Old era contributor badge
New era contributor badge
The Community Contributors are the people who have taken it upon themselves to provide service to the osu! community at great cost to themselves — tools and features that many of us take for granted today. These users are given a badge to denote that they did something notable for the entire community.
Not to be mistaken as osu! Alumni, which are previous members of various osu! teams that retired, Community Contributor badges are given to public freelancers who had gone beyond the call of duty to improve osu! and the community environment.
Contributors who registered their accounts during an older era of the game have the original badge design on their profile, while newer contributors receive a more colourful variant.
For the forum thread, see: osu! community contributors
User | Contributions |
Darkimmortal | Developing and maintaining the osu!record service (replay .osr to video file). |
nanashiRei | Hosting and maintaining one of osu!'s longest running beatmap mirrors. |
RBRat3 | Numerous (beyond count) graphical contributions to the game client and everything else. |
Ballance | Achievement artwork. |
akrolsmir | Developing and maintaining AIBat, the most popular third-party beatmap modding tool ever produced by most people on the community. |
statementreply | Outstanding performance in bug-fix/feature testing and coding numerous utilities for mappers and modders. |
Loctav | Organising several major official tournaments (including the OWC). |
Blazevoir | Insane moderation track record (equivalent to roughly 6 staff members) and almost single-handedly moderating #osu during peak hours (9k+ users). |
Piotrekol | Developing and maintaining osu!stats and a number of useful utilities for both beatmapping, modding and general play. |
MillhioreF | Outstanding performance in bugfix/feature testing and handling user support queries. |
DeathxShinigami | 3+ years of silent work tirelessly handling beatmap packing and several years of managing the beatmap charts. |
LuigiHann | Years upon years of service, including designing the original beatmap skin, advancing storyboarding as an art and motivation. |
awp | Early community management and moderation and huge contributions over the course of his time. |
Sinistro | Being the first community manager and global moderator, who set the bar extremely high for the GMT to follow. |
Ivalset | Being the first staff manager and BATmanager and single-handedly forming an elite beatmap moderation team from nothing. |
User | Contributions |
Repflez | Outstanding contribution to the osu! wiki |
RaikireHiuduo | Outstanding contribution to the osu! wiki |
givenameplz | osu!Rank & osu!Post development |
For the news post, see: Community Contributor Badges (January 2016)
User | Contributions |
ztrot | Founding the osu!academy |
karterfreak | osu!weekly + News Contributor |
Flanster | Outstanding moderation presence (10k+ kills) |
Nathanael | Outstanding moderation presence (10k+ kills) |
Saten | Outstanding moderation presence and commitment (30k+ kills) |
MoonShade | Developing revolutionary storyboarding utilities (SGL) |
iys | Mikuia.tv - osu! Twitch bot toolkit development |
Tillerino | Beatmap recommendation bot development |
For the news post, see: osu!weekly #53
User | Contributions |
Charles445 | Years of upholding and improving the quality of mapping, providing assistance on many occasions to help resolve various issues in the community. |
For the news post, see: Recognising the Best of the Best
User | Contributions |
pishifat | Exemplary performance in beatmap construction and education |
Okoratu | Exceptional leadership in beatmap management affairs |
IamKwaN | Outstanding moderation presence and overall contribution |
Marcin | Outstanding contribution to community affairs, organisation and moderation |
LiquidPL | Outstanding development contribution (osu!next) |
Nyquill | Outstanding community contribution (osu!weekly) |
Derekku | Early community management and moderation |
Trosk- | Outstanding contribution to community affairs |
Shiro | Outstanding contribution to moderation, organisation and management |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: 2017
User | Contributions |
OnosakiHito | Outstanding work in forming the early osu!taiko community, several years of tenure in the BAT/QAT |
Deif | Outstanding contribution to the osu!catch community, ranking criteria reworks, and tournaments |
deadbeat | Outstanding contribution to countless media projects, tournaments, and a long-term tenure in the GMT |
Garven | Years of dedicated service to the BAT/QAT, and immense contribution to ranking criteria reworks |
Mao | Years of dedicated service to the BAT/QAT, major presence in the ranking criteria rework and Beatmap Nominator test management |
Irreversible | Dedicated contribution to the BAT/QAT across over countless years |
Nwolf | Hundreds of hours of World Cup tournaments statistics and analysis |
Yazzehh | Outstanding referee presence in dozens of community tournaments |
Evrien | Outstanding performance in casting, commentary, and event-based writeups/recaps |
Tom94 | The mastermind behind countless improvements to osu!, from pp, a graphics engine rewrite, star rating, and more! |
DrabWeb | Outstanding contribution to the osu!(lazer) project |
EVAST | Outstanding contribution to the osu!(lazer) project with 90+ pullreqs and hundreds of commits |
huoyaoyuan | Outstanding contribution to the osu!(lazer) project |
kj415j45 | Outstanding contribution and organisation of the Chinese localisation project for osu!, osu! wiki, and osu!(lazer) |
jorolf | Outstanding contribution to the osu!(lazer) project and creation of numerous media tools |
Syrin | Creator of PerformancePlus and osu!chan |
Raveille | Outstanding effort in the production and publishing of the Scorewatch project |
ThePooN | Outstanding effort in the production and publishing of the Scorewatch project |
MegaApple_Pi | Outstanding efforts in furthering the osu! wiki project with countless revisions, reworks and reviews |
TPGPL | Cornerstone of the osu! wiki project and outstanding contribution throughout the years |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: February 2019
User | Contributions |
HappyStick | World Cup organisation & osu! Coffee Hour host |
juankristal | Outstanding contribution to World Cup organisation and tournaments |
WalterToro | Outstanding contribution as a member of the GMT and osu! wiki team |
clayton | Outstanding contribution across many projects and domains |
VeilStar | Outstanding work in player support and problem resolution |
Stefan | Beatmap Packs project maintainer extraordinaire |
Naxess | Developer of countless tools proven integral to the modern ranking cycle |
Kurokami | Outstanding contribution to the Beatmap Spotlights project |
p3n | Outstanding contribution across numerous projects and domains |
shARPII | Outstanding contribution to the GMT and tournament maintenance |
Toy | Project Loved team leader |
Kaifin | Early Project Loved assistance and organisation |
Zak | Project Loved captain (osu!catch) |
Backfire | Project Loved captain (osu!taiko) |
Tenshichan | Project Loved captain (osu!catch) |
Kamikaze | Project Loved captain (osu!mania) |
Pope Gadget | Project Loved captain (osu!mania) |
Yuii- | Outstanding contribution to the Community Mentorship Program |
Halfslashed | Outstanding contribution to the Community Mentorship Program |
Mir | Outstanding contribution to the Community Mentorship Program |
Mun | Outstanding contribution to the Community Mentorship Program |
J1NX1337 | Outstanding contribution to the Community Mentorship Program |
ekr | Outstanding contribution to the osu!(lazer) project |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: 2019
User | Contributions |
VINXIS | Outstanding contribution to community affairs, events & tournaments |
hehe | Outstanding contribution to the mapping scene, events & tournaments |
Noffy | Outstanding contribution to the mapping, modding and metadata scenes |
Shoegazer | Outstanding contribution to the osu!mania game mode |
JBHyperion | Outstanding contribution to the osu!catch game mode, and management |
-Mo- | Outstanding contribution to management and leadership affairs |
Chaos | Outstanding contribution to the Global Moderation Team |
yaspo | Outstanding contribution to the Mentorship project |
Uberzolik | Outstanding contribution to the Mentorship project |
PuffBuck | Outstanding contribution to World Cup moderation and organisation |
Doomsday | Outstanding, unwavering contribution to the osu!community at large |
Omgforz | Outstanding contribution to the osu! World Cup |
Kano | Outstanding contribution to the osu! World Cup |
Halogen- | Outstanding contribution to the osu!mania tournament scene |
Junihuhn | Outstanding contribution to the osu! World Cups & tournament scene |
Sartan | Outstanding contribution to the osu!catch tournament scene |
Kobold84 | Outstanding contribution to community moderation |
Death | Outstanding, unwavering contribution to player support & assistance |
Dntm8kmeeatu | Outstanding, unwavering contribution to player support & assistance |
Milan- | Outstanding contribution to the Mappers' Guild and Beatmap Nominators |
Joehu | Outstanding contribution to osu! open source projects |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: 2020
User | Contributions |
hallowatcher | Outstanding contribution to the community events and development |
mangomizer | Outstanding contribution to the World Cups and community events |
Lasse | Outstanding contribution to the mapping and modding scene |
spaceman_atlas | Outstanding contribution to osu! development through many projects |
RockRoller | Outstanding contribution to the osu! skinning and moderation scene |
I Must Decrease | Outstanding contribution to scoring maintenance and development |
this1neguy | Outstanding contribution to the World Cups and community tournament scene |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: 2021
User | Contributions |
Kasumi-sama | Outstanding contribution to the osu!taiko community tournament scene |
frenzibyte | Outstanding contribution to the development of osu!(lazer) |
Susko3 | Outstanding contribution to the development of osu!(lazer) and osu!framework |
StanR | Outstanding contribution to osu! performance points development and maintenance |
Apo11o | Outstanding contribution to osu! performance points development |
MBmasher | Outstanding contribution to osu! performance points development and revitalizing the Flashlight mod |
Walavouchey | Outstanding contribution to the osu! wiki project |
Niva | Outstanding contribution to the osu! wiki project |
Technocoder | Outstanding contribution to macOS technical support |
huu | Outstanding contribution to Project Loved management and organisation |
OliBomby | Outstanding contribution to the osu! mapping scene via utility development |
frukoyurdakul | Outstanding contribution to the osu!taiko mapping scene via utility development |
LeoFLT | Outstanding contribution to the osu! tournament scene and the World Cups |
ChillierPear | Outstanding contribution to the osu! tournament scene and the World Cups |
cavoeboy | Outstanding contribution to osu! IRL events and the tournament scene |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: 2022 & 2023
User | Contributions |
Ephemeral | Exceptional and interminable dedication to community management over a decade |
Venix | Outstanding commitment to the moderation scene and the Beatmap Spotlights |
TicClick | Outstanding contribution to moderation affairs & the osu! wiki (wikifriend) |
Hivie | Outstanding and pioneering contribution to the osu!taiko game mode |
radar | Outstanding leadership in beatmap management affairs |
Cychloryn | Outstanding contribution to the mapping scene via utility development (osumod.com) |
BTMC | Outstanding contribution to offline tournaments and the growth of the community at large |
D I O | Outstanding contribution to the osu! tournament scene and the World Cups |
Azer | Outstanding contribution to the osu! tournament scene and the World Cups |
Jerry | Outstanding contribution to the osu!taiko community and tournament scene |
Roan | Outstanding contribution to the skinning community |
Darksonic | Outstanding contribution to community moderation |
Tanza3D | Outstanding contribution to graphic design across countless community projects |
vrnl | Outstanding contribution to beatmap quality assurance |
Meyer | Outstanding contribution to osu! IRL events |
FAMoss | Outstanding contribution to the Mappers' Guild and Featured Artist showcase videos |
Hinsvar | Outstanding contribution to the Mappers' Guild and Featured Artist showcase videos |
Jemzuu | Outstanding contribution to the Mappers' Guild and Featured Artist showcase videos |
SMOKELIND | Outstanding contribution to the Mappers' Guild and Featured Artist showcase videos |
Strategas | Outstanding contribution to the Mappers' Guild and Featured Artist showcase videos |
For the news post, see: Community Contributors: 2024
User | Contributions |
0x84f | Outstanding contribution to moderation affairs, team leadership and news coverage |
Sakura006 | Outstanding coordination of osu! music and art production |
Ascendance | Outstanding contribution to the osu!catch community and mapping scene |
Greaper | Outstanding contribution to the osu!catch community and integral tool development |
Maxus | Outstanding contribution to the osu!mania modding and mapping scene |
-mint- | Outstanding contribution to the osu!mania tournament and mapping scene |
Mr HeliX | Outstanding contribution to performance points development via integral tooling (huismetbenen) |
tsunyoku | Outstanding contribution to perfomance points development and osu!(stable) maintainance |
emanfman | Outstanding contribution in uniting the community on Reddit r/place events |
cyperdark | Outstanding contribution to the community replay documentation and tooling development |
FunOrange | Outstanding contribution to the community via tooling development (osu-trainer) |
oneplusone | Outstanding contribution to the community via tooling development (osuplus) |
Stevy | Outstanding contribution to the community via tooling development (owo! bot) |
Badewanne3 | Outstanding contribution to the community via tooling development (Bathbot) |
During February 2018, the old contributor badge by RBRat3 was redesigned by flyte due to not matching the new website's colour scheme.1
Due to a lack of "soul",1 the design was changed again on 21 July 2023. This time the initial design was refreshed by RBRat3 and split into two versions, where older contributors (with a user ID below 4,000,000) saw a revert to the original while newer contributors received a more colourful variant.