20 Apr 2016
osu!weekly #57
by Nyquill

osu!weekly #57

by Nyquill

The stage has been set for a battle between bitter rivals in the Grand Finals of the osu!taiko world cup 2016! Some new (previously teased) graphics have made their way into the game, and new beatmap packs have been uploaded. Want to know more? Read on!

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Did you hear that? That was the sound of the new achievement graphics making their way into the game! Prior to this update, achievement graphics were a static image below the results screen and have been largely missed. With the last time achievements being updated a distant memory, it is definitely a fresh and satisfying feeling to have your accomplishments bounce out in front of you!

Disclaimer: Not a real medal

fb39ca4 made a cool video showing off osu! input using a laser pointer! At first glance, it might seem like a normal pen tablet, and indeed, you can hold it just as you would a stylus. This is the first time I've seen something like this, but players have been creative with how they have played this game for a very long time.

Rhythm game packs volumes 1 through 4 have been uploaded! After ducking out for a good month and a half, Stefan is back with us for more bundled beatmap goodness. These beatmap packs feature new and old tracks from various popular rhythm games. Being a multi-disciplinary of the genre myself, it's great to see a lot of the maps that made this list!

As usual, we have more amazing plays from around the community coming from -KousakaHonoka-:

It would seem that old rivalries are being rekindled in the Finals! Team South Korea, who had previously lost to team Hong Kong in 2015, snatched victory from the jaws of defeat on the very last stream of the tiebreaker. They would go on to play Taiwan for a chance at facing the loser of the Winner's Finals.

The Winner's Finals match was the story of the underdogs from Team Canada, coming a long way in the winner's bracket to face the giant of a team that is Japan. Despite managing to take two points, their ability was not enough to secure them a place in the Grand Finals. They would later lose to Taiwan in the lower brackets (again playing a tiebreaker!).

The Grand Finals is set to be between teams Japan and Taiwan. This will mark the third time these two teams have met in a Finals situation, with Taiwan winning in 2011 and Japan winning 2015. Will Japan double up on their lead on their adversary? Or will Taiwan rise up to reclaim their throne? Join us at 9AM utc this sunday to find out!

The list of statistics we are keeping is still being updated here!

That about wraps up what happened this week, barring the mascot announcement that happened as this post was going up! If you have any news you would like to see appear on the weekly, please send us an email at news@ppy.sh. Until next time!



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Wouldnt be better to show at least one amazing play per mode? Just sayin'

I didn't feel achieved, because it's easy to figured out on how to do it (it's pretty obvious by the achievement names)
Achievement is something that only several people can do it (in difficulty or rarity), and gaining specific high ranks isn't really something that's suppose to be called achievement, because it'll come naturally as the player play more song/beatmap,

Matutetute Grim Rapperdeleted
Grim Rapper Matutetute

You can never finish any game if you didn't play it right, and finishing the game isn't need more achievement notification IMO.

I know osu! cannot be end or finished (unless the player wants to), but achievement is something that must be done in specific way to unlock them, not just simple "gain more pp for rank", because it's obvious to figured it out.

An "achievement" (in my personal opinion) can only achieved by doing something that can really hard to do (like gaining 2000 x combo using FL) or complicated to do in the first place (like gaining 1st rank on your own created beatmap in all diff. spread) because not everyone can do that, and it's defined outside the game parameter (which is pp and rank, I guess) that defines achievement in all video games [https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...]

Japan vs Taiwan will be an intense match, as rocking as Hong Kong vs South Korea and Canada vs Taiwan.
Whoever win, it will boost their own pride and we should respect them.

If Japan win, they have already passed their hard time. I hope everyone is OK and the survivor can be rescued. In deep condolences who lost their relatives.

If Taiwan win, it will end their thirst for over 5 years and I believe they will become stronger for next year.


And I'm still waiting for Halogen- 's osu! SOFT.
Thank you Chrubble for the show, especially for your <> ghost tapping which made every commentators dead by uncontrollable laugh and heart attack.

We will remember you well for these things:



Chrubble -KousakaHonoka-

no problem B)

Grim Rapper -KousakaHonoka-

close call


#BlameLoctav on Taiwan almost ending up losing. And also, it's really crazy that Japan has won every time... :(

karterfreak LotusFlower108

More like #BlameCanada for making mistakes on two of their picks to lose the match entirely :^)

LotusFlower108 karterfreak

You did great Tasha.

So we're showcasing multiaccounters that were banned for cheating before huh? Talking about _Quit_ aka ez2dj_7144 of course

What about Vaxei's play in Remote Control? That one was good

7ambda _DT3

That map is literally the Daidai Genome for top players. Not really worth mentioning in my opinion. Besides, I think the score happened after this week's osu!weekly was already finalized.

So sad I did the achievements for rythms game packs this week :( anyway I will check the new ones looking for some more recent stuff ^^ And I love the achievement graphic, it's really dynamic and motivating :D

THANKS FOR THE ACHIEVEMENTS: http://puu.sh/oppLB/3915aba...

Nofool OzzyOzrock

I got the same LOL, might even be from our shitty graphic cards idk

Prophecy OzzyOzrock


A good opportunity to try out the new rhythm game packs and the other revamped packs: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/4973225

lol after seeing the picture, I checked my profile because I thought it was a real achievement.

new achievements good

Hiya. Your link for the mascot announcement at the bottom of the article links to the image of the results of TWC. :)

deadbeat Halogen-

Should be fixed

Arcubin Halogen-

nice catch bb

new achievements
new achievements

Osu!Next is near guys!

A meganekko approaches

xXmcgamer2004Xx kenichikuroneko96


FuZ xXmcgamer2004Xx

100 combo on any mania map

Lol i didn't know about medals and they actually scared me when completing a map. They're cool tho.

first and prepare your socks guys! i hope you are going to eat your socks


first and prepare your socks guys! i hope you are going to eat your socks