[Top Service]
00:20:219 (1,1,1) - Players will read these NCs as 1/3s (instead of 1/2) considering you led with a 1/3 snapping earlier 00:19:870 (1) - .
00:46:033 (1,2,3,4,1) - Can you spice this up a bit?
Spacings throuhgout 00:46:033 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - are a bit monotonous to play.
02:02:076 (1,2,3) - This looks like a pattern rather than 02:02:250 (2,3,4) - tbh. 01:48:123 (1,2,3,4) - has a much clearer pattern arrangement for example.
(I know it's a minor thing but given you have been super consistent with this I figured I should at least point this out.)
02:14:983 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - What about instead of these, you use the same rhythm from 02:09:402 (3,1,2,1,2) - ?
03:49:518 (1,2,1,2) - Could you fix up the visuals here a bit?
03:50:216 (1,2) - 03:54:402 (1,2) - Song's rhythm is not the same for both of these, so they shouldn't play the same way.
03:49:518 (1,2) - Looks super sloppy since they don't have any visual relation whatsoever (unlike 04:00:681 (1,2,1) - which is more typical of your style).
05:13:239 (1,2,3,4) - Kinda wish you can flip the flow around to create more contrast with 05:11:146 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - but this is kinda whatever.
Anyway, my schedule is quite packed with other maps + irl stuff, so I will recheck this next weekend.
01:45:136 - For Normal and Hard:
What's the rationale for making this section denser than higher diffs?
[une confidence]
00:07:557 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Grouping should have been something like:
So that the transition between all these is 3-3-3, which is the same grouping you did in Insane as well.
01:03:136 (2) - Is on a different sound + a lot stronger than 01:02:820 (1) - so these should not be grouped in the same pattern.
01:05:978 (2,1) - 01:06:926 (1,1) - Kinda wish the spacings could be bigger to reflect that the song has been trying to ramp up since 01:05:347 - .
01:41:662 (1,2,1,2) - 01:43:241 (1,2,1) - Get the idea but this also ended up using only minimal movement when the song is reaching climax.
Could swap 01:41:978 (2,1) - to create some sort of back-and-forth jumps like:
So that it at least retains your original pattern idea while keeping the gameplay challenging (if you agree then a similar idea can be applied to 01:43:241 (1,2,1) - as well).
[une insane]
00:23:662 (1) - Different rhythms started here so 00:23:031 (2,3,1) - could be something more interesting than just using the same small spacings throughout.
01:27:136 (1,1) - 01:27:768 (3,1) - Are very confusing to read with 01:27:768 (3,1) - being 1/2 with a smaller spacing.
Spacing for 01:27:136 (1,1) - should be something with a similar scale to 01:34:715 (1,1) - 01:35:347 (3,1) - .
01:29:978 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Very easy to misread as 1/2s since this map has a lot of 1/2 stacks placed in the same way.
Should have a different kind of visual indication (e.g. overlapping instead of stacking?) or just change 01:29:978 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - into 1/3 reverse sliders to help players adapt to the snapping.
02:01:715 - Is not the same sound as 02:02:031 so maybe change 02:01:557 (1) - into two circles instead? Just like 02:00:768 (1,2) -
[une hard]
00:41:504 (3) - 00:49:083 (3) - 00:56:662 (3) - Can be removed? There are no sounds + higher diffs didn't do this anyway.
01:53:662 (2,3) - Prefer the rhythm below since that way you can highlight all of 1/2s starting from 01:53:978 - as a pattern.
[une normal]
00:15:136 (4) - Could be two circles? Tail is mappable and wouldn't hurt to create some rhythm variation between the two measures 00:11:978 (1,2,3,4) - 00:13:873 (1,2,3,4) - .
[une easy]
01:40:083 (2,3) - Maybe a 1/1 slider + two circles for cymbals at 01:40:715 - 01:41:031 - since the song is peaking here?
00:10:399 (1,2,3) - 00:17:978 (3,1,2) - Inconsistent rhythm-wise but these are kinda whatever.
I will recheck next weekend.
[une hard]
01:31:557 (4) - Can be two circles?
Based on your logic of making the pattern stand out from: 2236105#4836399/12811424
[une easy]
00:39:126 (2,3) - This is just too big to the point where it can be misread as 1/4 instead though.
[TheShadow's Hard]
00:03:900 (3,4) - 00:16:288 (3,4) - Could be 1/2 reverse sliders instead to create some rhythm variation vs. 00:10:094 (3,4,5,6,7) - 00:16:288 (3,4,5,6,7) - .
(The pitches are kinda different so having a slight rhythm variation would at least reflect that.)
Guess Normal is fine?
Call me back again once you are done with GodHacc's and I will recheck.
[Truly Alive]
02:22:215 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -
04:10:847 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) -
Could you nerf these parts a bit?
Nerfing would make the actual build-up parts 02:24:742 - 04:13:373 - more highlighted.
Right now I can hear the snares picking up at 02:24:742 - 04:13:373 - but there are no notable changes in mapping.
02:56:636 (2) - Ctrl+G?
02:55:057 (3,4,5,6) - The spacing is scaling up here so having small spacings throughout 02:56:320 (1,2,3) - is just anti-climatic.
04:35:952 (2,1) - This is pretty big compared to your other 1/4 spacings though.
Even the last chorus 06:49:847 (2,1) - is not as big as this.
04:36:978 (6,1) - Wish there is some sort of direction change on top of spacings as well (for vocal, obviously).
05:39:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Any thoughts on using the same spacing as 05:39:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ?
If you're not scaling the spacings here then the scaling would happen on 05:40:531 instead, which is where the drumrolls are considerably stronger.
08:31:057 - Sounds like a weird ending point for my taste but oh well.
Also was expecting 04:28:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - to be like 02:39:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - but this is kinda whatever.
Anyway, call me back once Satellite's done and I will recheck.
BG Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yJb4w8
[Truly Alive]
01:26:636 (1,2,3,4) - Could add whistles for guitar?
Similar to how 06:22:215 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2) - was done.
06:01:057 (1) - I can't tell if the drumslide on 06:01:215 - is intentional, considering you put a green line here.
07:27:899 (1) - 07:28:531 (1) - 07:29:163 (1) - If you are silencing the sliderends anyway then might as well use 1/3 snap on these, no?
Let me know when Satellite is ready.
01:24:333 (6,1) - 02:51:606 (6,1) - These are readable but suddenly small spacings at the end of the kiais are quite underwhelming.
01:25:697 (7,1) - This should be bigger, especially when compared with 02:52:970 (7,1) - 03:36:777 (8,1) - .
04:10:015 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Should mix in a slider or two.
These are consecutive jumps that made the gameplay harder than everything else around that part when the intensity has not really changed.
Vocals on stuff like 03:56:038 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 04:17:856 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - etc. don't feel exclusively highlighted anymore because you did similar consecutive jumps here on entirely different rhythms.
Call me back when you are done and I will recheck.
01:06:180 (5) - 02:11:635 (3) - 02:33:453 (5) - 02:55:271 (5) - 03:38:907 (5) - 04:00:725 (5) - 04:22:544 (5) -
Can you confirm again that the current snapping choice of these is what you intended instead of 1/6s?
Let me know when Gust is ready.
Feels weird modding the same set twice.
00:35:798 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These are visually reflecting the increase in intensity, but gameplay-wise they are not that much different
At least 00:37:204 (1,2,3,4) - should be much more difficult than 00:35:798 (1,2,3,4) - (Insane did pretty ok on this).
[Akareh's Insane]
00:42:243 - This is too strong to skip though, why don't just do the same thing you did with 01:11:891 (3,4,5) - ?
01:09:548 (1,2) - Should have a different way to differentiate these from 01:09:079 (1,2) - .
Right now 01:09:079 (1,2,1) - look + play like a same pattern but 01:09:548 (1) - is on a different section.
[Gaia's Hard]
00:14:704 (2) - 2108064#4303062
(Just migrating the old post to here so that nothing is unaddressed.)
00:15:173 (1,2,5) - 2108064#4303063
(Just migrating the old post to here so that nothing is unaddressed.)
00:41:188 (5,1) - 00:47:048 (3,4) - Why suddenly big spacings?
First one is sort of justifiable but you didn't do the same at 01:10:954 (7,1) - either, so I'll just assume both of these are not intentional.
Normal is fine.
Really wish you are using custom hitsounds though, guitars in this section 00:18:923 - is very strong and would benefit from a stronger whistle.
Drum-hitnormal is very weak to be used as kicks in this song, especially in stronger sections like 00:39:548 - 00:41:423 - etc where kicks are audible but default drum-hitnormal is just not that distinguishable from other hitnormals.
Call me back once Stompy's done.
[Nyukai's Normal]
Let me know once Stompy rechecked.
02:16:576 - Why some of the difficulties have colorhaxing and some don't on this part?
Like, you can just see how some of lower difficulties + special have colorhaxes while others don't.
From 00:40:570 - to 00:58:025 - for Hard and lower diffs:
Just try mapping normally without spinners/breaks, the song has a slight change but not that drastic.
(Considering Hyper has 1/2 slider spams with some jumps, you can try to simplify these rhythms in lower diffs - just don't pretend they don't exist and skip them altogether.)
[Special 64]
Difficulty name is a bit misleading.
This is the only diff that is actually a custom name, so it gives an impression that this is on a higher hierarchy than Insane when they are actually on the same level.
To reflect that, this could be renamed as Insane: Precision (or Special, up to you) 64 and then Insane: [xxx] 64 for another highest diff.
00:32:387 (3) - Is this supposed to be stacked with 00:32:660 (4) - based on your previous patterns?
[Hyper 64]
02:25:031 (1) - Would remove NC on this.
Otherwise it could be confusing to play considering you are using only two combo colours and the NC just killed the followpoints on top of that.
I will stop modding here for now - since I have some concerns:
[Beginner 64]
The rhythm density is so sparse (and the low BPM makes this even more sparse) that I don't want to consider this a rhythm game level. There are like...40-ish objects over the course of almost two minutes.
I don't see it realistic to even make one considering you already have a lot of lower difficulties, and even the newest players would be able to breeze through your Easy diff anyway.
A number of difficulties could have been renamed a step down:
Advanced --> Normal
Normal --> Easy
Easy --> Beginner
And then remove the Beginner diff?
(Sorry I don't want to say this but this is what I really think, based on: 2049651#4778126)
The rhythm density you used here would have been fine if the song has like 200 BPM. But with the BPM being so low, these difficulties ended up being too easy than their current levels.
Before you do any changes with this, ask Gust for opinions first in case Gust doesn't agree with me or has any other thoughts.
I have not finished modding yet, but I feel like the problem stamps above need to be addressed before we go any further with this, so poke me once all those are cleared up.
Round #2:
[Insane 64: Precision Bonus]
[Normal 64]
01:30:599 - Is the break intentional? Only diff in the entire set that has a manual break set here.
02:24:758 (1,2) - Should swap NC so that the grouping 02:23:122 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1) - matches with how each combos are placed horizontally.
[Easy 64]
00:44:934 (1,2) - Just use the same rhythm from 00:53:661 (1,2,3) - , what you have now is not dense enough.
01:14:390 (1,2,3,4,5) - Could be nerfed a bit since this is Easy now, maybe 2 1/2 sliders + circles instead?
02:11:121 (3,4) - This could be a 2/1 slider so that circles will be used exclusively on the same sound at 02:12:757 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - .
(i.e., 02:12:212 (4) - is not the same sound as the rest so you might as well make it a sliderend.)
[Beginner 64]
AR2 would help reading the stuff with more consecutive objects like 02:20:940 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - .
01:55:302 (1) - Use the following rhythms instead of a spinner? Just my personal preference over a spinner since you can still map to some rhythms here:
After this, poke Gust, and poke me again once he's done so I can recheck.
[Easy 64]
[Normal 64]
[Insane 64: Precision Bonus]
00:38:933 (3,5) - A rather untidy overlap no? 00:30:205 (3,5) - Is similar but cleaner (for example).
00:47:116 (9) - Might as well NC this thing since 00:42:752 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:49:298 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - are NC'd every measure anyway.
Get Gust to recheck when you are done with all this.
[Scub's O Tides, I Have Returned]
01:56:794 (2) - This is correct right? Just want to make sure since this is the only 1/6 object in kiai.
[Anxient's "Divine Judgement" Another]
01:56:729 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:58:308 (1,2) - 01:59:887 (1) - 02:01:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Are these actually 1/3 stuff?
Personally these sound like either 1/4 or 1/8 + host and scub seem to be using 1/4s on these spots.
00:09:664 (1) - Could do a gradual increase in volume here through the green lines?
Hearing the sliderhead+repeat sound much louder before the song fades in is pretty jarring.
00:16:051 (1) - Should be something different here since the sound landed here is not that strong compared to 00:14:309 (1) - 00:14:889 (1) - 00:15:470 (1) - .
02:28:308 (1,2,3) - Pretty underwhelming considering that this is supposed to be built up from 02:25:939 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - .
[O Tears, I Shall Repay]
00:46:825 (1,2,3) - This could also be more challenging to reflect the increasing intensity from vocals.
01:03:083 (6,7) - Should use the same rhythms from 01:05:405 (6,7,8,9) - because the overall intensity is increasing.
At least 01:03:083 (6,7) - should be something more active than 01:00:760 (3,4,5) - .
02:00:479 (8,1) - Spacing on this should be bigger than 02:00:281 (7,8) - and not the other way around.
02:05:808 (3,4) - Spacing should be much higher, at least in a similar scale to 02:05:215 (3,1) - .
02:25:939 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I thought you were gonna do the "Scales of Justice" patterning thing like your higher diff, not the case here?
00:57:276 (1,2,1,2) - Rhythm density should be more like 00:59:599 (1,2,3,4) - .
I mean sure 00:59:599 (1,2,3,4) - has choirs but overall both of these are still pretty similar intensity-wise.
01:06:567 (1) - 01:07:728 (1) - Should be 1/2 sliders.
The song is hyping up yet 01:06:567 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - as a whole is currently less dense than earlier measures.
01:36:992 - Should do a 1/2 slider + 1/1 slider here.
Currently 01:36:597 (4,5,6,1) - has more rhythm gaps + is less dense than everything else around it.
02:28:308 (1,2,3) - Spamming NCs where will help with readability considering these are 3/4s.
01:35:413 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) -
You have to ignore some stuff and reduce rhythm density. Otherwise this would be as difficult to play as the kiai 01:54:360 - which is obviously more intense.
Call me again once you finished applying Plus4j's mods.
[Scub's O Tides, I Have Returned]
Let me know again one Plus4j is ready.
02:18:413 (1) - Could be misleading? I thought this was going to come after 02:18:519 (1,2,3) - when I was playing.
Maybe change into some other shape 02:18:519 (1,2,3) - ? Or at least the angles should not be a continuation from angles of 02:17:466 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - at least.
The rest is fine actually? Just let me know when Cris- modded and I will recheck.
[Did I disappoint you?]
02:44:737 - The sound lands here rather than 02:43:737 (3) - though.
Keeping the current rhythm choice should still be ok as simplification if you remove whistle and mute the repeat?
02:30:264 (1,2) - Is the DS here supposed to be 1.4x like 02:23:527 (1,2) - 02:38:685 (1,2) - etc. ?
Recheck #2:
My apologies - I forgot to check hitsounds when I was rechecking earlier.
00:03:811 - The song has not kicked in yet, so a lower volume should be used here (30% maybe?).
00:16:645 - Vocal kinda too strong for just a sliderend.
Would go for rhythms choices like 00:27:145 (3,4,5,1) - where you mapped vocals over the downbeat kick.
00:25:811 (6) - Should be circles like 00:26:145 (7,8) - since both are the same thing.
If you're worried about diff spike then just keep the spacings low.
00:46:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These are on different drums than 00:46:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - so at least flows/angles should be more different.
Right now flows on both are pretty much mirrored (Insane did fine on using different flows for different rhythms here, so you can refer to that).
01:01:978 (2,3,4,1) - There's nothing here so spacings should be smaller than the actual vocal stuff 01:00:478 (3,4,5) - 01:04:478 (2,3,4) - 01:05:811 (3,4,5) - etc.
01:13:478 (2) - Should be two circles since 01:13:645 - has a drum while 01:13:311 - doesn't.
00:18:811 (2,3) - Ctrl+G rhythm to prioritise vocals over the kick?
At least that's what you did in other diffs.
00:57:645 (3) - Too passive for chorus though.
Personally would do a circle + 1/2 slider starting at 00:57:645 - but up to you.
00:16:645 (5,1) - ทำไมเป็นสีเดียวกัน
00:54:145 (3,1) - อันนี้อีกอัน
ลองเช็คทั้ง set อีกทีนะ ผม ขก. มานั่งหา
01:14:478 - Should nerf rhythm density in this section, at least this should be significantly less dense than Hard.
Will recheck once oko modded.
00:16:645 - Vocal kinda too strong for just a sliderend.
Would go for rhythms choices like 00:27:145 (3,4,5,1) - where you mapped vocals over the downbeat kick.
00:25:811 (6) - Should be circles like 00:26:145 (7,8) - since both are the same thing.
If you're worried about diff spike then just keep the spacings low.
00:46:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These are on different drums than 00:46:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - so at least flows/angles should be more different.
Right now flows on both are pretty much mirrored (Insane did fine on using different flows for different rhythms here, so you can refer to that).
01:01:978 (2,3,4,1) - There's nothing here so spacings should be smaller than the actual vocal stuff 01:00:478 (3,4,5) - 01:04:478 (2,3,4) - 01:05:811 (3,4,5) - etc.
01:13:478 (2) - Should be two circles since 01:13:645 - has a drum while 01:13:311 - doesn't.
00:18:811 (2,3) - Ctrl+G rhythm to prioritise vocals over the kick?
At least that's what you did in other diffs.
00:57:645 (3) - Too passive for chorus though.
Personally would do a circle + 1/2 slider starting at 00:57:645 - but up to you.
00:16:645 (5,1) - ทำไมเป็นสีเดียวกัน
00:54:145 (3,1) - อันนี้อีกอัน
ลองเช็คทั้ง set อีกทีนะ ผม ขก. มานั่งหา
02:18:413 (1) - Could be misleading? I thought this was going to come after 02:18:519 (1,2,3) - when I was playing.
Maybe change into some other shape 02:18:519 (1,2,3) - ? Or at least the angles should not be a continuation from angles of 02:17:466 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - at least.
02:44:737 - The sound lands here rather than 02:43:737 (3) - though.
Keeping the current rhythm choice should still be ok as simplification if you remove whistle and mute the repeat?
02:30:264 (1,2) - Is the DS here supposed to be 1.4x like 02:23:527 (1,2) - 02:38:685 (1,2) - etc. ?
01:56:794 (2) - This is correct right? Just want to make sure since this is the only 1/6 object in kiai.
01:56:729 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:58:308 (1,2) - 01:59:887 (1) - 02:01:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Are these actually 1/3 stuff?
Personally these sound like either 1/4 or 1/8 + host and scub seem to be using 1/4s on these spots.
00:09:664 (1) - Could do a gradual increase in volume here through the green lines?
Hearing the sliderhead+repeat sound much louder before the song fades in is pretty jarring.
00:16:051 (1) - Should be something different here since the sound landed here is not that strong compared to 00:14:309 (1) - 00:14:889 (1) - 00:15:470 (1) - .
02:28:308 (1,2,3) - Pretty underwhelming considering that this is supposed to be built up from 02:25:939 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - .
00:46:825 (1,2,3) - This could also be more challenging to reflect the increasing intensity from vocals.
01:03:083 (6,7) - Should use the same rhythms from 01:05:405 (6,7,8,9) - because the overall intensity is increasing.
At least 01:03:083 (6,7) - should be something more active than 01:00:760 (3,4,5) - .
02:00:479 (8,1) - Spacing on this should be bigger than 02:00:281 (7,8) - and not the other way around.
02:05:808 (3,4) - Spacing should be much higher, at least in a similar scale to 02:05:215 (3,1) - .
02:25:939 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I thought you were gonna do the "Scales of Justice" patterning thing like your higher diff, not the case here?
00:57:276 (1,2,1,2) - Rhythm density should be more like 00:59:599 (1,2,3,4) - .
I mean sure 00:59:599 (1,2,3,4) - has choirs but overall both of these are still pretty similar intensity-wise.
01:06:567 (1) - 01:07:728 (1) - Should be 1/2 sliders.
The song is hyping up yet 01:06:567 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - as a whole is currently less dense than earlier measures.
01:36:992 - Should do a 1/2 slider + 1/1 slider here.
Currently 01:36:597 (4,5,6,1) - has more rhythm gaps + is less dense than everything else around it.
02:28:308 (1,2,3) - Spamming NCs where will help with readability considering these are 3/4s.
01:35:413 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) -
You have to ignore some stuff and reduce rhythm density. Otherwise this would be as difficult to play as the kiai 01:54:360 - which is obviously more intense.
From 00:40:570 - to 00:58:025 - for Hard and lower diffs:
Just try mapping normally without spinners/breaks, the song has a slight change but not that drastic.
(Considering Hyper has 1/2 slider spams with some jumps, you can try to simplify these rhythms in lower diffs - just don't pretend they don't exist and skip them altogether.)
Difficulty name is a bit misleading.
This is the only diff that is actually a custom name, so it gives an impression that this is on a higher hierarchy than Insane when they are actually on the same level.
To reflect that, this could be renamed as Insane: Precision (or Special, up to you) 64 and then Insane: [xxx] 64 for another highest diff.
00:32:387 (3) - Is this supposed to be stacked with 00:32:660 (4) - based on your previous patterns?
02:25:031 (1) - Would remove NC on this.
Otherwise it could be confusing to play considering you are using only two combo colours and the NC just killed the followpoints on top of that.
The rhythm density is so sparse (and the low BPM makes this even more sparse) that I don't want to consider this a rhythm game level. There are like...40-ish objects over the course of almost two minutes.
I don't see it realistic to even make one considering you already have a lot of lower difficulties, and even the newest players would be able to breeze through your Easy diff anyway.
A number of difficulties could have been renamed a step down:
Advanced --> Normal
Normal --> Easy
Easy --> Beginner
And then remove the Beginner diff?
(Sorry I don't want to say this but this is what I really think, based on: 2049651#4778126)
The rhythm density you used here would have been fine if the song has like 200 BPM. But with the BPM being so low, these difficulties ended up being too easy than their current levels.
Before you do any changes with this, ask Gust for opinions first in case Gust doesn't agree with me or has any other thoughts.
02:24:758 (1,2) - Should swap NC so that the grouping 02:23:122 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1) - matches with how each combos are placed horizontally.
00:44:934 (1,2) - Just use the same rhythm from 00:53:661 (1,2,3) - , what you have now is not dense enough.
01:14:390 (1,2,3,4,5) - Could be nerfed a bit since this is Easy now, maybe 2 1/2 sliders + circles instead?
02:11:121 (3,4) - This could be a 2/1 slider so that circles will be used exclusively on the same sound at 02:12:757 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - .
(i.e., 02:12:212 (4) - is not the same sound as the rest so you might as well make it a sliderend.)
AR2 would help reading the stuff with more consecutive objects like 02:20:940 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - .
01:55:302 (1) - Use the following rhythms instead of a spinner? Just my personal preference over a spinner since you can still map to some rhythms here:
00:38:933 (3,5) - A rather untidy overlap no? 00:30:205 (3,5) - Is similar but cleaner (for example).
00:47:116 (9) - Might as well NC this thing since 00:42:752 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:49:298 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - are NC'd every measure anyway.
00:35:798 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These are visually reflecting the increase in intensity, but gameplay-wise they are not that much different
At least 00:37:204 (1,2,3,4) - should be much more difficult than 00:35:798 (1,2,3,4) - (Insane did pretty ok on this).
00:42:243 - This is too strong to skip though, why don't just do the same thing you did with 01:11:891 (3,4,5) - ?
01:09:548 (1,2) - Should have a different way to differentiate these from 01:09:079 (1,2) - .
Right now 01:09:079 (1,2,1) - look + play like a same pattern but 01:09:548 (1) - is on a different section.
00:14:704 (2) - 2108064#4303062
(Just migrating the old post to here so that nothing is unaddressed.)
00:15:173 (1,2,5) - 2108064#4303063
(Just migrating the old post to here so that nothing is unaddressed.)
00:41:188 (5,1) - 00:47:048 (3,4) - Why suddenly big spacings?
First one is sort of justifiable but you didn't do the same at 01:10:954 (7,1) - either, so I'll just assume both of these are not intentional.
01:24:333 (6,1) - 02:51:606 (6,1) - These are readable but suddenly small spacings at the end of the kiais are quite underwhelming.
01:25:697 (7,1) - This should be bigger, especially when compared with 02:52:970 (7,1) - 03:36:777 (8,1) - .
04:10:015 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Should mix in a slider or two.
These are consecutive jumps that made the gameplay harder than everything else around that part when the intensity has not really changed.
Vocals on stuff like 03:56:038 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 04:17:856 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - etc. don't feel exclusively highlighted anymore because you did similar consecutive jumps here on entirely different rhythms.
01:06:180 (5) - 02:11:635 (3) - 02:33:453 (5) - 02:55:271 (5) - 03:38:907 (5) - 04:00:725 (5) - 04:22:544 (5) -
Can you confirm again that the current snapping choice of these is what you intended instead of 1/6s?
02:22:215 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -
04:10:847 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) -
Could you nerf these parts a bit?
Nerfing would make the actual build-up parts 02:24:742 - 04:13:373 - more highlighted.
Right now I can hear the snares picking up at 02:24:742 - 04:13:373 - but there are no notable changes in mapping.
02:56:636 (2) - Ctrl+G?
02:55:057 (3,4,5,6) - The spacing is scaling up here so having small spacings throughout 02:56:320 (1,2,3) - is just anti-climatic.
04:35:952 (2,1) - This is pretty big compared to your other 1/4 spacings though.
Even the last chorus 06:49:847 (2,1) - is not as big as this.
04:36:978 (6,1) - Wish there is some sort of direction change on top of spacings as well (for vocal, obviously).
05:39:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Any thoughts on using the same spacing as 05:39:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ?
If you're not scaling the spacings here then the scaling would happen on 05:40:531 instead, which is where the drumrolls are considerably stronger.
01:26:636 (1,2,3,4) - Could add whistles for guitar?
Similar to how 06:22:215 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2) - was done.
06:01:057 (1) - I can't tell if the drumslide on 06:01:215 - is intentional, considering you put a green line here.
07:27:899 (1) - 07:28:531 (1) - 07:29:163 (1) - If you are silencing the sliderends anyway then might as well use 1/3 snap on these, no?
00:39:126 (2,3) - This is just too big to the point where it can be misread as 1/4 instead though.
00:03:900 (3,4) - 00:16:288 (3,4) - Could be 1/2 reverse sliders instead to create some rhythm variation vs. 00:10:094 (3,4,5,6,7) - 00:16:288 (3,4,5,6,7) - .
(The pitches are kinda different so having a slight rhythm variation would at least reflect that.)
00:07:557 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Grouping should have been something like:
So that the transition between all these is 3-3-3, which is the same grouping you did in Insane as well.
01:03:136 (2) - Is on a different sound + a lot stronger than 01:02:820 (1) - so these should not be grouped in the same pattern.
01:05:978 (2,1) - 01:06:926 (1,1) - Kinda wish the spacings could be bigger to reflect that the song has been trying to ramp up since 01:05:347 - .
01:41:662 (1,2,1,2) - 01:43:241 (1,2,1) - Get the idea but this also ended up using only minimal movement when the song is reaching climax.
Could swap 01:41:978 (2,1) - to create some sort of back-and-forth jumps like:
So that it at least retains your original pattern idea while keeping the gameplay challenging (if you agree then a similar idea can be applied to 01:43:241 (1,2,1) - as well).
00:23:662 (1) - Different rhythms started here so 00:23:031 (2,3,1) - could be something more interesting than just using the same small spacings throughout.
01:27:136 (1,1) - 01:27:768 (3,1) - Are very confusing to read with 01:27:768 (3,1) - being 1/2 with a smaller spacing.
Spacing for 01:27:136 (1,1) - should be something with a similar scale to 01:34:715 (1,1) - 01:35:347 (3,1) - .
01:29:978 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Very easy to misread as 1/2s since this map has a lot of 1/2 stacks placed in the same way.
Should have a different kind of visual indication (e.g. overlapping instead of stacking?) or just change 01:29:978 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - into 1/3 reverse sliders to help players adapt to the snapping.
02:01:715 - Is not the same sound as 02:02:031 so maybe change 02:01:557 (1) - into two circles instead? Just like 02:00:768 (1,2) -
00:41:504 (3) - 00:49:083 (3) - 00:56:662 (3) - Can be removed? There are no sounds + higher diffs didn't do this anyway.
01:53:662 (2,3) - Prefer the rhythm below since that way you can highlight all of 1/2s starting from 01:53:978 - as a pattern.
00:15:136 (4) - Could be two circles? Tail is mappable and wouldn't hurt to create some rhythm variation between the two measures 00:11:978 (1,2,3,4) - 00:13:873 (1,2,3,4) - .
01:40:083 (2,3) - Maybe a 1/1 slider + two circles for cymbals at 01:40:715 - 01:41:031 - since the song is peaking here?
01:31:557 (4) - Can be two circles?
Based on your logic of making the pattern stand out from: 2236105#4836399/12811424
00:20:219 (1,1,1) - Players will read these NCs as 1/3s (instead of 1/2) considering you led with a 1/3 snapping earlier 00:19:870 (1) - .
00:46:033 (1,2,3,4,1) - Can you spice this up a bit?
Spacings throuhgout 00:46:033 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - are a bit monotonous to play.
02:02:076 (1,2,3) - This looks like a pattern rather than 02:02:250 (2,3,4) - tbh. 01:48:123 (1,2,3,4) - has a much clearer pattern arrangement for example.
(I know it's a minor thing but given you have been super consistent with this I figured I should at least point this out.)
02:14:983 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - What about instead of these, you use the same rhythm from 02:09:402 (3,1,2,1,2) - ?
03:49:518 (1,2,1,2) - Could you fix up the visuals here a bit?
03:50:216 (1,2) - 03:54:402 (1,2) - Song's rhythm is not the same for both of these, so they shouldn't play the same way.
03:49:518 (1,2) - Looks super sloppy since they don't have any visual relation whatsoever (unlike 04:00:681 (1,2,1) - which is more typical of your style).
Top diff + advanced bg - Just use another BG since:
Also not sure about Victoria Co. bg either since artist's policy is basically:
Just use the same rhythms from Normal 00:06:610 (2,1,2,3) - but changing 00:06:610 (1,2) - to two 2/1 sliders and you are all good?