by shARPII
Over the past few months, we've been trying to get more in touch with the community as a whole. As a part of these efforts, we are now accepting applications from anyone who wishes to join the Global Moderation Team.
The Global Moderation Team is one of osu!'s oldest usergroups, dating back to shortly after the game went public. The team has traditionally held some of the most esteemed members of the community within its midst (Ivalset, Sinistro and others) - people who have demonstrated that they are capable of far more than just being a moderator. The GMT are responsible not only for moderating the community at large, but for leading discussions and entire subsets of the community. They are the first people to talk to in-game should you have any issues or problems that you need help with.
Put simply, they are the first line for keeping the community pleasant for everyone.
For as long as the GMT has been around, there has always been confusion about how to join. What do I need to do? Who do I talk to? Previously, members of the GMT were only added through a mixture of statistical analysis and recommendation/nomination from other members of the team. From now on, we'll also be taking applications from members of the general community that feel they are suited to take on the position. We've set up an application form for that express purpose - if you're interested in becoming a member of the GMT, head on over and apply.
There are a few key points to note as well:
To clarify, there is not a certain number of "seats" or positions going for the GMT. If we think someone has what it takes, we'll add them. There's no competition for any sort of position.
As osu!next draws closer, we'll be making more efforts to get the community involved again. A big part of the rework involves not only redesigning the website and game client, but also how the community operates as well. We're very big on letting the community guide the course of the game, and it is our hope that by expanding the team with fresh new faces and outlooks, we'll be better able to achieve this going forward.
If you have any questions or concerns about anything involving the application or the GMT itself, please feel free to contact me via private message or in-game chat. Don't be shy!
Your community needs you, so get to it!
Downvoted Kappa