13 Dec 2016
New Featured Artist: Loki/Thaehan
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Loki/Thaehan

by Ephemeral

First teased during last month's development meeting, we're delighted to introduce you to one of osu!'s newest featured artists - Loki/Thaehan! Why the slash you ask? Well, he's two in one!

Hailing from Bordeaux in France, Loki/Thaehan is an incredibly talented musician that already sports a pedigree of maps made to his tracks by members of the community. His twin identities split cleanly between his two very different styles, with Loki specialising exclusively in metal of a symphonic twist, and Thaehan focusing on a racing, chiptune-electronica sound.

Don't believe it?

Here's a sample of his work as Loki, with a distinctively symphonic twist on metal:

And here's a taste of his work as Thaehan, sporting the aforementioned chiptune-fuelled sugar rush:

You can read more about Loki/Thaehan over at his Featured Artist listing, and even download dozens of his tracks already timed and ready to be mapped!

We think that a huge number of people will be drawn to his variety across both his identities, and we hope to see more of his amazing sound mapped by the community at large. There's something for everyone in his amazingly varied sound, so make sure to give his tracks a good listen.

As with all Featured Artists, all of the tracks on his listing are completely free to use for anything related to osu! - videos, storyboards, podcasts, tournaments - if it's osu! related, it's fair game.

If you love Loki/Thaehan's work, don't hesitate to visit his Bandcamp and show him some support!

With Loki/Thaehan's addition comes a number of upgrades to the Featured Artist listing as a whole - you can now see which tracks are the coveted "osu! exclusives" that we spoke about during the reveal of the feature - special tracks made exclusively for osu! in mind! Support for full albums have also been added, making finding songs of a similar sound much easier than before.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled as well - there's more artists coming very soon!

And by soon, I mean very soon.



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i mappd loki/thaehan before it was cool





pick t+pazolite pls :^)

yuujou <3


I hear the talent, but I also feel the personal connection behind the music. It's easy to tell that this guy is really doing what he loves. He's able to explore two sides of his musical self, and the result is really refreshing in my opinion.

holy damn those are some sick tracks

Dang this sounds awesome

Time for disappointing maps :d

glad to see new people coming in~


I love how most of his chiptune tracks are made in a 3/4 measure or using 1/3 BSD, it adds a nice challenge onto thinking about new patterns and gimmicks to use (that are not triangles, looking at you monstrata). Looking out for more of this artist <3

Tfw you already made an entire mapset on one of his songs :^^) (doki-doki best song)

Taehan sounds like Savant back in the day, which is nice

Pogge hkzmk

exactly my thought ^

putain mec TU DECHIRES WALLah

I'm all aboard the chiptune style, even though its probably just VSTi :P


This is some pretty fantastic music. I am very glad to see that someone as amazing as this is now one of osu's featured artists!

Enfin! :)

did somebody mention chiptune 👀

where's Thor?

Owh... gud songs :3

That flute usage just made me fall in love (for both of them)
Interlude and Ohayo will be among my pendings soon enough :P (and holy, that Nintendo medley is freaking awesome xD)

Let's fucking map ! :D

Thank you Loki/Thaehan! It is so obvious that I (oops, not only me ^^) am being so so so excited about you joining us here!

Can't wait for the maps of your pieces ^^!

such in love with this type of songs <3
time to map Quiet Village, it has a double bpm which is fun to play :D

Same here. ^^ I'm just so happy that artists like him joined osu!. ^^

Welcome to osu!

Surono Athrun

welcome to intern-

Woo-hoo, excited for this.

I can feel you Flannel. ^^ I just can't stop showing my excitement here. ^^

Quiet Village is amazing <3

Frozen_Rhythm deadbeat

Yeah, but I can't even choose one -- almost all of them are too great for me. ^^

Holy cow, this person is very talented. Great stuff, can't wait to hear this music in game.

Haganenno Dez_old_1

The great thing about this addition is that Thaehan's music was already rather known in osu!, that's why it is great to have him official now.

winber1 Dez_old_1

i'm talented too i graduated high school

Frozen_Rhythm Dez_old_1

I'm so amazed too! ^^

good for mania

*Best for mania. ^^

Get ready mappers :) lets steal all this song >:)

Frozen_Rhythm REUSE-ABLE

I can feel your hype. ^^


