Hello there and welcome to my user page I like SH/XH'ing easy & normal maps with DTHRHD(FL) My favorite playstyle is (HD)DT, but I also like to play with (HD)HR When playing no-mod or DT I usually play maps around 5.0-8.5 stars (I also like playing higher difficulty maps just for fun )
Thank you very much anonymous person for 6 months of supporter ^_^
7th of April 2016: Started playing osu! 20th of May 2016: First 5* pass 24th of May 2016: Top 50k 25th-31st of May 2016: 1000pp 7th-10th of June 2016: Changed avatar 18th of June 2016: Started playing taiko, mania & catch 28th of June 2016: Changed username 29th of June 2016: First 4* FC (Oracle's Insane) 5th of July 2016: First 100pp score (106pp, Mao's Insane + HDNCSD) 28th of July 2016: 2000pp 3rd of August 2016: First 6* pass (Nightmare) 30th of August 2016: First 5* FC (wkyik's Memory + DT) 1st of September 2016: Started getting C's instead of D's on 7*'s 23rd of Septmber 2016: Got a 2368 combo 16th of October 2016: 3000pp 15th of November 2016: First 7* pass (Airman) 29th of June 2017: First 200pp score (202pp, Lunatic + DT) 2nd of July 2017: 4000pp 18th of December 2017: First 6* FC (AngelHoney) 7th of February 2018: 5000pp 13th of January 2020: First 8* pass (Expert + DT / no double tapping) 10th of November 2021: Retroactively (2018-01-09) got my first 300pp score via a pp algo update (Collab Insane + DTSD) 27th of March 2023: Joined the Global Moderation Team (GMT) 19th of November 2023: Received Community Contributor (News Post)