02:15:391 (2) - can't see why you would add this note here since song didn't change at all from 02:13:933 and 02:14:662 i can maybe see that this is just for a little build up, but its unnecessary cause the song itself does not build up there
01:55:901 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - nerf rhythm intensity on this little section because song is more intense starting on 01:58:996 (4) - but rhythms are basically the same
could for example make 01:56:083 (3) - and 01:56:811 (3) - 1/2 sliders
00:34:113 (7,1) - could make this a 1/2 slider to decrease intensity in the slow part and to emphasize the vocals starting at 00:34:477 (2) -