mapped by ConnorMIX
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 20 February 2025 so it was graveyarded...
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This is currently way too hard for a Muzukashii and needs to be nerfed quite a lot.

  • You have super long chains of 1/2 + 1/4. Try and split these up with more 1/1. Try and keep these chains at 3~4 beats maximum.
  • Reduce the amount of 1/4 you have. While the triples you have right now are fine, the amount of them is way too much and you should definitely not have 5+ note long streams at 200bpm. I'd say try to avoid having triples next to each other, and try to have 1 maybe 2 triples maximum per chain.

Reduce the amount of triples and keep it as triples max. Also make sure you have much smaller chains of notes.
