Please do not post mods on any difficulty apart from Stamanathon
These diffs are only for testplaying, I'll make these an .osz if I delete them here
Song list and times, if you are modding this then just pick a few songs from here unless you're insane enough to mod the whole map:
The numbers are the number of modders for each song currently (songs with lower numbers take more modding priority)
00:00:098 - Intro (1)
00:42:345 - CirnoRHTL (2)
03:10:175 - All your base are belong to ME (1)
06:46:190 - Dark Side (1)
08:56:750 - Lolicore 2.27 (Pu-erh tea edition) (0)
11:26:503 - Use the force Reizoko! (1)
14:13:184 - Hardcore Syndrome (0)
18:02:016 - Rrrrrrr (0)
22:30:406 - Sakamoto Ryoma (0)
24:21:700 - Japan Style Breakcore (Ecchi-chan Remix) (0)
26:50:731 - Jungle Tools (0)
28:47:858 - Dark Side Outro (0)
The artist field should contain 冷蔵庫Cj
, and the romanised artist field should contain Reizoko Cj
I got "冷蔵庫 Cj" (with the space) so I'll put that. Didn't realise it was a Japanese name cause the artist is Ukrainian, weird stuff
You can add any of these tags.
mashup lolicore gabber idm glitch rave what is dancecore? murda invasion dancecorps
The tags japan style (ecchi-chan remix)
should be replaced with japan style breakcore!!!! (ecchi-chan aint no party like a nippon remix)
to accurately list the song's title.
It seems that all of the tracks are produced by Reizoko Cj, so the artist field is correct. The title should also be allowed according to the ranking criteria.
Yeah tbh if it’s a compilation I can call it anything I want so I’ll call it the original name. And ye Reizoko
Here are various sources you can reference.
Compilation on YouTube
Artist's SoundCloud
Reizoko Cj's label
The "Intro" track heavily samples "Train Sequence" by Geoffrey Sumner, found on "A Journey Into Stereo Sound".
"Dark Side" album (contains tracks 2-4, 6, 9-10, 12):
All Your base Are Belong To ME
Dark Side
Use The Force Reizoko! (album version)
Dark Side Outro
"Rrrrrrr" album (contains tracks 5, 8, 11)
"What Is Dancecore?" album (contains track 7)
"Murda Invasion" album (also contains track 10):
Japan Style Breakcore!!!! (Ecchi-chan Aint No Party Like A Nippon Party Remix
i was hoping there would be a pun about breaking your fingers considering this is a breakcore set
I pray for rank but loved is also an epic win (you get like 600pp from this map so like ye)
For character-driven BG, you can set it so that the face is visible on the play screen.
To do this, go to File in the upper left corner, open the osu file with Notepad, and under [Events], change the xxx portion of 0,0, "image filename.jpg",0,xxx to move the image up or down.
Increasing the number moves the image down, while decreasing it (like -2) moves it up. In this case, 0,-100 is just right to move the face.
I was wondering for AGES on how people moved their bgs so tysm for showing me :D
I found that -130 puts her in the pretty much exact centre of the bg area so I went with that