, considering this is Normal so it's okay to stuff more notes in. Fixed, and applied your suggestion. The old pattern was a reverse arrow slider. I'm surprised nobody caught that yet.
  3. 00:28:625 (3,4) - Eh, looks kinda awful imo, especially with default skin that has slider tail Better just use normal pattern like so Okay, fixed.
  4. 00:56:860 (4,1) - touchinggg, it's not nice. If you want to keep the circular motion, try to readjust the whole pattern to make a bigger circle Fixed, I think?
  5. 00:58:978 (2,2) - Too close imo, move 01:00:389 (2) - slightly downward. Doesn't seem too close to me. If these are too close, then surely 00:58:272 (1,2) is too close as well.
  6. 01:08:154 (4) - You actually don't map vocal here? .-. I think mapping vocal here is pretty fitting since it's kinda big. Maybe use this kind of rhythm for consistency. Okay, fixed. You forgot to mention the earlier case when I do it in this difficulty;
    I'll fix every other instance of it as well.
  7. 01:09:213 (6) - you could use 1/2 slider here to map the vocal at red tick as well. I think that would undermine the held sound if I did that.
  8. 01:18:037 (1,4) - Nazi mod, lol, stack properly. Ahh, fixed.
  9. 01:26:507 (1,2,3,4,5) - Personal preference, but since there are five notes here, maybe you could use actual hexagon pattern instead of using square with stacking. Yeah, you're right. I like pentagons better too.
  10. 01:40:625 (1,2,3) - Don't look that nice actually. Maybe adjust it a bit. Furthermore, I think the rhythm doesn't really make sense because the bigger sound is at white tick yet the reverse arrow is just covering the not-so-big-sound at red tick. I think something like this would fit better or if you want simpler rhythm, just do it like you did in Easy I fixed the reverse arrow design, but didn't change the rhythm. I want to be consistent during this bridge verse so that it maps similarly to how it maps the first time around. I'm not convinced that I should modify both this and 00:39:919 (3) so I'll leave it as is.
  11. 01:44:860 (3) - ^ furthermore, the triplet that started at red tick is used as lead up for the sound at white tick so the sound at white tick should be emphasized more. Well since this one is used as lead up to the next, faster verse, maybe you can use some more complicated pattern like Again, I'll stick with what I have.
  12. Mod above ^ apply here too 00:37:095 (3,3) - x
  13. 02:28:625 (1,2) - this part is kinda undermapped compared to other part imo. Maybe try adding circle here 02:29:507 to make it feels fuller. Made a change.
  14. 02:34:272 same suggestion about spinner and/or break start as Easy.

  1. 00:06:743 (2) - Starting a slider at white tick make the sound here 00:06:566 seems weak and less emphasized imo. Try to change this slider to a circle at red tick to emphasize the clap only. Fixed.
  2. 00:10:625 (2) - would give better visual if ctrl+h-ed imo. Done.
  3. 01:36:301 maybe add a note here for triplet? and it's really better to use slider here 01:36:743 (2) - because of the long sound afterwards. I'm not going to add the triplet, but I will add a slider. I'll add triplets in other, harder difficulties: this hard doesn't have triplets as a difficulty element in it.
  4. 02:34:272 same spinner or break mod as Easy and Normal
  5. 03:10:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - I really prefer if you use neater pattern here the secret to make it is you only need one slider, then add a note and blanket it with the slider. Then copy paste the slider, press ctrl+shift+R and rotate 120° and place them as shown in the pic (I'm getting lazy at explaining xD) then use the same method to make the third slider and add circle at the corresponding slider tails. I tried a modification,
    although it's not turning out the way you have it...
  6. 03:16:448 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ I'm gonna leave this one as is; it looks fine to me.
  7. yay

Yay, nice mapset and song ^^
Going insane about susume susume right now Haha, okay, take care.

Sorry I can't mod full mapset like you do since this has taken me a long time already :o
Still hope it's helpful tho :3 It was really, really helpful, thanks!! It's been a while since I've gotten a mod as detailed as yours. Thank you for suggestions and recommendations along with your general criticisms; they really helped.

Good luck ^^
Thank you both very very much!!!
(◕ᴗ◕✿) Rakuen Diva Trap Modding Queue [osu!standard]

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue


  1. 00:03:919 (3) - Stack this onto tail of 00:01:802 (1) - , like this 00:05:331 (2,3) -
  2. 00:09:566 (3) - ^ very minor tho
  3. 00:13:096 (1) - I'd expect this to start on the right side of the map since 00:10:978 (2) - ends leading to the right side
  4. 00:20:154 (3) - There's a slider Normal here (with some noise), could be a mistake?
  5. 00:34:272 (2) - Could snap this nearer to 1.0x DS by adjusting 00:32:861 (1) -
  6. 00:38:155 (4) - Right side of 00:37:096 (3) - tail? Better flow for the next few notes 00:38:508 (1,2,3,4,1) -
  7. 01:18:037 (1,2,3) - 2 sliders are stacked together before the first one ends
  8. 01:19:449 (3,4,1) - ^ This may be unrankable
  9. 02:07:449 (3,4,1) - ^
  10. 03:16:625 (1) - Not snapped
  11. 03:22:272 (1) - Not snapped, flow would be better if the slider is from down to up


  1. 00:49:625 (1) - DS
  2. 01:18:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Personally not like this kind of stacks, a bit confusing
  3. 01:26:507 (6) - NC for new beat section


  1. 00:07:096 (3,1,2) - Just wondering why there is big jumps around here
  2. 00:08:684 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ rankable but looks weird to me XD
  3. 02:03:037 (4) - Snap slightly further from last slider
  4. 02:15:919 (1) - wut sorcery XD *not mod*
  5. 03:03:743 (1,2,3) - Snapping is weird here, try balancing them


  1. 00:48:213 (1,2) - Hmm, just make them both curvy, looks fun
  2. 01:09:389 (1) - The jump here is too close compared to the previous like 01:07:978 (1) -
  3. 01:43:978 - The vocal still continues here, why not add something instead of making this big jump hmm, since this thing 01:43:449 (1) - is kinda hugging the HP bar too
  4. 01:53:154 (1) - Remove NC to make it 1-2 combos? Could insert NC at 01:53:684 - or 01:54:037 -
  5. 02:19:449 (4) - I cant hear anything from the Normal set of Clap
  6. 02:19:625 (6) - ^
  7. 02:39:742 (1) - Not perfectly stacked on 02:39:390 (4) -

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

(◕ᴗ◕✿) Rakuen Diva Trap Modding Queue [osu!standard]

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue


  1. 00:03:919 (3) - Stack this onto tail of 00:01:802 (1) - , like this 00:05:331 (2,3) - Fix
  2. 00:09:566 (3) - ^ very minor tho Fix
  3. 00:13:096 (1) - I'd expect this to start on the right side of the map since 00:10:978 (2) - ends leading to the right side Fix
  4. 00:20:154 (3) - There's a slider Normal here (with some noise), could be a mistake? Yep, yep, fixed. I should probably go back and do a full sweep over the hitsounds; it's been a while since I've done that and a lot of things got pushed around a lot.
  5. 00:34:272 (2) - Could snap this nearer to 1.0x DS by adjusting 00:32:861 (1) - Fix
  6. 00:38:155 (4) - Right side of 00:37:096 (3) - tail? Better flow for the next few notes 00:38:508 (1,2,3,4,1) - Fix
  7. 01:18:037 (1,2,3) - 2 sliders are stacked together before the first one ends Fix
  8. 01:19:449 (3,4,1) - ^ This may be unrankable 01:18:037 (1) -
  9. 02:07:449 (3,4,1) - ^ The SRC only says that stacking should be avoided with slider heads, tails, and circles. There's nothing against an overlap like this. I'll see what some BN's have to say about this, though.
  10. 03:16:625 (1) - Not snapped Fix
  11. 03:22:272 (1) - Not snapped, flow would be better if the slider is from down to up Fix


  1. 00:49:625 (1) - DS
  2. 01:18:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Personally not like this kind of stacks, a bit confusingOkay, fixed.
  3. 01:26:507 (6) - NC for new beat section Whoops, forgot to do that!


  1. 00:07:096 (3,1,2) - Just wondering why there is big jumps around here Jumps seem okay, but I made them a bit smaller.
  2. 00:08:684 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ rankable but looks weird to me XD Seems just fine to me. :/
  3. 02:03:037 (4) - Snap slightly further from last slider Okay.
  4. 02:15:919 (1) - wut sorcery XD *not mod* You should have seen the old slider design here; it was atrocious.
  5. 03:03:743 (1,2,3) - Snapping is weird here, try balancing themFix


  1. 00:48:213 (1,2) - Hmm, just make them both curvy, looks fun Alright.
  2. 01:09:389 (1) - The jump here is too close compared to the previous like 01:07:978 (1) - Increased the spacing some.
  3. 01:43:978 - The vocal still continues here, why not add something instead of making this big jump hmm, since this thing 01:43:449 (1) - is kinda hugging the HP bar too I moved it to block the HP bar but I didn't change the rhythm, since it's meant to mimic the rhythm before it.
  4. 01:53:154 (1) - Remove NC to make it 1-2 combos? Could insert NC at 01:53:684 - or 01:54:037 - No, the sound is too important not to NC. Plus, this is similar to the previous pattern.
  5. 02:19:449 (4) - I cant hear anything from the Normal set of Clap It's a kick drum, if that's what you're saying. I use it all the time in the map...
  6. 02:19:625 (6) - ^
  7. 02:39:742 (1) - Not perfectly stacked on 02:39:390 (4) - Fix

Good luck!
Thank you for the mod!
Hi! Sorry for taking this long, hope this can help you :p

  1. 02:58:272 - You could add a little volume 5% break on here
  2. 03:02:507 - 90% on here? It's pretty louder than 02:48:213 -. Also you're using a little increase between Kiai so could be fine
  3. What about making a 5+% on all volumes?
    Nothing more to point out, I think all is fine in general
  4. edit: 00:13:095 - hitsounds on this section on all diffs are a little unconsistent, specially when you change from mapping vocal to drum
  1. Well... Diff is currently good talking about flow but 00:00:390 (1,2,2,2) - are a little hard considering it's almost 1x SV on 170bpm, you should consider they're more being avoided on Easy diffs than being repetitive each 1 note. So I would suggest you to change to slider then circle at least 2 of them
  2. 00:00:390 - What about ?
  3. 00:00:390 (1) - 00:10:272 (1) - these half-extended sliders are pretty unusual and could break the flow, I would suggest you to change to straight or more curved sliders. So I suggest above for first and more curved to make a flow like 00:07:449 (1,2) - on second
  4. 00:13:095 - this section is good overall, but I keep wondering why are you making a same place note (like 00:14:154 (2,1) - , 00:16:978 (2,1) - ,etc ) then here 00:21:213 (4,2) - you break this good pattern, I think you should try to have a consistency about making these kind of patterns
  5. 00:49:625 (1,3) - what about making a 180° rotation of 00:49:625 (1) - (ctrl+shift+r)? So it makes more consistent and greater
  6. 01:04:625 (2,4) - ^
  7. Idk why are you using all whistle+finish from 01:18:037 - then 01:26:508 (1) - only finish here. Also fix a little this slider, last tail overlaps with current slider ()
    I'm gonna mod until here since I'm way lazy and song is quite repetitive, sorry :(

  1. Overall I think normal could be a little more buffed, specially considering Easy is hard as being Easy diff, so focusing on buff a little could be fine to fix the current spread between diffs. Add some 1/2 notes could help on this way
  2. 00:13:095 - it feels like you're following vocals here and suddenly from here 00:24:389 - start following drums (according to 1/2 usage and note placement). I don't know why are you using only 1/1 notes on second one and lot of 1/2 usage on first one. I would pref mapping the first like second since it's a slow part and you could leave action for Kiai.
  3. 00:32:154 (4) - missing finish? compared to 00:28:625 (3,4) -
  4. 00:34:272 (5,6,7,8) - this is more like a Hard diff, take a review on this. Also has a weird flow
  5. 00:52:448 (1) - hmmm you could make this slider more beautiful, isn't bad placed, but something like could be nicer imo
  6. 01:03:742 (1) - similar comment, but other shape xD
  7. 01:10:272 (2,1) - this feels a little strange, I suggest you to something like

[Bright and Brilliant]
  1. Map overall is pretty good :3
  2. 00:00:390 (1,2,3) - a shape like imo suits better, considering three sounds are way the same so making a straight line between them feels smoother than little triangle
  3. 00:05:684 (5) - try moving this to x64, y48 so it doesn't break the jump consistency compared to other patterns, otherwise this feels rly strange while playing
  4. 00:11:507 (6) - what about moving to x176, y0? so you create like a perfect square and makes is pretty good imo
  5. 00:15:389 (5,1) - this feels strange while playing, flow is weird imo, try other slider on 00:15:919 (1) -
  6. 00:25:625 (1) - missing finish?
  7. 00:33:213 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - I think you could make something greater, like an increase-spacing between them, but is currently fine anyways, it depends on you
  8. 01:00:389 (1,2) - what about rotating 45°? It's really great so you create a better pattern to focus on 01:00:919 (1) -

I think that's all by me, I feel way tired so sorry for short/useless mod. Just hope this can help you and best of lucks ;;
Topic Starter

xfraczynho wrote:

Hi! Sorry for taking this long, hope this can help you :p

  1. 02:58:272 - You could add a little volume 5% break on here Don't really like that...
  2. 03:02:507 - 90% on here? It's pretty louder than 02:48:213 -. Also you're using a little increase between Kiai so could be fine They seem about the same to me actually, but I'll think about it.
  3. What about making a 5+% on all volumes? I think the volume is well-balanced over-all.
    Nothing more to point out, I think all is fine in general
  4. edit: 00:13:095 - hitsounds on this section on all diffs are a little unconsistent, specially when you change from mapping vocal to drum Yes, I will fix this.
  1. Well... Diff is currently good talking about flow but 00:00:390 (1,2,2,2) - are a little hard considering it's almost 1x SV on 170bpm, you should consider they're more being avoided on Easy diffs than being repetitive each 1 note. So I would suggest you to change to slider then circle at least 2 of them Doesn't seem like too big of a problem, but I'll think about it. I'll hear some second opinions.
  2. 00:00:390 - What about ? Okay.
  3. 00:00:390 (1) - 00:10:272 (1) - these half-extended sliders are pretty unusual and could break the flow, I would suggest you to change to straight or more curved sliders. So I suggest above for first and more curved to make a flow like 00:07:449 (1,2) - on second Increased curvature.
  4. 00:13:095 - this section is good overall, but I keep wondering why are you making a same place note (like 00:14:154 (2,1) - , 00:16:978 (2,1) - ,etc ) then here 00:21:213 (4,2) - you break this good pattern, I think you should try to have a consistency about making these kind of patterns That was an accident. Fixed.
  5. 00:49:625 (1,3) - what about making a 180° rotation of 00:49:625 (1) - (ctrl+shift+r)? So it makes more consistent and greater Fixed.
  6. 01:04:625 (2,4) - ^ Done.
  7. Idk why are you using all whistle+finish from 01:18:037 - then 01:26:508 (1) - only finish here. Also fix a little this slider, last tail overlaps with current slider () Fixed hitsound, but I don't see any slider overlap so I left as is.
    I'm gonna mod until here since I'm way lazy and song is quite repetitive, sorry :( No worries, I'll take what I can get.

  1. Overall I think normal could be a little more buffed, specially considering Easy is hard as being Easy diff, so focusing on buff a little could be fine to fix the current spread between diffs. Add some 1/2 notes could help on this way In terms of difficulty elements, I think Normal is a good deal harder than Easy and a good deal easier than Hard. I'll think about it though.
  2. 00:13:095 - it feels like you're following vocals here and suddenly from here 00:24:389 - start following drums (according to 1/2 usage and note placement). I don't know why are you using only 1/1 notes on second one and lot of 1/2 usage on first one. I would pref mapping the first like second since it's a slow part and you could leave action for Kiai. This seems fine. The vocals didn't seem like the important things to map to in the second part.
  3. 00:32:154 (4) - missing finish? compared to 00:28:625 (3,4) - Fixed.
  4. 00:34:272 (5,6,7,8) - this is more like a Hard diff, take a review on this. Also has a weird flow Doesn't seem like a Hard diff pattern at all.
    Flow seems alright to me, but I'm open to alternatives.
  5. 00:52:448 (1) - hmmm you could make this slider more beautiful, isn't bad placed, but something like could be nicer imo I prefer the way my slider looks.
  6. 01:03:742 (1) - similar comment, but other shape xD Same.
  7. 01:10:272 (2,1) - this feels a little strange, I suggest you to something like Fixed in my own way.

[Bright and Brilliant]
  1. Map overall is pretty good :3 Hey, thanks. :)
  2. 00:00:390 (1,2,3) - a shape like imo suits better, considering three sounds are way the same so making a straight line between them feels smoother than little triangle I think I like mine better.
  3. 00:05:684 (5) - try moving this to x64, y48 so it doesn't break the jump consistency compared to other patterns, otherwise this feels rly strange while playing Okay.
  4. 00:11:507 (6) - what about moving to x176, y0? so you create like a perfect square and makes is pretty good imo It's not really a perfect square, plus it removes the emphasis.
  5. 00:15:389 (5,1) - this feels strange while playing, flow is weird imo, try other slider on 00:15:919 (1) - Fixed in my own way.
  6. 00:25:625 (1) - missing finish? Fixed
  7. 00:33:213 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - I think you could make something greater, like an increase-spacing between them, but is currently fine anyways, it depends on you Made some slight modifications
  8. 01:00:389 (1,2) - what about rotating 45°? It's really great so you create a better pattern to focus on 01:00:919 (1) - The stack is meant to emphasize that, though.

I think that's all by me, I feel way tired so sorry for short/useless mod. Just hope this can help you and best of lucks ;;
Thank you very much for the mod!


  1. 00:23:331 (2,3) - (3) could be more curved to fix blanket with (2). Also, in this part you used many curvey sliders, so making this slider more curvey would make things more consistent.
  2. 00:35:684 (1,2,3) - In my opinion, the flow here feels uncomfortable for beginners because of (2) and (3). The cursor moving from these two felt sharp when I played it myself, ctrl+g for (3) would be better.
  3. 00:58:272 - The downbeat here sounds too strong to be skipped, you might as well move (1) to this timing. I know that you're following vocals, but personally, the downbeat here needs to be emphasised more than the vocals. Also, it's emphasised in normal but not here, which is very questionable. (This also applies to the other kiais)
  4. 00:59:684 (3) - The placement of this circle feels odd for me. Looking at the entire section of this kiai, the flow looked very smooth, yet this one isn't. How about moving a bit down near the slider end of (2)? The flow would be better and it'll improve aesthetics.
  5. 01:09:566 - Basically, what I mentioned at the 3rd point.
  6. 01:22:625 (2,3) - Blanket here could be improved.
  7. 02:07:448 (3,1) - The overlap here should be avoid since this is the only overlap in the diff that touches both slider body and slider end, it could also be confusing for beginners.

  1. 00:05:331 (2) - Not really a big issue, but this could be moved a bit up since this is pretty much close to being out of the screen.
  2. 00:42:389 (3) - This really shouldn't be a 1/2 slider since the red tick follows nothing (well, from what I hear), making this a circle would be enough.
  3. 02:03:213 (1,2) - What I said in easy, the flow here is too sharp, ctrol+g for (2) will be better.
  4. 02:31:448 (1,2,3,4) - The pattern here is really questionable since (1) and (2) are overlapping while (3) and (4) are not, and the beat here is the same. Consider avoiding the overlap between (1) and (2) because slider bodies are touching, and such overlaps aren't really pleasing in a normal diff.

  1. 00:25:625 (1,2,3) - You should try to be more consistent with your rhythms in the entire mapset since they're all done by you. It follows vocals here, but in both normal and easy, it follows the beat. You should rearrange the rhythm here, either follow the vocals in both easy and normal to keep this rhythm, or change the rhythm here to follow the beat just like easy and normal.
  2. 00:53:860 (1,2,3) - Personally, these should be stacked instead of spacing them too close, it could confuse players and think that it's a triple. This also applies to other patterns like this.
  3. O1:30:566 (1,2,3) - Just like the first point.
  4. 02:31:448 (1,1,1,1) - I personally don't think an NC spam is needed her, the finishs here all sound the same, there isn't really anything special.
Not really an expert with helping newbies especially in higher diffs, so I'll stop here. Good luck
Topic Starter

Xiaolin wrote:



  1. 00:23:331 (2,3) - (3) could be more curved to fix blanket with (2). Also, in this part you used many curvey sliders, so making this slider more curvey would make things more consistent.
  2. 00:35:684 (1,2,3) - In my opinion, the flow here feels uncomfortable for beginners because of (2) and (3). The cursor moving from these two felt sharp when I played it myself, ctrl+g for (3) would be better.
  3. 00:58:272 - The downbeat here sounds too strong to be skipped, you might as well move (1) to this timing. I know that you're following vocals, but personally, the downbeat here needs to be emphasised more than the vocals. Also, it's emphasised in normal but not here, which is very questionable. (This also applies to the other kiais)
  4. 00:59:684 (3) - The placement of this circle feels odd for me. Looking at the entire section of this kiai, the flow looked very smooth, yet this one isn't. How about moving a bit down near the slider end of (2)? The flow would be better and it'll improve aesthetics.
  5. 01:09:566 - Basically, what I mentioned at the 3rd point.
  6. 01:22:625 (2,3) - Blanket here could be improved.
  7. 02:07:448 (3,1) - The overlap here should be avoid since this is the only overlap in the diff that touches both slider body and slider end, it could also be confusing for beginners.

  1. 00:05:331 (2) - Not really a big issue, but this could be moved a bit up since this is pretty much close to being out of the screen.
  2. 00:42:389 (3) - This really shouldn't be a 1/2 slider since the red tick follows nothing (well, from what I hear), making this a circle would be enough.
  3. 02:03:213 (1,2) - What I said in easy, the flow here is too sharp, ctrol+g for (2) will be better.
  4. 02:31:448 (1,2,3,4) - The pattern here is really questionable since (1) and (2) are overlapping while (3) and (4) are not, and the beat here is the same. Consider avoiding the overlap between (1) and (2) because slider bodies are touching, and such overlaps aren't really pleasing in a normal diff.

  1. 00:25:625 (1,2,3) - You should try to be more consistent with your rhythms in the entire mapset since they're all done by you. It follows vocals here, but in both normal and easy, it follows the beat. You should rearrange the rhythm here, either follow the vocals in both easy and normal to keep this rhythm, or change the rhythm here to follow the beat just like easy and normal.
  2. 00:53:860 (1,2,3) - Personally, these should be stacked instead of spacing them too close, it could confuse players and think that it's a triple. This also applies to other patterns like this.
  3. O1:30:566 (1,2,3) - Just like the first point.
  4. 02:31:448 (1,1,1,1) - I personally don't think an NC spam is needed her, the finishs here all sound the same, there isn't really anything special.
Not really an expert with helping newbies especially in higher diffs, so I'll stop here. Good luck
Fixed everything, thank you!
Mod from my M4M queue, my map to mod -

Bright and Brilliant
00:09:389 (3,5) - place one of these in another place
00:18:742 (1,2) - what about making a blanket here?
00:19:978 (1,2) - ^
00:34:272 (1,2,3,4) - a bit too spaced
01:10:448 (2,1,2,1) - ^
02:15:213 (1,2,1,2,1) - too spaced
02:57:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - ^

01:04:978 (7,1) - increase spacing
01:20:331 (3) -
01:49:801 (3,2) - give both of these some roundness
02:38:507 (1,2,3) - kinda hard to read
Topic Starter

[ClickMyCircle] wrote:

Mod from my M4M queue, my map to mod -

Bright and Brilliant
00:09:389 (3,5) - place one of these in another place Don't really see why I should: there's lateral symmetry with they way it's placed.
00:18:742 (1,2) - what about making a blanket here? Okay.
00:19:978 (1,2) - ^ No, I prefer my own flow here.
00:34:272 (1,2,3,4) - a bit too spaced Not really that big for this difficulty level; decreasing the spacing wouldn't reflect the buildup of the music.
01:10:448 (2,1,2,1) - ^ Don't really see how it's too spaced either.
02:15:213 (1,2,1,2,1) - too spaced No change
02:57:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - ^ No change

01:04:978 (7,1) - increase spacing Fixed.
01:20:331 (3) - That shape doesn't lead into the next slider.
01:49:801 (3,2) - give both of these some roundness I don't really see why.
02:38:507 (1,2,3) - kinda hard to read That overlap motif is repeated many times in the map (at 00:51:213 (1,2,3,1,2) 01:02:507 (1,2,3,1,2) 01:56:154 (1,2,3,1,2) and 02:07:449 (1,2,3,1,2)), so there shouldn't be a huge reading problem here.
Thanks for the mod.
really late m4m lol sorry ;A;

  1. 00:45:389 - finish here as well
  2. 02:34:272 - to 02:36:919 - this would actually be a great spot for a spinner for the lower diffs lol
  1. 00:30:037 (1,2) - slider paths might be a little difficult to read for beginners due to slider border overlapping itself at the bend. maybe try opening up the slider instead?
  2. 00:58:978 (2,3) - looks kind of awkward here, try positioning the (3) somewhere to the right of the (2) since the slider end is pointing in that direction
  1. 02:03:213 (1,2) - spacing error? why switch to 0.9x distance snap here?
  1. 00:18:743 (1,2) - generally not a big fan of these kinds of patterns because they play so awkwardly :/ honestly if you Ctrl + G the (2) so that the start/end are swapped it plays a lot smoother
  2. 00:22:978 (1,2,3,4,5) - sounds too dense compared to the previous pattern and compared to what's actually going on in the music. if you're trying to match the guitar rhythm, something like this might be more appropriate:
    otherwise if you were going for vocals something like this might be more appropriate:
  3. 00:29:331 (3,4) - Ctrl + G this sounds nicer cause it lines up with vocals more neatly
  4. 00:53:860 (1,2,3,4,5) - differentiating between the 1/1 stacks and 1/2 stacks would be nice to see. maybe space out the 1/1 notes a little more. something like what you did in the second/third chorus works
  5. 00:59:684 (1,2,1,2) - 02:04:625 (1,2,1,2) - these would have more emphasis if you made them small jumps instead of stacks. for example, you generally stick to using 1.4x distance snap, so why not use 1.7x distance snap for these jumps?
  6. 01:10:978 (1) - slider shape could be improved; that first curve feels really awkward to play too
  7. 01:32:154 (1,2,3) - it sounds like you're following vocals and this doesn't really line up with vocal emphasis that well. try a rhythm like this:
  1. 00:22:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - again, feels a bit too dense compared to the previous pattern, as mentioned in Hard
  2. 00:34:801 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - drums are actually getting less intense here, so a decrease in spacing instead of an increase in spacing would be more appropriate
  3. 01:10:978 (6,1,2,3,1) - actually i think sticking to distance snap and a polygonal structure would help draw more contrast. for instance you could try making this a star. similar idea at 02:15:919 (1,2,3,4,1) -
  4. 01:39:743 (3,4,5,6) - i think this should be parallel to 01:40:272 (7,8) -
  5. 01:40:625 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part is a bit more spaced out than the previous pattern at 00:35:684 - and the intensity shift ends up feeling a bit lost as a result
  6. 01:49:625 (2,3,4) - centre the (4) inbetween the (3) and (4), it'll look cleaner
  7. 00:48:213 (2) - 01:53:154 (1) - keep the combos consistent
  8. 02:59:154 - no triple here or something?
  9. 03:07:096 (1,2,3) - 03:12:743 (1,2,3) - 03:18:390 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these are all the same "hey! hey! hey!" so keeping similar rhythm patterns would make them stand out more. for example, if you decide to go with the sliders, you could try increasing SV to something like 1.2x temporarily to give them more emphasis. most importantly though, last pattern at 03:18:390 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - should be the same rhythm as 03:07:096 (1,2,3) - and 03:12:743 (1,2,3) -
  1. 00:21:389 (6,1) - the shape of the (6) results in an awkward catch when jumping from 6->1, it might feel more comfortable to rotate the shape of (6) by 180 degrees
  2. 00:22:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - mentioned this in the previous diffs, will mention it again lol
  3. 01:26:507 (1,2,3,4) - the (4) looks really out of place with the rest of the pattern, maybe try moving it to the left of the (3)?
  4. 02:14:860 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - 02:57:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - jumps here are kind of extreme in comparison to 01:09:919 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - ; definitely would consider nerfing this one a bit
  5. 02:30:742 (9,10,1) - spacing here is also pretty extreme; i get that it's a mirror of each other but there's not enough momentum generated from the previous pattern to support such a giant jump like that
  6. 02:54:389 (2,3,4,5,6) - can you position this so that it forms a more proper star? 02:55:801 (2,3,4,5,6) - this too
  7. 03:07:095 (1,2,3) - 03:12:742 (1,2,3) - 03:18:389 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - same suggestion i mentioned in Insane
  8. 03:26:331 (1) - this doesn't really need NC
map could still use more improvement before going for rank tbh
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

really late m4m lol sorry ;A;

  1. 00:45:389 - finish here as well
  2. 02:34:272 - to 02:36:919 - this would actually be a great spot for a spinner for the lower diffs lol
  1. 00:30:037 (1,2) - slider paths might be a little difficult to read for beginners due to slider border overlapping itself at the bend. maybe try opening up the slider instead?
  2. 00:58:978 (2,3) - looks kind of awkward here, try positioning the (3) somewhere to the right of the (2) since the slider end is pointing in that direction
  1. 02:03:213 (1,2) - spacing error? why switch to 0.9x distance snap here?
  1. 00:18:743 (1,2) - generally not a big fan of these kinds of patterns because they play so awkwardly :/ honestly if you Ctrl + G the (2) so that the start/end are swapped it plays a lot smoother
  2. 00:22:978 (1,2,3,4,5) - sounds too dense compared to the previous pattern and compared to what's actually going on in the music. if you're trying to match the guitar rhythm, something like this might be more appropriate:
    otherwise if you were going for vocals something like this might be more appropriate:
  3. 00:29:331 (3,4) - Ctrl + G this sounds nicer cause it lines up with vocals more neatly
  4. 00:53:860 (1,2,3,4,5) - differentiating between the 1/1 stacks and 1/2 stacks would be nice to see. maybe space out the 1/1 notes a little more. something like what you did in the second/third chorus works
  5. 00:59:684 (1,2,1,2) - 02:04:625 (1,2,1,2) - these would have more emphasis if you made them small jumps instead of stacks. for example, you generally stick to using 1.4x distance snap, so why not use 1.7x distance snap for these jumps?
  6. 01:10:978 (1) - slider shape could be improved; that first curve feels really awkward to play too
  7. 01:32:154 (1,2,3) - it sounds like you're following vocals and this doesn't really line up with vocal emphasis that well. try a rhythm like this:
  1. 00:22:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - again, feels a bit too dense compared to the previous pattern, as mentioned in Hard
  2. 00:34:801 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - drums are actually getting less intense here, so a decrease in spacing instead of an increase in spacing would be more appropriate
  3. 01:10:978 (6,1,2,3,1) - actually i think sticking to distance snap and a polygonal structure would help draw more contrast. for instance you could try making this a star. similar idea at 02:15:919 (1,2,3,4,1) -
  4. 01:39:743 (3,4,5,6) - i think this should be parallel to 01:40:272 (7,8) -
  5. 01:40:625 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part is a bit more spaced out than the previous pattern at 00:35:684 - and the intensity shift ends up feeling a bit lost as a result
  6. 01:49:625 (2,3,4) - centre the (4) inbetween the (3) and (4), it'll look cleaner
  7. 00:48:213 (2) - 01:53:154 (1) - keep the combos consistent
  8. 02:59:154 - no triple here or something?
  9. 03:07:096 (1,2,3) - 03:12:743 (1,2,3) - 03:18:390 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these are all the same "hey! hey! hey!" so keeping similar rhythm patterns would make them stand out more. for example, if you decide to go with the sliders, you could try increasing SV to something like 1.2x temporarily to give them more emphasis. most importantly though, last pattern at 03:18:390 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - should be the same rhythm as 03:07:096 (1,2,3) - and 03:12:743 (1,2,3) -
  1. 00:21:389 (6,1) - the shape of the (6) results in an awkward catch when jumping from 6->1, it might feel more comfortable to rotate the shape of (6) by 180 degrees
  2. 00:22:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - mentioned this in the previous diffs, will mention it again lol
  3. 01:26:507 (1,2,3,4) - the (4) looks really out of place with the rest of the pattern, maybe try moving it to the left of the (3)?
  4. 02:14:860 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - 02:57:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - jumps here are kind of extreme in comparison to 01:09:919 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - ; definitely would consider nerfing this one a bit
  5. 02:30:742 (9,10,1) - spacing here is also pretty extreme; i get that it's a mirror of each other but there's not enough momentum generated from the previous pattern to support such a giant jump like that
  6. 02:54:389 (2,3,4,5,6) - can you position this so that it forms a more proper star? 02:55:801 (2,3,4,5,6) - this too
  7. 03:07:095 (1,2,3) - 03:12:742 (1,2,3) - 03:18:389 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - same suggestion i mentioned in Insane
  8. 03:26:331 (1) - this doesn't really need NC
map could still use more improvement before going for rank tbh
Fixed pretty much everything. Although, I've kinda been waiting for someone with more authority to tell me that it needs over-all more improvement before going for ranked. It's a bit frustrating not knowing how far away you are from ranked status and not having a good way to check. Thanks for telling me. I'm going to move onto another map and see how much more progress I need to make with a blank slate from there. I've learned a lot with this one, so my regrets are scarce.

ARenaissance wrote:

Fixed pretty much everything. Although, I've kinda been waiting for someone with more authority to tell me that it needs over-all more improvement before going for ranked. It's a bit frustrating not knowing how far away you are from ranked status and not having a good way to check. Thanks for telling me. I'm going to move onto another map and see how much more progress I need to make with a blank slate from there. I've learned a lot with this one, so my regrets are scarce.
that's definitely not a bad idea; if i had to say the general problem holding this mapset back, it's that the patterning in the Insane and Extra could use some more improvements through remapping some parts of the map. The Easy, Normal, and Hard are actually pretty nice for the most part. can't really get too specific cause it affects a majority of the map s:

still, don't let this discourage you- work on some other maps in the meantime and don't be afraid to experiment with new ideas!
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