00:32:080 (1) - im not really sure what you're following with this spinner because the song is continuing the same way where you've been placing notes the whole time. if you're going for the same background noise as 00:53:594 (1) - then you should probably start it at 00:31:651 - since it feels strange you're going half and half with the rhythm
00:57:023 (1,2) - make these active to follow the melody like you do with the rest of this pattern?
preference but i think it would be better to delete 02:32:680 (1) - as the song stops and would help the start of the kiai feel more impactful
02:38:166 (1,2,3) - the linear movement here doesn't fit in kiai section, it's the only example of this type of movement throughout the entire map's kiai sections. just do smth else.
02:43:994 (2,3,4,5) - this linear seems really out of place as it doesn't seem to be the style you're going for here
02:55:651 (1) - 03:17:594 (1) - 05:18:280 (1) - 05:40:223 (1) - 01:38:851 (1) - 02:33:709 (1) - soft finish?
01:16:909 (1) - 06:02:166 (10) - make soft
03:06:794 (2) - why ignore the loud snare in the middle of the slider when you don't do this anywhere else, would at the very least make the slider 1/2 instead of 3/4 but i would prefer the snare to be active
05:23:937 (2) -
05:25:395 (4) - 05:36:367 (4) - these 2 at least get the snare but passive so including
i skipped this 1/4 cuz i want to save patterning like 04:02:852 (2,3,4) - 02:24:109 (2,3,4) - 02:26:851 (3,4,5) -
04:24:880 (4,5,6,7,8) - movement felt really spiky here, would tone it down a bit to fit the intensity more accurately. how about moving (7) to X:239 Y:138?
05:50:852 (5) - Not sure why but when playing through, I wanted for the rhythm to be this https://i.imgur.com/sLbacD1.png
Take note that your current rhythm is really good too, I think I just wanted to have a 1/4 slider to keep the momentum going because this section uses them so regularly (and they're very fun)