The reason for a lot of the finishers is that I used one at 00:08:117 (1) - as a contrast between the intro and that, and just kept using them as a starter of sections for consistency cause it felt like it's fine with the drawn out synth ending each section in the song and main sound just being loud otherwise, so I want to keep some but I can definitely tone down the finisher usage in the ending bits and maybe one of the earlier ones that doesn't feel as right. (if it's not ok to have them at all can bonk me for it again and I'll remove the other ones too but I like them awawa)
oh do you mean how the 1/5 quintuplet you suggested at 03:19:960 (1533,1534,1535,1536,1537) - goes from dkkdk to dkkkd in your pictures for that? that I can do but reopen if I misunderstood
The current idea of the section is that the MV has this hypnotizing thing going on so the constant 1/2 keeps the focus of the player and then transitions into the funny SV with more density, I don't really see how it's that breakcore-ish in there or how 1/4 quints would feel better but maybe I just don't understand exactly how you'd want it to be ;;