2 Dec 2016
Community Mapping Contest #1 Voting Live
by Ephemeral

Community Mapping Contest #1 Voting Live

by Ephemeral

After going through hundreds of entries across all gamemodes, voting for the first Community Mapping Contest is now open. Get in and get voting!

Check out the Community Contests portal page to find your favourite gamemode and start voting now! Instructions on how to vote are available on each contest's page - read on if you'd like to see a little more of what took us so long to get this all out.

We were amazed at just how many people entered our brand new beatmapping contest. Over 400 unique entries were submitted across all of the game modes available in osu!.

Unfortunately, this overwhelming participation meant that we had to sit down and seriously consider the model we were going to use for voting. Previously, we'd considered keeping all maps open for voting across all modes, regardless of the amount of maps in the pool. This was quickly thwarted by a staggering 130+ entries for Expert tier in osu! alone, so we were forced to make a few changes:

All of the osu! entries were vetted and processed by a small number of people in order to whittle down the massive catalogue of submitted maps into a more competitive line-up, as we envisioned very few people ever bothering to assess 130+ maps individually before choosing a single map to place their vote in.

After this judging process, the number of entries was reduced from 130+ to 16. We kept all maps that we felt were competitive and of a higher quality compared to the other entries. This was also applied to most other gamemodes as well, in order to ensure that the voting was as fair as it could possibly be. The trimming is not quite so extreme in the other difficulty tiers, but some entries were dropped due to quality concerns in other tiers and modes as well.

We understand that this may come as quite the surprise to some entrants as they find that their entry isn't in the final voting pool. We're very sorry if this turns out to be the case, but we thank you for your contribution nonetheless. We'll be revising the format going forward to see if we can find a way to have everybody's entry looked at.

If you are taking the time out of your day to vote in this contest, thank you! We understand that it takes a considerable amount of time to do so, but your efforts are paramount in helping make this contest a success. Consider it a taste of what the previous MBC and Aspire judges have had to do!

We hope that you all enjoy some of the amazingly creative entries that people have put forward despite all this, and please don't hesitate to leave feedback in the comments on this post for how we could do things better in the future.



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https://new.ppy.sh/communit... results out
grats for the winner

thanks mr raika

/me runs

sickly marmot is unrankable llol

osu! standard
Normal - Astounded Snake
Hard - Shaky Weasel
Insane - Jovial Lemur
Extra - Antagonistic Dove

i mapped but it didnt go through too easy not enough pp i guess and following 1/6 hf idk http://osump.net/mapsets/58...

Sweet Gnatcatcher's on osu! std extra is horrible

>see Intense Bufflehead on extra std
09kami is that you??

i really had lots of fun judging the remaining 16 Extra's in osu!std. i loved seeing all crazy ideas and how everyone interpreted the song differently. Gratz and to all who made it into the voting entry, i enjoyed your maps. thanks for contest!

LOL after these comments there will never be another community mapping contest again xD
"Oh my god. Some of those are bad."
"A lot of really bad diff in the extra section i don't want to be that guy but seriously mine was cleary better than some of them, anyway good luck"
"There's a lot of bad diff....."
I hope there are more contests like this despite the comments, I had fun mapping even if I didn't make it in. I just wonder how many nadeshiko sensations will be in the graveyard :P

Me when I saw the diffs' name: Whoa it's fancy, must be so good.
Me when I started playing it: WTH is this.

I'm so disappointed of some of these diffs. (especially in expert :/)

Ephemeral Mordu

That's the plan, yeah. They'll enter a brief modding phase and after some cursory fixes, enter ranked directly.

Taikonator 3000

should've made voting a tournament-like system

voting for shaky pronghorn lets go kevincelaaaaaaa i c u

lol rip my diff was denied
good because it was shit

Just sayin'..
There were many diffs that even I as a picky person enjoyed: But there was also an alarming amount of diffs that should never see the ranked section. Some osu! maps had really painful patterns, and some unrankable sliders were spotted. I wont even start with ctb.

Just please: Vote wisely.

lol from 130+ to 16. Seems legit.

Seriously play all difficulty before vote


Some of the diffs show the names of the mapper in the TAGS (its really blatant and not hard to find) so uh just to make sure you guys keep this as consistent so there isn't any form of bias

Ephemeral emilia

Good catch. Fixed the cause behind this and it shouldn't happen again.

emilia Ephemeral

Would it be possible to standardize all combo colours as well?

Because i'm fairly certain people who've submitted multiple diffs are rather obvious as well, due to the matching combo colours

all done voting lololol

the heck .. hahahha

i see u RLC (:

those noodle in mania entries are beautiful.. :"

Rikuka eurekaria


I will rate insane/expert in osu!
i picked "Seething Hawk Insane" its a really good map and fun to play!
in extra i chose "Prejudicial Sheep Expert" or extra what ever u wanna call it
most of the expert diffs are so overmapped its not fun at all i like Prejudicial Sheep map because it feels nice and not that overmapped and it has a nice flow.
u can always map 6* maps without maping every sound in the song because if u mapped every sound it will end up shi**y! am not an expert in mapping but i played this game long enough and i know when i see a good or a bad map.
that does not mean other maps are sh*t some people like overmapped beatmaps and enjoy them
but for me i'd rather chill and play an awesome decent 5.25*^ map that not overmapped and just "Enjoy the game"
please do not flame me :D just a friendly comment and my opinion on the beatmaps!
thanks! and sorry for my bad English.

-E M N- Pachiru

I'm trying to enjoy the game. That's why Im "hating". Because honestly, I cannot enjoy something that is in no way enjoyable, and that's what some of these diffs are.

Hareimu Pachiru

how can we enjoy stuff that was badly made?

Didn't participate in contest but complaining about the lack of map quality?

You know what, fuck you. If you wanted their to be quality entries, you should've participated yourself.

The best std expert is Shaky Pronghorn imo

Don't know what people's problem is. Everyone is free to join the contest and may try their luck. If you don't like a map as a player try another one. If you don't like the diffs as contester, be happy that you have a higher chance to win. But boohoo, no one wants to consider the good things here, like that we have some nice lower difficulties for each mode. Drop your votes on these!

I sincerely suggest that the dev team remove the "lemur" alias from the alias-to-hide-the-mappers-real-name list. However bad the map is many people will still vote for it without even looking at it. KAN ZEN SHOU RI

DDRNGGin Flower

I think the main problem with that idea is that the devs/judges wouldn't want the contest (voting process) to turn into a popularity contest. When it comes to voting on beatmaps, it honestly should be more focused on the quality of the maps/charts rather than how well know the mapper is. I honestly don't know how the random names were created in the contest (e.g. "Astounding Snake"), but the reason is to ensure that the votes are in a way impartial and unbiased.

Flower DDRNGGin

I would kindly appreciate it if you could consider my reason. Search for "完全勝利" (just copy it to your search box) and you will find one lemur appears to be overly popular. This is because a meme, "A Midsummer Night's Lewd Dream" is very popular in eastern countries (it even appeared in "Internet Words of the Year" in Japan). A lot of people will blindly choose lemur only because of the meme.

7ambda DDRNGGin

Is there a link to the other 117 beatmaps?

I just finished looking through and voting on all of the entries in this contest. It was fun to see how, despite their varying levels of mapping experience, all of these mappers interpreted the song in their own way. I look forward to future contests like this one! Hopefully even more people will be inspired to submit an entry in the next community mapping contest.

7ambda Sleepteiner

Not with this elitist bullshit attitude people are showing towards the entries.

90% of taiko's experts... oh god...

yay! my submission got in (mania)

Okay, I feel this was a mess.
Not any Easy diff had a excellent quality, only one is okay, and others are bad.
Similar in Normal, where many maps were boring, just two are good.
Hards were only 4 submitions... wtf
Insanes were very generic... man, and only one CS5? :/
Extras... are just to cry.

They are not elites :(

Kiriyume_old_1 ErunamoJAZZ

Your attitude is shit.

peppy ErunamoJAZZ

so basically "i could have done it better but didn't for reasons"?

Please have this toxic kid removed from GMT. thanks.

7ambda ErunamoJAZZ

how dafuq do you expect to get creative in normal while keeping it easy?

grumd 7ambda

Normal should not be very creative. it should only have a clean and polished style and show the general rhythmical ideas of the song perfectly. that's my opinion about normals

please, making Normal diffs is really interesting and difficult for some songs!
Not all people will simplify rhythms without do this bored!

-E M N- 7ambda

Creative does not equal hard.

...all overdoses are really bad, what the hell

one of them looks like it was made for an aspire contest (like the one we had for ctb, I mean)

another one reminds me of ascendance's mapping style with CS4,6 and hard for the sake of being hard 1/4 hyperjumps. the only difference is, they're nowhere near being fun, but rather annoying and complicated to play, not to mention there are lots of pixeljumps.

another one reminds me of drafura's mapping style instead, with longer-than-usual dashes that are in between being normal dashes and edge dashes (this was the most redeemable one, I think. the aspire one comes second in my book)

two of them don't even properly snap to the given timing and are mapped to whatever beats the mappers thought they were fine to add notes at.

the remaining one is purely copypasted patterns that go left-right-left-right-left-right constantly, without adding anything substancial or even appropiate to the diff.


Ascendance Hareimu

didnt join because the song was aids but yeah these diffs are atrocious

Rikuka Hareimu

i agree
Insane CTB was better

Ascendance Rikuka

thats because one or two good mappers joined the rain section

Astounded Snake is one of the most beautiful Normal diffs I've ever seen :o
It's a shame that not many players have appreciation for low diffs..

ErunamoJAZZ Kiriyume_old_1

Agree!, but Mysterious Heron felt better for me.

osu!taiko Expert : most of them are bad (99%)

grumd Niko-nyan

there are 16 maps there, one map is a bit more than 6% of them. :thinking:

[ Erika ] Niko-nyan

I agree. Some of the map doesn't match the beat, I'm so disappointed.

Nwolf Niko-nyan

now that's just wrong, there are quite a few good ones or ones that go in the right direction, it's not 99% bad (which, with 35 diffs... is 35!)

Tranquil Finch is awesome

grumd MaestroSplinter

yeah its not bad! that was one of my 4 "finalists". i still've taken Intense Buttlefeed over it, it's more well-rounded

Kasuga MaestroSplinter

it's a mess

also people says that hw maps* are a mess. but idk i just love that style of mapping

Easy - Malevolent Dove
Normal - Astounded Snake
Hard - Shaky Weasel
Insane - Alarmed Pronghorn
Expert - Shaky Pronghorn

Rikuka Kiriyume_old_1

osu expert : Wise Robin
10000,001% free slider break for C-san

wtf tranquil finch
awesome sv + slider , challenge for reading

Natsu Kiriyume_old_1

Easy yes (the only decent one)
For normal I prefer the Scared Bobolink
Hard tenacious Chameleon (tbh there are no good hard diffs)
Insane totally yes!
Extra Distraught Pronghorn

Oh my god, why did I have to forget to submit my difficulties... This would have been perfect

the only expert author I could pick out was skystar

_DT3 Woey

I'd rather see RLC...?

That was not real Skystar...


MaestroSplinter ErunamoJAZZ


i am falled, and i cant get up

waaaa the top std diff is slider-heavy and it's so overmapped but SLIDERZ

worried about whether some of these categories will actually be bundled?

Oh my god. Some of those are bad.

A lot of really bad diff in the extra section i don't want to be that guy but seriously mine was cleary better than some of them, anyway good luck

aw my diff didnt make it :( good luck to everyone!


aw my diff didnt make it :( good luck to everyone!