01:28:815 (1) -> 01:35:565 (1):
can nerf spacing more to make next section more impactful when they add the drums
01:34:815 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - a bit overspaced
long sliders are beginnerish.
01:13:815 (1,2,1,2) etc.
lack of cohesion
overall this can take time but you should really try to relate sliders together like
01:21:165 (9,2) - a bit inted but at least theres blanket
01:18:615 (1,2) - repetition
01:16:815 (1,1) - blanket
more relation would be better.
Try making geometric shapes like stars, trying "axis" etc
01:09:015 (1) - theres triple here and 2 1/2 beats at 01:09:315 (2) -. mapping these might make rhythm slightly more varied
01:07:215 (1,2,3,4) - 01:08:415 (1,2,3,4) - these look exactly like the jumps u use after drop. some form of nerf can make the jumps in the drop stand out.
stacked 1/2 or repeat 1/2 can work well
if you ever plan to rank such a song maybe u can consider the vip mix so that u can have smaller spread https://open.spotify.com/track/2gysTyEF2z40LhSwivdoxZ?si=fbba6d3c5b624bf0