not really sure? the sounds before this were the ones slowed down into what I mapped, also it's still a slow down so I don't really feel like I should change it
Was looking back at this bit and yeah the kd is a bit repetitive, but what I did was made 00:15:676 (65,66,67,68,69,70) - all kats so it's still simple but spices up the colours a bit (dk kd is probably a bit rough or a diffspike for this map which is why having the same doublets was nice to read)
I think it's nice to have as is to keep the flow going ig, otherwise there's not a quint for a little while (this all sounds stupid but it makes sense to me). Also the next section uses dkddk which kdkkd is a little teaser to or smth.
I added a note at 01:10:880 - for some consistency here to get the point across
Added a note at 00:32:432 - and removed one at 00:32:619 - to support the rhythm a bit better but I don't really want kddkk in a clamer section in an Oni diff.
yeah I'll do all of these with K d-d k d-d k instead of simplifying just cause in this first half of the vocal section on most diffs I prioitise vocals here and less so in the next bit
- I found x-x-xxxxx-x from 00:53:864 (358) - actually worked nicely for keeping snare, I had to ignore 00:54:195 - but I found it was the least important out of the many that are here.
- 00:55:735 -> 00:55:845 - yeah that works
- I think kkdkd works better cause I keep the k on "dubstep" and then a dkd for the guitar
I wouldn't say "it's clearly not a muzu", it is very much allowed to have kkd/ddk in muzus and I like to have them in most of my maps to make them interesting. I try to only use them in the most intense bits though because I have had problems before with using them too much. Also in this case with the low bpm it's probably more justified.
On the other hand though I do understand that having such a long chain can cause problems for muzu players so I'll try and reduce some chains that are too long (including this one), so thanks for pointing that out.
yeah I know there's 1/4 here but I think just using this pattern maps the most important things that I can get to for a muzu by keeping it simple and the snare is a lot bigger than that 1/4 sound
yeah it needs to be louder, you can use audacity if you want but I don't recommend that
otherwise find a higher pitched sound effect that is less camoflaged in the music this is not always the case, 00:33:115 (9) - 00:34:924 (13) - 00:35:829 (15) - 00:41:255 (27) - (this one doesn't even have sounds at 00:41:205 (26) - are cases where I think the wrong sound is being prioritised. I don't really want to go in circles trying to make my point clear so I'll leave it here.
Sorry for stamping it as a problem that's my mistake I haven't modded something in quite a while
While I *could* put disable beatmap hitsounds, I think it's a bit of waste and a lazy solution tbh. You could maybe compare to in standard having black combo colours, yes you could disable the skin, but why make the player go through the effort of figuring out what's wrong?
After doing quite a few testplays I still have not managed to hear it once, and with the only custom bits being the miss and fail sound, at this point you could just remove it all together to fix the issue.
You completely missed the entire point of my post.
The issue for wasn't that the sound afterwards isn't louder, it's the fact that every other doublet is mapped starting before the barline and NOT after the barline, which this first doublet doesn't do.
I said this already but I'll try and simplify:
It's okay to have this here, however, other doublets (listed above), could also benefit from being mapped AFTER the barline, as they have more prominant sounds at these points. Not only would this make the section sound more correctly mapped, but would also benefit consistency, as now you have more than just 1 doublet mapped after the barline.
Hope that makes sense