[x] Millhi being a butt [x] 10,000pp #BeliefIn10k [x] 11,000pp Thank Mr. Monstrata lul it died with the HD nerf. [x] 12,000pp -loldt [x] 13,000pp -loldt [x] 14,000pp -loldt [ ] Rank pokenorsk [x] 600pp play lul it died with the HD nerf. [x] 700pp play - Last Goodbye xd [x] 800pp play - Last Goodbye xd [x] Best Performance Top 50 all being 600pp+ [x] Best Performance Top 50 all being 500pp+ [x] Best Performance Top 100 all being 500pp+ [x] Best Performance Top 100 all being 400pp+ [ ] 0 A ranks [x] Become a shoe [ ] Become a pair of shoes [x] Learn DT
2020-05-15 - I updated the goals thing. ---- 19.08.17 - For anyone curious, I was visiting my parents for summer vacation. ---- 16.03.17 - I'm botw'ing ---- 08.01.17 - I forgot to write something when I went, but I'm back from spending my christmas break at my parents home. Gonna suck for a while probably. ---- 13.09.16 - Super busy with school stuff in general this semester, so I don't get as much time to play as I'd like So instead I made a checklist of goals because a lot of people have one. ---- 21.08.16 - Aaaaaaaaand back. ---- 18.06.16 - At my parents home. I won't be able to play while here, so I'll mostly be doing mapping stuff when I'm around. Also if I was supposed to m4m you, I'll get that done now. Sorry it's taken so long. ---- 04.04.16 - Back and still alive! Will get to everything I need to do asap. ---- 12.03.16 - I'll be away for about 3 weeks. For everything I'm supposed to do, you'll have to wait for me to come back. Sorry about that! ---- 25.02.16 - God dammit Millhi. ---- 02.01.16 - And back. Happy new year! ---- 19.12.15 - At my parents home for christmas. See you in 2016! ---- 03.12.15 - Let us all embrace this moment of silence. RIP my exams 2k15-2k15. ---- 20.07.15 - Hey, I just met you / My hair has fringes / But I'm a shoe / And I've got hinges ---- 13.07.15 - 1 day late, but finally back. Shit is pretty shit. ---- 26.06.15 - Going to China. Back in about 2 weeks. Dunno if I'll be around much or not. ---- 09.06.15 - I'm another shoe. ---- 01.06.15 - Wooh exams done! ---- 25.03.15 - I'm pro tryharder. ---- 03.01.15 - And back. Time to play again. ---- 19.12.14 - Back at my parents home for Christmas. Won't really be able to play for about 2 weeks. ---- 08.12.14 - Having exams, which means I have time to osu! Trying to properly learn hr and AR10, and trying to get better at DT and speedy shit. Kinda pp farming. ---- 03.07.14 - Seems like I'm addicted to ship girls. Kinda inactive, but I'll get to the stuff I should be doing soon™. ---- 07.06.14 - So I'm done with exams and stuff. I should have time to do stuff now. ---- 27.05.14 - I'm still a shoe. Edit: Maaaan Millhi stop ---- 16.03.14 - So I decided to upload old maps and stuff. Click here. Other than the ranked maps, these are mostly either old maps, unfinished maps or shitmaps (or old unfinished shitmaps). It's probably not worth your time. ---- 13.12.13 - I'm a shoe. Edit: Woooow millhi ---- 09.12.13 - I'll be having exams from the 10th to the 20th. I might be doing some modding as a break between exams, but expect less activity (not that I've had a really good output this half year anyway orz). ---- 27.10.13 - So I moved again. Somuchwork haha. Anyhow, shouldn't take too long for me to be back. And this place is better and the rent is cheaper anyway, so yay. ---- 07.10.13 - Midterms should be done by October 14th, so I'll be back then. If I have time in-between, I'll do some modding, but yeah. ---- 29.08.13 - All right, time for an avatar change, since I'm BAT now, and I like Kudosu. I've updated my modding information and all that, which hopefully will be something I can manage while doing all them IRL stuff as well. But for the sake of making it clear: I'll only take requests from my queue for now. ---- 19.08.13 - For anyone who wants to request a mod or something, please hold off from that until next week (26.08.13) as I have a lot of stuff going on with uni this week as well. The little time I have at home I'll probably use for doing whatever I want, or doing some of my older requests from before becoming a BAT and whatnot. ---- 17.08.13 - Apparently I made it to BAT \:D/ I still have a ton of IRL stuff going on as well though, for the next week, but ehh, I'll try to be around ---- 13.08.13 - So I've moved to another city to attend uni and stuff. Idk how busy I'll be with Uni, but I should still have time for osu! and everythings (not like you can quit this anyway). Will probably spend less time on osu! for the first few weeks though, as I get used to living alone and all that. Edit: And probably next to no time the first 2 weeks because holy shit so much happening at the same time. ---- 29.04.13 - Back from exams, although I've probably played more osu! this week than I've been doing the rest of the month xD. ---- 17.04.13 - Exams. Back in about a week. ---- Welcome to my new, updated and cool userpage! I saw all these pretty userpages everywhere, so I decided to finally update my own, instead of just slapping whatever came to mind at a random spot in my userpage. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to finish updating everything right now. I'll be slowly adding more stuff the next few days though. Anyhow, if you find reading about me and whatever I feel like talking about to be interesting, then have fun!
Who Am I?
Some Chinese dude born in Norway who's had clicking circles as a hobby since 2009.
But mostly a shoe.
As a Player
Standard: Tablet: Wacom Bamboo CTH-661 Keyboard: Laptop Keyboard & Some red switches thing. I dont remember the name.
Favorite Mod: Motherfucking Flashlight Least Favorite Mod: DoubleTime
I do play a lot of Hidden or Hidden + Hardrock as well. I generally can't read AR10 consistently though, so most of my HD+HR scores are semi-memorized. I am also a jumper rather than a streamer. Since my streaming abilities suck, Doubletime is a shitmod. Flashlight is cool because hitting jumps on flashlight is cool.
I'm not an active player anymore though, and only play occasionally. I mean, there might be a random day I play a lot, but most of the time I'm just around chatting, mapping, modding or afk. Edit: Lol I just realized my definition of "not an active player" is like 1k plays a month.
My Mapping and Modding Life
Apparently I'm BAT now.god dammit shoe you haven't been a BAT for months ~ millhi
For now, I'll only take mod requests from my queue. Remember to read the rules! I mod some random maps from here as well, though not a lot these days. Asking for testplays in-game is fine; as long as I'm free and in the mood to play, I'll probably play it! It does help if you're friendly with it and everything of course Oh, you may also ask me in-game for random help or tips or whatever when it comes to mapping, as long as it doesn't require 29383 hours for me to do Just say you have a mapping question, and I'll probably answer you~
As a mapper I'd like to think that I don't have a particular mapping style. While there are bound to be similarities in all of my maps, I can't claim any of the maps to actually feature "my own mapping style". Instead, I decide how I want to map the song, and just go with that. Sometimes I might get inspiration from other maps I've played and loved. Then I'll probably take a look at those maps in the in-game editor to try and figure out why I like them so much. I do try to not blatantly copy their style though, although maybe my map dooooeeees look awfully similar to another map
I mostly try to focus on flow when mapping, but I've also tried to incorporate symmetry into a kind of hybrid maps, as well as pure symmetry mapping. If I'm out of ideas my maps tend to become more and more symmetrical though. I think I have some OCD for asymmetrical stuff. I do try to push myself to focus on flow instead though.
If you want a "showcase" of my different ways of mapping, I'd suggest taking a look at Coloring, and comparing it to, say, Inside Identity. All in all, I try to have my mapping style compliment the music itself. Do I succeed with that? I have no idea.
Update: So I decided to upload old maps and stuff. Click here. Other than the ranked maps, these are mostly either old maps, unfinished maps or shitmaps (or old unfinished shitmaps). It's probably not worth your time.
On another note:
If I have made a guest difficulty for your map, please ask me before doing any changes, unless I've told you that you can go ahead and change things.
Uhm, apparently people like to map GDs for me without asking. Your GD is prooobably going to get rejected if you don't talk to me about it first.
Cool People
Just a general list of friends with a comment or something for each person to show my love to all of you! This will probably be a heavy WIP list for a while.
MillhioreF - So cool I'm putting you five times.
MillhioreF - So cool I'm putting you five times.
MillhioreF - So cool I'm putting you five times.
MillhioreF - So cool I'm putting you five times.
MillhioreF - So cool I'm putting you five times.
Obligatory Random Screenshots
Every userpage has one so why not. I don't have a lot because I don't save a lot though, but hey: