NASA / I'm Down with Brown TownDance Gavin Dance
mapped by Sharkie
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HP Drain
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It's only seconds away...

18+ Lyrics
Collab with fishyfat

Special Thanks To
Raiden, pkk, and Bonsai for lots of timing help!
Sakshi for telling me to map this!

Dedicated to someone who is no longer with us...
Song Information & Metadata

Although these are separate songs, they're supposed to be listened to together.
00:00:349 - through 03:33:288 - NASA
03:34:903 - through 06:33:040 - I'm Down With Brown Town

Parts in Parenthesis () is Will Swan's screaming. Everything else is Kurt Travis.

(Staring at the window panes)
(Russian roulette with some names on the phone)
When I stare at your face, are you even alive?
(Oh my god, you're so fucking intelligent)
(Don't you just love the use of Andy Warhol?)
We always knew that we were never the best advocates

And it's okay
If I'm gray today

(Holy fuck I'm impressed)
(Too bad I don't have a pussy to plunge in)
(While I sit here and stomach this)
(Here's a noble prize, lets gamble our demise)

Staring at the window paint
Russian roulette with some names on the phone
Hey you, where you from?
Never mind just leave me alone

(I drained the wells so the town has no water)
(I cut the phone lines and buried the grain)
(I drained the blood from the fortunate ones)
(It's self destruction 'cause we're all the same)

("Hurry up, trade in your gold for cash.")
That's what everyone's saying
(Don't blame me for post economical backlash)
That's what everybody's doing
Sometimes I can't believe myself
(Consequence in the purest form)
(I've seen it coming from miles away)

I'm down with brown town
I'm down with brown town

I'm down with brown town
(It's only seconds away)


Maybe we're not the only ones
Let's just say we're the admitted
Let's make believe that we are capable of parallel galaxies
How and why?
There's unrest in the mind with my limbs untied
How and why?
There's unrest in the mind with my limbs untied

(Beautiful girls with no ambition
Piling hair at the fucking salon
Happily managing all of their friends
You can't live life through your cellular phone)

I told you I don't need you
Baby, I need you
(Kurt, cut your loose ends,)
I don't need you
Baby, I need you
(Man, cut your loose ends,)
I don't need you
Baby, I need you
(Don't follow the trends,)
I told you I don't need you

I can't decide, I can't decide

No, it's okay, you don't need them anyway
And if I go, you can stay, everything will be the same
It was the first time, but it won't be the last
I can make you laugh, but I know it won't last
When the air is thin I know you'll be over this again

Maybe we're not the only ones
Let's just say we're the admitted
Let's make believe that we are capable of parallel galaxies
How and why?
There's unrest in the mind with my limbs untied
How and why?
There's unrest in the mind with my limbs untied

In case you were wondering, Brown Town refers to Heroin. Not Anal Sex.

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Points of Failure


go fk yourself no one's prouder than me because that's my girl