i noticed that there are a lot of green timing points where i think you mean to silence slider ends but you aren't changing the volume on them such as 00:55:651 - 01:00:222 - etc because you change nothing on them at all from the previous timing points. if you didn't mean to silence the slider ends you can just delete them
02:14:294 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is a good idea but i think it would be better to have .15 or even .2 sv in between each set to really make the sliders seem like they're building up better
01:22:437 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this seems really underwhelming for the song intensity, would recommend buffing
01:04:222 (1) - remove nc as it's easier to read a stream starting on a blue tick from a slider end without nc's
00:53:080 (2,3) - you established that complete stacks are 1/2 and half stacks are 1/4 so having this be complete stack seems out of place and can be weird for players to read
since you lowered spacing between 00:27:651 (4,1) - im assuming to contrast kicks and snares in the stream id recommend also lowering spacing between 00:27:580 (3,4) - to something like https://imgur.com/a/VYuM7op to highlight this idea better
when you click ctrl+a you can see something along the lines of this https://imgur.com/a/3UG6v7n you already used a lot of the playfield, but try to at least get some notes in the corners as well, this is something that can seem hard to do but i think you're already using the playfield more than i excepted which is really good
i think you can improve your contrast a bit throughout the map. for example, you made 01:07:776 (1) - have really fast slider velocity, which is great! However, the intensity you just established for the chorus went away immediately because the spacing and rhythm choices of all the other patterns in the chorus feel pretty much the same as the build up sections. try focusing on making the sections have different spacing or different densities to help the player feel the intensity changes better.
03:09:865 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this one's not as bad but just thought it could also be buffed slightly because of spacing on 03:19:008 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -
another example 00:11:308 (1) - has a finish and loud melody sound on it so you can space it alot more to make the player feel the big difference in music on it
05:23:937 (2) -
05:25:395 (4) - 05:36:367 (4) - these 2 at least get the snare but passive so including