00:54:178 (1,1,1) - 00:59:284 (1,1,1) - 01:04:390 (1,1,1) - 01:09:497 (1,1,1) - <- drop nc.
makes it easier to notice the slow sliders introduced at 00:51:624 (1,1,1) -
it's also more consistent with similar patterns in 00:20:986 - 00:47:156 -
Artist: 志方あきこ (Shikata Akiko)
Title: 謳う丘~Harmonics EOLIA~ (Utau Oka -Harmonics EOLIA-)
Source: アルトネリコ ~世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女~ (Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia / Ar tonelico: The Girl Who Keeps Singing at the End of the World)
Tags: rpg j-rpg The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World jrpg folk japanese Hymmnos video game op opening visual novel vn シュレリア Gust Singing Hill Melody of Elemia Vocal 骗顶杯 ar tonelico sekai no owari de utai tsuzukeru shoujo natekun
metadata source: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1839294#osu/3777362 (joink)
Tittle: 迷子の廃園 / Maigo no Haien
Artist: きくお / Kikuo
Tags: deserted garden of the lost children featured artist fa kikuoworld classical instrumental mappers' guild mpg
Source: 2249412#4728964 https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1871425#taiko/3850580
00:27:680 (1,2) - is it not better vocal rep, to have 00:27:680 (1) - be 2 1/2 and 00:28:319 (2) - to only have 1
I want to prioritize the drums here.
I think it can be a bit slider-heavy now, but the 1/1 gaps should allow "normal players" to reset, so it should not be to big of a problem (considering its a sub 20sec section)
if you don't agree with the way i have done this feel free to reopen, and i'll take another look at it.
it makes sense to me to leave 01:27:610 (2,3) - as active.
reason being the quite noticeably louder drum at 01:27:753 - compeard to sleighbells at 01:26:896 -
while i do heavely prioritise vocals, pasivly mapping the drum and making the pattern equal to 01:26:324 (4,5) - is not the best representation imo
i think making a light insane at this point might be a bit overkill. just changing 02:14:038 (3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3) - might be enough as this pattern does come a bit out of nowhere. if you (or someone else) stil think the gap is to big I'll do a light insane.