Top diff + advanced bg - Just use another BG since:

Also not sure about Victoria Co. bg either since artist's policy is basically:
Don't you think the diff name is kinda misleading possession-wise?
I guess it wouldn't be that unusual if someone decides to rename themselves to New Eridu in the future.
Honestly I don't want to compare standards from ten years ago vs. now.
I tried browsing the listing of ranked maps and I have not seen anything lower than a Beginner diff being ranked since the above set, ever.
Considering I brought this up in the BN server and no objection was raised after two days, ...I guess we just roll with it and see how it goes?
Nope, I meant the right timestamps.
Sure there's nothing audible at 01:24:504 - 02:51:777 - but the small 1/1 spacings killed the gameplay intensity that the jumps around these are trying to build on.
Sorry late reply.
I am fine with this arrangement, but I still have some personal reservations with ranking Ultra Beginner.
Let's see what Plus4j thinks, so I will keep this open for now.
So you want the jumps to start either at 00:44:659 - or 00:44:975 - since doing so earlier would not be reflective to what the song is doing? And the three diffs mentioned started the jumps earlier than these two timestamps.
Whilst what you pointed out is also something I noticed while modding, I did not suggest anyone to change this because:
1. Different mappers can have different interpretations of the song and that is totally fine. Especially for this case, where there are 5-6 different interpretations among the expert diffs on where the jumps should start.
tuti's post on how drums started picking up at 00:44:027 - is a valid example of how everyone can interpret the song differently for this particular case.
2. The actual core of the issue itself is perceived as...subjective (not important to the map + up to mapper's preference) by most people.
The thing is, you thought the issue you pointed out is a big one (hence the problem stamp) but your mod failed to put up a convincing argument on why this is a big issue. You should have tried to prove it is not just you that the gameplay is being "hurt" because everyone else doesn't think so.
Also, "the song doesn't really support the aforementioned rhythms" argument doesn't really work because of 1. and "inflating the star rating" argument is not convincing either since this is not related to mapping in the first place.
To put this simply:
1. The three difficulties are not really overdone like what you said - their interpretations of the song are just different from yours.
2. Changing the starting point of the jumps would not necessarily improve these difficulties, since this is just a matter of preference.
Although NATs can come and resolve the post, at least I hope this is somewhat the type of answer you are looking for when you created the post (and hopefully satisfying enough for you to resolve the post yourself).
Do we "need" mpg? Not really, the tag is optional (like what Stompy said).
It is fine to add, it is also fine to not add.
For this case I will leave it up to sytho. And since he already chose to *not* add it, then everything is already fine as-is.
00:39:361 (6) - 01:17:761 (6) - Should NC these two like what Flask did.
Otherwise 00:38:561 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:39:361 (6,7,8,9,10) - would look like they are on different snappings (which they are not).
Yes but would the players know that they need to hold?
If I play and I see something like: I would assume 00:57:646 (5) - is a 1/4 into 00:58:075 (1) - considering the intensity is building up here.
00:59:789 - 1.1 increase is not enough really. 1.2 maybe?
I mean, when a player plays the verse they could see a clear progression in rhythms like you said, since they have to tap them. But the difference between 1.0 > 1.1 is not really that obvious enough for players to notice.
Would say kiai needs something harder than just SV 1.1, considering there are no 1/4 rhythms there as well.
For all the posts you replied with a dot, you need to reopen them and accept/reject all of the suggestions properly.
A BN dropping the set is not a reason for you to ignore their mods + I need to see what you think about -Hitomi's suggestions, so I can understand your map better.
If this is not done then I will not mod the set at all.
Can you like, put whatever you two discussed here so I and any other people can see why this is resolved.
I am assuming there has been no changes to this, considering kds was not given.
00:36:570 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Players are not going to read these as 1/3s when you did a similarly visually spaced stuff earlier 00:27:661 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - as 1/2s.
Probably needs NCs or something to differentiate. Same goes for 01:53:661 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - .
02:32:722 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Is more representative to rhythms, because the stack is focused on stronger white ticks.
Whilst the stack 02:31:426 (2,2,2) - is not really on anything important especially 02:32:167 (2) - .
There is a gradual pitch/whatever change in the background until 02:34:204 - so you could create some variations based on that.
edit: fixed timestamps
Kind of wanted this to be a slow-down transition to the verse, which is why the spacing was small.
It does look a bit dumb however, so I changed it to a 1/1 slider now.
I changed combo groupings around so 1/2 and 1/4 gaps are more distinguishable.
Also asked a couple of testplays to confirm that this part is readable, should be fine now.