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this is the hardest map ever created by humankind
My hands are not going to recover from playing this
how did this get ranked? in the ranking criteria isnt there a part that says a difficulty can't be only an easy or normal if the rhythm is oversimplified or was that added after this got ranked
this was ranked in 2016
i realize that now
pp record of this mapsetstd = 28pptaiko = 136ppctb = 121ppmania = 4pp
gods work
mm yes i love 5 minute long 1 star maps
3 miss in catch because of lag rip
hardest map ever
Por qué esto es tan fácil?
El nuevo tutorial para todos los modos, me encanta.
very easy
well... did you?
Beginner Friendly map sets :D
why. The difficulty spread on this map is disgusting.
Cardboard Box - The Limit Does Not Exist
Weber Box - Normals Does Not Exist
Easy Map
CTB community full of cheaters :X All use time hack DT Genryuu Kaiko :XX Peppy please fix or I quit :C
osu! for kids
5minutes for 0.000000001 pp, thanks.
i wish these kinds of maps happened every now and then, so peaceful
Finally I can play this song!
Quit complaining about it being 1 star or less maps at least it's mapped :^)
Hardest Genryuu Kaiko ever played I can't pass it :(
People are tired of this meme, but look at the positive side; newbies could play these usually-are-insane-or-higher songs.
or get easy 50pp on taiko
oh wow
Weber. . . . . .
rip my record
finally a good map of this song
Stamina Map
Finally an easy version !
The preview point isn't even snapped properly. 1/10
all diff easy only
Osu! Need More Halozy ! ! ! !
This is great actually.
yes, i passed diff https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/6786033 so hard
At last we can brag about that we at least make it a S rank in this song. :D
thx for 0.59pp https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/6765149
Genryuu Kaiko 1 star set LUL
Again map for dt farmers