
TAKA respect for J.S.B - Ubertreffen

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I was asked to check it again; let's see what I missed before.

  1. 00:14:094 (3) - missed a clap?
  2. 00:55:990 (1) - eh, you still keep this spinner?
  1. 00:01:680 (2,3) - you better use half-beat notes later, not at the very beginning
  2. 00:15:301 (2) - to be honest, I don't like when people skip beat(s), especially big white ones. Also, you did it a lot on this diff
  3. 00:54:439 (3,4) - uncomfortable for playing

    Also, I recommend you to reduce spacing here since it's Normal, make it at least 1.0.
  1. 00:28:232 (1) ~ 00:36:335 (9) — I dislike it again, too many notes in a row, in my opinion. Even if it's Hard, you shouldn't spam that much
  1. 01:06:508 (6,6) - again? It's too far from next and previous streams. Also, it doesn't seem that you followed my suggestions before

  • All I'd say here was already said before me. The only thing I can post is my personal opinion: I don't think that constant streaming fits this music. Yeah, it might be associated w/ piano play or something, but not with streaming.
ok then here we go

  1. Inconsistency in the slider tick rate. If you're going to use 2 tick rate on your diffs then please use it for every diff that you made. Currently Gold and Platinum have 1 tick rate
  1. Increase OD by 1 to make it balanced with the next diff
  2. 00:55:990 (1) - The spinner doesn't fit the current place. Xgor have given a good reason and I agree with him. It's better to just remove it
  3. 01:32:370 (2) - NC to this note
  1. I feel iffy about the difficulty jump from Rust to Bronze. I'll just say it here, let's see if others agree with me or not
  2. Increase HP and OD by 1
  3. 00:55:990 (1) - Same problem as the above diff
  1. 00:55:990 (1) - I'm starting to sound like a parrot here but again the same problem as above
  2. 01:31:680 (5) - NC this note
  1. 00:38:921 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - At first this plays nice but you're using it way too much and it become too repetitive. Try not to use the same pattern over and over in a short time span as it may quickly become boring. For this pattern I suggest to just use it until 00:41:680 (6) and starting from 00:42:025 you should use a different pattern. Maybe something like 1/4 sliders stream then a circle. Here's an example
  2. 00:47:542 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Same problem as above. A stream pattern that were used many time it became repetitive.
  3. 00:55:990 (1) - Yup, the spinner
  4. 01:17:025 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Repetitive pattern, but for this one I suggest to use it 4 times until 01:19:611 (6) then change to other pattern (maybe using kick slider stream) on 01:19:783. Of course you can use your own idea but please avoid using the same pattern again
  5. 01:24:783 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This one is a very long stream, too long maybe. Try to tone it down a little, maybe stop the stream on 01:28:232 (1) then use 1/1 beat until 01:28:921 then start the stream again from 01:29:266. Oh and try to use different pattern too for the next stream
  6. 01:32:370 (2) - NC this
  1. Now this is where everything goes wrong. As I said before, there are no rules that forbid using streams but a 5 second stream of 1/4 beat again and again is just silly.There's nothing I can suggest for this diff other than re-map or scrap the diff
  2. 00:22:714 (1,2,1,2) - Another tedious pattern. This super fast slider is very sudden you won't know that they are 1/4 beat slider until you miss it
Unfortunately I can't see this map get ranked anytime sooner as the 2 hardest still need more works on them. I know you have your plan but sorry I can't do anything about this ;_;
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Followed all Tic's Suggestion.

On the other hand, I changed all Sallad's suggestions but I left Gold on hold for a moment. And about Platinum, I changed the slider speed from 1.75 to 1.5. Looks good now. :O
Wow, you really shot almost all of your kudosu on this map...

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing this map ranked

LifestreamEyenine wrote:

Wow, you really shot almost all of your kudosu on this map...

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing this map ranked
*2 seconds audio lead-in seems a bit long. Perhaps change it to 1.5 or 1?

01:32:542 (1) - Appears before the previous note. How about starting this on the next blue tick and shortening like this:

[Emdyion's Silver]
00:32:370 (1,2,3,4) - I feel that these are a bit too tough for a Hard (especially at this high BPM). Perhaps remove one repeat from each?
01:10:301 (5,6) - ^
01:30:301 (9,10) - ^

*OD is too low for an Insane; please raise it one tick!
01:10:473 (6,1,1) - The kick slider is so short that it looks like an 1/8 and is really confusing. I suggest changing it to 1.0x speed, removing a repeat, and then fix the spacing to the next stream.
01:30:990 (1) - remove one repeat; 1/8 isn't enough reaction time between the end of the slider and the next note

01:30:990 (1) - same as Gold; remove one repeat

Lovely diff spread! I'll be happy to bubble this after these changes!
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Changed everything, except for all Derek's ssuggestion in [Emdyion's]. I hope it's fine now. :O
All good; Bubbled!
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Yey. :D Hopefully no one goes crazy about this. D: EDIT: Talk to the Derek if you have one. Cause that's what he said.

Happy Birthday bubble to me! <3

EDIT: 777th post
Congrats on bubble. Good Luck with rank!
Happy b-day you bastard.
happy Bday
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Thanks everyone XD
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eddieee wrote:

hmmm streams... so creative..

well, I'm going to make my own streams everywhere map.
Oh, you're the lucky one. Anyway, congratulations.

Jacob wrote:

And congrats~
Enna Alouette
gratz =w=/
I really dislike stuff like this.

But the rest of the map is well-thought and nice. Congratulations on getting it ranked.
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i guess this'll be the new record for lowest star rating. XD but thanks everyone! :D
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idk, seems like more dislikes than likes. lol XD

Philippines wrote:

i guess this'll be the new record for lowest star rating. XD but thanks everyone! :D
I wonder why~
No need to troll, guys.

Blue Dragon wrote:

No need to troll, guys.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

I did not do this /o/
Grats for the new record (if you're gonna get it)

edit: happy birthday have a good one
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Okay stop anything that's happening. :O I don't wanna get this locked D:
CtB patterns? i don't even ;_;
Happy belated birthday!

Derekku wrote:

Happy belated birthday!
I find it funny that you bubble a map like this, but refuse to bubble a map because you ''feel'' the normal is too hard

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Thanks everyone :D
Locked on Philippines request.
Okay, 1st off this map seems to be under a lot of attack for reasons imo explain themselves I would like some detailed reasons as to why patterns like the ones in insane were allowed I'd point out some but there are just so many but this kinda stuff is not fun or intuitive and hardly rankable imo just based on the harsh spacing that is involved. I think this needs to be talked about more spread as well we are trying to avoid things like this from occuring are we not? modders remember if something is really bad remapping is always a choice the same goes for the mapper.

okay so after discussing this with a few more staff members....
I strongly suggest you try to even out this spread a bit more and most feel that you should either remap or drop the insane or hardest diff
things like
00:23:059 (1) - are not even sight readable
00:10:301 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - death streams with sudden spacing changes here as well.

01:12:542 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - things like this are almost impossible to read with the default hit bursts

as for spread I may be wrong but it will be talked about more for right now unranked.
okay, unlocked but please don't troll.
Diff spread: Fine as it is, Bronze may be a bit hard, but you really can't expect something more to add between a Easy and a Normal (though both are hard ones)

Highest diff: I probably won't bubble mapsets contains such a diff because it's just like mad, but those things are not unrankable, i doubt if they're fun to play but at least it fits the music.
- I don't agree that this is a great map, but some people enjoy it. For that reason, I don't agree with unranking this because there are no strictly "unrankable" aspects.
- The spread plays like NHIIII. We allow NHI spreads, so there's no reason to not allow this one. A) Changing the difficulties to make the star rating different doesn't accomplish anything. B) Removing difficulties will not improve a spread.
- Scores on [Platinum] are here for sentimental value.

so you leave it in a horrible state and just let it go like that? we should try to improve where there is room to improve or our standards will drop to nothing.
Well, sudden speed ups may not be good, considering the player will not really be able to play it easily. The rest of the difficulty is not really difficult to full combo, but the speed-ups are just kind of mad. Well, considering reducing the speed-up rate should work out as fine as needed for this mapset. As ztrot said, the deathstreams are not really welcome here, it doesn't really fit the song at all and neither is fun to play, as Natsume said. Just don't give up! You can improve your mapset, it's cool to play, I just disliked some weird hidden patterns, but they are readable.

Good luck! :D

Just keep working! :D
In a purely informative aspect, I have collected the comments on the beatmap on the highest difficulty. It should also be noted that the map had an user rating of 6.3 before it got unranked.
-What happens if a CtB user makes a standard mode map
-this map sucks.
-sooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaad D:
-Can't pass the map = This map sucks
-Make shitty hard map and say that everyone who hates the map cant play it? Sure.
-I really loved the accerelations
-Don't make a map like this again, It's worthless

I think this speaks for itself. "Some people" might enjoy it, but it's clearly not ready for ranking.
Plus I'm not sure about the rankability of the fast sliders at the beginning of Platinum.
ztrot: It is your opinion that this map is in a "horrible state". It wasn't worth unranking the map for the entire community.

I realize I'm in the minority, but on an objective level there was no reason to unrank this.
Oh geez, another serious talk.
I agree with NatsumeRin on the Bronze might be quite a big jump in difficulty from Rust. It could use a little change here and there but it doesn't warrant an unrank. But I wholeheartedly agree on the unrank because of the Platinum diff, the quality of the Platinum diff is not up to the standard of ranking map nowadays. The diff is just too much why can't the mapper just keep Gold as the hardest diff?
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:|, lemme do a little working. :O

Philippines wrote:

:|, lemme do a little working. :O
Lovely! :D
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I don't seem to know what to fix though, I'm a bit confused about some suggestions.
Firstly, it would be lovely if you follow Sallad4ever's suggestion and remove your last difficulty. It's to improve your map.. Or you can study a bit more streamy maps to improve yours, you should just try to make it better, always better!

If you want a mod, just let me know and I will try to help you, but I'm not the better person to help ya since I only mapped streams twice in my life.

Good luck, though :D
Might as well give subjective input now that it's being changed...

00:22:714 (1,2,1,2) - I found these sightreadable, but it seems most people disagree. Try to make the speedup/spacing less extreme.
00:25:473 (1,2,1,2) - ^
00:37:887 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - Please don't do this. Oftentimes while attempting to hit the fast-paced (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13), it is very easy to hit too many times and end up missing (1). Just change the position of the next stream slightly so it doesn't begin under the previous one.
01:05:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) etc. - The spacing is really too high in this section. I could hit it decently after a few tries, but it wasn't fun to play because of the difficulty.
01:12:370 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The overlapping is too extreme here. The player has to move their cursor back and forth very quickly in an awkward manner and it's not fun to play. Just try making the spacing a bit more linear.
01:15:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
01:30:301 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^

A lot of others have shared these concerns, so I believe your map will be getting a little less hate if you fix these up.
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I'm not gonna delete anything when I know it is rankable. I hope everything goes right after the BAT talk thing, I'm not gonna do any move for now.

EDIT: Hi SG, lemme see..
dkun's modding key

this is unrankable.
this should be highly considered.
this is just a normal suggestion/praise.

  1. Where is your SPREAD? EIIIII IS H O R R I B L E.
  2. Why was this map ranked even with a spread such as this, or even as a map like this? Will you actually respond to what you guys did, Derek and Mafiamaster?
  1. Consider everything below this as an italics tag, or even a bold tag.
  2. This diff has an identity crisis between a Hard and an Insane.
  3. 00:11:680 (1) - This slider can be composed better.
  4. 00:13:059 (1,3) - These two sliders can look better.
  5. 00:19:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - Is this a hard, or an insane?
  6. 00:23:404 (5,6,1) - This anti-jump doesn't make any sense flow wise.
  7. 00:28:577 (2) - Stack on 1
  8. 00:28:749 (3,4,5,6) - There's your hard vs insane clause again.
  9. 00:29:611 (2) - Stack on 1
  10. 00:30:128 (3,4,5,6) - Same as ^
  11. ^ nice copy paste
  12. 00:31:335 (2) - Stack on 1, you get the point
  13. 00:32:370 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ???? is this platinum???
  14. 00:35:128 (1,2,3,4,5) - This stream of 5, and the ALL THE ONES ahead of it are bad in terms of flow and the difficulty.
  1. Consider everything below this as an italics tag, or even a bold tag.
  2. The overall difficulty of this difficulty is RIDICULOUS. These JUMPS are HORRID. H O R R I D.
  3. 00:12:714 (13,1) - 136miliseconds for a 2.36x jump? Are you a robot? These streams NEED to be reworked.
  4. 00:14:094 (13,1) - ^
  5. 00:15:473 (13,1) - ^
  6. 00:18:232 (13,14) - This jump is utterly ridiculous. Fix it.
  7. 00:19:611 (13,14) - ^
  8. 00:20:990 (13,14) - ^
  9. 00:22:370 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - I don't know how this was even ranked to begin with?
  10. 00:30:128 (6,7,8,9) - ???? ^
  11. 00:31:508 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^
  12. 00:34:266 (6,7,8,9) - ^
  13. 00:35:646 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^
  14. 00:37:025 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^
  15. 00:38:921 (13,1) - What is this anti-jump? Breaks the flow of the map.
  16. 01:02:370 (13,1) - Spacing in this as well.
  17. 01:05:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^
  18. 01:06:852 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^
  19. 01:12:456 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - (AND ALL OTHER COMBOS LIKE THIS) just NO
  20. 01:16:852 (4,1,6,6,6,6,6,6) - Everything with the beat on the top here with the random streams is utterly ridiculous and do not even correspond to flow.
136miliseconds for a 2.36X jump?
Here's what I think could be/needs to be improved/changed on your Platinum difficulty (some things are reiterated from ztrot's post) -

00:13:385 (4) - This and all of the patterns in the map like this are extremely difficulty to sightread! Nobody would expect you to do this. It seems really frustrating to play on top of that. A simple, fun to play solution to this would be this.
In the above screenshot, the notes are 1/2 beats apart. Note that (6) is hidden under (4). This is much more intuitive than what you currently have.

00:39:266 (1) - The deathstream starting at this note seems extremely long and tiring. You might want to throw in a short repeat slider or two in there. Also, please don't stack a stream under another stream when they're 1/1 beats apart. The player might accidentally hit the start of the stream too early. A solution to this would be this.

01:03:921 (15,1) - The jump between these two notes, especially considering that they're streams, is very large. The player is extremely vulnerable to missing here.

01:12:370 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The way that this stream overlaps itself is not fun to play. This occurs multiple times in the map. It looks like a cluttered mess. Perhaps you could try something like this.

Good luck!
01:15:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - plz change this can it!!

SapphireGhost wrote:

00:37:887 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - Please don't do this. Oftentimes while attempting to hit the fast-paced (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13), it is very easy to hit too many times and end up missing (1).

Jacob wrote:

Also, please don't stack a stream under another stream when they're 1/1 beats apart. The player might accidentally hit the start of the stream too early. A solution to this would be this.
I find this reasoning to be extremely flawed to be honest. In my opinion the player should be perfectly able to play this. If not, it's the player's fault not the mapper. Changing a difficulty in order to allow a player to play a map better just seems to defeat a certain purpose of mapping.

As for me, I find this map is perfectly rankable and quite playable without much problem. I understood the rhythm of every pattern after my first try, yet on many other songs that aren't nearly as hard it takes me little longer to understand all the patterns.

I know I'm kinda arguing pointless things and what's done is done, but really, this unrank really does feel like a stretch (though I don't really know about the difficulty spread or how the other difficulties play, since I have never seen them yet. I only speak of Platinum)

The only things I felt were a little annoying was 01:05:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - , but it's mostly due to the fact I suck at triplet streams anyways., and 01:12:370 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - . However, I don't dislike them just because I can't play them well.

Just felt like I really needed to say something, but I do see why many people would dislike this map.

Edit: Oh yeah... also

dkun wrote:

136miliseconds for a 2.36X jump?

lululul my random recognized guest diff. 88ms for 6.93x jump
dkun: Star rating cannot be used to judge difficulty spread. I feel that this spread is proper and nice; easy/normal/hard/hard+/insane/expert.

As for Platinum itself: I stand behind my decision that this map is rankable, intuitive, and readable.
Then you do not know what difficulty spread is.

There is NO way in hell this is an E/N/H/H+/I/EX. Your decision? Look AROUND you. Everyone else clearly doesn't!
So Derekku
have you played it?
Phillip, your attitude towards mods and BATs is unreasonable and unfortunate. I wish that you would be able to see past desiring to just achieve ranked status and actually care about the quality of your own map.

Please fix this, I only looked at about 15 seconds of your map and if I read any more I will probably gain a career as a serial killer.
and I stand by my call that it was not. thus it was unranked.

Derekku wrote:

dkun: Star rating cannot be used to judge difficulty spread. I feel that this spread is proper and nice; easy/normal/hard/hard+/insane/expert.

As for Platinum itself: I stand behind my decision that this map is rankable, intuitive, and readable.
Yeah, super fast sliders are totally readable! (no they're not.)

As for difficulty spread, Bronze has a fitting star rating. It's not a Normal. The spacing is huge (1.1x with a fast slider velocity = holy cow)
Strings of objects like this 00:39:266 (1,2,3,4) - are what make the star rating rise, and that's because they are not easy for beginners to execute, especially with this high BPM. This is no doubt a Hard.

There is huge opportunity for a difficulty between Rust and Bronze.
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Please don't start anything aweful guys, i'm trying not to rage here. AND I'M ALREADY FIXING. Can someone lock this thread please? The mods are enough i believe to cure this unrank.
Too late.

The war has begun.

The war... of..... whatever, back to code C#.

Good luck with the mapset, though.
I'm sorry, the attitude of these posts really is declining and Philippines is requesting a lock.
He's making fixes now, so let's give him some time to do that and give the community some time to calm down.
Let's leave this locked for a while.
I don't think that locking this thread is productive right now. I'd prefer it to remain unlocked, if you want to discuss it please do so in PM with me.

dkun wrote:

Then you do not know what difficulty spread is.

There is NO way in hell this is an E/N/H/H+/I/EX. Your decision? Look AROUND you. Everyone else clearly doesn't!
Not needed to be as rude as you are being now, but I can agree with you here dkun, there is not way to call it an E/N/H/H+/I/EX. Derekku probably played the map, at least I'm sure he can play it easily. I don't think the map is as messy as you are saying dkun, but it's not even decent to rank a map as it is.
It would be better if somebody lock the thread and let the mapper work on it a while, patiently.

Good luck again Philippines!
There's a lot of negative energy in this thread right now and the mapper would prefer it to be locked. We'll see how it goes.
big difference between being rude and being blunt
learn the difference

I don't think the mapper has the resolve to fix anything if he keeps this. His words ingame and on here are contradictory, as I pointed out most of the *unrankable* things.
Keep it unlocked as long as people don't troll. There's discussion, but it's actually somewhat productive. So keep it unlocked for now.
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Okay, I will try to keep this thing unlock, I'm pretty sure all you guys will be contented on the next update so you guys don't have to rage about it. Just give me a few more hours to fix these 'errors'.
I never think think this is a bad map, but this does not really fit the current ranking situation Imo(the average difficulty of ranked maps are not high enough to let your map get in to their list) Good luck anyway

Edit: seems you fixed something. I'll have a look later :p
You WERE rude, it's not good for the mapper, he is going to ignore your modpost because you were rude and showed you are in rage with this map. That's not helpful to say the mapper: or . You just should consider being less rude with the mapper and then he will work on applying your mod as well.

Still think the thread should be unlocked and then the mapper will have the oppotunity to think about what should be fixed, without getting it's map's thread spammed with: "this map is terrible" or stuff like that.

ok. good luck on working on it philippines, any doubt feel free to bother some people in-game including me if you want to.
I don't know if "too hard" is a good reason to deny rankability on this map.
TJ.Hangneil - Kamui [SHD] and celas - Azul (Remix) are at least as difficult and also ranked.

SapphireGhost wrote:

I don't know if "too hard" is a good reason to deny rankability on this map.
TJ.Hangneil - Kamui [SHD] and celas - Azul (Remix) are at least as difficult and also ranked.
Yes, but they are actually good maps.

No offense to the mapper, but this map is...meh.
that's the thing I wanna figure out, SG. I'll keep paying attention to this thread and see how is this going

Gaba wrote:

SapphireGhost wrote:

I don't know if "too hard" is a good reason to deny rankability on this map.
TJ.Hangneil - Kamui [SHD] and celas - Azul (Remix) are at least as difficult and also ranked.
Yes, but they are actually good maps.

No offense to the mapper, but this map is...meh.
sereia do mar melhor mapa do ano.
de vdd
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To SapphireGhost,

SapphireGhost wrote:

Might as well give subjective input now that it's being changed...


00:22:714 (1,2,1,2) - I found these sightreadable, but it seems most people disagree. Try to make the speedup/spacing less extreme.
From 2.0, to 1.75, to 1.5, now it's 1.3. If anyone complains about it again, I'm not gonna do anything more about this.

00:25:473 (1,2,1,2) - ^

00:37:887 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - Please don't do this. Oftentimes while attempting to hit the fast-paced (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13), it is very easy to hit too many times and end up missing (1). Just change the position of the next stream slightly so it doesn't begin under the previous one.
I'm keeping this for a moment, but I did a little fix by lowering (13) a few grids down.

01:05:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) etc. - The spacing is really too high in this section. I could hit it decently after a few tries, but it wasn't fun to play because of the difficulty.
Moved 10 grids closer. (Grid Level 4)

01:12:370 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The overlapping is too extreme here. The player has to move their cursor back and forth very quickly in an awkward manner and it's not fun to play. Just try making the spacing a bit more linear.
I kept the 'style' the same way but I reduced a bit of a spacing in every new combo. Instead of consistently using .7 DS, i tried using .4 and right now it looks better.

01:15:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^

01:30:301 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^

A lot of others have shared these concerns, so I believe your map will be getting a little less hate if you fix these up.
Thanks for sharing. (:

To Jacob,

Jacob wrote:

00:13:385 (4) - This and all of the patterns in the map like this are extremely difficulty to sightread! Nobody would expect you to do this. It seems really frustrating to play on top of that. A simple, fun to play solution to this would be this.
In the above screenshot, the notes are 1/2 beats apart. Note that (6) is hidden under (4). This is much more intuitive than what you currently have.
[color=#FF0000]No change for this one. D:

00:39:266 (1) - The deathstream starting at this note seems extremely long and tiring. You might want to throw in a short repeat slider or two in there. Also, please don't stack a stream under another stream when they're 1/1 beats apart. The player might accidentally hit the start of the stream too early. A solution to this would be this.
Finally decided to change this, i tried not to make (13) and (1) overlap. They're current distance from each other is .34x.

01:03:921 (15,1) - The jump between these two notes, especially considering that they're streams, is very large. The player is extremely vulnerable to missing here.
Changed (13,14,15) into a reverse slider, plays better.

01:12:370 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The way that this stream overlaps itself is not fun to play. This occurs multiple times in the map. It looks like a cluttered mess. Perhaps you could try something like this.
Fixed this one already.

Good luck!

To ztrot,
okay so after discussing this with a few more staff members....
I strongly suggest you try to even out this spread a bit more and most feel that you should either remap or drop the insane or hardest diff
things like
00:23:059 (1) - are not even sight readable

00:10:301 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - death streams with sudden spacing changes here as well.
No change for this one, I really think it's fine here.

01:12:542 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - things like this are almost impossible to read with the default hit bursts

Actual changelog:
00:22:714 (1,2,1,2) - changed to 1.3x sv, locations unchanged
00:25:473 (1,2,1,2) - ^
00:37:887 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - angled so that (13) and (1) are not as close together
01:03:749 (13,14,15) - changed from 3 circles to a repeat slider (which is even less readable imo)
01:05:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - changed spacing between triples from 2.78x to 2.40x
01:11:508 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,1,2) - angled this section to be lower than the HP bar
01:15:128 (1,2,3,4,1) - angled a tiny bit downward

and nothing else
I'd also like to note he disregarded my mod post that went in to more detail than all three of those mods put together.

But looking from that changelog, it looks like he didn't change much of anything that was suggested.
Topic Starter
Thanks for that brief observation.
I've never looked at the map itself, but there is something i want to say from just staring at the thread:

To the modders: Looking at a map with a negative attitude "Oh this map is horrible, you gotta fix x,y and z" is going to blind your judgement towards what really needs to be fixed and what doesn't, it's a map, just use your abilities to make it a better map.

To the mapper: Any and all suggestions are there to improve your map, there's never a bad suggestion, just badly applied ones, should you ever decide to ignore a complete mod post the modder took the effort to at least show you which points in the map can be improved and now they feel they just wated their time because you decided to ignore it based on a negative assumption. This kinda attitude is what drives modders away from actually modding maps and giving feedback/suggestions to improve it. Dkun at the very least took the time to check your map and point out what he thinks it's best for your map so i've given him kudos.

Now please continue the discussion in this thread in a civil manner.
Topic Starter
I checked dkun's post of course, but i don't agree with any of them except for some post that are quite related with the other mod.
I think I've already told you this before but stuff like 00:21:335 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - on the platinum diff is more painful than it's worth. It's just a movement killer, requiring the player to go backwards for no reason. To make matters worse right after that pattern is the super fast stream jump section, making a painful (and not fun) transition from slow concentration to fast jumps.

Philippines wrote:

I checked dkun's post of course, but i don't agree with any of them except for some post that are quite related with the other mod.
If that's the case then give a reason as to why you didn't follow each of his points in his post. He took his time to mod your map you should at least take your time to reply.
Topic Starter
Fixing things again. (: Btw, trying to add a little SB Flashlight effect on kiai time for [Platinum] cause i'm so bored.

Philippines wrote:

Btw, trying to add a little SB Flashlight effect on kiai time for [Platinum] cause i'm so bored.
Dude don't, it's completely unnecessary.
Topic Starter
  • Changelog
  1. Circle Size is now maxed in [Bronze], also tried to remove some ugly overlaps.
  2. Reduced HP Drain in [Bronze] by 1.
  3. Fixed those (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) streams thing that Charles pointed.
  4. Did a little nazi on some streams in [Platinum].

    On the other hand, okay, no more Storyboard. Submitted ~ Reupdate.
i don't think moving the entire stream left 5 pixels is what he had in mind (and you changed the distance backwards from 0.5 to 0.4?)

i'm hoping at this point you're trolling, and not trying to intentionally lead us along like we're idiots.

Philippines wrote:

Fixed those (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) streams thing that Charles pointed.
The problem wasn't the spacing of it, it was the position of the objects. The new combo spacing was fine. It was the requirement for the player to move DOWN after going UP. A little movement to the RIGHT is fine because the player isn't forced to suddenly move LEFT.
01:08:232 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - increasing this spacing isn't required either. if you really must know, i am specifically looking at your map for changes. You won't be able to hide changes from us; we're not idiots. So quit trying, and give up the gun.
Here's a picture if you still don't understand what I'm saying :o


Charles445 wrote:

Here's a picture if you still don't understand what I'm saying :o

inb4 video tutorial
why not sliders jumpstreams.
Topic Starter
  • Changelog
  1. Finally fixed Charles's suggestion on some of the streams except those in the last part cause i believe they're fine now and so does the fix i did for the (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) error. :O
  2. Also did a little pattern change on some parts near Charles's suggestion.
Yes, those streams aren't jerky anymore, much more fun!
Topic Starter
I'm glad to hear that. :3 Now let's hope for some more feedbacks :O Thanks for the time btw. (:
Good luck
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