Officially Joined Support Team on 6/4/2016. Thank you all! | Got GMT Status on 6/7/2016
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Ask in #help... #help is a chat channel in osu! that is full of users (Some osu!Team) who can answer any questions you may have (must be osu! related). In order to join #help you can either click the "Plus" (+) button next to the chat tabs and select #help from there. Or, You can type /join help (in chat).
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Ask on the help forums! Here many users and osu!Team answer questions, help with problems, and handle bug reports. If you have a bug report, technical problem, or just a question. Make a post here. I would suggest asking in #help before posting to the forums to avoid clutter, and easy to solve problems. Also, Please make sure to search your problem or bug report before posting to avoid duplicates. Check the "Resolved" Tab, Or search using the forum search option. Or even by Googling your issue!
Cool Things & Fanart!
2017 New Year in #modhelp
For celebration of the New Year, user MikasaSerket drew the inhabitants of #modhelp, in a very nice collage of people represented by their anime girl avatars... Except for Pittigbaasje, he is represented by himself.
I am on the Very far left, drawn as Nymph (With exceptionally glorious hair).
If you wish to view the full resolution image, you can find it here. Again, thanks to MikasaSerket for this very nice piece of art, and including me in it.