
[Proposal] Spread requirements based on song length

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4:30 sets have been falling more and more out of favour over the years, and now people are even starting to use r3 music box extensions to avoid making them, i think it's time to address the issue with current spread rules.

4:30 sets require triple the workload of tvsize sets and quadruple the workload of marathons for both the set host and any bn checking them. it's no surprise they've fallen out of favour. longer sets are also generally less played and less popular, especially among newer players, so requiring a full set for 4:30 songs is impractical for mappers/modders and excessive for players since those lowdiff will mostly go unplayed.

but ofc just changing marathon length min requirements to 4min or 4:30 wouldn't rly fix the main issue of people extending mp3s to avoid full sets. so instead i think we should have a more dynamic spread system.

idk about these exact numbers but something like this:
  1. if the drain time is <3:30 your set's lowest diff must be normal or lower
  2. if the drain time is 3:30-4:15 your set's lowest diff must be hard or lower
  3. if the drain time is 4:15-5min your set's lowest diff must be insane or lower
  4. >5min can be anything
this would greatly reduced workload for mappers and modders, cater longer maps to the players actually interested in playing them, and help reduce a lot of the mp3 extension workaround stuff that nobody rly likes to see.

p sure this has been proposed before as well, and was a well-received idea, but im reposting here

EDIT: this gained traction, and you can read the full draft here: ... 919eb8e1cf
Shohei Ohtani

UndeadCapulet wrote:

4:30 sets have been falling more and more out of favour over the years, and now people are even starting to use r3 music box extensions to avoid making them, i think it's time to address the issue with current spread rules.
This is just fucking stupid that people are doing this lmao. Like it's rankable I guess but man this is just insanely silly. There was sort of something brought up in the other discussion about meme maps where like technically yes you can rank silly stuff but at some point you just sort of lose respect for yourself.

4:30 sets require triple the workload of tvsize sets and quadruple the workload of marathons for both the set host and any bn checking them. it's no surprise they've fallen out of favour. longer sets are also generally less played and less popular, especially among newer players, so requiring a full set for 4:30 songs is impractical for mappers/modders and excessive for players since those lowdiff will mostly go unplayed.
True. It's been problematic to rank 4 minute maps for WAY longer than now. Even this map was a bitch to get modded, and it eventually sort of just graved because people just did not want to spend the time looking at a 4 minute long map. The map itself was actually sort of created as pushback towards the fact that people only wanted to map TV size maps and such (a sentiment that has changed since I mapped this 5 years ago).

but ofc just changing marathon length min requirements to 4min or 4:30 wouldn't rly fix the main issue of people extending mp3s to avoid full sets. so instead i think we should have a more dynamic spread system.
Seems about right. Loctav would often pull out the slippery slope thing whenever people would get mad about spread. It's kind of why 4:55 maps couldn't get approved, because "oh man you're so dumb and fat soon 4:50 maps are going to get ranked and soon we will have no easy diffs"

(Skipping the paragraph with the actual system since I already talked about that).

this would greatly reduced workload for mappers and modders, cater longer maps to the players actually interested in playing them, and help reduce a lot of the mp3 extension workaround stuff that nobody rly likes to see

p sure this has been proposed before as well, and was a well-received idea, but im reposting here

I didn't mean to delete my old post but I did so oops
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cdfa silly
tbh i kind of agree, based on the length of time a beginner has the ability/interest to play

To fix CDFA's issue maybe word it along the lines of "3-4 mins lowest diff cannot be insane, 4-5 mins lowest diff can not be extra"?
100% agree with this, because if you think about it, what new player wants to play a 4-5 minute long song? With the simplified rhythm, by 3-4 minutes a new player is probably bored of effectively playing the same thing over and over again.

Making a dynamic spread rule for longer songs makes sense to me in almost every aspect, and I would hope this motivates people to map 4 minute sets more often
That 4-5 minutes sets only need an insane is pretty unfavorable for me since even semi new player cant play anything over 4 mins since for the most mappers, the most disliked difficult to make is a "Hard". Like my suggestion would be that maybe:

<200 seconds: spread rules like b4
>200 seconds: spread needs an hard
>300 seconds (marathon): can be anything

since 200 seconds is 3:20, it seems pretty fair for player and mapper that after here you dont need a normal anymore. Since after the previous RC change for lowest SR in your set it is possible to have even a 2,4sr diff as lowest diff so imo no need to change that for below 200 seconds.

That would be my idea since your idea is pretty discouraged against even semi new players so i proposed this instead ^^
Would also reduce the increasing amount of audio editing that is going on to reach the 5 min mark so I'd love this
When looking at proposals like this, it's important to look at both sides.

From a mapper's perspective this change might be welcome in the short term, but from a player's perspective, restricting songs to solely higher diffs because mappers don't want to bother making full sets is not that good of a thing.

As an example, most songs from genres such as rock/metal are 3:something minutes in length. That range spreads way further than songs that are over 5 minutes (the current marathon length). Now obviously, most mappers that would map these songs wouldn't bother making the lower diffs anymore, essentially restricting the song choice completely for newer players. That's the main problem I have with this.

Obviously, as a mapper myself, I would enjoy not having to deal with the struggle of mapping lower difficulties everytime I want to push my set for rank. However, I don't think it's fair for the playerbase that isn't capable yet of playing higher difficulties to restrict the amount of songs they can play so drastically. Perhaps the direction to go isn't necessarily cutting off all the lower difficulties, but rather making the dfificulty spread these maps need to have less dense (so for example, 2sr > 4sr > 6sr is acceptable or what not.
Shohei Ohtani
Also if you really want to go hard with this, you could always just consider implementing the idea that you have to map the full spread of all songs, but then don't have to map the full length for all of the difficulties.

Because that's the reason spread rules were put in the first place, because people were super worried about newer players not having a lot of content to play because everyone would just sort of end up doing stuff like this: (There's better examples but this is the only one I can remember off the top of my head), where newer players would only get like 1 verse and kiai while the other diffs would get more.

However, I feel (and have generally always felt, from what I can recall) that it's not really problematic for easy players to have shorter experiences on these longer songs, since they are developing the endurance necessary and might not be able to play 4 minutes of map. Plus it gives incentive for replayability since you have to keep on working to be able to hear the full song.

and if you wanna go SUPER far back you could always just go back to pre-spread rules where all you had to do to get approval was just say you were going for approval like: ;)
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current numbers excluding certain genres more than others is a fair point, but like i said the numbers can be fine-tuned as needed

still dont rly think we'd needneed a normal for most 3mins but if a bunch of people think otherwise i can adjust

and addressing voli's edit:
personally think EHX or NIU sets would be weird for newer players, it's more intuitive to say "expect these longer maps to be harder", but if more people are in favour of that than current proposal i won't object, still achieves the main goal in the end
''and help reduce a lot of the mp3 extension workaround stuff that nobody rly likes to see.''

tbh this is subjective, don't take the r3 hating thing as a whole agreement for the osu community because they would surely exist some r3 fans out there. With your logic then, any 5 min song remixes can be unrankable because they are extending the original length of the song. So stop getting triggered by the r3 extension thing, osu isn't a music police. Some variety is fun for the game.
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@nikakis this wouldn't be making r3 edits unrankable, but p much only reason people are doing them rn is to avoid spread, not bc they rly like how it sounds. if they want to keep doing it bc they like r3 they are welcome to continue
I would rank every buto-otome song if they do this 100% agree

I would still love to make spreads for certain songs but some songs is so discouraging to map (referring to songs capable of making 6* - 7* maps/high bpm) simply because you have to worry about making 5+ diffs afterwards which is very time consuming even with gds (and that isn't even including mods)

While I would love if it happen like the proposal as a mapper but as a player I think 4-5 mins needs a Hard difficulty seems to be a better idea than an a Insane since I myself enjoy playing 4min maps and can't play many insane difficulties at that length
Insane and up are the minority of players in this game

dropping that amount of content for people to get into the game on based on recent maps doesnt make any sense, there's a reason why the ranked section is sorted by newest first, it assumes that new maps and recent songs will get people into the game lol
@Voli whilst I see your concerns I also think it's worth pointing out the correlation of interest between length of the song and difficulty of the map. Many other rhythm games see 2 mins as the length of time that is most engaging, for easy diffs especially. Not many new players actually go for something that approaches 5 mins with how un-engaging it gets towards the end. I do think the numbers would need tweaking if this actually went through though, it seems a bit more on the low side of things. Also your suggestion seems quite nice as well
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redrafted the numbers so 3:30 sets need a hard, that number can go up further if needed.

also oko the content is getting lowered anyway bc of marathon extensions and people just mapping 4min songs less, this only increases the content for the game by making all sets closer to the same amount of work
I think if anything CDFA's idea is far better. That way you're not totally shutting newer players out of enjoying songs they like, but you're not forcing a mapper to make four 4 minute difficulties either.

I mean, heck, the rule that all difficulties need to be around the same length was actually removed months ago. So take advantage of that instead.

this rule is gone wrote:

Your difficulties should all end at the same spot. Having a fully-mapped Normal/Hard and a half-mapped Easy just looks sloppy/lazy. A full Easy may look boring to you, but not to a player that can't handle the harder difficulties.

I mean this one btw, but a lot of people still point it out because it appears in modding assistant because modding assistant hasn't been updated.
my thoughts on this have basically been said by other people here already

as a mapper, it's nice to have more equal work to rank longer maps compared to shorter ones. low diffs are boring to make anyway

if i were running osu and had i an interest in expanding its audience, i'd think this kind of change isnt very good. out of ranked maps selection, there would be a smaller fraction of content available for lowest level of players, alienating the potential future of hte game or something along those lines. the idea that new players are already alienated with 5+min songs, so being lenient with other lengths should be fine sounds more like a reason to remove approval from game dev perspective (which i'm not interested in doing).

so there's benefit for mapper quality of life, but maybe not for osu in general imo

@noffy im pretty sure the "you must map up to 80% of your map's mp3" rule counteracts that

pishifat wrote:

so there's benefit for mapper quality of life, but maybe not for osu in general imo
Reducing content for new and casual players is never good for a game.
Shohei Ohtani

pishifat wrote:

@noffy im pretty sure the "you must map up to 80% of your map's mp3" rule counteracts that
well looks like were gonna have to change that then

CDFA wrote:

pishifat wrote:

@noffy im pretty sure the "you must map up to 80% of your map's mp3" rule counteracts that
well looks like were gonna have to change that then
it doesn't specify it has to be mapped on every difficulty just that it must be mapped in general (I literally re-read that rule before posting to be sure). If it's mapped only in insane, it's still mapped.
seems like there's a loophole here if the intent is to in part disallow 1m 2m 3m 4m ENHI draintime spreads.

Natsu wrote:

Reducing content for new and casual players is never good for a game.
yea but ppl gonna extand 4:xx songs with R3 music boxes so it's even worse imo
i like thoses R3 music boxes but it's so lame... i'd rather have the song having its chorus extanded or smth

and having HIX spreads isn't that bad imo
Topic Starter
chatlog i had w/ pishi, highly encourage anyone worried about new players to read through it:
UndeadCapulet - Today at 4:40 PM
i feel like people arent reading my posts at all
4min diffs are already not appealing for most new players
making it so they arent required isnt lowering content for new players
its just raising content for higher level players who actually like to play longer maps(edited)
your point about “fraction of content” is the closest to fair
but like
4:30 normal is draining and also kinda boring for newer players
theyd prefer to just play shorter maps
even in like game design perspective
you dont give new players big longer levels
they get eased into it
as they get more comfortable w/ mechanics
then you can start lengthening the levels and challenges
pishi - Today at 4:47 PM
that makes sense
it also makes me think time would be better spent making 2 minute maps instead of ones that have less general appeal
so im not sure id change stance
UndeadCapulet - Today at 4:50 PM
wait but
if what i said makes sense
then giving more incentives to make longer maps so more skilled players can challenge themselves
should also make sense .-.
pishi - Today at 4:53 PM
more experienced players playing longer maps than new players makes sense
catering content towards smaller audience not so much
from mr game running guy perspective that is
as a mapper i'd want more than anything to just get 1 diff things ranked without any bs extra content
UndeadCapulet - Today at 5:00 PM
idk i dont think its catering to smaller audience
if anything the current cut/extend meta is ostracizing experienced players
with less engaging content
progression spreadbalance just makes it so every skill level has more good stuff for them(edited)
new players will have all the tvsizes they could ask for like always
(and w/ current numbers theyll have 3min maps too)
they dont need 4mins tho, so those can be geared toward hard/insane players(edited)
pishi - Today at 5:04 PM
that doesnt account for people who would be ranking a full tv size thing, but instead opt to do a h/i set for a longer song
with the proposal, some amount of people will shift their attention away from making low diffs
so less new player stuff overall
UndeadCapulet - Today at 5:05 PM
at most the req difference would be
NAHIX for tvsize
vs HIX for 3:30-4:30(edited)
vs IX for 4:30
some people will stop being tvsize only mappers but
theyll still be making a lot of H icons
and we’re never gonna run out of tvsizes
drop in tvsizes will be small if any, increase in fullvers will be way bigger(edited)
bc fullver mappers wont have to spend so much time with each set
thats where the main increase will come from
not tvsize mappers switching over

i feel like natsu/oko/etc. just aren't reading my posts at all atm, bc if they did they wouldn't be saying this is lowering content for new players. 4min diffs are not appropriate for new players. it's not content for them. if anything those types of diffs will be a turnoff bc of how draining it can be to play them. this proposal doesn't hinder newer players in any way, it will only be adding content for hard+ players.
I'd say add a minimum amount of diffs required for the spread as well in some way, so say minimum 3 diffs for maps <4:00, and minimum 2 diffs for maps <5:00. (Not sure how this would affect those Easy+Normal sets only though).

If you're mapping a 4min ballad you can get away with only a hard since Insane/Extra might not fit well with the song, and Easy/Normal aren't required.
This should make it so that easier difficulties for newer players are still created whenever slower songs that would fit lower diffs better are mapped as well.

UndeadCapulet wrote:

chatlog i had w/ pishi, highly encourage anyone worried about new players to read through it:
i feel like natsu/oko/etc. just aren't reading my posts at all atm, bc if they did they wouldn't be saying this is lowering content for new players. 4min diffs are not appropriate for new players. it's not content for them. if anything those types of diffs will be a turnoff bc of how draining it can be to play them. this proposal doesn't hinder newer players in any way, it will only be adding content for hard+ players.
i read that part but i idisagree with the logic you use to arrive at that fact that longer songs are not content for new players
if you start the game up and listen to music before finding this game you will notice that most edm and general songs are around 3:30 ~ 4:30 length (hint: the FA section contains mostly longer songs) because it's a common length of music.

Would be a shame if you start out the game and search for your favourite music just to find that "it's too long to require a diff for you"
Caput Mortuum
This feels like forcing new players to play exclusively anime openings/game songs tbh
New players care more about the song itself rather than the content

i can also see some mappers in the future saying 3:30 is too long
So about the argument that it's less content for newer players. The current state of things is less content for ALL players, as people are less inclined to map these maps that are 4:30min long if they have to spend that much more effort compared to extending the song to 5min, or just mapping some other song.

Doing something like this would give more incentive to map these longer maps for mappers who would maybe otherwise not map these songs at all, or greatly increase the amount of songs they map in this length range.

As for the details, it's obviously something to discuss in terms of what would be appropriate cut-offs, limits, appropriate spreads (would EHX be acceptable for example) etc., but I don't think it's a bad idea overall to suggest something like this.

As for the "too long to require a diff for you" thing, that already happens with approval maps, and as more people go with extending songs, or cutting them down, you're still not getting the required diff for low level players in the length range that is being discussed.
i know im saying i'd prefer that over the possibility that there's even more stuff that is inaccessible to new players trying to get into the game or the average player
Hey those were my actual thoughts today when i opnened sotarks freedom dive, I fully support this.
i don't know.. it's kind of refreshing and rewarding when i map a full length set of songs i like, because it's a rare thing to see in osu! currently, and i tend to really like mappers who map things that way too.

i'm a pretty big fan of mapping lower difficulties because no one seems to care about them anymore in terms of quality, all that matters is it is a reasonable spread for the higher diffs to be workable for the set. i think this is just going further down the hole of "why bother making quality lower diffs if my extra diff gets all the attention" and whatnot

i know i'm in the minority for this, this would probably be a happy change for most mappers, but i just think at some point lower diffs will just like, be absent from most sets lol
I disagree with it. Cause of the less content for begginer argument. Shiguma said "if you think about it, what new player wants to play a 4-5 minute long song" which is somewhat true.

However, most of player who likes an anime song will be interested in playing the TV size version cause it's short and they can still play the song they like. But if they like a Rock, Metal, Pop or whatever that doesn't have any TV size ver song, they will not be able to play it cause there is this rule?

Okoratu wrote:

i know im saying i'd prefer that over the possibility that there's even more stuff that is inaccessible to new players trying to get into the game or the average player
Ah fair enough. I read that wrong then.

I personally always found the 5 min limit for marathon kind of low, and would really prefer it to be 6 min, with 2 diff requirements for 5 min and 3 diff requirement for 4 min or something, with proper spread rules along those lines, but I doubt that's ever possible anymore nowadays after the requirement was lowered.
Okay, after reading this thread, I've changed my stance.

First, can we get some actual numbers? I want to see how many people
  1. Play <2 minute normal and hard diffs
  2. Play 4 minute+ normal and hard diffs

    And also see how many:
  3. Ranked 1:30-3:00 minute songs there are annually
  4. Ranked 3 minute + sets there are annually

Even without the numbers, I have to agree with CDFA, where a good compromise would be diff specific drain times. Either something like "if your song's length is above 3:30, your Hard diff must be mapped up to at least 3:30 of drain time, while your Normal diff must be mapped up to 2:30 of drain time."

I'm not sure what to make the specific wording to prevent abuse while also preventing people from being able to map songs with a lot of unmappable sections where you'd put a break, but the idea is that lower diffs would have to be mapped to a lesser percentage of the mp3 than higher diffs.

This makes sense to me, as now there would be content for the newer players, because they will have a map to play in their skill range, the mappers would be much happier mapping a shorter map for low diffs they probably don't care for much in the first place (hopefully with lower drain requirements they'd put quality > quantity but that's wishful thinking), while also opening up the ranked section to more 4 minute songs.

(Also I agree with CXu, five minute songs should have a minimum 2 diff requirement if your diff is above an Insane)
Completely 100% in agreement with UndeadCapulet on this one.

Instead of writing some paragraphs about why I think it’s a good idea with pros/cons listed for both sides, I’ll just sum it up and say that I’d rather see there be content for some players (HIX or IX spreads in this case) than no content for everyone.
since the majority of the player base plays diffs below insane i dont think ie spreads should ever be a thing. therefore i really like icekalts proposal
I think in a way this benefits more the mapper, modder and the BN than the player in a way that it makes it easier for everyone just to have a smaller spread and less things to check. The true thing that i believe its affecting this is what Capulet said, i don't think someone wants to check a 4:30 min, 4 diff spread map, unless you're really dedicated to it or you know that person (you'll be modding around 18 mins of drain if you mod each difficulty).

Even though i do believe if any of this would be applied to modern day mapping and modding, osu! will experience a crash in what would be intake of new players, and i'm not only talking about standard or mania, every game mode will feel that and hard; yes maybe its true that mapping low difficulties can be tedious and boring but it opens a wide range in what would be player intake, plus why wouldn't you want to give the same chance to someone "new" rather than an already decent player?

Low difficulties around each game mode provides that "chance" I'm talking about, maybe to play their favorite song while not choosing something they cant play, improving, trying out new skins and none the less, having fun.


I do think this will benefit everyone involved in the creation and ranking process of a map but will damage any low player for sure, maybe something else can be implemented to make this beneficial for the modder and mapper as well for the player.

pishifat wrote:

if i were running osu and had i an interest in expanding its audience, i'd think this kind of change isnt very good. out of ranked maps selection, there would be a smaller fraction of content available for lowest level of players, alienating the potential future of hte game or something along those lines. the idea that new players are already alienated with 5+min songs, so being lenient with other lengths should be fine sounds more like a reason to remove approval from game dev perspective (which i'm not interested in doing).

But back in the days maps even shorter than 5min were approved (like The Big Black). Didn't really hurt the game's future now did it? More like the opposite considering how popular and iconic it became. Imagine having to map a full spread for that song. lol

Anyway, I do think that doing something about this is a good idea, rather than leaving it as it is with .mp3 extensions becoming ever more popular.

What might indeed seem as a problem is that as a new player, I would hate it if I couldn't play, say, my favourite pop or metal song because it's like 3:30 in length and has no easy/normal diffs available for it.

However, as was said before, most new players don't like playing very long maps right off the bat. If you think about it, the most popular genres in this community are things like anime and electronic music, not pop and metal really, they're more niche.

If there is a pop or metal song they'd really like to play but can't quite reach because the lowest diff is a hard, it should motivate them to improve their skills in the game enough to play it. If the only genres of music they listen to are niche in this game, and they're completely unable to tolerate playing easier maps of genres they don't really listen to, I don't think they'd last as a community member for very long to begin with.

With that in mind, and as much as it feels weird to let go of these spread rules I've gotten used to over the years, something needs to be done, and as long as nobody comes up with a better alternative, I'm supporting this one.
  1. if the drain time is <4:00 your set's lowest diff must be normal or lower
  2. if the drain time is 4:00-5:00 your set's lowest diff must be hard or lower
  3. >5:00 can be anything

I'm thinking more like this. since H is way more accessible than N. IX only is just too small imo. Since we are having problems with 4:30 maps, we don't need to do anything with anything below 4:00
agree with ancul, insane as the lowest diff sounds to me like too much for something non marathon, but otherwise it's a neat idea

AncuL wrote:

  1. if the drain time is <4:00 your set's lowest diff must be normal or lower
  2. if the drain time is 4:00-5:00 your set's lowest diff must be hard or lower
  3. >5:00 can be anything
I'm thinking more like this. since H is way more accessible than N. IX only is just too small imo. Since we are having problems with 4:30 maps, we don't need to do anything with anything below 4:00
yeah this seems the most reasonable at least from the suggestions

AncuL wrote:

  1. if the drain time is <4:00 your set's lowest diff must be normal or lower
  2. if the drain time is 4:00-5:00 your set's lowest diff must be hard or lower
  3. >5:00 can be anything

I'm thinking more like this. since H is way more accessible than N. IX only is just too small imo. Since we are having problems with 4:30 maps, we don't need to do anything with anything below 4:00

Hmm, I think a change like this would at least motivate people to map longer songs more. It probably won't make .mp3 extensions that much less popular of a choice when it comes to stuff like 4:50 length songs, though. But even with an IX spread requirement, why wouldn't you just extend the .mp3 instead if you've already done that before? A spread requirement change like this is less impactful on both the newbie playerbase and mapper perspectives, but also generally safer.
I definitely agree with the idea of scaling spread requirements based on song length. Right now I think it is pretty silly how a few seconds determine whether or not you need to map 5 difficulties or just one.

Personally I think that this will increase the amount of content we have due to the lack of longer songs as of now, despite decreasing the amount of content for newbies available in the long run.

However, I think if we went with this, a compromise with people that think this would reduce content too much would be having an insane difficulty required for drain time over 5 minutes, and reserving single difficulty mapsets for songs above 10 minutes, as has been previously proposed.

Overall, reducing the effort gap between approval length and spreads is a good idea, hopefully we can solidify the details in this thread.
the argument that spreads shouldnt start at insane is kinda odd the more i think about it because marathon maps dont need a spread at all. also the appeal for longer maps rises with player skill (at least thats how it was when i learned the game). also what you guys have to think about is that right now 2 diff spreads are already a thing if the hardest diff is hard or normal. if with ucs proposal a 7* for example was made you would still need 3-4 diffs for a reasonable spread with insane as the lowest diff, so the hardest <5min 2 diffs spreads would be like a high 5* and an insane diff witch does sound that unreasonable to me.

i would still love to see some number about number of plays on beatmaps for each diff and song length so the "majority of players" argument can properly be
talked about
im bad at excel but draw your own conclusions

taken from t/631455
i dont agree with getting rid of low diffs at any lenght but if i had to choose id go with what AncuL proposed
Nao Tomori
i agree with the scaling length thing. this eliminates the issue of normals not being mapped at all, while also lowering the amount of necessary effort spent on diffs that will be 1/4 as popular as the higher ones. this effort is a huge factor in why people don't map long songs.

i've noticed that almost all the people against this are the minority who are completely fine with churning out massive sets by themselves or finding gds if needed; i think that you guys don't realize how hard that is for most "normal" mappers who do not have 3-4 years of mapping experience and integration into the community necessary to find bns and gds for such long things. that breed of "normal" mapper makes up the vast majority of the mapping community too, so i really believe it's safe to say that the increase in 3:30+ songs will be quite large if the barriers to making the spreads for them are lowered. this will counteract the fact that quite literally 75%+ of ranked maps are under 1:30 nowadays.
im not exactly against this i just want this to be less lenient than what uc proposed
i barely map so i dont think this rule will affect me but im still taking in consideration casual players who like the song but arent skilled enough to play harder stuff. i experienced taht when i was new :(
It's only a minimum requirements for a map to get rank. If you really that carz about making a fullspread for 4+mins then there's no ine stopping you. The minimum requirements need to be reworked and the reason are already well stated by many user up there. However, I'm jot against fullspread either, it's harder to find modder for it than to map it after all.

Still on topic, ban mp3 manipulation to loophole duration requirements because it's literally ridiculous

Saturnalize wrote:

It's only a minimum requirements for a map to get rank. If you really that carz about making a fullspread for 4+mins then there's no ine stopping you. The minimum requirements need to be reworked and the reason are already well stated by many user up there. However, I'm jot against fullspread either, it's harder to find modder for it than to map it after all.

Still on topic, ban mp3 manipulation to loophole duration requirements because it's literally ridiculous
i tried to do that it didnt get received well :D
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