
TAKA respect for J.S.B - Ubertreffen

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Colin Hou
neither for me
Please stop!don't hurt the maps just for rank them.
okay few things to point out here

platinum diff wasn't either fun or original, it was just streams. There's many ways to make a very challenging difficulty with this song without filling it with streams. It's rankable; but is it worth the rank? If I map something where I just repeat one pattern over and over just copypasting, flipping horizontally, vertically, rotating and whatnot, technically, it's rankable. Is it fun? Hell no. To the map's benefit, I thought the sped-up sliders, as much controversy as they caused, were, in essence, a nice idea. They just needed to be used better.

More about the Platinum difficulty; it's simply unreasonable. 85% of the map was streams, hands down. When I play a map, I don't expect it to just hand the SS to me, but I don't expect to get stuck on it for hours on end because there are too many streams - yes there is such a thing - and my arm simply starts to get tired. When I play a map, I expect it to go like this: "Okay, you're going to have to master a number of various techniques to beat me or FC me." Now, I might not get it on my first try, I might not get it on my tenth try, but at no point will I judge that I've been asked to do something that is unreasonable. This difficulty was unreasonable.

Just don't rank maps because they're rankable. Rank them because they're fun. maps that are original, readable, that flow well, that follow the music, and overall provide a great rhythm experience. You don't need over-the-top difficulty to have fun and enjoy the game.

Good luck to Philippines for this map, is it is now a reasonable mapset. Let us forget about that Platinum difficulty, it's not there anymore.
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Platinum is a Legend. No one will ever forget this diff.
well,if Eph said so
I see no more problem then,ranked

also please don't spam shit anymore,it's already 20 pages
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YEY! Thanks IceBeam! <3
gratz once again :o

Edit: Can't update Chrome.. :/ Already tried with Re-DL.
Congratz! :D
I just love this forum.

這不是一個rank 是一個 indignity

nold_1702 wrote:

I find the Platinum difficulty original and funny to play, I really enjoyed it \:3/

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Let's rank it while it's early!
the platinum diff is still not he original original diff :(

what was the original reason to unrank it anyway...? everything is extremely clear in the one i just downloaded too. /too lazy to look in thread
finally rerank :3 congratz ^^

Philippines wrote:

Platinum is a Legend. No one will ever forget this diff.
what diff?

thelewa wrote:

Philippines wrote:

Platinum is a Legend. No one will ever forget this diff.
what diff?
.you deleted that diff

I still have it in my pc :p
You tell to delete that diff, while Fear's maps gets ranked with her diffs where notes are almost randomly placed. Where is justice? Congratulations,
Can you please remove the image in the first post? It hurts my eyes to try to read.

Secondly, I think people should stop complaining about the platinum diff being deleted, and please read what Mr Color said = = it's very true.

those wrote:

JappyBabes wrote:

We don't mod to rank "rankable" maps. We mod to rank maps that can hardly get better.
His post is an opinion of the map as are mine I guess.
why nothing most diff
Topic Starter
Can soneone please unrank my map? I wanna bring. Back and FIX Platinum.
I'm sorry, but it seems that Chrome difficulty is glitched.
Osu keeps telling me to update to latest version even if I have already downloaded the latest .osu file.
Has someone else also experienced this problem?

tony8128 wrote:

I'm sorry, but it seems that Chrome difficulty is glitched.
Osu keeps telling me to update to latest version even if I have already downloaded the latest .osu file.
Has someone else also experienced this problem?
Will confirm.

tony8128 wrote:

I'm sorry, but it seems that Chrome difficulty is glitched.
Osu keeps telling me to update to latest version even if I have already downloaded the latest .osu file.
Has someone else also experienced this problem?
a few others - try redownloading the map from scratch and if that fails, open a thread in help and support regarding the issue.

Makar wrote:

Secondly, I think people should stop complaining about the platinum diff being deleted, and please read what Mr Color said = = it's very true.

Mr Color wrote:

okay few things to point out here

platinum diff wasn't either fun or original, it was just streams. There's many ways to make a very challenging difficulty with this song without filling it with streams. It's rankable; but is it worth the rank? If I map something where I just repeat one pattern over and over just copypasting, flipping horizontally, vertically, rotating and whatnot, technically, it's rankable. Is it fun? Hell no. To the map's benefit, I thought the sped-up sliders, as much controversy as they caused, were, in essence, a nice idea. They just needed to be used better.

More about the Platinum difficulty; it's simply unreasonable. 85% of the map was streams, hands down. When I play a map, I don't expect it to just hand the SS to me, but I don't expect to get stuck on it for hours on end because there are too many streams - yes there is such a thing - and my arm simply starts to get tired. When I play a map, I expect it to go like this: "Okay, you're going to have to master a number of various techniques to beat me or FC me." Now, I might not get it on my first try, I might not get it on my tenth try, but at no point will I judge that I've been asked to do something that is unreasonable. This difficulty was unreasonable.

Just don't rank maps because they're rankable. Rank them because they're fun. maps that are original, readable, that flow well, that follow the music, and overall provide a great rhythm experience. You don't need over-the-top difficulty to have fun and enjoy the game.

Good luck to Philippines for this map, is it is now a reasonable mapset. Let us forget about that Platinum difficulty, it's not there anymore.
meh. all this reasoning still fails to convince me in anyway to believe platinum sucks.

i still get that vibe of those who can't stream/beat it rage and call it bad, and those who can say it's good. for the most part.
but actually.... meh

i also fail to understand how it's unoriginal. There is quite some interesting and fun patterns to play. every map always has some degree of copy paste anyways. also mafiamaster maps...? i like his maps, and they are fine but they usually show quite the copy paste if you ask me and people still like his maps

Philippines wrote:

Can soneone please unrank my map? I wanna bring. Back and FIX Platinum.
yes it needs moar recognition :<

i will now stop being an idiot and stop saying stuff.

However , i will actually agree with Makar with the fact that the damn gif is annoying as hell. i can barely read it >_>
i offered philippines the chance to fix the rest of platinum by making the bulk of the map more than just 1/4 streams, but he refused at the time. what can you do when a mapper refuses to change something? not a whole lot, sadly.

it's a bit late now that the map is ranked. you may be able to resubmit platinum as a supplementary difficulty at some point provided it is fixed extensively, but it isn't going to be included again in its current state.
dunno about that diff you're talking about but gold was very good :)

Ephemeral wrote:

i offered philippines the chance to fix the rest of platinum by making the bulk of the map more than just 1/4 streams, but he refused at the time.

osu!wiki wrote:

Even if you don't follow the modder's advice, did you not follow it because of your personal choice only, and not because the modding seemed pointless to you?
It should be fine or am I missing something here?
Great map, keep making diffs like platinum, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who likes them.

JappyBabes wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

i offered philippines the chance to fix the rest of platinum by making the bulk of the map more than just 1/4 streams, but he refused at the time.

osu!wiki wrote:

Even if you don't follow the modder's advice, did you not follow it because of your personal choice only, and not because the modding seemed pointless to you?
It should be fine or am I missing something here?
Personal choice is what you're looking for, here.

Ephemeral wrote:

tony8128 wrote:

I'm sorry, but it seems that Chrome difficulty is glitched.
Osu keeps telling me to update to latest version even if I have already downloaded the latest .osu file.
Has someone else also experienced this problem?
a few others - try redownloading the map from scratch and if that fails, open a thread in help and support regarding the issue.
Thank you. After re-downloading the whole map, the problem is fixed.
I want platinum.
The thing is that modding pretty much are just suggestions. In this case, many people think the map is retarded because long streams for some reason and suggest to change those streams, while many other people disagree and like the long streams. The mapper just decided himself to stay on one of those sides, pleasing the part of the osu! community that has relatively a little more experience. I don't see why they don't fit either because there is constantly sixteenth notes being played by some instrument...? It was the mappers decision to map pretty much most of them anyways.

Whatever. already ranked.

winber1 wrote:

i still get that vibe of those who can't stream/beat it rage and call it bad, and those who can say it's good. for the most part.
but actually.... meh
Ask thelewa.

And for people who keep saying that Platinum should be back because people liked it: The map had a user rating of 6.3 back when it was first rank. This is REALLY LOW for a map with a IIDX/pop'n music song. You might say some people like it, but clearly the majority of the users don't. If we check its ratings now, it is at 8.8 and I wouldn't be surprised if it went up to >9.0 in the next few days.

Mr Color wrote:

The map had a user rating of 6.3 back when it was first rank. This is REALLY LOW for a map with a IIDX/pop'n music song. You might say some people like it, but clearly the majority of the users don't. If we check its ratings now, it is at 8.8 and I wouldn't be surprised if it went up to >9.0 in the next few days.
Sorry but that's an invalid comparison.

1st rank: Monday morning 2am to 8am (GMT+8): that's SIX hours of rank time right there. You do know that early ratings tend to be fake?

Plus look at the time (midnight in Asia), the majority of players are around this time zone and probably hadn't even played it yet.
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I will submit the new Platinum, this time, it's for approval.
I want the old Platinum :c

xsrsbsns wrote:

1st rank: Monday morning 2am to 8am (GMT+8): that's SIX hours of rank time right there. You do know that early ratings tend to be fake?
Not by this much. Usually one's map would drop to 8.0 at worst. Hell, let's say 7.5. This got down to 6.3. Even in just a couple hours, it still speaks for itself.

You could also take a look at the comments on the beatmap. As irrelevant as one might judge them, it's still the players who speak.
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JappyBabes wrote:

I want the old Platinum :c
I have uploaded the map. Check it ^^ But it will be changed one day ~

Mr Color wrote:

Not by this much. Usually one's map would drop to 8.0 at worst. Hell, let's say 7.5. ... o=0&r=0&q=
Your point?

Also, should be noted that the map now has just about the same amount of votes it had when it was first ranked. However, it went from 6.3 to 8.8. Quite the difference, even for a number of votes this small.
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Aha? who has the lowest rating actually was considered one of the Best Maps ~
Aha? is not a good example at all. In fact, if you use it to fuel your argument, I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong.
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whatever. I'm on my new journey to approve Platinum ~ You won't be disappointed

Mr Color wrote:

Aha? is not a good example at all. In fact, if you use it to fuel your argument, I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong.
If you use the "I don't like the map even though it doesn't break any rules" reasoning to fuel your argument, I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong.

So, I'm not allowed to dislike ranked maps, because they don't break the rules. That's a new one.

Philippines wrote:

Aha? who has the lowest rating actually was considered one of the Best Maps ~
Because people rated Aha? as "annoying" and "nonsense". The rating does not go for the Diffs itself.
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TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Philippines wrote:

Aha? who has the lowest rating actually was considered one of the Best Maps ~
Because people rated Aha? as "annoying" and "nonsense". The rating does not go for the Diffs itself.
I guess that's what I think of my map now. ~
Arguing about the quality of this map leads nowhere. If you don't like the map, just don't play it, there are thousands of other ranked maps that you can also play... Let's calm down now. Locked.
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