15 Oct 2016
GMT Applications Now Open
by shARPII

GMT Applications Now Open

by shARPII

Over the past few months, we've been trying to get more in touch with the community as a whole. As a part of these efforts, we are now accepting applications from anyone who wishes to join the Global Moderation Team.

The Global Moderation Team is one of osu!'s oldest usergroups, dating back to shortly after the game went public. The team has traditionally held some of the most esteemed members of the community within its midst (Ivalset, Sinistro and others) - people who have demonstrated that they are capable of far more than just being a moderator. The GMT are responsible not only for moderating the community at large, but for leading discussions and entire subsets of the community. They are the first people to talk to in-game should you have any issues or problems that you need help with.

Put simply, they are the first line for keeping the community pleasant for everyone.

For as long as the GMT has been around, there has always been confusion about how to join. What do I need to do? Who do I talk to? Previously, members of the GMT were only added through a mixture of statistical analysis and recommendation/nomination from other members of the team. From now on, we'll also be taking applications from members of the general community that feel they are suited to take on the position. We've set up an application form for that express purpose - if you're interested in becoming a member of the GMT, head on over and apply.

There are a few key points to note as well:

  • Entry requirements for the GMT have not changed. To clarify, you must be very active on both the forums and via IRC/in-game chat. You must also regularly contribute to in-game reports, and must also speak passable English.
  • You must also have impeccable standing on your osu! account. This means that anyone who has had a recent restriction or multi-account offense within the past year likely does not qualify to become a GMT at this time. Silences will be handled case by case per user, but you should still not have very many of them.
  • Successful applicants will be required to maintain an acceptable level of activity in order to remain in the GMT.
  • Please also be aware that this application system will work differently to the BN applications. This is only an application form and not a test. By filling out and completing the form, you are not guaranteed a seat in the GMT. We will contact you if we want to speak to you further.

To clarify, there is not a certain number of "seats" or positions going for the GMT. If we think someone has what it takes, we'll add them. There's no competition for any sort of position.

As osu!next draws closer, we'll be making more efforts to get the community involved again. A big part of the rework involves not only redesigning the website and game client, but also how the community operates as well. We're very big on letting the community guide the course of the game, and it is our hope that by expanding the team with fresh new faces and outlooks, we'll be better able to achieve this going forward.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything involving the application or the GMT itself, please feel free to contact me via private message or in-game chat. Don't be shy!

Your community needs you, so get to it!



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what are the chances the applications are still open 3 years later 0.0

Lately I am seeing that the majority of the gmt are but of time they are moderating the chat others are in afk but equal for more that they silence them they will not correct them never ignite if they moderate they do not lend much attention that is going to make him total Who are very busy with other things and recently I find that a moderator is retired was the most strict and very good person XD good to see who will be that new person who becomes moderator good luck :-DDD

Hi i heard about a #Spanish moderator that leave the moderators team, so i would like to ask if is there any chance so i can for it?

still open?

Even tho it is late to say this and if I'm not a moderator, I agree with current moderators. This GMT application will make the osu!community a big mess and not only because of the ammount of applicants, but for example, if a simple newbie person will want to fill up the application, he will find some friends that will help him out to do so as proffessional as possible, then he will have a lot of chance to become one and at the end, he will end up being lost in community. Handling a lot of reports, being active in-game and forums... It will ruin the whole community as the person failed to show himself as a real moderator in just one day. So, again, this type of application is very risky to the community and shouldn't be a thing in the first place.

I hope to have arrived in time.

Zetera JackBezarius18

There is no deadline to this application form. Applications will reach through at any given time.

Willing to be part of the GMT if they're alright with me focusing on the forums, because of course, I feel like it needs more moderation especially on GD and OT. Then again, being active on OT probably makes me less credible. :|

I'll postulate to create #meme

how do you submit an application?

I want to help to the community #CtB D:

Would love to do this, but my internet crashed a few months back after I sent a message, causing it to be spammed in a chat and immediately silenced for 5 minutes with no appeal, because I didn't feel it was necessary. My impeccable record has been left dirty. :( Maybe next time. Great opportunity.

Stefan ERA Basil

a five minute silence because of spam won't eliminate you. If you did worse stuff, then maybe.

Deivedux Stefan

But what if it's a 10-20 minute silence and because of the samea reason?

What's an in-game report and how does one contribute to it?

Adorn polka

In-game reports are when you see someone breaking a rule and you click their name and report them, giving a reason why and it alerts the moderators to take action.

Definitely something I'll consider applying for when I'm qualified, I'm always looking to further my experience.

It doesn't say here that I have to be 18? Can someone tell me if they don't say it there then that means it isn't a requirement?

Deivedux kudasai

It says in application itself, you can only submit your application if you enter a number between 10 and 99, but I think that this is just a google thing and not from shARPII's end.

Plush kudasai

don't lie about it, please...? it's not like you have to get into the GMT. who knows probably being younger than 18 is fine.

Niko-nyan kudasai

about this, you can ask shARPII with this question :)


What was only supposed to take me 20 to 30 minutes, took me an hour. Glad to see an application form appearing, and I do hope that people take this seriously. I do know for a lot of people the workload will be too much, so please don't take this job too lightly.. or you'll definitely regret it.

Good luck to everyone who applied! (:

Adorn Swash

Good luck to you as well!


Thank you :D

the dream

plz give me gmt title.. i can silence people out of context too like some GMTs. #makemodhelpgreatagain

good luck to all the applicants

i hope you know what you're getting into

Saten Cyclohexane

thanks :D

Enzy Saten

saten pls

Kurai Cyclohexane


For How long do the applications run, and how long will it be until everyone gets added?

shARPII Bara-

It's not a BN test and should stay open unless we say otherwise. It's not working like a batch where we give a final answer to everyone at the end. Everyone should take this form as a way to show themselves to us and only for this purpose. We'll take some time to read everything and if we think one application looks good, we'll contact the user directly.

Bara- shARPII

So basically, it'll stay open 'forever' unless mentioned so, right?


Imo, the previous moderation system was good, I mean "Chat moderator, Chat/forum moderator will handle some specific area in the forum/chat (they have moderation power in the specific area), chat moderator will fill with young people who has dedicated to this game and want to learning how to moderation works, GMT will give some advice sometime, some small mistake or childish action still understandable but if too much they will be removed, chat moderator will promote to GMT when they have good reputation handling some problem.

chat moderation will pick from public application like this, basically chat moderator is place for people who have dedication to this game and have basic moderating and they wanted to learn more about moderation and proved their dedication

I think more specific = more focus = less work

These two groups had the same rights so it was kinda pointless to split people who're doing the same thing.
New moderators still have a mentor when they start their duty and I feel it's better like that : they're all doing moderation.


I don't know GMT have GMT mentor, it's great. My idea is like more "official", normal people don't know they are new GMT which still guided by mentor or old GMT which have lot of experience, normal people will see the same "GMT"

with separate group, the chat moderator will handle some specific area, not handle all area, it's more focus, effective and less work, (and this for the future, osu! community grow faster and I think it's good system for big community like osu!), basically like other forum board, they have some specific moderator in specific area and people will know who is handling and will contact him when need something, not contacting random GMT, chat moderator have only moderation power in the area they handle, they don't have power outside area they handle, but GMT have power all area

that's my opinion, I'm not force my opinion to be accepted, just want to share, thanks for reading and respond

pick me nerds

if Nathanael is offline i will be in charge of #filipino and i will also help the #ctb room since there not alot of mods there

Kurokami Buster

Well, in #ctb there are usually at least 8 moderator online. But they are not always watching the channel. That is why reports exist.

OsuAndGHWOR Kurokami

If I was a mod I would be active on #ctb every time I came on.
Sometimes in #osu but that community sometimes dies for like 1-2 mins.

You probably don't see my point there. XD

Sorry, my enchilada is too damn spanish for you?

I just checked the application form.
20-30minutes to complete it is a blatant lie if you want to give good answers to some of those questions.

xtrem3x Endaris

is precisely why you need to respond in the most professional manner possible each question, of course that not just any inexperienced user to monitor forums (or have had contact with many people in a meeting point) can give an answer that leaves satisfied Loctav and company.
my total time in this "test" = 36 minutes

an opportunity for people whose native channels and boards aren't moderated that much and are willing to moderate those (aka #indonesian)

Niko-nyan AncuL

Don't worry i will help Shurelia to moderate those #indonesian as well with silent reading :o


bayar berapa gan?

its time for me to help the ctb community out

yes pls

Go Colin!!!!!

Kurokami Colin

CtB needs more modder. /o/

Blushing Colin

GG lets do it Colin

before entering,maybe you should make it like a test first.Or not,everyone is going to enter.

Yuii- InazumaVocaloid

Hmmm... I would not be so sure about that

Surely this means the skinning subforum will finally get some janitors right?

Another fresh wave it seems.


did you make this just to advertise your discord server

Techorb Caput Mortuum

lol, are you one of the edgy staff members?


i bet there are people that aren't applying this seriously but for memes

great. now invite me

Swampiez Mismagius

Do itt

Runiel Mismagius

pls dont

Mayuzumi Sayaka Mismagius

gg square boi will becum gmt and we won't be able to meme

OsuAndGHWOR Mayuzumi Sayaka

*dreme* kappa

Just in case and to avoid any confusions, this form will allow you to show your interest to us and will only have this utility. We don't have X positions to fill so if no one suits the position, we won't add anyone. Don't forget to read the key points and requirements before applying because they are really important.

It's a great chance to let us know you're willing to help us. Take the opportunity and fill in the form if you feel like you're a good match for the team.

Good luck to everyone who is applying!

Niko-nyan riffy

Well, i will try this one instead of BN (for some reasons) goodluck everyone!

Time to watch over #arabic ;p

Miquella Cerulean Veyron

thats a weird name for modhelp

DarkCaraio Cerulean Veyron

allahu akbar in #arabic is so disgusting

ErunamoJAZZ Cerulean Veyron

for... chocolate?

Cerulean Veyron ErunamoJAZZ

no pls I'm srs ;c

Gordon123 ErunamoJAZZ


Reworded EDIT: I don't like this. This is just going to make everyone send an application thinking they can be GMT when they had no actual intention to do any moderation or contribute to the game at all. They're just in for the power. This won't go well.

Mashi Shiro

I don't think that it will be that easy to become a GMT. If someone's in it just for the power it would be quite clear in their application form. Personally I would love to be a GMT because I want to contribute to the game and support it in more ways than just buy supporter once a month :3

Rifdi Shiro

I agree with you to some point. But nevertheless the selection phase would take place to filter them so, as long as the applicants a stayed truthful, I don't see any problem.

If I have to say the reason because I am not a big fan of this is because this was decided without most of us knowing about. I feel this was something that should have been talked between all the GMT so we conclude into something. But well, nothing we can really do about it anyways we still have to do our duty.

Stefan Shiro

Except of the "This won't go well." part I can fully comprehend the concerns. It's less the problem that users which behave awful will be accepted but that users with the lack of seriousness they're going to be added as moderators have the ability to moderate. Either they won't moderate, they will remove silly stuff or act by personal feelings.

It's not wrong to have a crucial perception for something like this. But it's truly a great way for users to prove they can "do it".

I have to completely agree. I know that many people, inadequate for the job like myself, will apply just for the idea of being important. Especially considering the young average player base of osu!, with children that have the mentality of wanting to get a one-up on everyone else. As much as it isn't a full time job, I respect the hard work the moderators put in, but by allowing anyone to apply for the job, it's obvious that the VAST majority of people who apply should be ruled out before the start as they just wont put the necessary time and effort in.

Obviously my opinion is irrelevant, but as an irrelevant myself, I thought I would just give my two cents.

Dawns Shiro

Hey, shouldn't you be welcoming people to the team.

You all share a common goal, and that is to make osu better. Cooperation between all of you is essential to actually move towards that goal.

That's my opinion on it anyway, I'm personally going to give it a shot (controversial.) because I feel like the game can always have room for more staff considering how fast it's growing.

Shiro Dawns

I'll welcome anyone who's actually taken in, but that doesn't change my opinion of this method. Lots of people are going to, like you, give it a shot for the sake of it. No one seems to realize how much work actually goes into moderating and they'll just burn out in two weeks.

Deif Shiro

I find it on the other hand an interesting way to get to know more people who are potentially suitable to the position instead of the classical "I know this guy" mentality. I'll be looking forward to see how this method goes

Shiro Deif

We'll see how selection is made, but there will be way too many applications from people who are untrustworthy or just not suitable. Opening the role of GMT to anyone is just a call for catastrophes. I dare hope that selection will be properly rigorous.

Huh, interesting step. I assume there is some trial period on entering?
Please downvote this comment if you think that I'm too much of a provocative fuck to be GMT :^)

Catgirl Endaris

downvoted because memes

good luck

abraker Endaris

I suck at osu! so much I misaimed the downvote button

done boi oops wrong button

Endaris Caput Mortuum

how2farm upvotes

Puri Endaris

Downvoted Kappa


Downvoted Kappa