Helllooooo!! This mod applies for the other diffs too cause it's consitent but I thought I'd do a bit of a volume mod here. So you do make changes and stuff but it's a bit weird how you keep it mostly at 70% but then do these small dips? I get the idea and those bits are fine but I think you just need a bit more since 70% at those quieter sections sounds way too loud for me. Here are some suggestions:
00:00:470 - -> 00:08:211 - 55% (this bit is really loud)
00:08:211 - -> 00:14:018 - 60%
00:31:437 - -> 00:39:179 - 55%
00:39:179 - -> 00:46:921 - 65%
00:46:921 - -> 01:00:469 - 55/60%
01:17:889 - -> 01:31:437 - 55%
You can alter these values if you want ofc but my main idea was finding parts that all sound the same and making sure they have consistent but different volumes to louder/quieter parts. Hope this helps :)
Comparing the object count of this map compared to others I don't think there's anything about this map that calls for HP values of the diffs being higher than normal. I'd change Kantan HP9 -> HP8, Futsuu, HP8 -> HP7, Muzukashii HP7 -> HP6. I think top diff is fine, maybe HP5.5 would be better?
I think right now your background is a bit too high up cause I wanna see the funny mans santa hat and stuff instead of just his legs. You can experiment with this but you can change the height of the background by going to your notepad folder, go to [Events], and change 0,0,"batman jingle bells.jpg",0,0 -> 0,0,"batman jingle bells.jpg",0,XXXX. I would recommend 45 here
For being high bpm, it'd probably be good to slow down the base sv of some of the lower diffs until Oni (which has good speed already at 0.95 ish) so the maps are more readable.
Shokyuu: 0.75x (set all green lines to 0.75)
Kantan: 0.8x (set all green lines to 0.8)
Futsuu: 0.85x (good as is)
Muzukashii: 0.9x (decrease all by 0.05x)
HP values are a bit inconsistent across diffs, most them being too high, also Futsuu and Muzukashii shouldn't have the same HP cause their object count is different (as it should be). It's fine to make these higher for shorter maps but being 2 mins I think it's fine to be the regular standard.
Kantan: HP 8
Musukashii: HP 6
Oni: HP 5.5/5
Inner: HP 5.5
Hell: HP 5.5
Top: HP 5.5/5
It's a bit hard to figure out for the high difficulties but the top difficulty def has too high of a value for the note length, from other maps something like 5.5/5 works better, and then it's just making everything else fit.
The custom miss sound effect on this map is at such a low pitch that I can't even hear it when playing, I'd consider removing it or replacing it.
00:30:434 (3) - should this not be put before the barline like every other time you do this? There seems to be some noises before and after each of these main points including here.
Other examples are 00:33:115 (9) - 00:34:924 (13) - 00:35:829 (15) - 00:41:255 (27) - (this one doesn't even have sounds at 00:41:205 (26) - )
Please actually this into consideration, all of the points above are points at which most people would agree the sound after the note is more important than the sound before. I wouldn't bring this up if there was one earlier every time, but 00:30:383 (2,3) - let's me question this. So I'd modify this one or try and fit it better for every other doublet.
not really sure? the sounds before this were the ones slowed down into what I mapped, also it's still a slow down so I don't really feel like I should change it
have changed this bit a lot cause having an early 1/6 wasn't really consistent with the rest of the map, but yeah see if it's any better now ig
the really heavy drums don't start till a bar later which is why I put it where it is, there's quite a big difference so I thought it'd be funny lol
Was looking back at this bit and yeah the kd is a bit repetitive, but what I did was made 00:15:676 (65,66,67,68,69,70) - all kats so it's still simple but spices up the colours a bit (dk kd is probably a bit rough or a diffspike for this map which is why having the same doublets was nice to read)
I think it's nice to have as is to keep the flow going ig, otherwise there's not a quint for a little while (this all sounds stupid but it makes sense to me). Also the next section uses dkddk which kdkkd is a little teaser to or smth.
I added a note at 01:10:880 - for some consistency here to get the point across