Too high or low background resolution.
"BG4-min.jpg" greater than 2560 x 1440 (4433 x 2494)
"BG1-min.jpg" greater than 2560 x 1440 (2967 x 1746)
whoops mb. reminder to myself to always add BGs by pulling them into the editor instead of replacing files
+1 HP for the guest difficulties? Current HP is lower than Hard currently.
Normally I would suggest -1 HP from Easy to Hard diffs, but I figured gameplay could be a bit more chllenging with a higher HP (considering the BPM here is already super low).
Adjusted all diff settings a bit cause a couple of diffs had rather questionable diff settings in terms of the guidelines after the renaming
hey bg should be from the official
current is so off vibe ngl
not biggest fan of that official one. I personally don't think it fits to what I was aiming for. Much bigger fan of the 2nd idea tho, but I have not been able to find one that has all of them.
So instead, I just picked 6 BGs with all groups of people on them seperately LOL
Top diff + advanced bg - Just use another BG since:
Also not sure about Victoria Co. bg either since artist's policy is basically:
Replaced Vitoria Housekeeping and Topdiff/Advanced BG.
About the "main BG": It probably won't be to your liking as it only contains Lighter and Wise, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to do another 2-hour BG hunting session to just find a semi-decent replacement as the current one was pretty good.
If you got a better one that would be to my liking, hmu. But otherWISE (badumm tsch), I'll just leave it at that.
Don't really think you need the "Chinese" tag? This is gonna get mixed up with other chinese songs when searched.
I also think "manager's friend" tag is a bit...too far to relate to this map?
I kinda disagree as I think both are fair as
the song is part chinese and in a chinese game, so it wouldn’t be thaaaat far off the mark
Manager’s friend is the name of the cutscene used in the video, therefore being related to the map. Sure it’s very unrealistic that anyone would ever search it, but not impossible lol
Rhythm density in Hard/Advanced is pretty much a Normal, then Normal's is like an Easy, and then the same for lower diffs.
The rhythm density is so low that you should have buffed either or both spacings/SVs to compensate.
Honestly I am not gonna be against having small jumps in Normal at this point if you're doing it properly, right now I don't think it's realistic to keep all difficulties without being unconventional.
But then again changing base SV is pretty much asking you to revamp so :shrug:
So, I totally understand what you mean. The reason for how the spread is rn, is mainly because my difficulty progression was WAYYYYY too slow when I initially made the lower diffs (beginner upwards).
So the thought was, to compensate for the every slow progression, I made way too many diffs to have SOME diff that is on the difficulty level that it's supposed to be (aka. Advanced -> Normal, Hard -> Advanced, Hyper -> Hard). Once the whole thing was done, I called it a day as the spread "kinda works if viewed at 80 BPM, not as double BPM".
=> So, how about this: I could rename all diffs from hyper to beginner "one-level down" if you know what I mean with that. That way, the diffs are named to the difficulty level that they are supposed to be/resemble.
With this I mean: Beginner -> Ultra Beginner (?), Easy -> Beginner, Normal -> Easy, Advanced -> Normal, Hard -> Advanced, Hyper -> Hard
(7th Jan):
I nerfed the (currently named) Normal and buffed the (currently) Easy a little so that it works better in the spread when renamed.
Absolutely understandable. That’s why I’ve been trying to come up with a different diffname to use somewhere in that norm to beginner region as people tend to associate “Ultra Beginner” with unrankability.
The main problem with the "classic Ultra Beginner" is that it skips too much of the song, making it lack any sort of purpose in terms of introducing the rhythm aspect of game to newer players. This shouldn’t be the case with the Beginner here tho as the rhythms are simple, but still dense enough to sort of reflect the song. (Was discussed with another BN in VC)
Honestly I don't want to compare standards from ten years ago vs. now.
I tried browsing the listing of ranked maps and I have not seen anything lower than a Beginner diff being ranked since the above set, ever.
Considering I brought this up in the BN server and no objection was raised after two days, ...I guess we just roll with it and see how it goes?
tried a slightly different naming scheme as I honestly hate the name "Ultra Beginner" as there isn't exactly anything that is supposed to be lower than Beginner. There is nothing lower than a Beginner in any game.
I put Novice in between the Beginner and Easy for now.
Open to suggestions tho :3c
Beginner+ to me just looks kinda weird considering it's the only diffname that "kinda" repeats itself, so I'd be leaning more towards some "unique" diffname, but if the general consensus is favoring Beginner+, I wouldn't mind changing
Since there seems to be no more objections on this matter, I'd say we call this done then :thumbsup:
I honestly can't argue with this, but isn't it kinda weird that all streaming platforms (aka. the only ones that give us any metadata specifically related to this track) only list it with the fully english title?
Ok I looked at the thread for that, but going off of where they got their official metadata, wouldn't THIS be valid too then?
i was gonna say something but my lawyer ask me to keep silence so i will ..... alive stripped