mapped by Tsukioka Kogane
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Hype Train9 / 5
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Feels weird modding the same set twice.




00:44:704 - 01:14:704 - These sound like...1/7? Not sure.

At least Hard and Extra are using different snaps so you guys should decide whether you both want to use the same snapping.


00:14:469 - 00:14:587 - 00:14:821 - All these should have claps too and not just 00:14:704 - ?


01:09:548 - Add finish?




00:35:798 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These are visually reflecting the increase in intensity, but gameplay-wise they are not that much different

At least 00:37:204 (1,2,3,4) - should be much more difficult than 00:35:798 (1,2,3,4) - (Insane did pretty ok on this).


[Akareh's Insane]


00:42:243 - This is too strong to skip though, why don't just do the same thing you did with 01:11:891 (3,4,5) - ?


01:09:548 (1,2) - Should have a different way to differentiate these from 01:09:079 (1,2) - .
Right now 01:09:079 (1,2,1) - look + play like a same pattern but 01:09:548 (1) - is on a different section.


[Gaia's Hard]



00:14:704 (2) - 2108064#4303062
(Just migrating the old post to here so that nothing is unaddressed.)


00:15:173 (1,2,5) - 2108064#4303063
(Just migrating the old post to here so that nothing is unaddressed.)


00:41:188 (5,1) - 00:47:048 (3,4) - Why suddenly big spacings?

First one is sort of justifiable but you didn't do the same at 01:10:954 (7,1) - either, so I'll just assume both of these are not intentional.


00:45:641 (1,2,3) - Broken stack?


Normal is fine.


Really wish you are using custom hitsounds though, guitars in this section 00:18:923 - is very strong and would benefit from a stronger whistle.

Drum-hitnormal is very weak to be used as kicks in this song, especially in stronger sections like 00:39:548 - 00:41:423 - etc where kicks are audible but default drum-hitnormal is just not that distinguishable from other hitnormals.


Call me back once Stompy's done.








Title: [有点意思] >> [Got a Date?]

What you have right now means [Got a Date?] is a romanised title from [有点意思] and that is just not how romanisation works.

You have the English title from the primary source - so just use that and put the Chinese title in the tags.



  1. Is [文驰 vinchi] involved with this OST specifically? Or what is the connection (and proof) between him and the song?
  2. Can you enlighten me on how [you dian yi si] tag is related to the song? I cannot find anything on this.
  3. You sure this song is "glitchhop" right? (I have zero knowledge about this genre).


[Nyukai's Normal]


Metadata in Normal conflicts with other diffs.


Did you copy the new hitsound + volume stuff to this diff yet?


00:17:723 - Why is there a manual break here?


Let me know once Stompy rechecked.


I'll look for extra samples on a later date, but will definitely do it


Ok changed samples too. Changed drum hitnormal for the whole map, added a new soft hitwhistle for the section in 00:18:923 -
