This rule proposal was mostly related to spread requirement but somehow is now about how to regulate audio. The matters are related but the second topic needs to be clearer in the way it will handle 4 different case scenarios;
1- Cut versions of original songs.
2- Original song editions, such as timing fixes, looping sections, bpm modification, remixes, etc.
3- 2 different songs that are combined together for various reasons into one mp3, in this case, it could be two entire songs combined, or one section of a particular song with another full sized song, etc.
4- Songs compilation, when three or more songs (or sections) are combined into one mp3.
For the first case I think the debate about cutting songs is pretty much resolved since peppy already mentioned that it’s fine (still needs discussion imo). The concern about the second case wasn't specifically brought on the proposal, but mixed with the third case. So the discussion should be on the third and fourth case that were brought on the proposal.
Song Extensions;The second case (music extension) in the new rule proposal, will be
forbidden according to;
Song compilations must incorporate 3 or more songs. Using only 2 songs in a compilation is not a sufficient number of tracks to offer a compelling experience for players when compiled together, and should be broken up into separate mapsets.
The audio file of a song must not be artificially extended in order to meet a time limitation in the mapset section of this criteria. Illegal extensions include (but are not limited to) looping sections of the audio file, lowering the bpm of the song or section of the song, and adding small amounts of music to the song without incorporating it throughout the entire song.
allowed according to;
If the audio file is extended in such a way, the mapset must still comply with the time limitations of its unaltered audio.
Leaving the contradiction itself, I don’t really recommend banning the combination of two songs from being rankable since there are good results coming from that idea. Refer to; different songs from the same artist that blend well together, using different arranges of the same song to create an intro or outro for the original song, combining part I and part II of the same song, etc. The problem isn’t the extension itself, but people forcing extensions/song additions to meet a spread requirement, that is what resulted recently in very low quality mixes.
To solve this problem we can actually re-word the following rule proposal;
The audio file of a song must not be artificially extended in order to meet a time limitation in the mapset section of this criteria.
Only the official song length will be considered in order to meet a time limitation in the mapset section of this criteria.Extensions and song additions are not considered for spread requirements, exception being songs compilation. Extensions include (but are not limited to) looping sections of the audio file, lowering the bpm of the song or section of the song, and adding small amounts of music to the song without incorporating it throughout the entire song are not considered for spread requirements. If the audio file is extended in such a way, the mapset must still comply with the time limitations of its unaltered audio.
The intent here is that even if a person loops any part of the song or add another song in the mp3, the spread requirement will consider only the main song being mapped, the only expection being songs compilation.
Songs compilation;Probably the topic with almost no consensus so far and a lot of discussion is happening on
t/756468 , so I’ll probably just give suggestions regarding the re-wording of some stuff proposed. I agree with the definition brought on the glossary, I just think that it’s slightly inconsistent with the rule proposal;
Song compilations must incorporate 3 or more songs.
Song Compilation: An audio file that features more than 2 different songs or sections of multiple different songs.
The suggestion is to use the same number in both sections in the RC to make it simpler.
Song Compilation: An audio file that features at least 3 songs or sections of multiple different songs.
About the rule itself;
Song compilations must incorporate 3 or more songs. Using only 2 songs in a compilation is not a sufficient number of tracks to offer a compelling experience for players when compiled together, and should be broken up into separate mapsets.
We can remove the following explanation since it contradicts allowing the extensions when the rule is about songs compilation. All explanations of rules in the RC are supposed to be related to the first sentence and things like “Using only 2 songs […]should be broken up into separate mapsets.” Doesn’t relate to the topic of songs compilation.
->while I was editing this a lot of discussion happened and I'm not sure if my concerns were adressed or not, sorry if anything here is doubled and resolved already.