I'm a retired reading & memory player, essentially quit playing due to my hands. I like to think my raw-reading skill were up with the bests, so I'm happy with what I accomplished, should check out my pinned scores These days I map/mod for fun and occasionally for ranked when I have the patience for it ^^ Feel free to dm me on osu any time if you need anything or wanna chat
Feel free to ask for GDs/Mods/whatever whenever but i'm obviously not always going to accept. Check modding que to see if it's open and request there, but if you're a homie or your song is good just dm me. For GDs i mainly only like to gd for rankable sets but if your song is banger enough i might anyway.
Welcome to my mini help centre Here I'll attempt to direct you to the right place for your issue
Firstly, I'd recommend reading through the Help Centre and Performance Troubleshooting pages, as they contain many fixes to common osu! related problems If you cannot find your issue on those pages, or you couldn't resolve your problem, you can try find support in any of these places:
In-Game Help Chat: Not the best place for complicated issues, but a good place to ask for quick questions from anyone in the community
Help Forum: The Help Forum is a great place to (99% of the time) find a fast reply from knowledgeable people who can help you with your issue. Make sure not to reply to old threads, make a "New Topic" in the main help forum for your issue instead
Contact osu! Support: If you would like to speak to the osu! team personally you can send an email to support@ppy.sh with as much detail about your issue as possible and they'll be able to help you resolve almost any osu! issue. Please note that you may have to wait up to a week to get a response as there are usually several hundred support tickets open at once. If they have not replied to your email in a week, sending a follow up message wouldn't hurt For account related help, instead contact accounts@ppy.sh
[centre]Feel free to DM me in-game anytime as well, I might be able to help
Want to help out around the community yourself? Check out this article on how to get started [/centre]
Basically, I'm a retired standard and catch player due to my "unnamed hand problems", by which I mean the doctors don't know what's wrong. I still enjoy playing standard and catch from time to time, mapping/modding, and helping around the forums. When I am playing, I enjoy playing with the EZ Mod or with the FL Mod, as well as playing in other "for fun" ways like medal, SS, and leaderboard grinding. Currently in osu!catch, although slowly, I'm trying to clear every ranked catch-specific map... wish me luck lol Mania and Taiko are normally on the back burner, slowly trying to get to 5000 playcount in each to obtain the "Jack Of All Trades" medal.
I don't have much to say about myself personally, I'm just chilling Feel free to come have a chat in-game whenever
9th place team osu!trivium 2020 (with Prizmclicks and Swivel_z)
Top 5k osu!catch
Contributed to the osu!wiki page a few times (Idk I think it's cool)
Welcome to my mini help centre Here I'll attempt to direct you to the right place for your issue
Firstly, I'd recommend reading through the Help Centre and Performance Troubleshooting pages, as they contain many fixes to common osu! related problems If you cannot find your issue on those pages, or you couldn't resolve your problem, you can try find support in any of these places:
In-Game Help Chat: Not the best place for complicated issues, but a good place to ask for quick questions from anyone in the community
Help Forum: The Help Forum is a great place to (99% of the time) find a fast reply from knowledgeable people who can help you with your issue. Make sure not to reply to old threads, make a "New Topic" in the main help forum for your issue instead
Contact osu! Support: If you would like to speak to the osu! team personally you can send an email to support@ppy.sh with as much detail about your issue as possible and they'll be able to help you resolve almost any osu! issue. Please note that you may have to wait up to a week to get a response as there are usually several hundred support tickets open at once. If they have not replied to your email in a week, sending a follow up message wouldn't hurt For account related help, instead contact accounts@ppy.sh
Feel free to DM me in-game anytime as well, I might be able to help
Want to help out around the community yourself? Check out this article on how to get started
Despite not being the best at it, I've been mapping on and off for the past 2 or so years and modding for the past year. I've deleted most of my old maps because of their very low quality, that's why I don't have many maps uploaded despite my mapping time. My modding and hitsound queues are quite often open, but if they are feel free to DM me and might accept your request anyway
9th place team osu!trivium 2020 (with Prizmclicks and Swivel_z)
Top 5k osu!catch
Peak standard rank 52k
THAT_otaku isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an amazing ability to shit miss? Ota' puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if ever see another player with his skill and addiction to the game again. -GN breaks records. Isacvik breaks records. THAT_otaku breaks his hands. You can keep your good top plays, I prefer the shitmaps.