22 Aug 2016
osu!taiko mascot voting
by deadbeat

osu!taiko mascot voting

by deadbeat

Over the course of a month, we received 67 entries and there have been some amazing submissions, and now, their fates are in your hands.

We've set up a voting page over on the new site which you can access here, and vote for your top 3 entries. The voting will last for 2 weeks ending on September 5th. Whoever wins will (subject to staff approval) have their entry accepted as the new osu!taiko mascot. Along with this, they will also receive an osu!artist forum title, 12 months of supporter and $50 store credit. Second place will receive 3 months of supporter and third, fourth and fifth place will each receive a month of supporter.

Good luck to all who have entered and happy voting.



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Results when? :'(

i think pepe should be the mascot tbh

Would've been really nice for the pictures to also include the links to the thread, that way people know the full info to the character and not just their appearance.

Make a BachoBot mascot contest. That would be interesting.

I can't think of anything missing this ^

So many good pieces of art! I wish I could vote for more than just three :(

supmission 14 <3 <3
great submissions everyone!

I don't think drumsticks work good at a taiko drum.
(tbh i tried that at the arcade in ours)

Vote Lucio

what is this its so bad LOL

Personally, I think the mascot should be one of the male drawings just to balance out the mascot genders.
If not, then the CtB mascot will be the only male. Not that I have anything against females, just seems right to balance it out.

How can I vote? (I see no checkbox there)

Green Onion_old Factorial

click s
tars on each pict

Onio the master taiko player with Yuzu the master CTB:) Its good idea! Other male pls! Or another name...

too many lolis, i cant vote

Rem and Ram for osu!taiko mascots tbh

Why didn't anyone submit a pair of mascots; one for don, and one for kat?
I thought this would be an obvious one... lol
You could even have one male and one female (for equality).
Don and Kat are even male and female names in English. :3

srry xd

Thievley Little

I did this originally, and included it in my post, but I didn't make a high res. version because I questioned how it would work in game. And so in the end I only designed the female one as my entry lul

Who needs lolis when you can have a ROBOT?

She just NEEDS to win,Perfect

lol @ the robot. kinda sad that this thing gets the most attention and the people who probably took a long time trying to come up with theirs get nothing tho.
voted for alisa, foxgirl (not taikon, the other foxgirl) and tamia... uh... uguu >///<

Is there any way to vote for the robot 3 times?
Also, taiko bachi are very thick (or sometimes they are spear shaped); the game isn't played using normal drumsticks. A lot of these entries seem to have really thin sticks. Just bothers me a little bit because it shows a lack of understanding of how the game actually works.

I already regret entering lol

I'm not doing any harm by voting, you know.
Onosaki should be the mascot. Not going to lie, only liked 2 designs from that list.

BBB Empress Junko

If Onosaki-hito just took a selfie and entered it as his submission I would vote for it

it's just the base idea right? if it's the final form then meh....
also, we lack of boy mascot. we really need ono in his okuu outfit

Awgh :c I just entered yesterday, I have an awesome idea, just is too late now(yep, is not a loli xD)

Donkey Kong. Because Taiko is the same as Donkey Konga.

vote for robot-chan

Many of the lolis look too cute and fragile to be a cool drummer imo...
The best compromise is Zumi I think but some of the non-lolis are cool too.

mmm guys maybe i am little late but did osu recieve that update when was sneak peak news?


Why changing the mascot? Pippi-don was good, idk why you make him rip.


If you make a contract with me, you will vote this https://i.ppy.sh/45567b9371...

Archerfina Isotoxal

same rip
literally only found out about the contest 9 hours before the deadline lmao

greennowl Isotoxal


HELLO EVERYONE! PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO ER, READ THIS. i err... so the picture that they placed in the voting thing was the failed version so.. please refer to this one:
And it would be really nice if you could read my complete description:
It would be so awesome if you vote for me ^^ I hope you can take some time to check the whole thing.. i think the picture they placed in the voting thing is.. err.. a real big failure and.. compared to all the others which look so amazing.
So, please do check the whole description and hopefully you'll vote for me. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ^_^

He is a male character o-o!!
Reference here uvu , because is a bit unfair to judge by the image only : http://pokefubuki.deviantar...
Vamos que podemos tener los hispanos una huella en OSU!! >0

pls no

If you didn't vote for the robot you voted wrong


OzzyOzrock crystalsuicune

I ᗩᗰ ᔕO ᔕᑕᗩᖇᕮᗪ

Loctav? where are you? :< this is outrageous you here! outrageous!

Koucha- Aikyuu-Chan

Punyanya mas JMC

fuc vacation, rip submission ;u;

use cocoa from gochiusa because yu68 loves her

Tzu Zumi is best

Dude i'll sell one of my kidney for the rasta to pass
Let's become the first 420 comunity on osu! pls

Vulkin Niroe

lets upvote this thing to 420 upvotes shall we

Down voting this comment for that :^)

Latin Boy FTW.
It is to vary and balance at once. Not everyone should be anime/vocaloid style, blond or blue eyes.

Link to hootest black boy ever---> https://assets.ppy.sh/conte...

If she doesn't win, I'd be shocked. https://assets.ppy.sh/conte...

Plugins Iyxon

psshhh plz,
this one's the stuff:


Koucha- Iyxon


Lmao. We're 2.

Male mascot for balance plz

NeXt4r_ Sonnyc

no, is because there too many feminist want famale not male

just maybe

ONE LOOKS LIKE AHRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG


ONE LOOKS LIKE AHRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG