mapped by Pisapou
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Hype Train8 / 5
Nomination Status0 / 2
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OD should be bumped up, I am thinking of 9:

  1. 8 is quite low for expert at this BPM.

  2. The map itself requires player to be accurate with a lot of 1/4 jumps between sliders, so a smaller hit window would give a more accurate gameplay feedback.


changed OD to 9 as suggested

Marked as resolved by Pisapou

00:10:083 - feel like the stacks in this section is pretty unnecessarily difficult to read

pretty much cuz you mix the usage of 00:12:136 (1,2) - 1/2 and 00:13:241 (1,2) - 1/4 stacks, it just gets very confusing what each stack represents

think there should be some visual distinction between the two so it's easier to read, kinda like how insane had non-stacked 1/4s, or just adjust nc's so 1/2s are nc'd differently, since the 1/4 stacks starts on white ticks unlike 1/2s


alright, did as you suggested (like in the ins - 1/4 overlapped & 1/2 stacked)

Marked as resolved by Pisapou