beatmap discussions

Hi Meiqth




Helllooooo!! This mod applies for the other diffs too cause it's consitent but I thought I'd do a bit of a volume mod here. So you do make changes and stuff but it's a bit weird how you keep it mostly at 70% but then do these small dips? I get the idea and those bits are fine but I think you just need a bit more since 70% at those quieter sections sounds way too loud for me. Here are some suggestions:

00:00:470 - -> 00:08:211 - 55% (this bit is really loud)
00:08:211 - -> 00:14:018 - 60%
00:31:437 - -> 00:39:179 - 55%
00:39:179 - -> 00:46:921 - 65%
00:46:921 - -> 01:00:469 - 55/60%
01:17:889 - -> 01:31:437 - 55%

You can alter these values if you want ofc but my main idea was finding parts that all sound the same and making sure they have consistent but different volumes to louder/quieter parts. Hope this helps :)


Comparing the object count of this map compared to others I don't think there's anything about this map that calls for HP values of the diffs being higher than normal. I'd change Kantan HP9 -> HP8, Futsuu, HP8 -> HP7, Muzukashii HP7 -> HP6. I think top diff is fine, maybe HP5.5 would be better?


I think right now your background is a bit too high up cause I wanna see the funny mans santa hat and stuff instead of just his legs. You can experiment with this but you can change the height of the background by going to your notepad folder, go to [Events], and change 0,0,"batman jingle bells.jpg",0,0 -> 0,0,"batman jingle bells.jpg",0,XXXX. I would recommend 45 here


Check AiMod kiais are unsnapped (mostly 1ms late I think)


For being high bpm, it'd probably be good to slow down the base sv of some of the lower diffs until Oni (which has good speed already at 0.95 ish) so the maps are more readable.

Shokyuu: 0.75x (set all green lines to 0.75)
Kantan: 0.8x (set all green lines to 0.8)
Futsuu: 0.85x (good as is)
Muzukashii: 0.9x (decrease all by 0.05x)


HP values are a bit inconsistent across diffs, most them being too high, also Futsuu and Muzukashii shouldn't have the same HP cause their object count is different (as it should be). It's fine to make these higher for shorter maps but being 2 mins I think it's fine to be the regular standard.

Kantan: HP 8
Musukashii: HP 6
Oni: HP 5.5/5
Inner: HP 5.5
Hell: HP 5.5
Top: HP 5.5/5

It's a bit hard to figure out for the high difficulties but the top difficulty def has too high of a value for the note length, from other maps something like 5.5/5 works better, and then it's just making everything else fit.


The custom miss sound effect on this map is at such a low pitch that I can't even hear it when playing, I'd consider removing it or replacing it.


00:30:434 (3) - should this not be put before the barline like every other time you do this? There seems to be some noises before and after each of these main points including here.

Other examples are 00:33:115 (9) - 00:34:924 (13) - 00:35:829 (15) - 00:41:255 (27) - (this one doesn't even have sounds at 00:41:205 (26) - )

Please actually this into consideration, all of the points above are points at which most people would agree the sound after the note is more important than the sound before. I wouldn't bring this up if there was one earlier every time, but 00:30:383 (2,3) - let's me question this. So I'd modify this one or try and fit it better for every other doublet.


I really like 02:31:738 (2,3) -


Not a huge deal but just letting you know that another map has already used this bg if you cared about that


Adding mod so I can make some last minute changes to this map after my other map gets ranked, I don’t want to deal with both at the same time. Thanks! Will discuss these changes when they are added.


02:10:692 (79) - delete this cause it's not mapping much and to emphasise 02:10:805 (80) - ?


02:19:076 (31) - I'd remove this cause it's the only time you have 1/3 right after a finisher like this. If you don't want to change this I'd say it's more insentive to map things that wouldn't make the map too much harder like 2154518#4413882


01:51:858 - -> 01:58:625 - my problem here is that you obviously pay attention to the guitar before but seem to ignore quite a lot of it here? I'd expect the guitar to still be focused on as it's nice progression once you also add in the vocals. To fix this I'd map places like 01:54:000 - 01:56:933 - and maybe 01:54:452 -


01:30:655 (16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - 03:45:993 (16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - cute stream but I think could be done in a way that doesn't ignore big vocal points like 01:31:444 - and 01:31:782 - . kdddkkkdkkddK imo works quite well


00:44:489 - 02:16:519 - I'd map this sound cause it's quite a strong snare and feels weird to miss


00:13:737 - 00:20:955 - having doublets is fun but I wouldn't do it if you have to miss this vocal. I'd suggest moving 00:13:625 (7) - to here and then optionally move 00:13:963 (9) - to 00:14:076 - if you still want doublets.

00:17:459 - I'd also fill this in, weird you ignored the vocals here but mapped 00:17:008 - where there is nothing?


Hello, this is not a veto:

  • Good luck with the mapset :)

This really does to be quite integrated into the map, so I'm not sure how much you could change, but I think it's worth noteing especially for mapping in the future I think.

You seem to do this thing of overmapping something too much by including sv as well as overmapped rhythm. I think it's safe to just pick one of these as doing this causes a lot of places to feel way to exaggerated:

00:06:069 (25,26,27,28) - these across the map are already overmapped with 1/6, which is fine. However you add quite a bit of sv ontop of this, making them feel way too extreme. For these specifically I would reduce the starting sv to 0.95x as the finishers (which have 1.00x) should definitely have more.

00:41:482 - already mentioned these at 2154518#4318235 but tdlr you already overmapped these with 1/6, and adding sv as well makes it really hard to sightread.

02:27:046 (341,342,343,344,345,346,347) - 03:24:790 (68,69,70,71,1,2,3) - both of these are already quite extreme in terms of rhythm but especially 03:24:790 (68,69,70,71,1,2,3) - is weird due to the insane amount of svs going on. For both of these a simple sv increase across the chain should be fine.

Not sure how many other examples there are, but I'd probably watch for these across the map. And as I briefly mentioned, I think a decent amount of places could have sv simplified as to make the map more readable.


03:24:790 (68,69,70,71,1,2,3) - this section is hard to read already but due to 03:24:339 (63,64,65,66) - this stream becomes offhand (full alt again). You could maybe do a kkk 1/8 triple at 03:23:888 (59,60) - to make it main hand again


03:09:227 (75,76,77,78,79,80,81) - not a fan of the sv change here, comes out of nowhere mid pattern into some pretty challenging monos. Not sure how you could keep this emphasis any other way, maybe use some gradual increasing svs for each pattern?


02:50:279 (15,16,17,18,19) - I think this is only time you use kdkdk in a kiai section and it's just used again to map these vocals and not anything else. So for consistency (and because kdkdk has too much emphasis), I'd change it to something more normal like kkddk.


01:59:076 (134) - really feel like there should be a finisher here. 00:27:046 (13) - is similar and you do it there.


01:31:445 - idk if you were going for a cool emphasis break here but it isn't worth it to stop mapping vocals, which is something you almost never do. So I'd add a note here


01:08:099 (54,55) - would keep these constant sv as they are equally loud and would be consistent with 01:02:460 (1,2) -


00:59:527 - these small sv increases from here to 01:02:460 - don't really make sense to me as nothing is changing apart from the cymbals being there, which you already map with the finishers. It feels really excessive. I think a better thing to do here would be to sv just the finishers and keep everything else at constant sv.

Same at 01:13:963 - 02:31:557 - etc


00:54:114 (105) - feels strange that sv is exaggerated on this finisher but not 00:55:918 (3) - . To keep the map clean I'd just match both of them to their relative sv increases (would also be a nice change since you did this a lot in the last section).


00:41:482 - 02:13:963 - I would suggest redoing these 1/3 sections, or heavily changing them:

This is the first 1/3 section and it is immediately overmapped with 1/6. I think for the vocals being prominent here it would be nice to overmap less here and acknowledge some of the 1/3. A nice change could be kkkkk -> k kkk.

Your usage of decreasing sv here makes the note spacing look similar to the 1/8 in the previous section, which is really confusing to read. My suggestion to fix this is to lower the amount you decrease sv by, or simplifying the amount of sv changes you use (for example 00:41:933 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22) - resets every quint when you could just have it as one continuous decrease).


00:38:211 (45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53) - this is kinda rough having a mono like this in here between more 1/8. Might be a skill issue for me but hard to actually determine which hand I need to play the next pattern from (I full alt). Maybe this would be okay in a kiai but not at a calm section. An easy solution is making 00:38:550 (49) - a kat


00:29:978 (10,11,12,13,14) - ultra massive gamer overmap. It could possibly be acceptable if there was sound at 00:30:091 (12) - but there is not, so you kinda have double overmapping here. I'd just change this to a 1/4 triple or even 1/2.

I'd also say even if this wasn't double overmapped that using dkdkd sounds really weird for overmapping as it emphasises notes that don't exist on 1/8. Patterns like kdkdk, kkddk, kdkkd, etc are better as the important colour changes are on stronger notes.


00:21:858 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37) - I am not really a fan of these, map is fine and then you add super fingercontrol patterns. If you want to keep these you could make these better by making the followup 2 notes the opposite colour to the doublet. For example have 00:21:858 (26,27,28,29) - be k k dd, 00:22:309 (30,31,32,33) - d d kk, etc.


00:18:926 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - there's nothing really changing here apart from the drums being a tiny bit more intense, so I don't really understand having sv here. I'd probably remove it or maybe have 00:18:926 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - lower a bit in sv to make the ninja at 00:19:828 (12) - stand out more?


00:05:392 - 01:37:422 - 03:52:760 - can put timing points here to sync nightcore cymbals


I think your HP values need some changing:

I assume that most of these values are different to the defaults due to the fact that most diffs are easier than their standard, although for that case (especially EASY, NORMAL, HARD) I think you need to increase HP rather than decrease it.

On your NORMAL for example, you have HP6.5 instead of the default HP7, and difficulty wise is roughly between a regular Kantan and Futsuu difficulty. If we are leaning towards a Kantan then surely we should be leaning towards the default Kantan HP8 than the default Muzukashii HP6?

While the map is quite long, based off the object count I don't think it's different enough to sway away this much from norms. So I'd personally set HPs across the map to these:

  • EASY: HP8
  • HARD: HP6
  • EXPERT: HP5/5.5
  • MASTER: HP5/5.5
  • Welcome to your SEKAI!: HP5

I'd probably argue that you should put (feat. Hatsune Miku) in the title -> SEKAI (feat. Hatsune Miku) as it is prevalent in most versions I found, if you do this obviously remove this from tags. video source

You'll also notice that other DECO*27 maps feature this in their titles:


After talking to someone I decided I need some opinions on the title of the map, as I have the option of the Romanised or Translated title, both of these are provided by the artist so they are both official. Options are:

Bongu (Romanised)
Commoner (Official English)

Here is the sauce

(My current title of Bonngu is wrong but I won't bother changing until one of these is decided)


Saw your mod request and rejected for now because the difficulties you have right now do not complete a full set, and you need to add more difficulties to fill in the gaps.

Basic - I think this is fine as a Kantan if you nerf it a bit. You don't use 1/2 which is good however your 1/1 chains are way too long. From the Ranking Criteria (which is based from 180bpm not 215bpm), you should keep these chains of 1/1 to maximum 7 notes, with a decent amount of 2/1 snapping and 3/1 rests every ~32/1. I would also change the settings to the default of OD3 and HP8.

Advance - Similar to basic, I think this is almost a Futsuu if you nerf it a bit. Avoid having 1/2 chains of more than 7 notes (I'd stick to 4 or 5 max). With mostly 1/1 snapping and 2/1 rests every ~32/1. I'd change the settings to the default of OD4 and HP7.

Expert - This is not close a Muzukashii at all, and would say it's closer to an Inner Oni. Muzukashii uses rare 1/4 normally as triples, in 1/2 chains seperated by 1/1. This difficulty uses triples constantly with no rests at all, as well 5+ note long 1/4, and also decent bit of 1/6, which makes it Inner Oni.

Master - As this is the top difficulty, you can do what you want here.

Here are my suggestions on the new spread

  • Basic -> Kantan (with the suggested changes) OD3 HP8
  • Advance -> Futsuu (with the suggested changes) OD4 HP7
  • Muzukashii (new difficulty) OD5 HP6
  • Oni (new difficulty) OD5.5 HP5/5.5
  • Expert -> Inner Oni (with the suggested changes) OD6/6.5 HP5/5.5
  • Master OD7/7.5 HP5

You can keep the difficulty names, but you'd need to find relevant ones for the new difficulties.

Sorry if this was a lot, but yeah as is right now you need a tighter spread to meet the ranking criteria, so will need a few more difficulties. Hope that helped!


A couple colour change suggestions:
00:08:587 (39) - don, reduces strain from kkk pattern and fits pitch of high low high.
00:10:087 (46) - don, I'd recommend avoiding kdk unless it is very obvious to use in the music (there is nothing obvious here to use k). ddk works better here. Same could be said at 00:04:087 (16) - but it's probably fine to acknowledge the little trill.
00:18:337 (87,88,89,90,91) - I'd probably change these to something like "ddk k d" to map the down up at 00:18:337 (87,88,89) - . Although I understand it doesn't mesh well with the kdkd pattern before so up to you.


(I mentioned these to meiqth and we were discussing this but yeah I decided to just add it as a mod)

00:04:837 (20,21,22,23,24) - 00:08:837 (40,41,42,43,44) - while I think this is just about fine in terms of overmapping I don't think they work well with 00:11:837 (54,55,56,57,58) - as this stream has actual notes behind it. On top of that, kkddk is easily the most playable pattern out of kdkkd, kkdkd, and kkddk.

What this does in my opinion is makes this kkddk stream seem underwhelming, and hence I think you should consider changing 00:04:837 (20,21,22,23,24) - 00:08:837 (40,41,42,43,44) - to be easier patterns or even better just remove 00:05:212 (23) - 00:09:212 (43) - to make the patterns triples.


00:14:337 (32,33,34) - can be flipped, ddddd is cool but ddddk matches pitch better and would fit better with 00:15:087 (33,34) - which I think should be mapped as dk as the melody goes up in pitch here too.

00:18:337 (39,40,41) - same here but kkkkd kd for the same reason

00:20:087 (42,43) - I'd also maybe flip these for pitch too?


04:00:141 (472,473,474,475,476,477,478,479) - really weird but I found the ddd in the stream made it really hard to hit the K finisher. I think the ddd as a mono makes there be more finger control which ontop of the sv makes the finisher harder to hit idk. I'd change the stream pattern to include a kat at 04:00:381 (476) - and don at 04:00:501 (478) - .


02:55:341 - more subjective but I'd probably start the sv again here for consistency, I still think the sound is louder here to be more impactful.


02:41:901 (4,5,6,7,8) - no idea what's going on with the sv here and it seems to be super random. Just do something consistent like a gradual sv decrease or just no sv at all


02:20:661 (558) - finisher here? Like at 00:56:181 (112) - and 02:28:341 (654) -


02:16:941 (521,522,523,524,525,526) - consider flipping this pattern to have dons on the kicks (dons better on kicks, kats better on snares, you get the idea)


01:40:221 (125) - consider moving the end of the slider to 01:41:181 - to remove the overlap between this and 01:41:421 (126) -


01:22:221 - 02:35:181 - 03:02:061 - + any other similar points I missed I'd suggest making sv decrease to something like 1.25-1.5 instead of 1 to increase readability. Especially cause this is the only 1/3, so having the decrease makes the notes closer together and seems like 1/4. Plus, after I got used to this, the 1/2 at 02:35:181 - caught me out as I was expecting 1/3 again.

If you reduce to 1.25-1.5 you can make it go back to 1 at 01:23:661 - as there is most likely a big enough gap to avoid any weird overlaps.


01:11:301 (285,1,2,3,4,5,1) - the vocals stop here so would work better imo to stop the stream and do 1/2 for some contrast. 01:03:801 (198) - maybe delete this for the same reason?
