
Masayoshi Soken - Metal - Brute Justice Mode [T...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, December 13, 2019 at 7:10:58 PM

Artist: Masayoshi Soken
Title: Metal - Brute Justice Mode
Tags: rfandomization ff14 ffxiv ファイナルファンタジーXIV 祖堅正慶 a realm reborn arr hw alexander eight savage a8s raid boss theme primal sentai jazz locus remix english video game shinenite warpyc charlotte [r] ron raphalge
BPM: 142
Filesize: 3645kb
Play Time: 02:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. Charlotte's Oni (3.54 stars, 626 notes)
  2. Easy (1.69 stars, 158 notes)
  3. Hard (3.41 stars, 430 notes)
  4. Normal (2.44 stars, 246 notes)
  5. Raph's Futsuu (2.15 stars, 274 notes)
  6. Ron's Muzukashii (2.7 stars, 462 notes)
  7. Savage (5.34 stars, 594 notes)
  8. Warpy's Insane (4.53 stars, 529 notes)
Download: Masayoshi Soken - Metal - Brute Justice Mode
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Other FFXIV maps

Cloud of Darkness theme (Ranked) | Thordan Theme (Ranked)

Gilgamesh theme (Eventually)

There's some really cool GDs that I don't want to waste in there

It's been a long ride of many years. But we never gave up. And we didn't forget.
Now with Taiko!

Warpy's Insane by Warpyc
Raph's Futsuu by Raphalge
Ron's Muzukashii by Ron
Charlotte's Oni by Charlotte

No, I have not cleared Ultimate yet.
ur a fageet
2016-10-18 16:19 GranDSenpai: 00:11:677 (4,1) -
2016-10-18 16:19 GranDSenpai: feel like
2016-10-18 16:20 GranDSenpai: this is an uncomfortable angle to enter the slider from
2016-10-18 16:20 Arf: i can change that I suppose
2016-10-18 16:22 GranDSenpai: 01:04:283 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:22 GranDSenpai: feel like you should make this part a lot more intense
2016-10-18 16:22 Arf: yeah I can hear what you mean
2016-10-18 16:22 Arf: stream into spaced triple into spaced triple?
2016-10-18 16:22 GranDSenpai: or nerf the parts before
2016-10-18 16:23 Arf: there is a stronger background noise there so i can spice it up a bit
2016-10-18 16:24 GranDSenpai: dunno if you can understand what:s going on in the piccture
2016-10-18 16:24 GranDSenpai: but i would do something like this
2016-10-18 16:24 GranDSenpai:
2016-10-18 16:24 GranDSenpai: but upto you i think it does need to be harder thoguh
2016-10-18 16:24 Arf: that is not a mapping skin is it.
2016-10-18 16:24 GranDSenpai: no xD
2016-10-18 16:24 GranDSenpai: this is rafis
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: 01:31:325 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: also i think you needa
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: match this spacing
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: 01:28:685 (6) -
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: with this
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: 01:34:917 (3) -
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: or have it progressivly increase or something
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: it just look srandom to me
2016-10-18 16:25 GranDSenpai: or im missing what you were going for
2016-10-18 16:25 Arf: in the picture you sent, why is 7/8/9 spaced lower
2016-10-18 16:26 Arf: thought you wanted more intense there or?
2016-10-18 16:26 GranDSenpai: ACTION is editing [ Inferi - The Promethean Kings [The Merciless]]
2016-10-18 16:26 Arf: and yeah i'll fix the general spacing of that tripel to triple pattern throughout the map
2016-10-18 16:26 GranDSenpai: got the idea from this map
2016-10-18 16:26 GranDSenpai: 04:16:316 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:27 GranDSenpai: and this stream
2016-10-18 16:27 Arf: you want me to take ideas
2016-10-18 16:27 GranDSenpai: the spacing is only to change the way its played so the player can feel the difference in the song
2016-10-18 16:27 Arf: from Mazzerin
2016-10-18 16:27 Arf: Ah I understand
2016-10-18 16:27 GranDSenpai: mazzerin has godlike structure imo
2016-10-18 16:27 GranDSenpai: nobody has better from what ive seen
2016-10-18 16:28 GranDSenpai: he just likes to map hard songs xd
2016-10-18 16:28 Arf: he HAS to, or his ongudly BPMs are unplayable
2016-10-18 16:28 Arf: so without structure his maps are garbage to play
2016-10-18 16:28 Arf: makes sense
2016-10-18 16:28 GranDSenpai: yeah
2016-10-18 16:28 GranDSenpai: true
2016-10-18 16:28 GranDSenpai: 01:42:311 (7,4) -
2016-10-18 16:28 GranDSenpai: is this overlap a problem for rankability?
2016-10-18 16:29 Arf: shouldnt be, not at this speed/SR
2016-10-18 16:29 GranDSenpai: 01:53:086 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
2016-10-18 16:29 GranDSenpai: I'VE SEEN THESE JUMPS BEFORE
2016-10-18 16:29 GranDSenpai: XD
2016-10-18 16:29 GranDSenpai: true true
2016-10-18 16:29 Arf: GODDAMIT THOSE ARE THE ONES
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: 02:09:987 (5) -
2016-10-18 16:30 Arf: ZEPP JUMPS
2016-10-18 16:30 Arf: I CANT HELP IT THEY FIT TOO WELL
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: fantastic sliderbtw
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: would fuck
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: 10/10
2016-10-18 16:30 Arf: had to do something special for that ending
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: the trumpet
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: plays untill the red tick though
2016-10-18 16:30 GranDSenpai: maybe make the slider longer?
2016-10-18 16:31 Arf: yeah all right
2016-10-18 16:31 Arf: do you feel that the kiai diff spike is justified btw
2016-10-18 16:31 GranDSenpai: actually nvm
2016-10-18 16:31 GranDSenpai: that sounds retarded until the red tick
2016-10-18 16:31 Arf: I think it is, because the song jumps so much but
2016-10-18 16:31 GranDSenpai: hell yes
2016-10-18 16:31 Arf: ah yeah it sounds a bit off
2016-10-18 16:32 GranDSenpai: it isnt
2016-10-18 16:32 GranDSenpai: THAT much harder than the rest of the song
2016-10-18 16:32 GranDSenpai: but the song does get a lot more intense
2016-10-18 16:32 GranDSenpai: like
2016-10-18 16:32 GranDSenpai: even the instruments that were used in the whole song
2016-10-18 16:32 GranDSenpai: get louder at that part
2016-10-18 16:33 Arf: ye
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: the only thing
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: i'm iffy on
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: 01:17:804 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: is why these jumps are justified
2016-10-18 16:33 Arf: should i map the triple here or leave as is 02:07:875 (5,6) -
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: 01:11:043 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: as opposed to sliders like this
2016-10-18 16:33 GranDSenpai: triple
2016-10-18 16:34 Arf: I actually wanted back and forths for that whole section
2016-10-18 16:34 Arf: i think they fit like crazy
2016-10-18 16:34 Arf: but simon and mo also pointed them out hmm
2016-10-18 16:34 GranDSenpai: you could
2016-10-18 16:34 GranDSenpai: do something like this
2016-10-18 16:34 GranDSenpai: ACTION is listening to [ Omoi - Unreal Mokushi Sou]
2016-10-18 16:34 GranDSenpai: redownload this
2016-10-18 16:34 Arf: the guitar is what im mapping to obviously, I thought the pattern fit the noise
2016-10-18 16:34 GranDSenpai: and check exile-'s diff
2016-10-18 16:35 Arf: and yeah ill map the triple it sounds better
2016-10-18 16:35 Arf: which part of exiles diff?
2016-10-18 16:35 GranDSenpai: 02:51:876 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:35 GranDSenpai: he used a mix of sliders and jumps
2016-10-18 16:35 GranDSenpai: you coul dmaybe try something like that
2016-10-18 16:36 Arf: since the sound doesnt change i was going for my usual "symmetry fuck yeah" approach
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: oh shit
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: nah here
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: i got an idea
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: sliders
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: 01:12:734 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: jumps
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: 01:14:424 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: sliders
2016-10-18 16:36 GranDSenpai: 01:16:114 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: very small jumps with a triple in it
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: sliders
2016-10-18 16:37 Arf: yeah i hear the triple
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: 01:19:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and jumps
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: i think that would fit very well
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: actually
2016-10-18 16:37 GranDSenpai: it's 2 triples
2016-10-18 16:37 Arf: yep
2016-10-18 16:37 Arf: and yeah i think that flow would work
2016-10-18 16:38 Arf: needs some remapping to work the patterns
2016-10-18 16:38 GranDSenpai: yeah
2016-10-18 16:38 GranDSenpai: remapping sucks :<
2016-10-18 16:38 Arf: yeah so much work >.<
2016-10-18 16:39 Arf: result is often worth doe
2016-10-18 16:39 Arf: how do you feel about the SV shenanigans like 01:51:607 (1,1) -
2016-10-18 16:39 Arf: that was another "different" thing I tried that i wasnt sure about
2016-10-18 16:40 GranDSenpai: it's good
2016-10-18 16:40 GranDSenpai: but only if it's consistent through the whole map
2016-10-18 16:40 GranDSenpai: which it seems like
2016-10-18 16:40 GranDSenpai: 00:43:579 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:41 GranDSenpai: also a bit undermapped it hink
2016-10-18 16:41 Arf: in the sense of?
2016-10-18 16:41 Arf: too slow or not enough notes
2016-10-18 16:41 GranDSenpai: not enough notes
2016-10-18 16:41 GranDSenpai: i can hear a triple
2016-10-18 16:42 Arf: between these 00:43:156 (1,1) - ?
2016-10-18 16:42 GranDSenpai: or you could spice it up with a kick slider and a singletap
2016-10-18 16:42 Arf: 00:43:579 (1) - oh this thing
2016-10-18 16:42 Arf: yeah there is a slight triple there
2016-10-18 16:42 GranDSenpai: yeah
2016-10-18 16:43 Arf: im thinking a triple that faces the right side starting from the end of 00:43:156 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:43 Arf: so you have to make a left cursor movement to hit 00:44:001 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:43 GranDSenpai: puush?
2016-10-18 16:44 GranDSenpai: 00:44:001 (1) -
2016-10-18 16:44 GranDSenpai: also i dunno why
2016-10-18 16:44 GranDSenpai: but this blanket is triggering me
2016-10-18 16:44 GranDSenpai: pls make it perfect >:(
2016-10-18 16:45 Arf:
2016-10-18 16:45 Arf: something liek that
2016-10-18 16:45 Arf: Ill do the blankets, relax '-.-
2016-10-18 16:45 GranDSenpai: ye that seems to work
wow who's this cool guy who made the not so light light insane
Looking forward to this ~
Heya from my queue. I'll be honest. I would never picture this as a battle theme imo. It's a bit too happy for my JRPG battle music tastes lol.

01:51:607 - Kiai would be better cut off here. After this point, the song just doesn't have as much epic feel, and is mostly just carrying off of the earlier parts.

00:03:438 - Your timing should start here. Add a uninherited (red) timing point to this spot. Note that you'll probably have unsnapped notes when you do this. For more information, I suggest reading this wiki:

  1. 00:11:466 (2,3,4,1) - (2,3) is a perfect place for symmetry with (1). Please do so here. Start by placing (2) at x488, y192, and then put (3) as a vertical flip of (1). Make sure to adjust (4,1) as needed.
  2. 00:30:058 (5) - For better effect, why not remove this circle? It gets boring clicking the same old 1/1 gaps over, and over, so a few 2/1 gaps here and there adds some nice variety. Also this note here isn't very powerful at all and it gives more impact when you click the one after.
  3. 00:49:072 (3,4,5) - For more impact, why not swap these so the crazy trumpets or whatever they are get the circles to click instead of a slider.
  4. The whole kiai section. I'll be brutally honest here. It's rhythm is boring. There isn't a single 2/1, 3/2, or above, and there isn't any 2/1 gaps either. The whole thing is just 1/1s, over and over. Here is a few examples you can bring some variety into it.
  5. 01:25:198 - 01:27:945 (1) - 01:38:086 (1) - and such. At the beginning of most measures, you could easily adapt any of these into a 3/2 slider and it will flow perfectly into the strong vocal and instrumental point at places such as 01:25:198 - This applies to most of the kiai. If you do this every 2nd or 4th one maybe, it'll be enough variety to make the kiai more interesting to play.
  6. 01:37:663 - since you cut off the kiai here, I like to think of this as more of a rest or preparation point for the upcoming kiai. Consider deleting (4) and using a repeat on (3) . This will let the player rest a little before heading off to the last kiai.
  7. 01:52:029 (2,3) - For these ones (01:55:410 (2,3) - etc), maybe convert one or two of them to a 2/1 slider starting at (2). The (3)'s head isn't a very powerful note, so it could easily be skipped over if wanted.
  8. 02:03:860 (5,6) - The (6) doesn't really hit anything. infact, one could argue it hits nothing at all making it borderline unrankable. How about using a 3/2 reverse here starting where the (5) is? You'll hit the key notes (the reverse part will be more important than 02:03:860 - as well btw) on the reverse and the end this way.
Eh I actually like what you did with most of this diff. I liked how for the most part, you followed the song itself here instead of using a boring rhythm. Sadly for a few parts, you kinda overmap and it felt like a chore to play instead of having said fun when I knew there was going to be an exciting note to hit.
  1. 00:13:156 (3) - one of the interesting parts here is how you hold the sliders to the piano's held notes. When you get to this note however, the piano doesn't use a held note here (it drowns out a lot faster than the other ones). Because of this, I highly recommend just using a single circle here.
  2. 00:23:508 (3) - So when I get to this part, the only thing I care about is the main melody which you've been following perfectly at this point. Then this circle shows up. I understand its to build up with the background instrumentals, but for anyone who is playing this, they'll probably have the same mindset as me and only care about following the main instruments. I recommend deleting this circle for this reason.
  3. 00:32:170 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This chain of 1/2 is quite a bit for a normal. 00:30:480 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Maybe swap these like you did with 00:44:001 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This will give a gap at 00:33:649 - at least.
  4. 01:04:072 (3) - This is pretty much the same thing as 23 seconds here, and for the very same reasons. I basically want to play notes I want to hit, not forced to hit.
  5. 01:21:184 (1) - how to win at symmetry: Spam control H on it and line up all the nodes but the middle red one. After that, move the red one to the middle with grid snap, and find the spot between where it shrinks down 1/4 and it's original 2/1. Next hold shift, and make it even more precise by moving it ever so slightly up/down until you find that sweet point where it shrinks down 1/4. You should have a perfectly symmetrical slider now! for now, try placing the first node on x136, y356 and the second node at x196, y384. Move the last two as needed (control+h helps here) and then find the sweet spot for the middle node. It's located at x256, y334 if you can't find it. Make sure to copy paste this to 01:22:874 (3) - as well.
  6. Note that your whole kiai is at a difficult point known as advanced. It's too hard for Normal and the whole reason for this is simply because you only have 1/2 gaps here. This whole section needs some 1/1 breaks. 01:27:734 (3) - 01:31:114 (5) - 01:34:494 (5) - are some prime examples of candidates that could be removed and not have any impact on the rhythm in whole. Notice how you don't hitsound these either. It just means they aren't important at all.
  7. 01:52:241 (2) - 01:55:621 (2) - 01:59:001 (2) - and so on. Try throwing a drum normal hitsound here. It at least gives it some meaningful impact with the vocals and doesn't really stick out.
  8. 01:58:367 (1) - I think you're missing a drum finish here.
  9. 02:04:283 (4) - Should honestly start 1/2 later at 02:04:494 - for the instruments. Maybe make it a 1/2 reverse or a circle plus 1/2 slider?
  10. 02:08:297 (3) - Break these up? (convert the head and tail to a circle) I'd rather click both of them instead of holding here since none of the instruments playing hold to this point.
This map feels a bit too dense imo. It could stand to lose some triplets here and there, and maybe not so many 3/4 sliders. I mention some of these below.
  1. 00:03:438 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - I think you should build up to this better from the start. You go from two calm notes into a crazy cluster of notes in no time at all. I really think you should map the start of this like you do Easy/Normal (maybe swap Easy/Normal with Hard/Savage for this reason?) so it feels a bit more natural when the dense part jumps in.
  2. 00:47:593 (2) - unrankable. it goes off the screen. It has to be lowered.
  3. 01:21:184 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This rhythm doesn't make any sense. The triples occur at 01:21:501 - and not 01:21:290 - and such.
  4. 01:24:565 (1,2) - So the (2) doesn't really hit anything strong at this point, if anything at all tbh. 01:24:987 - is a lot stronger, and should be prioritized here. Check the GDs, they do this correctly.
  5. 01:36:396 (1) - what is this 3/4 following? The stronger note appears back at 01:36:607 - in every way possible. Same thing with 01:49:917 (1) -
  6. 01:38:403 (2) - Same as 1:24:565 - with this 1/4 note.
  7. 02:04:283 (5) - There isn't much point to this note. The 1/1 spacing makes it play a lot better.
I spent a bit too much time on these diffs so I'll cut it here. Hope this helps the lower half of your diffs at least.
[Warpyc's Insane]
00:07:241 (2,3,4,5) - this part felt very weird moving into 00:08:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - , maybe re-arrange the pattern?
00:42:311 (6,7,8,9,10) - warpyc jumps(tm) pattent pending, it feels a bit out of place in the map, to improve it maybe you could curve or even stack the triple?
01:16:959 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - think these should be curved too in order to go with the flow of the rest of the section..
01:37:241 (4,5) - curve these like you did with 01:37:663 (8,9) - ? purely for aesthetics.
02:04:917 (9) - make this sliderend quieter? At the moment it's offputtingly loud considering the only sound here is a very soft drum hit.
02:08:402 (10,11) - Have you considered removing these 2? Feels a bit weird adding the quiet cymbal to the stream. And also the fact that none of the other diffs do it.

[Shinenite's Insane]
00:08:086 (4,5,1) - Consider making this triangle more like the one that comes right after it
00:11:043 (4,5) - Weird how you mapped 00:12:945 (8) - this but not the note between these, imo
00:17:381 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - see how this forms like a zigzag but then 8 ruins the pattern? Recommend changing it so that it's similar to laon's name (a series of w's)
00:19:917 (5) - held sound but nothing between this and next note? Recommend slider or a note at 20:128 for the held sound there up to you
00:25:198 (5) - Consistency between pauses is good yes but here the bakground trumpets have an intense moment starting at 00:23:719 (1) - so leaving gaps kinda undermines that intensity. Recommend mapping a note here, same at 01:05:762 (5,6) -
00:41:466 (3,4,5,6) - If these made some sort of shape it would look nice in my opinion.... maybe some sort of rectangle or something. Also the spacing drop from 4 to 5 feels a bit strange and unnecessary
(minor) 00:52:029 (5,6) - blanket things
00:55:410 (9) - This should follow the flow from 7 to 8 and point more upwards imo, it's a weird movement to go from 7 to 8 and then 8 to 9 to follow the sliderpath which is almost perpendicular to the expected flow
01:14:424 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks untidy without neat symmetry imo :c Make it so! Like 01:19:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
01:16:325 (2,3) - again spacing drop. try to arrange these to make nicer looking shapes or patterns, it makes the map look more polished
01:29:212 (10) - long slider in kiai feels underwhelming, consider mapping to lyircs here for a tiny bit
01:42:522 (8,9,10) - considering ctrl+g ing the slider and stacking the triple on top of what is currently the sliderend. Btter flow imo!
01:46:114 (10) - Feels VERY underwhelming to have massive sliders here imo. Doing something with 1/2 here might be better imo
01:50:762 (3,4,5,6,7) - The noise to which this is mapped continues for a while, maybe another two notes?
01:53:508 (2,4,6) - The visual spacing between these is unsightly at BEST. HEAVILY recommend moving 6 down further along with 5 to look a bit better
01:56:255 (4,1) - Pause feels strange, recommend slider or note to cover the sudden gap. This pause doesn't have the same emphasis as 01:54:987 (1,2) - is why i ask
02:07:241 (2) - Random slider? Full notes like 02:05:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - except for the triple is recommended personally, much better feel in an Insane
02:09:987 (6) - What Simon would say.

Raphalge wrote:

[Warpyc's Insane]
00:07:241 (2,3,4,5) - this part felt very weird moving into 00:08:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - , maybe re-arrange the pattern? it might be the spacing change but the song does call for it, anyways I changed the drum jumps a bit, idk if that will fix it tho
00:42:311 (6,7,8,9,10) - warpyc jumps(tm) pattent pending, it feels a bit out of place in the map, to improve it maybe you could curve or even stack the triple? I think it worked pretty well with sharp angles on the drum heavy parts but since it's indeed not consistent with the rest of the map I changed it, also stacking that triple would not do the trumpet/drums any justice as at all no pun intended
01:16:959 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - think these should be curved too in order to go with the flow of the rest of the section.. I don't want them to look / feel like the trumpet triples hence why they're straight
01:37:241 (4,5) - curve these like you did with 01:37:663 (8,9) - ? purely for aesthetics. Didn't think anyone would notice that but I changed my hand placed circle to a slider converted one now so it should be symmetrical
02:04:917 (9) - make this sliderend quieter? At the moment it's offputtingly loud considering the only sound here is a very soft drum hit. sure
02:08:402 (10,11) - Have you considered removing these 2? Feels a bit weird adding the quiet cymbal to the stream. And also the fact that none of the other diffs do it. No I haven't nor do I plan to, makes the jumps afterward feel really awkward without the complete stream also I don't think it's anything anyone will notice
Thanks for modding
Edit: even more updated diff
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

Heya from my queue. I'll be honest. I would never picture this as a battle theme imo. It's a bit too happy for my JRPG battle music tastes lol. Yeah I found it really interesting too but it does fit the tone of the fight, can't say fairer than that

01:51:607 - Kiai would be better cut off here. After this point, the song just doesn't have as much epic feel, and is mostly just carrying off of the earlier parts. Yeah I suppose so

00:03:438 - Your timing should start here. Add a uninherited (red) timing point to this spot. Note that you'll probably have unsnapped notes when you do this. For more information, I suggest reading this wiki: Oh I should have realized that was an anacrusis. Thanks
  1. 00:11:466 (2,3,4,1) - (2,3) is a perfect place for symmetry with (1). Please do so here. Start by placing (2) at x488, y192, and then put (3) as a vertical flip of (1). Make sure to adjust (4,1) as needed. I don't understand why I didn't do this. Maybe something to do with sliders pointing at notes
  2. 00:30:058 (5) - For better effect, why not remove this circle? It gets boring clicking the same old 1/1 gaps over, and over, so a few 2/1 gaps here and there adds some nice variety. Also this note here isn't very powerful at all and it gives more impact when you click the one after. Good idea
  3. 00:49:072 (3,4,5) - For more impact, why not swap these so the crazy trumpets or whatever they are get the circles to click instead of a slider. Yes.
  4. The whole kiai section. I'll be brutally honest here. It's rhythm is boring. There isn't a single 2/1, 3/2, or above, and there isn't any 2/1 gaps either. The whole thing is just 1/1s, over and over. Here is a few examples you can bring some variety into it.
  5. 01:25:198 - 01:27:945 (1) - 01:38:086 (1) - and such. At the beginning of most measures, you could easily adapt any of these into a 3/2 slider and it will flow perfectly into the strong vocal and instrumental point at places such as 01:25:198 - This applies to most of the kiai. If you do this every 2nd or 4th one maybe, it'll be enough variety to make the kiai more interesting to play. Interesting that you mention this, I DID have some here originally actually but I thought something like "longer sliders in a kiai is less intense and weird" and opted for the 1/1 spam that currently exists. If I'm brutally honest, I loathe Easy difficulties with a passion, never having played them when I started osu!since they didn't seem to follow the song in satisfactory ways, and I hate mapping Easies since more often than not they turn out to be spinhacker fodder :c Nevertheless since my Normal is a bit complex I'm obliged to make an Easy and might as well make it interesting to some degree.
  6. 01:37:663 - since you cut off the kiai here, I like to think of this as more of a rest or preparation point for the upcoming kiai. Consider deleting (4) and using a repeat on (3) . This will let the player rest a little before heading off to the last kiai. Sure why not
  7. 01:52:029 (2,3) - For these ones (01:55:410 (2,3) - etc), maybe convert one or two of them to a 2/1 slider starting at (2). The (3)'s head isn't a very powerful note, so it could easily be skipped over if wanted. Changed some of them
  8. 02:03:860 (5,6) - The (6) doesn't really hit anything. infact, one could argue it hits nothing at all making it borderline unrankable. How about using a 3/2 reverse here starting where the (5) is? You'll hit the key notes (the reverse part will be more important than 02:03:860 - as well btw) on the reverse and the end this way I hear a little stream here and there's definitely something on the end of 6, your suggestion leaves a 1/2 gap between 6 and 1 which is something I'd like to avoid at all costs. I do hear some drums in 6 so I'm not sure why you say it's not mapped to anything but maybe the start of 6 isn't emphasized very well..
Eh I actually like what you did with most of this diff. I liked how for the most part, you followed the song itself here instead of using a boring rhythm. Sadly for a few parts, you kinda overmap and it felt like a chore to play instead of having said fun when I knew there was going to be an exciting note to hit. When I mapped Hard the first thing I thought was "the Normal will need to not be a metronome clicker" so I did my best to follow the song as I heard it without 1/4 or any of that. Pleased to hear that it kind of worked
  1. 00:13:156 (3) - one of the interesting parts here is how you hold the sliders to the piano's held notes. When you get to this note however, the piano doesn't use a held note here (it drowns out a lot faster than the other ones). Because of this, I highly recommend just using a single circle here. Fair enough
  2. 00:23:508 (3) - So when I get to this part, the only thing I care about is the main melody which you've been following perfectly at this point. Then this circle shows up. I understand its to build up with the background instrumentals, but for anyone who is playing this, they'll probably have the same mindset as me and only care about following the main instruments. I recommend deleting this circle for this reason. Okay, if you say so
  3. 00:32:170 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This chain of 1/2 is quite a bit for a normal. 00:30:480 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Maybe swap these like you did with 00:44:001 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This will give a gap at 00:33:649 - at least. Sure, makes sense
  4. 01:04:072 (3) - This is pretty much the same thing as 23 seconds here, and for the very same reasons. I basically want to play notes I want to hit, not forced to hit. Yes, changed
  5. 01:21:184 (1) - how to win at symmetry: Spam control H on it and line up all the nodes but the middle red one. After that, move the red one to the middle with grid snap, and find the spot between where it shrinks down 1/4 and it's original 2/1. Next hold shift, and make it even more precise by moving it ever so slightly up/down until you find that sweet point where it shrinks down 1/4. You should have a perfectly symmetrical slider now! for now, try placing the first node on x136, y356 and the second node at x196, y384. Move the last two as needed (control+h helps here) and then find the sweet spot for the middle node. It's located at x256, y334 if you can't find it. Make sure to copy paste this to 01:22:874 (3) - as well. I tried my level best to get this to work but the slider would not work with the mid point where you suggested would be perfect, it made the right side too long and left me frankly a bit bewildered. I tried to keep it as symmetrical as possible. Thanks for the tip though, I'll practice and see if I can't get it right
  6. Note that your whole kiai is at a difficult point known as advanced. It's too hard for Normal and the whole reason for this is simply because you only have 1/2 gaps here. This whole section needs some 1/1 breaks. 01:27:734 (3) - 01:31:114 (5) - 01:34:494 (5) - are some prime examples of candidates that could be removed and not have any impact on the rhythm in whole. Notice how you don't hitsound these either. It just means they aren't important at all. Removed some of these
  7. 01:52:241 (2) - 01:55:621 (2) - 01:59:001 (2) - and so on. Try throwing a drum normal hitsound here. It at least gives it some meaningful impact with the vocals and doesn't really stick out. Added some claps here
  8. 01:58:367 (1) - I think you're missing a drum finish here. Indeed I am
  9. 02:04:283 (4) - Should honestly start 1/2 later at 02:04:494 - for the instruments. Maybe make it a 1/2 reverse or a circle plus 1/2 slider? Sure why not
  10. 02:08:297 (3) - Break these up? (convert the head and tail to a circle) I'd rather click both of them instead of holding here since none of the instruments playing hold to this point. Was thinking about this when I made the pattern to be honest
This map feels a bit too dense imo. It could stand to lose some triplets here and there, and maybe not so many 3/4 sliders. I mention some of these below. This is exactly what I was worried about when I mapped this diff and I didn't see how I could remove some triples without creating inconsistencies but I think like you said I see some opportunity for removing 3/4 sliders to make it hopefully less dense
  1. 00:03:438 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - I think you should build up to this better from the start. You go from two calm notes into a crazy cluster of notes in no time at all. I really think you should map the start of this like you do Easy/Normal (maybe swap Easy/Normal with Hard/Savage for this reason?) so it feels a bit more natural when the dense part jumps in. Sure why not
  2. 00:47:593 (2) - unrankable. it goes off the screen. It has to be lowered. Ugh.
  3. 01:21:184 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This rhythm doesn't make any sense. The triples occur at 01:21:501 - and not 01:21:290 - and such. Did something else here
  4. 01:24:565 (1,2) - So the (2) doesn't really hit anything strong at this point, if anything at all tbh. 01:24:987 - is a lot stronger, and should be prioritized here. Check the GDs, they do this correctly.
  5. 01:36:396 (1) - what is this 3/4 following? The stronger note appears back at 01:36:607 - in every way possible. Same thing with 01:49:917 (1) -
  6. 01:38:403 (2) - Same as 1:24:565 - with this 1/4 note.
  7. 02:04:283 (5) - There isn't much point to this note. The 1/1 spacing makes it play a lot better.
Changed everything above as well as a bunch of other things in the Hard to have some more gaps between notes which should hopefully tone down the density a bit

I spent a bit too much time on these diffs so I'll cut it here. Hope this helps the lower half of your diffs at least. Thanks very much for the mod it was incredibly helpful! The Hard is perhaps still a bit too dense for most people's liking but I think it should follow a similar rhythm to the Insanes while still being playable for the intended audience. Maybe it's still a bit much but all the horrible 1/2 into 1/4 sliders are gone so that should help finger control. Hopefully the lower diffs are a bit cleaner now, thanks once again for the in depth explanations and little tips :D
Updated timing and kiai times on all diffs including GDs as listed in Lanturn's mod, updated Warpyc's diff as per his reply to Raphalge's mod.

Raphalge wrote:

[Shinenite's Insane]
00:08:086 (4,5,1) - Consider making this triangle more like the one that comes right after it Sure.
00:11:043 (4,5) - Weird how you mapped 00:12:945 (8) - this but not the note between these, imo Already discussed this on slack Discord, the 4,5 are more for the trumpet but the 8,9 are for the other.. instrument, whatever it is, so I don't really see a problem there? Besides, the 8,9 appear here 00:14:635 (8,9) - too.
00:17:381 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - see how this forms like a zigzag but then 8 ruins the pattern? Recommend changing it so that it's similar to laon's name (a series of w's) Fixed.
00:19:917 (5) - held sound but nothing between this and next note? Recommend slider or a note at 20:128 for the held sound there up to you Oh. Good point, went with a triple, as well as a triple a little bit later on to sort of make it more consistent with the change.
00:25:198 (5) - Consistency between pauses is good yes but here the bakground trumpets have an intense moment starting at 00:23:719 (1) - so leaving gaps kinda undermines that intensity. Recommend mapping a note here, same at 01:05:762 (5,6) - Also a good point, fixed.
00:41:466 (3,4,5,6) - If these made some sort of shape it would look nice in my opinion.... maybe some sort of rectangle or something. Also the spacing drop from 4 to 5 feels a bit strange and unnecessary I really like how that pattern plays so making it a shape would probably ruin that and I don't mind that it looks kinda bad asthetically, when it comes to the spacing between 4 and 5 I feel like the pairs of 3,4 and 5,6 are more intense than when going from 4,5 so I feel like it's fine as is.
(minor) 00:52:029 (5,6) - blanket things Fixed.
00:55:410 (9) - This should follow the flow from 7 to 8 and point more upwards imo, it's a weird movement to go from 7 to 8 and then 8 to 9 to follow the sliderpath which is almost perpendicular to the expected flow Fixed.
01:14:424 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks untidy without neat symmetry imo :c Make it so! Like 01:19:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Fair enough, it does look a bit messy I guess lol
01:16:325 (2,3) - again spacing drop. try to arrange these to make nicer looking shapes or patterns, it makes the map look more polished Same as last time, I think the space drop is fitting and I think the pattern looks pretty nice as is. I did slightly increase the spacing between 2,3 though. But not by too much.
01:29:212 (10) - long slider in kiai feels underwhelming, consider mapping to lyircs here for a tiny bit Fixed.
01:42:522 (8,9,10) - considering ctrl+g ing the slider and stacking the triple on top of what is currently the sliderend. Btter flow imo! Fixed.
01:46:114 (10) - Feels VERY underwhelming to have massive sliders here imo. Doing something with 1/2 here might be better imo Fixed.
01:50:762 (3,4,5,6,7) - The noise to which this is mapped continues for a while, maybe another two notes? Although the stream is more mapping to the drums and the drums end at 7 I don't see the harm in making the stream longer.
01:53:508 (2,4,6) - The visual spacing between these is unsightly at BEST. HEAVILY recommend moving 6 down further along with 5 to look a bit better Fixed.
01:56:255 (4,1) - Pause feels strange, recommend slider or note to cover the sudden gap. This pause doesn't have the same emphasis as 01:54:987 (1,2) - is why i ask Fixed.
02:07:241 (2) - Random slider? Full notes like 02:05:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - except for the triple is recommended personally, much better feel in an Insane Fixed.
02:09:987 (6) - What Simon would say. Don't see a problem, if you have a suggestion for what it would look like, fine by me, I'm leaving it as is though lol
Oops double post by accident kms To not have a bunch of unnecessary posts imma reply to the mod below this post even if technically this post was posted before it because I messed up lol

Yumeno Himiko wrote:

[Shinenite's Insane]
00:10:198 (1) - finish? Sure
00:22:135 (9) - hmm can't see the reason for this one, just want a triple here? I don't think it's a nice idea. 00:22:029 (8) you may remove this too so you can make it same with the previous patterns. Hmm, well it was sort of there for consistency but I guess it doesn't really make sense for a triple there, so fixed.
00:27:100 (7) - NC Fixed
00:52:452 (6) - NC ^
00:59:424 (6) - NC ^
01:02:804 (6) - ^ ^
01:05:973 (6) - ^ not to mention later, keep adding them to the final ^ I only really found one spot after the one you mentioned where I had to fix NCs so I hope that they're fine now
01:09:142 (9) - Sampleset Normal Hmm, I dunno, I think that suddenly changing to Normal sampleset sounds weird as heck.
01:09:565 (1,2,3) - ^ Since I use drum sampleset here changing it to Normal kind of makes it sound worse imo + above so...
01:24:565 (1,2) - use Normal whistles, also finish on 01:24:565 (1) As before, I dunno, I don't quite like how it switches to Normal Sampleset like that so I don't really want to use Normal whistles/finishes sorry
01:27:945 (1,5) - normal whistle too, not to mention later Same as above
01:36:818 (3) - Sampleset Normal Same as above
01:50:339 (2) - ^ Same as above
Sorry for just modding the hitsounds and NCs, since I'm poor at modding structures >w< Well, I don't really agree with the random switches to Normal sampleset, but the NCs were nice to point out, so it's alright :P

Arf wrote:

Yumeno Himiko wrote:

You may copy hitsounds from Shinenite's Insane which fits the song better, or you should consider add finishes here and there. Yep did this, Shine's hitsounds are nice Thank you :')
Yumeno Himiko
m4m from my queue~

looks fine

00:15:269 (3,4) - The music fits more with a reverse slider + a circle, with 00:15:269 (3) a 1/2 reverse slider and a single circle at 00:16:536 (4) to express the lower tune here.
00:43:156 (5,1,2) - just for aesthetic, what about making them a regular triangle since you're doing perfect blankets?
? something like 01:07:663 (4,5,1) - I think the note is just a bit squeezed here, feeling a bit awkward, especially the moving flow is rolling back. What about make 01:08:508 (1,2) moving upward, this may make you change a few patterns.
01:37:663 - I wonder why there isn't a note, it feels really strange if you played this part and you can't find a reason to remove this one since other rhythms are fully filled. I checked Lanturn's mod and I guess he means you to extend the repeat of 01:36:396 (3) here XD.

00:29:635 (3) - Just my personal opinion, what about make it a copy of 00:28:579 (1)?
00:36:184 (2) - remove this one? I noticed you're not filling up all the rhythms and seems that you can get this note away to make it easier.
00:49:706 (2) - ^ same for this
01:26:677 (1,2) - I would reverse the rhythm here, that is 1/2 slider for 1 and 1/1 for 2, imo this rhythm fits the song better.

00:23:297 (5,6,1,2,3) - The rhythm here is a bit hard for players just reaching Hard diff, and will be easily to get miss on 00:23:719 (1,2,3), so I suggest making 00:23:297 (5,6) a slider.
00:26:043 (3,4) - I think it's a bit overmapped in hard diff as I can hardly distinguish anything on the blue lines and wonder why they're 1/4 reverses. 00:27:733 (5) I can understand this reverse tho. tbh I think 00:26:677 deserves more with a 1/4 reverse than
00:54:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - tbh this really shocked me at the first time and missed some circles. 00:54:776 (1) - I think you need a NC here to emphasize the players that the next circle is here and won't be lossed in the reverses. And my personal thoughts, you can change 00:54:987 (2,3,4,5) into 2 sliders to make this pattern easier.
01:06:607 (1,2) - can't understand these 1/4 reverses too, and I think 01:06:818 is strong enough to have a circle or slider start here.
I can understand your patterns, but some mixes of 1/4 and 1/2 sliders can really make new players confused, especially the reverse sliders that reverse over 3 times. I hope you may reconsider some of them to decrease the difficulty. e.g. 01:52:452 (3) is really confusing. Also 01:56:677 (1,2), make a different rhythm and players can't react quickly.

[Shinenite's Insane]
00:10:198 (1) - finish?
00:22:135 (9) - hmm can't see the reason for this one, just want a triple here? I don't think it's a nice idea. 00:22:029 (8) you may remove this too so you can make it same with the previous patterns.
00:27:100 (7) - NC
00:52:452 (6) - NC
00:59:424 (6) - NC
01:02:804 (6) - ^
01:05:973 (6) - ^ not to mention later, keep adding them to the final
01:09:142 (9) - Sampleset Normal
01:09:565 (1,2,3) - ^
01:24:565 (1,2) - use Normal whistles, also finish on 01:24:565 (1)
01:27:945 (1,5) - normal whistle too, not to mention later
01:36:818 (3) - Sampleset Normal
01:50:339 (2) - ^
Sorry for just modding the hitsounds and NCs, since I'm poor at modding structures >w<

[Warpy's Insane]
02:06:712 (8,9) - do not overmap
02:08:402 (10,11) - and these
I love this diff, it's hard for me to find any problems ;w; good job

00:16:959 (1,2,3,4,5) - This one is really tricky, is that intended? 00:17:804 (5) is hard to notice, even harder than 00:22:663 (4) which is a similar pattern since you use a triple here 00:17:276 (2).
You may copy hitsounds from Shinenite's Insane which fits the song better, or you should consider add finishes here and there.

Sorry for such a short and low quality mod XD, your map is really well structured and I can hardly pick any problems. So I mainly focused on rhythms and hitsounds, hope my mod helps.
Good luck on this set~
2017-03-02 22:23 GranDSenpai: 00:09:776 (6,7) -
2017-03-02 22:24 GranDSenpai: 00:25:409 (13) -
2017-03-02 22:25 GranDSenpai: 00:42:945 (10) -
2017-03-02 22:27 GranDSenpai: 01:07:240 (14) -
2017-03-02 22:28 GranDSenpai: 01:21:501 (2) -
2017-03-02 22:28 GranDSenpai: 01:21:924 (5) -

was talking on discord
10/10 mod
Topic Starter

Yumeno Himiko wrote:

m4m from my queue~ hihi

looks fine

00:15:269 (3,4) - The music fits more with a reverse slider + a circle, with 00:15:269 (3) a 1/2 reverse slider and a single circle at 00:16:536 (4) to express the lower tune here. I tried to fit it in here but I don't want to miss the held sound by making 00:16:114 (4) - a note :c
00:43:156 (5,1,2) - just for aesthetic, what about making them a regular triangle since you're doing perfect blankets? Adjusted, couldn't make perfect since I want 1 to point at it though
? something like 01:07:663 (4,5,1) - I think the note is just a bit squeezed here, feeling a bit awkward, especially the moving flow is rolling back. What about make 01:08:508 (1,2) moving upward, this may make you change a few patterns. You have a point but I like the symmetry of the next sliders, I'll consider if more people think it looks cramped
01:37:663 - I wonder why there isn't a note, it feels really strange if you played this part and you can't find a reason to remove this one since other rhythms are fully filled. I checked Lanturn's mod and I guess he means you to extend the repeat of 01:36:396 (3) here XD. Nah I read the mod again and based on how it was before he definitely asked it to be this way. I don't much like the pause but it works in my opinion is why I changed it.

00:29:635 (3) - Just my personal opinion, what about make it a copy of 00:28:579 (1)? Then I will get comments about ill fitting blankets :P
00:36:184 (2) - remove this one? I noticed you're not filling up all the rhythms and seems that you can get this note away to make it easier.
00:49:706 (2) - ^ same for this Hmm you have a point about removing some of these, I will think about which ones can be removed without being inconsistent and make it a little simpler.
01:26:677 (1,2) - I would reverse the rhythm here, that is 1/2 slider for 1 and 1/1 for 2, imo this rhythm fits the song better. Agreed, this sounds better to me as well

00:23:297 (5,6,1,2,3) - The rhythm here is a bit hard for players just reaching Hard diff, and will be easily to get miss on 00:23:719 (1,2,3), so I suggest making 00:23:297 (5,6) a slider. IMO that takes away from the rising BGM intensity
00:26:043 (3,4) - I think it's a bit overmapped in hard diff as I can hardly distinguish anything on the blue lines and wonder why they're 1/4 reverses. 00:27:733 (5) I can understand this reverse tho. tbh I think 00:26:677 deserves more with a 1/4 reverse than
00:26:466. The reverse sliders are mapped to some guitars that appear consistently, and not the trumpets
00:54:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - tbh this really shocked me at the first time and missed some circles. 00:54:776 (1) - I think you need a NC here to emphasize the players that the next circle is here and won't be lossed in the reverses. And my personal thoughts, you can change 00:54:987 (2,3,4,5) into 2 sliders to make this pattern easier.
01:06:607 (1,2) - can't understand these 1/4 reverses too, and I think 01:06:818 is strong enough to have a circle or slider start here.
I can understand your patterns, but some mixes of 1/4 and 1/2 sliders can really make new players confused, especially the reverse sliders that reverse over 3 times. I hope you may reconsider some of them to decrease the difficulty. e.g. 01:52:452 (3) is really confusing. Also 01:56:677 (1,2), make a different rhythm and players can't react quickly. I did actually make some of the triple>circle>triple into some sliders to make it a bit easier. I know the map is a bit dense for a hard but I wanted to represent the song as much as possible

00:16:959 (1,2,3,4,5) - This one is really tricky, is that intended? 00:17:804 (5) is hard to notice, even harder than 00:22:663 (4) which is a similar pattern since you use a triple here 00:17:276 (2). Yeah those back and forths are intended, I put them in all my maps :D
You may copy hitsounds from Shinenite's Insane which fits the song better, or you should consider add finishes here and there. Yep did this, Shine's hitsounds are nice

Sorry for such a short and low quality mod XD, your map is really well structured and I can hardly pick any problems. So I mainly focused on rhythms and hitsounds, hope my mod helps.
Good luck on this set~Thanks for the mod, helped quite a bit, hope my mod helped you as well :D

Yumeno Himiko wrote:

m4m from my queue~

[Warpy's Insane]
02:06:712 (8,9) - do not overmap Fine
02:08:402 (10,11) - and these ^
I love this diff, it's hard for me to find any problems ;w; good job Thanks for modding!
updated diff
hi m4m :D
thanks alot for your mod :)

your bg was 1 pixel off :P

  • lol those spacing stream so hard to play =3=.
  1. 01:09:142 (1,2,3,1) - use a different pattern? bcoz its similar to the previous part. maybe try to use a different slider pattern or something.
  2. 01:17:381 (8,9,10) - this jump was quite big imo. the beat was not even that strong at that point, and its quite constant with 01:16:114 (1,2,3,4) -
  3. 01:17:804 (1) - this circle should have a bigger spacing instead imo, since its beat is alot strong than 01:17:381 (8,9,10) -
  4. 01:19:494 (1) - could use a bigger jump too because (8) -> (1) has strong beat but (7) -> (8) has weaker beat, when u stack (1) on (7), it feels like you're using the same spacing here, which will not emphasize (1) that well imo :P
  5. 01:21:501 - u miss a beat here.
  6. 01:35:973 (3,4) - ctrl+g for the rhythm here will be better since 01:36:184 - has strong beat. slider tail cant emphasize it that well imo :P
  7. 01:56:149 (2) - i dont hear any sound here :P maybe remove it?
  8. 01:56:677 (1,2,3,4) - i dont hear any sound on (2) . u can try to change the rhythm to 1/2 slider+2 circle like this
  9. 01:04:283 (1,2,3) - this triplets can have bigger spacing imo. maybe u can reduce the spacing for 01:03:755 (2,3,4,5,6) - instead since this part was not that intense.

Warpy's Insane
  1. 00:01:008 (1) - i think u can stop the spinner at 00:03:015 - it sounds better xD
  2. 00:34:494 (4) - stack is off :P
  3. 00:35:339 (1) - ^
  4. 01:09:987 (3,1) - ^
  5. 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i notice u got a few of this patterns. imo the flow is not that smooth. *click*
    the sudden upward flow to (4) is kinda unnecessary imo. and its hard to aim the triplets previously (1,2,3) [its my opinion here] :P
  6. 01:28:367 (4) - its touching the hp bar :P 01:28:367 (4) -
  7. 02:06:607 (7,1) - maybe place them close or stack them? the spacing was kinda confusing because u got continous 1/2 gap single tapping previously. when i test it, i thought it was 1/2 too ><

Shinenite's Insane
  1. 00:03:121 (4,5) - i dont hear any sounds for this 2, remove them?
  2. 00:03:438 (6) - NC? its a downbeat
  3. 01:24:142 (1) - NC would be nice here :P
  4. 01:32:593 (10,1) - dont overlap them?

  1. 00:32:276 (1) - its touching the hp bar :P
  2. 01:00:480 (5) - ^
  3. 01:08:297 (8,9,10) - stack it with 01:07:452 (3) - ?

That's all from me, Good Luck :D

walaowey wrote:

Warpy's Insane
  1. 00:01:008 (1) - i think u can stop the spinner at 00:03:015 - it sounds better xD Fine
  2. 00:34:494 (4) - stack is off :P nice catch
  3. 00:35:339 (1) - ^ ^
  4. 01:09:987 (3,1) - ^ ^
  5. 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i notice u got a few of this patterns. imo the flow is not that smooth. *click*
    the sudden upward flow to (4) is kinda unnecessary imo. and its hard to aim the triplets previously (1,2,3) [its my opinion here] :P I cant think of a way to map it that flows better and I'm not a big fan of linear flow its really hard to hit when playing. Imo it already has a pretty good flow
  6. 01:28:367 (4) - its touching the hp bar :P 01:28:367 (4) - Fixed
  7. 02:06:607 (7,1) - maybe place them close or stack them? the spacing was kinda confusing because u got continous 1/2 gap single tapping previously. when i test it, i thought it was 1/2 too >< I'll consider it if more people point it out

That's all from me, Good Luck :D Thanks for the mod!
<-- Arf fanart and .osu

walaowey wrote:

Shinenite's Insane
  1. 00:03:121 (4,5) - i dont hear any sounds for this 2, remove them? Nah, there's definitely sounds there.
  2. 00:03:438 (6) - NC? its a downbeat Fixed
  3. 01:24:142 (1) - NC would be nice here :P Fixed
  4. 01:32:593 (10,1) - dont overlap them? Fixed
Log Off Now
m4m from my q


bg is 1365x768 lol, need another pixel


there isn't a single pause for breath in this difficulty apart from spinner recovery here 00:02:592 -, makes this easy feel a bit like playing a normal. would suggest simplifying some rhythms to give emphasis on important notes. e.g 00:55:832 (4) - here would be a good place to just put a circle so the player has a chance to rest a bit

00:00:903 (1) - maaaybe a bit too short spinner? would double check with a bn
00:23:719 (1) - any reason why you use a different rhythm for this part when the previous two parts use an identical rhythm? feels inconsistent to me
01:04:283 (1) - ya^
01:17:804 (3,4,5,1) - this could be potentially misleading, as most noob players just tend to look at what object is closest to them they are more likely to click (1) first before (5), would suggest moving the placements of these around a bit to make it easier to read


00:00:903 (1,1) - ok even though this is somewhat low bpm i think this is too short for spinner recovery, would like to see at least half a beat more
00:39:565 (2,3,4) - i feel this rhythm would be better if it was ctrl + g'd that way you follow the little vocal hold when he says 'land' and also make the two ending drum beats clickable
01:19:494 (3,4) - why not make these the same shape as 01:17:804 (1,2) - for visual consistency with 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4) -


00:09:776 (2) - unsure about this kickslider since they're still relatively difficult to understand for hard diffs, would prefer if it was just a circle
00:15:269 (1,2) - here they're not as bad as they are used on a significant drum fill, where as before it was used to accent a small snare flick which isn't nearly as important to emphasise imo
00:18:438 (6,1) - move these a tiny bit lower for a perfect linear line
00:26:043 (3) - i think this white tick should be clickable since its such a strong note in the guitar (i also dont really know what this repeat slider is meant to represent in the music, i can't hear anything on the blue tick)
00:26:466 (4) - ya^
00:30:480 (1,4) - same slider shape for visual consistency?
00:37:241 (1,4) - ya^
01:02:381 (8,1) - this is a huge ds change compared to the previous time you used this patterning 00:59:001 (8,1) - , you also never had a big ds change in the previous section used this pattern, so it's a really odd thing to do here, would prefer it if you just followed your stack patterning for this
01:38:719 (3) - any reason why you didnt follow the same pattern that you did here to follow the trumpets 01:25:198 (3,4,5) - , it feels like a strange swap on emphasis especially because you have a triple 01:39:142 (4,5,6) - here instead which contradicts the previous kiai and the rest of this kiai
02:01:748 (8) - maybe a bit more spacing here to match the similar build up feeling you had before?

[Shinenite's Insane]

00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - starting maps on a stream is a bit meh imo because the player doesn't have a sense of the bpm or timing they need to hit but i guess this is a bit subjective, so its up to you
00:23:297 (6) - maybe nc this to further accent the louder note in the trumpet? this also helps justify the direction change in the stream
00:37:663 (2,3) - would prefer this to be a slider to stick with the consistency you have in this section
00:41:466 (3,4) - wide angles when the note pitch changes :( also feels kinda bad to play, maybe try a jump pattern like this instead?
00:52:029 (5) - similar comment to 00:37:663 (2,3) - but change this into two circles to match the consistency you have in this half of the section
01:03:860 (7) - maybe nc this to further accent the louder note in the trumpet? this also helps justify the direction change in the stream (wont point this out anymore)
01:24:565 (1,2,3) - any reason why you ignore the trumpet here yet follow it for the rest of the kiai?
01:32:593 (10,1) - shadow overlap in default skin, move 1 a little bit higher to avoid

Topic Starter

walaowey wrote:

hi m4m :D
thanks alot for your mod :)

your bg was 1 pixel off :P

  • lol those spacing stream so hard to play =3=. hee hee hee
  1. 01:09:142 (1,2,3,1) - use a different pattern? bcoz its similar to the previous part. maybe try to use a different slider pattern or something. It's similar to help people read the SV change since it's basically the same pattern from before :D
  2. 01:17:381 (8,9,10) - this jump was quite big imo. the beat was not even that strong at that point, and its quite constant with 01:16:114 (1,2,3,4) - Fair, I guess you are correct about this, changed somewhat.
  3. 01:17:804 (1) - this circle should have a bigger spacing instead imo, since its beat is alot strong than 01:17:381 (8,9,10) - Made this somewhat bigger
  4. 01:19:494 (1) - could use a bigger jump too because (8) -> (1) has strong beat but (7) -> (8) has weaker beat, when u stack (1) on (7), it feels like you're using the same spacing here, which will not emphasize (1) that well imo :P Eh I think it sounds about the same personally
  5. 01:21:501 - u miss a beat here. Yeah this was pointed out by someone today as well, good catch
  6. 01:35:973 (3,4) - ctrl+g for the rhythm here will be better since 01:36:184 - has strong beat. slider tail cant emphasize it that well imo :P Hmm I'll consider it but that's an odd one out drum beat I'm not so sure about making it emphasizing
  7. 01:56:149 (2) - i dont hear any sound here :P maybe remove it? I hear a triple though :L
  8. 01:56:677 (1,2,3,4) - i dont hear any sound on (2) . u can try to change the rhythm to 1/2 slider+2 circle like this I hear a double double here D:
  9. 01:04:283 (1,2,3) - this triplets can have bigger spacing imo. maybe u can reduce the spacing for 01:03:755 (2,3,4,5,6) - instead since this part was not that intense. It sounds pretty intencse to me though, since it's a rising stream sound and it's the same as the part before where thats happens :c

  1. 00:32:276 (1) - its touching the hp bar :P Yes, yes it is
  2. 01:00:480 (5) - ^ MMMMMF
  3. 01:08:297 (8,9,10) - stack it with 01:07:452 (3) - ? Nah I think this one works okay

That's all from me, Good Luck :D Thanks for the mod

Log Off Now wrote:

m4m from my q


bg is 1365x768 lol, need another pixel


there isn't a single pause for breath in this difficulty apart from spinner recovery here 00:02:592 -, makes this easy feel a bit like playing a normal. would suggest simplifying some rhythms to give emphasis on important notes. e.g 00:55:832 (4) - here would be a good place to just put a circle so the player has a chance to rest a bit You have a point.... I'm the first person to admit I loathe Easies and don't particularly care about them :c but even though the diff is all 1/1 if it's still too dense for newbies then we'll have a looksee

00:00:903 (1) - maaaybe a bit too short spinner? would double check with a bn Am on fence about this too
00:23:719 (1) - any reason why you use a different rhythm for this part when the previous two parts use an identical rhythm? feels inconsistent to me
01:04:283 (1) - ya^ This is for the loud ass trumpets in the background, the held note ones that is. If newbies can't hear them and prefer to hit the same rhythm over and over i'l consider changing but a little variation should be okay imo, and they're consistent between the two parts at least
01:17:804 (3,4,5,1) - this could be potentially misleading, as most noob players just tend to look at what object is closest to them they are more likely to click (1) first before (5), would suggest moving the placements of these around a bit to make it easier to read I'll consider this, if I get more comments about it might change


00:00:903 (1,1) - ok even though this is somewhat low bpm i think this is too short for spinner recovery, would like to see at least half a beat more Okay why not
00:39:565 (2,3,4) - i feel this rhythm would be better if it was ctrl + g'd that way you follow the little vocal hold when he says 'land' and also make the two ending drum beats clickable Good idea, done that
01:19:494 (3,4) - why not make these the same shape as 01:17:804 (1,2) - for visual consistency with 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4) - It ends up looking like a failed symmetry with 01:18:649 (2) - and doesn't look very nice imo :c


00:09:776 (2) - unsure about this kickslider since they're still relatively difficult to understand for hard diffs, would prefer if it was just a circle
00:15:269 (1,2) - here they're not as bad as they are used on a significant drum fill, where as before it was used to accent a small snare flick which isn't nearly as important to emphasise imo Fair enough, I can agree it's a needless overcomplexification
00:18:438 (6,1) - move these a tiny bit lower for a perfect linear line Damn stacking
00:26:043 (3) - i think this white tick should be clickable since its such a strong note in the guitar (i also dont really know what this repeat slider is meant to represent in the music, i can't hear anything on the blue tick)
00:26:466 (4) - ya^ They're mapped to the guitar which does a scratchy thing here, and they're not straight triples because that makes the part too dens for finger control in a Hard imo.
00:30:480 (1,4) - same slider shape for visual consistency?
00:37:241 (1,4) - ya^ Changed this one but not the first one as I don't want straight sliders leading into 1/4 notes :<
01:02:381 (8,1) - this is a huge ds change compared to the previous time you used this patterning 00:59:001 (8,1) - , you also never had a big ds change in the previous section used this pattern, so it's a really odd thing to do here, would prefer it if you just followed your stack patterning for this Mmm yes good point about this too, changed
01:38:719 (3) - any reason why you didnt follow the same pattern that you did here to follow the trumpets 01:25:198 (3,4,5) - , it feels like a strange swap on emphasis especially because you have a triple 01:39:142 (4,5,6) - here instead which contradicts the previous kiai and the rest of this kiai
02:01:748 (8) - maybe a bit more spacing here to match the similar build up feeling you had before? I don't hear a trumpet there so I didn't map a trumpet triple, the other triple after it is for the drum triple which occurs there, I know I've been using repeat sliders for those and straight triples for trumpets, but in the kiai I wanted to make it more intense so

gl! Thanks for the useful and in depth mod! wish mine had been half as good.
Sorry if this sounds rude to you

I don't think you can make a good beatmap to this kind of "song". The player has to remember the whole song, because there is no general beat. It's very confusing. on the "normal" diff it was fine, but on "insane" it was really hard, because I never heard the song before, and there was no beat to follow.

Therefore, I suggest you forfeit instead you try again with another song, that has a beat the player can follow and play to

- 00:00:057 - Might aswell put the red timing point here.

- 00:35:550 (3) - Maybe just make this a curve like 00:33:860 (1)? Three different sliders in the same combo seems kind of messy.
- 01:04:283 (1) - Why is this different to 00:57:522 (1,2)? You're missing a lot more beats with this slider which doesn't seem like the necessary thing to do.
- 01:17:804 (3) - NC should be here.
- 01:19:494 (1) - And kill this one.
- 01:36:396 (3) - Might aswell make this a curve to pair with 01:34:705 (1).
- 01:44:846 (1,2,3,4) - This being the only red tick combo for this section seems kind of out of place and may throw beginners off expecting consistency.
- 01:56:677 (4) - Pair with 01:55:832 (3).

- 00:31:325 (3,4) - 00:33:015 (3) - Having these as inconsistent rhythms doesn't seem right to me.
- 00:44:846 (3,4) - 00:46:536 (3) - Yeah.
- 01:38:086 (1,2) - Pairing thing.
- 02:04:283 (4,5) - I feel like these beats seem out of place, since the final strong trumpet is on 02:04:071 mapped to a slider tail, and then you follow with two active beats on calm beats. I would maybe try this rhythm. - 02:08:931 (4) - I'd maybe put the NC here.

- 00:26:254 - 00:26:677 - I'd aim to map these beats to active notes since this is where the guitar is.
- 00:47:593 (2) - This 1/4 with such a sharp angle on it just looks out of place to me.
- 01:06:818 - 01:07:240 - Active note thing.
- 01:06:184 - 01:07:663 - NCs should be here right?
- 01:31:747 (4) - Seems to be missing a clap.

Shinenite's Insane
- 00:25:198 (5) - I would consider making this a slider to end on the downbeat so that the guitar is emphasised appropriately.
- 00:47:381 (1) - You whistled the whole slider, which I don't think is intentional.
- 01:05:762 (5) - Slider thing.
- 01:31:748 (4) - Missing clap.
- 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - The trumpet triple isn't really emphasised since the pattern blends with the stream from the previous combo. Maybe rotate these notes to add emphasis via angles? - 02:07:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These beats sound similar to the previous combo, so I would use a similar sort of pattern for consistency.

- 00:10:198 (1) - I feel like you could do something more interesting than a long spinner for this section. There are plenty of beats to map to.
- 00:20:550 (1,2,3) - These offbeat sliders are inconsistent with how you mapped the same sounds elsewhere, 00:16:959 (1,2,3).
- 00:39:776 - Mapping this beat to a passive beat is inconsistent with how you've mapped it before, 00:38:085.
- 01:01:114 (1,2,3) - Offbeat sliders thing.
- 01:16:325 (2,3,4) - Based on where the loud sounds are, I would try and make it so 3-4 has lower spacing compared to 2-3.
- 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - As with the Shinenite diff, the trumpet triple isn't really emphasised since the pattern blends with the stream from the previous combo. Maybe rotate these notes to add emphasis via angles?

- 00:17:276 (2,3) - Nazi thing, stack messed up.
- 00:25:303 (5) - I don't hear anything to warrant a triple here personally.
- 00:33:332 - There's a beat here you could map to if you wanted.
- 00:45:269 (1,1) - This sort of spacing and smooth flow seems kind of innappropriate for the downbeat. Maybe try increase the spacing and add some emphasis through angles?
- 00:52:029 (1,1) - Same thing. Note that this also has the same spacing as 00:51:607 (1,1) which could be confusing.
- 01:05:867 (5) - Seems overmapped to me.
- 01:12:734 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Yeah I think you know how I feel about these already, but you won't change them probably /shrug
- 01:31:748 (4) - Clap thing.
- 01:37:241 (1,2,3,4) - Up to you with what you decide to do with this, but I found it kind of difficult to get 300s on all of these consistently with this arrangement.
- 01:43:579 (6) - Also missing a clap.
Couldn't find anything so I leave a Star GL with Set~

-Mo- wrote:

- 00:10:198 (1) - I feel like you could do something more interesting than a long spinner for this section. There are plenty of beats to map to. Honestly unless I really have to I don't want to do it, really all I hear is those trumpets and an occasional drum, it would be really lame and an acc killer for very little reason
- 00:20:550 (1,2,3) - These offbeat sliders are inconsistent with how you mapped the same sounds elsewhere, 00:16:959 (1,2,3). fuck me that really fucks my shit up, knew it sounded a bit weird
- 00:39:776 - Mapping this beat to a passive beat is inconsistent with how you've mapped it before, 00:38:085. If I changed that it would ruin the ability to transfer over to mapping the drums at 00:39:987 - also it fits fairly well with the vocal. I see your point though
- 01:01:114 (1,2,3) - Offbeat sliders thing. Fixed same as before
- 01:16:325 (2,3,4) - Based on where the loud sounds are, I would try and make it so 3-4 has lower spacing compared to 2-3. I think a progressive spacing increase works better here, feels a bit awkward otherwise
- 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - As with the Shinenite diff, the trumpet triple isn't really emphasised since the pattern blends with the stream from the previous combo. Maybe rotate these notes to add emphasis via angles? I don't think adding sharp angles in the stream would do it any good, while I do agree the trumpet might not be as emphasised as it could be, I'm banking on the spacing increase to be good enough to give it some feeling. I might change this if I find a way to make it work without feeling really shit while playing

Thanks for the mod!

00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - too big Ds?
00:09:987 - add a beat
00:28:579 (1,2,3) - too big SV, I think this SV dion't need.
01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Just back and linear fourth pattern looks not so fun for me.
01:39:776 (1,2) - overlap don't fit with your map,
02:09:987 (5) - Is this wiggle okay?


Log Off Now wrote:

[Shinenite's Insane]

00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - starting maps on a stream is a bit meh imo because the player doesn't have a sense of the bpm or timing they need to hit but i guess this is a bit subjective, so its up to you True, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. Plus, all of the Insane+ difficulties start with a stream so it's kind of consistent for it to be like that.
00:23:297 (6) - maybe nc this to further accent the louder note in the trumpet? this also helps justify the direction change in the stream Don't think it's necessary
00:37:663 (2,3) - would prefer this to be a slider to stick with the consistency you have in this section Sure
00:41:466 (3,4) - wide angles when the note pitch changes :( also feels kinda bad to play, maybe try a jump pattern like this instead? Though I don't agree that it was bad to play, your suggestion is not too bad either so I did apply it.
00:52:029 (5) - similar comment to 00:37:663 (2,3) - but change this into two circles to match the consistency you have in this half of the section In this case I don't really think it's necessary cause there it goes from circle > slider > circle > slider so it's consistent anyway.
01:03:860 (7) - maybe nc this to further accent the louder note in the trumpet? this also helps justify the direction change in the stream (wont point this out anymore) Don't think it's necessary
01:24:565 (1,2,3) - any reason why you ignore the trumpet here yet follow it for the rest of the kiai? Fixed.
01:32:593 (10,1) - shadow overlap in default skin, move 1 a little bit higher to avoid Already fixed this when the previous mod pointed it out

-Mo- wrote:

Shinenite's Insane
- 00:25:198 (5) - I would consider making this a slider to end on the downbeat so that the guitar is emphasised appropriately. Sure
- 00:47:381 (1) - You whistled the whole slider, which I don't think is intentional. Well, it was intentional, because there's a whistle sound in the music that apparently nobody hears (see: discussion on Discord) but even considering that I guess it's super out of place so I did fix it...
- 01:05:762 (5) - Slider thing. Sure
- 01:31:748 (4) - Missing clap. Fixed
- 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - The trumpet triple isn't really emphasised since the pattern blends with the stream from the previous combo. Maybe rotate these notes to add emphasis via angles? I think the triple is emphasised enough with the NC and the whistle hitsounding, changing the angle sort of messes with the pattern... May change it later if it comes up again, though.- 02:07:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These beats sound similar to the previous combo, so I would use a similar sort of pattern for consistency. Did change up the pattern of the previous jumps a bit, they're not exactly same but I did use triangles to make it more consistent.
Updated Diff
Topic Starter

-Mo- wrote:

Sorry if this sounds rude to you

I don't think you can make a good beatmap to this kind of "song". The player has to remember the whole song, because there is no general beat. It's very confusing. on the "normal" diff it was fine, but on "insane" it was really hard, because I never heard the song before, and there was no beat to follow.

Therefore, I suggest you forfeit instead you try again with another song, that has a beat the player can follow and play to every time

- 00:00:057 - Might aswell put the red timing point here. We talked about this already

- 00:35:550 (3) - Maybe just make this a curve like 00:33:860 (1)? Three different sliders in the same combo seems kind of messy. Sure why not
- 01:04:283 (1) - Why is this different to 00:57:522 (1,2)? You're missing a lot more beats with this slider which doesn't seem like the necessary thing to do. Explained this in LON's mod above
- 01:17:804 (3) - NC should be here. so it should
- 01:19:494 (1) - And kill this one. All righty then
- 01:36:396 (3) - Might aswell make this a curve to pair with 01:34:705 (1). Seems I forgot to change this after creating a gap here
- 01:44:846 (1,2,3,4) - This being the only red tick combo for this section seems kind of out of place and may throw beginners off expecting consistency. Sounds better to me since it goes with the vocals and constant white ticks have never done anyone any favors, they'll have to buck up or play some 0.96* beginner if they can't handle this, it's even 1/1 still :L
- 01:56:677 (4) - Pair with 01:55:832 (3). Meh all right

- 00:31:325 (3,4) - 00:33:015 (3) - Having these as inconsistent rhythms doesn't seem right to me.
- 00:44:846 (3,4) - 00:46:536 (3) - Yeah. These have to do with how the vocals are structured (particularly in the second example) and the desire to leave a small gap for a player to not have to constantly hit objects - that's what the Hard is for so they can get screwed
- 01:38:086 (1,2) - Pairing thing. Dunno why that has an anchor to begin with
- 02:04:283 (4,5) - I feel like these beats seem out of place, since the final strong trumpet is on 02:04:071 mapped to a slider tail, and then you follow with two active beats on calm beats. I would maybe try this rhythm. Y'know what, I agree. Did this. - 02:08:931 (4) - I'd maybe put the NC here. Sure, why not

- 00:26:254 - 00:26:677 - I'd aim to map these beats to active notes since this is where the guitar is. Does no one hear guitar triples >:c
- 00:47:593 (2) - This 1/4 with such a sharp angle on it just looks out of place to me. Did something slightly different here with some rotations and deleting of anchors
- 01:06:818 - 01:07:240 - Active note thing. Guitar triple thing
- 01:06:184 - 01:07:663 - NCs should be here right? Indeed they should be
- 01:31:747 (4) - Seems to be missing a clap. Guess his jokes weren't appreciated, what's up with that

- 00:17:276 (2,3) - Nazi thing, stack messed up. Thought this was fixed :L
- 00:25:303 (5) - I don't hear anything to warrant a triple here personally. I hear something......
- 00:33:332 - There's a beat here you could map to if you wanted. Huh, you're right. I don't want to map an inconsistent beat though
- 00:45:269 (1,1) - This sort of spacing and smooth flow seems kind of innappropriate for the downbeat. Maybe try increase the spacing and add some emphasis through angles? You have a point about the spacing, changed this
- 00:52:029 (1,1) - Same thing. Note that this also has the same spacing as 00:51:607 (1,1) which could be confusing. Yeah okay that's fair
- 01:05:867 (5) - Seems overmapped to me. Okay you may have a point here, I hear a triple in the similar section that occurs before this though, and isn't an inconsistency a bigger problem
- 01:12:734 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Yeah I think you know how I feel about these already, but you won't change them probably /shrug Shades of Zepp
- 01:31:748 (4) - Clap thing. Laine's thing
- 01:37:241 (1,2,3,4) - Up to you with what you decide to do with this, but I found it kind of difficult to get 300s on all of these consistently with this arrangement. I'll brainstorm this
- 01:43:579 (6) - Also missing a clap. Wheee

Thanks for the -Mo-d

Neoskylove wrote:


00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - too big Ds? Shortened a tiny bit
00:09:987 - add a beat Think it's a double
00:28:579 (1,2,3) - too big SV, I think this SV dion't need. yeah it's a bit gimmicky but i'd like to keep it if possible
01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Just back and linear fourth pattern looks not so fun for me. Eh I like these personally, dunno how they play for others
01:39:776 (1,2) - overlap don't fit with your map, You have a point but I think it plays okay
02:09:987 (5) - Is this wiggle okay? I think it's okay as no one else has says it

GL Thanks for the mod
Murmur twins
hi from my queue~

spoiler means something unsure or minor to me, just for reference

  1. 00:00:902 (1) - Prefer this spinner end at 00:02:592 I think.
  2. 01:07:663 (4) - NC?
  3. 01:46:325 (3,4) - blanket
  1. 01:29:424 (1,2) - blanket
  1. 01:13:156 (2,3,4) - The arrangement of those sliders seems not so vivid to me.. Consider putting them higher from each other?
[Shinenite's Insane]
  1. 00:13:579 (1,2,3) - DS could be larger, no obvious downbeats used here;
  2. 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - Hmmm... So here you continue the stream when it comes with an NC. And you changed DS here for emphasis. It's OK but for newbie 4* players they would think this arrangement a bit exhausted to play with and I think something soft could be used to replace this.
  3. 01:53:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - A regular octagon would be better;
[Warpy's Insane]
  1. 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - (Same as 01:38:086 (1,2,3) in Shinenite diff)
  1. 01:00:480 (6) - ctrl+g?
  2. 02:09:987 (5) - Wow nice slider!
  1. well, nothing wrong XD
  1. 00:08:086 (6,7) - these two could add finish, to follow the song.
  2. 00:19:494 (5,6) - I want to suggest you to stretch these two slider to 3/4 these rhythm is kinda unique so I think there need something different that is not normally 1/2, It's also give more feeling.
  3. 00:24:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - maybe less their spacing like 00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) ? I think it's not strong enough to be spaced like 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and more. It even weaker than 00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) imo.
  4. 00:28:579 (1,2) - how fast of slider doesn't fit with spacing imo. fast slider but short spacing make it less flow so I think make them further is better. something like
  5. 00:40:198 (7) - replace with two circles fits better imo. sound on tail is pretty strong so change to circle and make some jump is more fun to play.
  6. 00:40:621 (1) - I think this slider is more fit with the song if it's slower and stretch to 3/4.
  7. 01:00:480 (6) - aaa ctrl+g is more flow I think but I don't force your style XD
  8. 01:05:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same
  9. 01:09:142 (1,2,3,1) - same
  10. 02:08:297 (8) - 1.50x spacing is more fit imo, not overjumped.
  11. 00:19:917 (6) - sampleset-drum clap sounds better and will be consistency with 00:26:678 (8)
  12. 01:05:445 (2) - remove sampleset-drum for consistency?
  13. 01:11:043 (1,3) - whistle on tail?
  14. I think you still need to add many finish hitsound for example 01:48:227 (1) , 01:44:846 (1) and etc.
  1. 01:49:705 - is more fit with the song/hitsound you use imo, really strong on tail so it's more fit if it's circle and jump to next slider.
  2. 01:52:452 (1) - no need NC imo. it's just.... unnecessary.
  3. 01:53:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - will be perfect if the spacing is increase bit by bit per circle. more fit with the song and give more impact.
  4. 01:55:409 - strong beat at tail, kinda lacks of impact this rhythm is more fit and plays better imo.
  5. 02:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same
  6. 02:02:170 (1,1,2) - same
  7. 02:08:931 (1) - make it further? might confused player that it's 1/2 rhythm to (2)
  8. your diff still lacks of many finish hitsound, please check them o.o
  1. 00:14:212 (5,6,7) - make them liner with 4 like 00:13:579 (1,2,3,4) really plays better, unless you want to use force-flow pattern.
  2. 00:32:276 (5) - add NC
  3. I think many finish hitsound still missing such as 00:44:001 (1)
  4. 00:48:649 (5,6,1) - maybe make their spacing consistent like you did on 00:49:494 (2,3,4)?
  1. 00:08:508 (1,2,3) - aaa it looks more like spacing error tbh, because they are the only part that has spacing like this even the rhythm is not that different with other pattern. use the same spacing as other part?
  2. 00:28:156 (5) - looks like spacing error, move it further.
  3. 00:54:776 (1) - this kind of pattern no need NC imo.
  4. same hitsound suggestion as savage diff.
  5. 00:09:353 (1) - no need NC.
  1. you did very good on this diff, some note might off the playfield? such as 02:01:325 (4), otherwise it's perfect.
  1. 01:24:565 (1,2,3) - this rhythm is pretty weird for beginner tbh, they always got told that just follow the drum but this rhythm is vocal instead of drum. follow drum instead like you did on 01:38:086 (1,2,3) is better imo.
  2. 01:31:325 (1,2,3) - same here, beginner can't pay attention that much to the vocal imo. they focus on approach circle and drum. (I teach many beginner player here XD)
this mapset is very neat, good luck !! XD

-Spica- wrote:

[Warpy's Insane]
  1. 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - (Same as 01:38:086 (1,2,3) in Shinenite diff) I don't think there's a better way to do it since a repeat slider would make the trumpet feel less important than the drums which is the reverse of what I want so for now at least I'll leave it

P A N wrote:

  1. 01:49:705 - is more fit with the song/hitsound you use imo, really strong on tail so it's more fit if it's circle and jump to next slider. Sure
  2. 01:52:452 (1) - no need NC imo. it's just.... unnecessary. I want to keep it consistent with the other parts of my map basically just NC after every sv increase like 01:50:762 (1) - 01:55:832 (1) - and some others
  3. 01:53:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - will be perfect if the spacing is increase bit by bit per circle. more fit with the song and give more impact. Sure but hard to do without making the jumps really big, but hope this works a bit better
  4. 01:55:409 - strong beat at tail, kinda lacks of impact this rhythm is more fit and plays better imo. fine
  5. 02:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same same
  6. 02:02:170 (1,1,2) - same ^
  7. 02:08:931 (1) - make it further? might confused player that it's 1/2 rhythm to (2) kind of hard to do with limited space but I tried
  8. your diff still lacks of many finish hitsound, please check them o.o Redid a lot of my hitsounds hopefully a lot better now
Thanks for the mods guys!

now with higher sr :^)

-Spica- wrote:

[Shinenite's Insane]
  1. 00:13:579 (1,2,3) - DS could be larger, no obvious downbeats used here; Sure
  2. 01:38:086 (1,2,3) - Hmmm... So here you continue the stream when it comes with an NC. And you changed DS here for emphasis. It's OK but for newbie 4* players they would think this arrangement a bit exhausted to play with and I think something soft could be used to replace this. I think that part in particular is very intense so although I can definitely see what you're saying ny it being a bit difficult, I think making it any less emphasised/spaced would not fit for the music.
  3. 01:53:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - A regular octagon would be better Ehh... Seems kinda unnecessary, I'd just rather leave it

P A N wrote:

  1. 00:14:212 (5,6,7) - make them liner with 4 like 00:13:579 (1,2,3,4) really plays better, unless you want to use force-flow pattern. Sure
  2. 00:32:276 (5) - add NC Fixed
  3. I think many finish hitsound still missing such as 00:44:001 (1) Did add that finish, and did also add more of them in other parts of the map but honestly I feel like the most intense sounds already have a finish on them and I don't see the point of adding more of them in any other places.
  4. 00:48:649 (5,6,1) - maybe make their spacing consistent like you did on 00:49:494 (2,3,4)? Sure
Hey, sorry for being late :/


I hate to be that guy but some of these blankets could honestly be better, stuff like 00:16:959 (1,2), 00:36:396 (4,1), 00:45:269 (2,3), etc. Pretty fine overall though.

01:16:959 (1) - dont think this NC was intentional

pretty solid easy diff, just be sure to clean up your blankets and stuff


00:26:255 (3,4,1) - Stuff like this doesnt look so good in practice because the gaps between objects aren't the same. this image should help visualize -
01:16:114 (1) - might be nice if this shape is symmetrical just like the previous few patterns were
01:34:705 (1) - starting here until the end of the second kiai there's just a continuous stream of objects, would be nice if you could put a gap in there so the player has at least some downtime
01:51:607 (1) - Think it's better if this is split into two circles, both the head and tail of this slider have an equal "finish" impact to them, so it would fit better as 2 circles.
01:54:987 (1) - ^ and the other 2 of these
02:03:860 (3,4) - work on this a bit more, the blanket's off and the shape itself isn't that good looking either


00:08:086 (5,6,1,2) - dont like this pattern, the spacing is pretty big and 00:08:297 (6,1,2) - makes a very uncomfortable wide angle which I don't really fits this part of the music.
00:09:353 (1) - this NC isnt needed
00:17:276 (2) - I dont think the sound here is prominent enough to be worth mapping, triplets in hards should be reserved for obvious sounds imo
00:47:593 (2,3) - recommend keeping this look of having the reverse slider point at the circle for 00:48:227 (4,5) - too
01:06:818 - should be clickable, along with 01:07:240. Maybe you could do 1/4 slider into circle?
02:01:747 (8) - NC should be here


00:08:086 (6,7,3) - equal distance between these 3 objects perhaps? for a neater pattern
00:13:579 (1,2,3) - Eh, just comparing the music here to 00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - i'm not a big fan of you spacing out these. It just...doesn't really fit the intensity of the music.
00:14:318 (6,7,9) - if you wont change, you could make this an equaliteral triangle for neatness
00:21:818 (1) - NC should be on 00:22:241 (2) - righT?
00:23:191 (6,7,8,9,10) - Same here, this doesn't really need to be spaced. I guess you can justify 00:23:719 (1,2,3) - but the stream leading into it not really.
00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - What's the difference between this and the other triplets you were spacing out in terms of the music? Trust me, I enjoy playing spaced triplets/streams/whathaveyou, but they should be justified by the music's intensity.
00:29:424 (3,1) - you can afford having a larger spacing between these two, having the head of 1 be so close to the tail of 3 is a bit jarring considering the SV.
00:44:635 (4,5) - could flow better, atm it feels like you're hitting 5 from behind
00:49:917 (1,2,3) - i like these spaced triplets because the trumpet contrasts with the rest of the section, and thus the triplets do as well.
01:37:241 (1) - Buffer these sliders, as remove a reverse from each one so that the gap to the next object is 1/4

Overall its a nice diff, I just feel like you should make the spaced 1/4 match the intensity of the music instead of just kind of doing it whenever, which is what it feels like now.

Good luck!
hello, from my queue
i will be modding the last diff: Savage
it plays ok, i feel like u know the definition of flow and emphasis, structure and stuff.
for me the issue here in ur map is hm... playability at most part.
you got some very unexpected fast sliders that basically fucked the flow feel

also, the aesthetics could be improved at some points.

so lets get in:
00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - hmmm i mnea, i know the idea behind this, but actually putting the _spaced_ stream in the beginning of the map is very controversial stuff. I could suggest to change the object choice, or reconsider the object placement here.
00:13:579 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stuff plays very unintuitive, oh also, the mistake here is also in 00:13:719 - its a 1/3, not 1/4.
00:13:684 (2,3,6,7) - thats why stuff like this feels overmapped

00:16:114 - i guess this stuff can be emphasized with different SV to add some variety and also to distinguish its unique sound
00:21:501 - undermapped sound, 00:20:656 (2,3) - here u did something different
00:23:085 - object selection issue, the stream should be starting on this sound, but u got a slider end under it
00:23:191 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - the entire stream feels weird during the gameplay, basically, the sounds behind it are not that palpable and the next issue is, the the spacing between 00:23:719 (1,2,3) - and 00:23:191 (6,7,8,9,10) - should be different accordingly to music

00:24:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this stuff and 00:23:719 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - this also has different sounds behind them, but you put the same spacing
00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - hm but here it changes for some reason. if you are following the symmetry it could be 00:24:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rotated by 90*
00:28:578 - ok so these ones are way too fast, its very unexpectable and annoying to play
00:31:325 (4) - i think nc shud be here, and the next slider shud be without nc
00:33:332 - unmapped note unlike 00:32:487 (2,3) - here
00:38:086 (4,1) - switch nc
00:39:776 (5) - nc here i guess
00:41:043 - here u putting the x1.5 sv, but 00:28:578 - u got x2.0, i guess u shud make them have the same sv multiplier.
00:49:072 (9) - nc
00:49:072 (9) - unmapped note
00:52:029 (1) - remove nc
00:53:719 (1) - ^
01:00:480 (6) - i guess it shud be ctrl-g`ed and ctrl-h`ed for symmetry and emphasis
01:00:374 - unmapped note btw
ok next up u got the same issues with spacing that i mentioned above.
same stuff with overmap/undermap.

please reconsider the rest of the map because i dont really want to repeat myself x192312 times and u probably got my points and can find the rest of the issues urself.

forward and back and then fooorward and back and then forward and back and then ONE STEP FORWARD
bring arf's internet back!
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

  1. well, nothing wrong XD

  • Hitsounds were revamped so any HS related things are left blank
  1. 00:08:086 (6,7) - these two could add finish, to follow the song.
  2. 00:19:494 (5,6) - I want to suggest you to stretch these two slider to 3/4 these rhythm is kinda unique so I think there need something different that is not normally 1/2, It's also give more feeling. This isn't a bad idea, but I can't seem to find a pattern that works here without feeling awkward. I'll try and experiment
  3. 00:24:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - maybe less their spacing like 00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) ? I think it's not strong enough to be spaced like 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and more. It even weaker than 00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) imo. What I was doing here is trying to continue the sudden trumpet noise intensity in the background, which disappears by the time the second set of triples rolls around (hence why they were spaced so low) but yeah the first set isn't nearly intense enough to justify the same spacing as the ones before it
  4. 00:28:579 (1,2) - how fast of slider doesn't fit with spacing imo. fast slider but short spacing make it less flow so I think make them further is better. something like I'll consider this but I think it's okay
  5. 00:40:198 (7) - replace with two circles fits better imo. sound on tail is pretty strong so change to circle and make some jump is more fun to play. Agreed
  6. 00:40:621 (1) - I think this slider is more fit with the song if it's slower and stretch to 3/4. Not a bad idea.
  7. 01:00:480 (6) - aaa ctrl+g is more flow I think but I don't force your style XD Mmmmf I'll be honest I don't like this either, I have some ideas how to make it work a bit better but implementing them is so much work :c
  8. 01:05:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same As above
  9. 01:09:142 (1,2,3,1) - same As above
  10. 02:08:297 (8) - 1.50x spacing is more fit imo, not overjumped. Will check
  11. 00:19:917 (6) - sampleset-drum clap sounds better and will be consistency with 00:26:678 (8)
  12. 01:05:445 (2) - remove sampleset-drum for consistency?
  13. 01:11:043 (1,3) - whistle on tail?
  14. I think you still need to add many finish hitsound for example 01:48:227 (1) , 01:44:846 (1) and etc.
  1. 00:08:508 (1,2,3) - aaa it looks more like spacing error tbh, because they are the only part that has spacing like this even the rhythm is not that different with other pattern. use the same spacing as other part? Fair enough, this isn't very pretty
  2. 00:28:156 (5) - looks like spacing error, move it further. All righty
  3. 00:54:776 (1) - this kind of pattern no need NC imo. Okay
  4. same hitsound suggestion as savage diff.
  5. 00:09:353 (1) - no need NC. Ah yeah
  1. you did very good on this diff, some note might off the playfield? such as 02:01:325 (4), otherwise it's perfect. In test mode it's on the playfield so should be okay? I dunno about 4:3 though
  1. 01:24:565 (1,2,3) - this rhythm is pretty weird for beginner tbh, they always got told that just follow the drum but this rhythm is vocal instead of drum. follow drum instead like you did on 01:38:086 (1,2,3) is better imo. Sure
  2. 01:31:325 (1,2,3) - same here, beginner can't pay attention that much to the vocal imo. they focus on approach circle and drum. (I teach many beginner player here XD)All righty
this mapset is very neat, good luck !! XD Thanks for a good mod and good luck on your marathon! Ponytail~


Hobbes2 wrote:

Hey, sorry for being late :/ Anyone's late, it's me :P


I hate to be that guy but some of these blankets could honestly be better, stuff like 00:16:959 (1,2), 00:36:396 (4,1), 00:45:269 (2,3), etc. Pretty fine overall though. I don't mind blanket mods. I'll try to get them all checked

01:16:959 (1) - dont think this NC was intentional huh. That shouldn't be there

pretty solid easy diff, just be sure to clean up your blankets and stuff


00:26:255 (3,4,1) - Stuff like this doesnt look so good in practice because the gaps between objects aren't the same. this image should help visualize - You have a point, I'll try to adjust this a bit
01:16:114 (1) - might be nice if this shape is symmetrical just like the previous few patterns were Tried to fix this
01:34:705 (1) - starting here until the end of the second kiai there's just a continuous stream of objects, would be nice if you could put a gap in there so the player has at least some downtime I know and Lanturn cautioned me that it was bordering on "Advanced vs Normal" but I think the intensity level should be matched and there isn't really a good spot for a break :c
01:51:607 (1) - Think it's better if this is split into two circles, both the head and tail of this slider have an equal "finish" impact to them, so it would fit better as 2 circles.
01:54:987 (1) - ^ and the other 2 of these I was mapping more to lyrics here in this section but in all the other diffs I've sorta done the finish thing so I'll try to make it work
02:03:860 (3,4) - work on this a bit more, the blanket's off and the shape itself isn't that good looking either Adjusted a bit


00:08:086 (5,6,1,2) - dont like this pattern, the spacing is pretty big and 00:08:297 (6,1,2) - makes a very uncomfortable wide angle which I don't really fits this part of the music. Changed this as per previous mod
00:09:353 (1) - this NC isnt needed Changed as per previous mod
00:17:276 (2) - I dont think the sound here is prominent enough to be worth mapping, triplets in hards should be reserved for obvious sounds imo I kind of agree tbh
00:47:593 (2,3) - recommend keeping this look of having the reverse slider point at the circle for 00:48:227 (4,5) - too I tried to point them where they were going next
01:06:818 - should be clickable, along with 01:07:240. Maybe you could do 1/4 slider into circle? I mapped the guitar triples here over the continuing noise from before, which is why the focus is before that sound
02:01:747 (8) - NC should be here Yes


00:08:086 (6,7,3) - equal distance between these 3 objects perhaps? for a neater pattern Sure
00:13:579 (1,2,3) - Eh, just comparing the music here to 00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - i'm not a big fan of you spacing out these. It just...doesn't really fit the intensity of the music. The spacing at the beginning is only so that the player isn't surprised by all the spaced streams throughout the map. I don't like surprises, it has nothing to do with intensity at that part. The triple being spaced is for the trumpet noise, something I did throughout the map
00:14:318 (6,7,9) - if you wont change, you could make this an equaliteral triangle for neatness Adjusted that a bit
00:21:818 (1) - NC should be on 00:22:241 (2) - righT? I guess
00:23:191 (6,7,8,9,10) - Same here, this doesn't really need to be spaced. I guess you can justify 00:23:719 (1,2,3) - but the stream leading into it not really. Right the music kind of amps up here so an accelerated stream would fit but I loathe accelerated streams, they're just a magnet for trouble, so I simply spaced it all the same, I think it's intense enough to fit really.
00:26:043 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - What's the difference between this and the other triplets you were spacing out in terms of the music? Trust me, I enjoy playing spaced triplets/streams/whathaveyou, but they should be justified by the music's intensity. These are mapped to guitar triples not trumpets, and they are much softer
00:29:424 (3,1) - you can afford having a larger spacing between these two, having the head of 1 be so close to the tail of 3 is a bit jarring considering the SV. I'm not the happiest with this either but it looks extremely messy if "1" overlaps with "3" in a non stacky way
00:44:635 (4,5) - could flow better, atm it feels like you're hitting 5 from behind Moved "4" to help with this
00:49:917 (1,2,3) - i like these spaced triplets because the trumpet contrasts with the rest of the section, and thus the triplets do as well. yeah was going for that at least, tried to be as consistent about this as I could
01:37:241 (1) - Buffer these sliders, as remove a reverse from each one so that the gap to the next object is 1/4 I tried this at the very beginning of the mapping and the effect was utter rubbish compared to what I was going for, this isn't perfect either but it's a biiiit closer to what I wanted. Will brainstorm this more

Overall its a nice diff, I just feel like you should make the spaced 1/4 match the intensity of the music instead of just kind of doing it whenever, which is what it feels like now. Thanks for a good mod!

Good luck!

Other reply coming soon

Ain053 wrote:

forward and back and then fooorward and back and then forward and back and then ONE STEP FORWARD
Oh this is coming soon as well. Please look forward to it.

  1. 00:16:959 (1,2) - lmao
  2. 00:30:480 - From this point onward, the rhythm could've been better with more density variations. It's quite bland with 1/1 stuff constantly going on until like 00:55:832 .
  3. 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Was expecting some symmetric concept like 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4) - 01:14:424 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - tbh. (Actually you could've placed 01:16:959 (5,6) in a way that they're symmetric with 01:14:424 (1,2) but up to you I guess, though currently the concept looks inconsistent compared to other diffs)
  4. 01:21:184 (1,2) - You can use a 2/1 slider + circle instead too, according to your rhythm idea in Normal.

  1. 00:15:269 (1) - Since the rhythm changed here, you could use sth else different than this cuz you already used a 1/1 slider thing on 00:11:888 (1,1) which don't have the same rhythm as this.
  2. 01:26:043 (4,1) - Swap NC I guess.
  3. 01:27:945 (1,2) - Why aren't these the same symmetric stuff like 01:31:325 (1,2) - 01:34:705 (1,2) - etc?
  4. Overall aesthetics can still be polished imo, sth like 00:19:917 (3,3) - 00:26:677 (4,1,2,3) - looks really cluttered and should be cleaned up.
  5. Also same thing as what Mr.Hobbes mentioned about rhythm density in the second kiai.

  1. 00:54:142 (1) - Can be confused with 00:43:579 (7) - 00:47:593 (2) - which have different number of repeats, the safest bet for this is to add a triplet on top of 00:54:142 (1) so you will have only 1 repeat on it.
  2. 01:04:283 (1,3) - Where's the 1/4 rhythms aaaa, if you're sacrificing 01:04:283 (1) for 01:03:860 (5) then it's not really worth it cuz you're breaking your own consistency.
  3. 01:21:395 (2,4) - Aren't these supposed to be hitsounded in the same way or sth?
  4. 01:23:297 - Could've been hitsounded too.
  5. 01:53:508 (2,3,4,5) - More consistent visual spacing pls
  6. Kiai feels surprisingly underwhelming for some reason, do you use any concepts in particular for kiai parts? Or do you just map normally? Asking this cuz to me kiai isn't interesting as other parts like 00:16:959 - 01:11:043 where you have cooler stuff going on.
[Shinenite's Insane]

  1. 00:02:805 (1,2,3,4,5) - A stream doesn't play really well because these sounds are not equally prominent, a different kind of rhythm should be used.
  2. 01:01:959 (4) - Probably should just use a triplet since it's musically different from 01:00:903 (1,3) .
  3. 01:11:043 - N a good idea to ignore those constant 1/1 sounds as they're really prominent in this section, using 1/4 rhythms is fine but they aren't done in a way that really highlights the constant 1/1 properly/consistently, which is the most prominent thing in that section. Things like 01:13:790 (8,9,10,11,12) - completely kills the emphasis on it since the most prominent thing 01:14:001 (10) is in the middle of the stream, 01:18:649 - this should be clickable in the first place, etc.
  4. 01:31:325 (1,2,3) - 01:31:959 (5,6,7) - Why aren't you using the same DS on both of these tho?
  5. 01:37:346 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - Now the emphasis here isn't good as it should be, in this case 01:38:085 should be emphasized. To do so, you have to do something else other than just continuing the stream 01:38:086 (1,2,3) to make the gameplay more discernible as the rhythm changes.
  6. 01:58:156 - 01:58:261 - Could do some 1/4 rhythms here, the rhythm changes at 01:58:367 so in this case you can map those beats I mentioned so that a 1/1 gap will be introduced after 01:58:367 which makes more sense since the rhythm changed there rather than the current one which suddenly does a 1/1 gap 01:57:945 (9,1) when the rhythm hasn't changed yet.
  7. Kiai is very repetitive tbh, at least you should do something differently on the later half 01:38:085 for variations.
  8. Aesthetics could be improved tho, feels like some overlaps 00:18:860 (1,3,4,5) - 01:00:058 (3,2) - 01:40:621 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - are rather unintentionally placed than having a solid reasoning or concept behind them.
  9. The diff itself is okay-ish but seems to lack in details like aesthetics, flows, variations, etc. Stuff like 00:20:338 (1,2,3,4,7) - Looks very forced, 01:53:297 (1,8) - 02:00:481 (3,8) - Could be polished according to how the pattern was arranged, etc.
[Warpy's Insane]

  1. 00:08:085 - The drum is building up here but you already used jump patterns since 00:07:240 onward. There should be a more significant change in gameplay at 00:08:085 so you should make these two parts 00:07:241 (2,3,4,5) - 00:08:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - more discernible, according to the drums' rhythm.
  2. 00:09:987 - Should be mapped as well if you went for 00:09:881 .
  3. 01:45:058 (3,4,5) - This one is inconsistently stood out from the others cuz you used wide angles unlike every other ones 01:28:156 (3,4,5) - 01:31:536 (3,4,5) - 01:34:917 (3,4,5) - etc where you used sharp angles as transitions between triplets.

  1. 00:09:987 - Should be mapped too, otherwise you'll just have a 3/4 gap 00:09:881 (7,1) which we all know it's really awkward and not intuitive in gameplay.
  2. 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Like, you used 00:23:191 (5,6,7,8,9) which mainly involving a fast movement, and then you're forcing 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) which also involves a fast movement but the rhythm isn't really calling for it, 00:27:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - is a lot more easier to play and more fitting to the song.
  3. 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Also why the pattern is so widely spaced compared to 00:27:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - zzz
  4. 00:28:579 (1,2,3) - These one are like out of my expectation zzz, if you're going to do something like this you have to introduce something to indicate a fast SV concept before putting it into use otherwise it'll trip players up. In this case I would do either overlap those sliders or change the shapes to something that involves less movement to give more leniency of tripping up in actual gameplay, etc etc these are just my ideas.
  5. The usage of spaced triplets and streams are sooo much to the point where they don't really look interesting/special throughout the map, and there isn't much things going on besides some symmetric patterns so yeah the diff could've been more interesting compared to Hard since you have a lot less gameplay restrictions. (but hey I really like Hard tbh)
Shinenite's diff can still be improved more, Savage could use a little more work (that aside, the diff is "kind of" fine just there's something I disagreed with). Other diffs are cool tho.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:


  1. 00:16:959 (1,2) - lmao Fixed.
  2. 00:30:480 - From this point onward, the rhythm could've been better with more density variations. It's quite bland with 1/1 stuff constantly going on until like 00:55:832 I'll add some more repeat sliders or things here
  3. 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Was expecting some symmetric concept like 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4) - 01:14:424 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - tbh. (Actually you could've placed 01:16:959 (5,6) in a way that they're symmetric with 01:14:424 (1,2) but up to you I guess, though currently the concept looks inconsistent compared to other diffs) I kind of thought that in the lowest diff the player would hear the lyrics more and not really pay attention to the beat so I just went "whatever" for the Easy in terms of structural similarity to the other diffs, but yeah this is a bit of a point, I'll try and work on the pattern a bit
  4. 01:21:184 (1,2) - You can use a 2/1 slider + circle instead too, according to your rhythm idea in Normal. ]I like what it follows here but if it gets brought up as an inconsistency I can pop it off no big deal

  1. 00:15:269 (1) - Since the rhythm changed here, you could use sth else different than this cuz you already used a 1/1 slider thing on 00:11:888 (1,1) which don't have the same rhythm as this. Good point, fixed this
  2. 01:26:043 (4,1) - Swap NC I guess. Yes, better
  3. 01:27:945 (1,2) - Why aren't these the same symmetric stuff like 01:31:325 (1,2) - 01:34:705 (1,2) - etc? I kind of split them into sets, like "first instance of the verse patterned like this, second one patterned like this" although at some point I made 01:28:579 (2,1) - so I dunno where that came from. Can look into repatterning if necessary
  4. Overall aesthetics can still be polished imo, sth like 00:19:917 (3,3) - 00:26:677 (4,1,2,3) - looks really cluttered and should be cleaned up. I mean, are they that noticeable? :c I think they work okay structurally
  5. Also same thing as what Mr.Hobbes mentioned about rhythm density in the second kiai. I know I've said it already but I think with the Easy existing the standard of difficulty for the Normal can afford to be a bit higher or denser than regularly seen. Also since it's the kiai I think the more intense sounds can be justified as being a denser rhythm

  1. 00:54:142 (1) - Can be confused with 00:43:579 (7) - 00:47:593 (2) - which have different number of repeats, the safest bet for this is to add a triplet on top of 00:54:142 (1) so you will have only 1 repeat on it. Good idea actually, I was wondering how to make those easier to read with the different number of repeats throughout the map
  2. 01:04:283 (1,3) - Where's the 1/4 rhythms aaaa, if you're sacrificing 01:04:283 (1) for 01:03:860 (5) then it's not really worth it cuz you're breaking your own consistency. Good point here as well, made ion consistent with previous instance of this rhythm
  3. 01:21:395 (2,4) - Aren't these supposed to be hitsounded in the same way or sth? They should be now
  4. 01:23:297 - Could've been hitsounded too. It has a drum finish :c
  5. 01:53:508 (2,3,4,5) - More consistent visual spacing pls Changed this
  6. Kiai feels surprisingly underwhelming for some reason, do you use any concepts in particular for kiai parts? Or do you just map normally? Asking this cuz to me kiai isn't interesting as other parts like 00:16:959 - 01:11:043 where you have cooler stuff going on. Well I dunno I kinda went with the flow of the Insane but simplified, lotta triples but not too many 1/2 after it cause that might be too much spread wise. And here I thought it might be too dense O_o

  1. 00:09:987 - Should be mapped too, otherwise you'll just have a 3/4 gap 00:09:881 (7,1) which we all know it's really awkward and not intuitive in gameplay. The sound sounds like a double to me but if it's mentioned again I might do it
  2. 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Like, you used 00:23:191 (5,6,7,8,9) which mainly involving a fast movement, and then you're forcing 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) which also involves a fast movement but the rhythm isn't really calling for it, 00:27:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - is a lot more easier to play and more fitting to the song.
  3. 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Also why the pattern is so widely spaced compared to 00:27:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - zzz Okay I can explain this. GranDSenpai pointed out to me that at 00:23:719 (1) - the trumpet suddenly has a really intense rise, which then drops off a bit immediately after, before fading away completely by 00:25:832 (2) - and then a smaller rise happens at 00:27:100 (1) - . This is why the spacing is so huge at 00:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , considerably smaller between notes but still a little high at 00:24:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and back to higher at 00:27:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
  4. 00:28:579 (1,2,3) - These one are like out of my expectation zzz, if you're going to do something like this you have to introduce something to indicate a fast SV concept before putting it into use otherwise it'll trip players up. In this case I would do either overlap those sliders or change the shapes to something that involves less movement to give more leniency of tripping up in actual gameplay, etc etc these are just my ideas. I get it, and I asked for playtests to see how much this tripped people up. This map was originally a shitty gimmick attempt and these sliders are kind of an artifact of that, but I think they work okay with how SV is implemented in the rest of the map
  5. The usage of spaced triplets and streams are sooo much to the point where they don't really look interesting/special throughout the map, and there isn't much things going on besides some symmetric patterns so yeah the diff could've been more interesting compared to Hard since you have a lot less gameplay restrictions. (but hey I really like Hard tbh) Savage was the first difficulty created and it was made in a slightly different style to the rest of them so it's a bit peculiar in that respect yeah. The number of triple sounds in the song is soooo high it's a little ridiculous. It's why I chose to ignore all the drum triples and map only guitar/trumpet ones because otherwise it would have been even more saturated. I hope the map doesn't feel that bland as an "extra" but I'm the first to admit I'm not very creative :c Glad you enjoyed the Hard!
Shinenite's diff can still be improved more, Savage could use a little more work (that aside, the diff is "kind of" fine just there's something I disagreed with). Other diffs are cool tho.
Good luck~ Thanks very much for the mod and the short review at the end, very helpful! I'll ask around a bit more and make some more tweaks, while Shinenite hones her own craft and Warpyc salivates in anticipation.

Electoz wrote:

[Warpy's Insane]

  1. 00:08:085 - The drum is building up here but you already used jump patterns since 00:07:240 onward. There should be a more significant change in gameplay at 00:08:085 so you should make these two parts 00:07:241 (2,3,4,5) - 00:08:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - more discernible, according to the drums' rhythm. Fair point, changed to make it more fitting with the music
  2. 00:09:987 - Should be mapped as well if you went for 00:09:881 . It's a very subtle sound that is barely noticeable and imo not even comparable to 00:09:881 - which is a heavy drum sound. I tried it out and I just ended up getting a 100'd on the note all the time, so I'll just leave it like this for the time being
  3. 01:45:058 (3,4,5) - This one is inconsistently stood out from the others cuz you used wide angles unlike every other ones 01:28:156 (3,4,5) - 01:31:536 (3,4,5) - 01:34:917 (3,4,5) - etc where you used sharp angles as transitions between triplets. I don't know why I haven't changed this yet because it's definitely true and I've known that part plays meh for a while
Thanks for the mod! changed some other stuff as well

Electoz wrote:

[Shinenite's Insane]
  1. 00:02:805 (1,2,3,4,5) - A stream doesn't play really well because these sounds are not equally prominent, a different kind of rhythm should be used. Changed it up to use a kickslider/repeat slider
  2. 01:01:959 (4) - Probably should just use a triplet since it's musically different from 01:00:903 (1,3) . Fixed
  3. 01:11:043 - N a good idea to ignore those constant 1/1 sounds as they're really prominent in this section, using 1/4 rhythms is fine but they aren't done in a way that really highlights the constant 1/1 properly/consistently, which is the most prominent thing in that section. Things like 01:13:790 (8,9,10,11,12) - completely kills the emphasis on it since the most prominent thing 01:14:001 (10) is in the middle of the stream, 01:18:649 - this should be clickable in the first place, etc. Very good point, made changes to emphasize the 1/1 more in spots.
  4. 01:31:325 (1,2,3) - 01:31:959 (5,6,7) - Why aren't you using the same DS on both of these tho? Whoops, fixed.
  5. 01:37:346 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - Now the emphasis here isn't good as it should be, in this case 01:38:085 should be emphasized. To do so, you have to do something else other than just continuing the stream 01:38:086 (1,2,3) to make the gameplay more discernible as the rhythm changes. I suppose I can agree with it not being as emphasized as it could be, but with the triple going in a different direction than the stream/NC/hitsounding, I think it's enough. Frankly, I just feel like changing the rhythm would make it inconsistent with the rest of kiai.
  6. 01:58:156 - 01:58:261 - Could do some 1/4 rhythms here, the rhythm changes at 01:58:367 so in this case you can map those beats I mentioned so that a 1/1 gap will be introduced after 01:58:367 which makes more sense since the rhythm changed there rather than the current one which suddenly does a 1/1 gap 01:57:945 (9,1) when the rhythm hasn't changed yet. Sure
  7. Kiai is very repetitive tbh, at least you should do something differently on the later half 01:38:085 for variations. I don't really think so?
  8. Aesthetics could be improved tho, feels like some overlaps 00:18:860 (1,3,4,5) - 01:00:058 (3,2) - 01:40:621 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - are rather unintentionally placed than having a solid reasoning or concept behind them. See below.
  9. The diff itself is okay-ish but seems to lack in details like aesthetics, flows, variations, etc. Stuff like 00:20:338 (1,2,3,4,7) - Looks very forced, 01:53:297 (1,8) - 02:00:481 (3,8) - Could be polished according to how the pattern was arranged, etc. For this and above, fixed the examples (with some exceptions like with the jump patterns, cause I think those are polished enough) as well as other things I thought I could improve.
Thanks for the mod! I know the diff still has things that can be improved/polished - I'll try my best to get it as clean as I can.
Cerulean Veyron

[- - Normal - -]
  1. 00:10:198 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Apart of this section, these notes as a whole seems to be a distinct lack of hitsounding. And it sounds really empty too even with only hearing the default soft hitnormals. You can at least add a few drum claps on the upbeats, or the snares/chords over the song track to fill up the hitsound audibility.
  2. 00:34:705 (3,1) - Likely a subjective thing for me to say for the two sliders here. Patterning's good, but maybe doing a little more structure of reshaping the curve on slider (1) would probably work much better than the current. Because in my personal view of this, it nearly looked a bit steep when there's another similar slider in rhythm after it. Either you could redo something here, or usually trying a symmetry here perhaps. Well, you could just try your way to improve the aesthetics at least heh.
  3. 01:01:959 (4,2) - Pretty far overlap excluding the approach rate of the difficulty, but it can possibly be seen to be honest. But hey... overlaps are actually okay to implement on a map, but it should be used correctly. So, I'm quite certain you've tried your best here avoiding such awkward overlaps because of the distance spacing. However, I can give a little help for this part. Over these two sliders' bodies are technically collided, but what I think better is to only overlap slider (2)'s head and most of the body is visible. Pretty good for aesthetics and patterning in my opinion, but it's your call.
  4. 02:03:015 (3,1,2,3) - Ehh, this is literally the only 1/2 three-circles over all the difficulty, which kinda created a sharp spike by intensity. There are may ways of calming this rhythm composition down though, probably nerfing is also not a good idea as I thought. Maybe slider + circle (or vise versa)? Repeated slider? It's just kinda weird that the song track here sounds too great for an impact by clicking them out. But a spike is probably going to be a big issue, I assume.

[- - Hard - -]
  1. 00:10:198 - The same thing from the first issue of hitsound lacking.
  2. 00:38:085 (4,5) - The structural flowing from circle (3) towards slider (4) doesn't seem to be the smoothly way of players' cursor movements, while it is almost definitely a sharp turn or something that flows pretty uncomfortable. To find a little solution for that, maybe doing some flipping/rotating this slider would work something out. Like this one, for example. You can try the sample one, if you don't mind the overlap. Or you can do similar to this if you dislike the structure.
  3. 00:54:353 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - The distance spacing in each and every circle is probably looked a bit random, like it's going over approximately 1.5x and goes lower or higher overtime without bearing the note density or the intense of the song track. I understand the patterning about this, but this should also be an objective. Since each of the melody has it's own density, and it shouldn't constantly be increasing into larger distance spacing to the end and become ridiculously too hard. So instead, keeping a balance of using high spacing for the latter ones. Like 00:54:353 (3,4,5,6) - having the same distance spacing for the similarity sound where the intensity is basically all the same (1.4x or 1.5x), and 00:55:410 (7,8,1) - are the larger ones (approx 1.8x) for a little bit of the build up.
  4. 01:06:607 (3) - Does this 1/4 repeat sliderkick actually follow something? Because hearing with a slower playback rate over this part more than thrice, there's no kinds of hi-hats or rides that could possibly make this part considering a triple hit compared to 00:26:043 (3) -. So, redoing the rhythm composition here should be done.
  5. 01:24:142 (4,1) - Well, this sounds pretty much great as an impact of the kiai hitting up. So, I wondered why shouldn't this part be something like, a small jump or something that gives the intensity as an emphasis for this one. Perhaps you could at least slightly extend the distance spacing a little more, but just be careful if you're going to apply while the patterning is kinda near an edge of the gameplay field. If not, it's not technically a necessity or a must-do issue.

[- - Shinenite - -]
  1. 00:16:114 (6) - I would prefer the flowing of the patterning here goes onward the next note, which is slider (1), rather than downwards. So a Ctrl + G may suit best for the structure just after the previous notes, creating a better circular flowing.
  2. 00:19:071 (2,3) - It's not really that bad though. But I don't get why in another similar part on 00:26:043 (3,4) - that has a different kind of, and bigger, distance spacing than here. While the downbeat on 00:19:494 - is as great as the other part, I might suggest doing the same here for distance spacing consistency.
  3. 00:26:783 (5) - To be very honest, the 1/4 beat here you're trying to follow is barely audible by background music, or there's no beat at all. This may consider overmapped or overdone in rhythm composition most of it while almost all players actually follow main tracks and major downbeats to keep up with the song, but really. I've literally did not hear any beat over this specific beat, so it's best you remove it. Or in the other hand, you could move it onto the next blue tick on 00:26:994 - if you don't mind circle removals.
  4. 00:48:015 (3,4) - 00:48:860 (6,1) - Why the distance spacing difference over these two downbeats while the density sounds the same as incomparable? The song track's intensity is probably the same but all. So it would be nearly the same issue as for balancing on the Hard difficulty.
  5. 01:11:888 (5) - No wonder why the structure affects flowing a lot more weird around these sections. But for this part of aesthetics and that, why not flipping this slider and curve it above? Something like this would improve a little bit. Well, it shouldn't always be the best structure of mapping this kind of flow.. but it suffices for any subjectives at least.
  6. 01:17:909 (2) - 01:24:670 (2) - 01:38:191 (2) - Over all these parts, it is nearly the same issue of the 1/4 beats having no actual purpose in following any track in the music. The same reasoning as 00:26:783 (5) -
  7. 01:21:184 (1) - Isn't this way too much? I mean, the 1/8 snapping in division of this repeating sliderkick doesn't really make sense along with the song track, even with the ride sounds in the background music that's clearly heard but not rapidly streaming. Since it is also not distinguishable in rhythm, I highly suggest following the usual 1/4 drum lines instead of creating a compound of 1/8 repeatable-snapped sliderkick.
  8. 01:44:846 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Starting from this section after many linear structures and sliders, it's probably getting a little repetitive sticking with only one single structure while you have many ways of creating good variations out of it. So it's better to make the differences over this section at least. By simply curving the triplets/sliders for tweaks, or creating a few more shapes in terms of aesthetics.

[- - Savage - -]
  1. - So, there's an unsnapped inherited point on 01:50:331 - which seems like a mistake, or overlooked on the timing setup. So ehh, resnap it on the white tick just after it.
  2. 00:43:156 (1,2,3,4) - Okay, this... is probably a little bit of something that's not likely to be good in use of the structure. The angle of the turning is way too sharp when moving onto the stream, and is not pretty comfortable in movement in my opinion. You could try flipping/rotating the slider that it's slider tail should move towards the circles, or redo the placements of the streams if you want to keep the flow before this one.
  3. 00:58:156 (5,6,1) - The overlap here doesn't seem right though, the placement of circle (1) is kinda out of context too. It's not wrong to attempt to make a back-and-forth, but this one doesn't seem to work well as that. So reconsidering this to find another grid of placement rather than placing it awkwardly in-between the spaced triplets.
  4. 01:52:029 (1,2) - Hmm this feels a bit close enough by distance spacing, no? It's 0.8x, so I assume that. Try to, at least, move 01:52:452 (2,3) - lower and flip it vertically with Ctrl + J so it could possibly be approximately 0.9x somehow. Or you could do something else here other than moving it lower or so, just as long as the issue counts.
  5. 01:59:846 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I can see this is a very clear and obvious copy-paste from the part on 01:53:086 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -. Since in this very present, objectives like these are now a thing for ranking a beatmap in process(if you're going to). So to show a little more effort in almost all sections of the difficulty, you may need to remake this part for it's sake. But likely, it's not likely to feel that it's some "laziness overcome" or somewhat reason. It's just that it kinda takes away all the potential patterns and such where you can already have the chance to make every single pattern more exciting overtime and through the whole difficulty. Of course, isn't this the hardest difficulty? ~

The map was pretty good to me personally! There are just some things that may need more tweaks in order to improve the structures in the difficulties I modded. I would recommend focusing on aesthetics, patterning, and a few rhythm stuffs because that was mostly mentioned on this post and mainly an objective to look through, or thorough. Still not really ready, needs a little more work over it, and maybe getting more mods is a good idea too. But afterwards, I hope you find this useful!
Topic Starter

Cerulean Veyron wrote:

Fixed the lack of hitsounds in each part
[- - Normal - -]
  1. 00:10:198 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Apart of this section, these notes as a whole seems to be a distinct lack of hitsounding. And it sounds really empty too even with only hearing the default soft hitnormals. You can at least add a few drum claps on the upbeats, or the snares/chords over the song track to fill up the hitsound audibility.
  2. 00:34:705 (3,1) - Likely a subjective thing for me to say for the two sliders here. Patterning's good, but maybe doing a little more structure of reshaping the curve on slider (1) would probably work much better than the current. Because in my personal view of this, it nearly looked a bit steep when there's another similar slider in rhythm after it. Either you could redo something here, or usually trying a symmetry here perhaps. Well, you could just try your way to improve the aesthetics at least heh. Sure, tried straightening these out a bit
  3. 01:01:959 (4,2) - Pretty far overlap excluding the approach rate of the difficulty, but it can possibly be seen to be honest. But hey... overlaps are actually okay to implement on a map, but it should be used correctly. So, I'm quite certain you've tried your best here avoiding such awkward overlaps because of the distance spacing. However, I can give a little help for this part. Over these two sliders' bodies are technically collided, but what I think better is to only overlap slider (2)'s head and most of the body is visible. Pretty good for aesthetics and patterning in my opinion, but it's your call. You kind of have a point here, I'd argue you can't really see it but dunno. Will consider
  4. 02:03:015 (3,1,2,3) - Ehh, this is literally the only 1/2 three-circles over all the difficulty, which kinda created a sharp spike by intensity. There are may ways of calming this rhythm composition down though, probably nerfing is also not a good idea as I thought. Maybe slider + circle (or vise versa)? Repeated slider? It's just kinda weird that the song track here sounds too great for an impact by clicking them out. But a spike is probably going to be a big issue, I assume. I figured because of the song and the presence of an Easy diff it's okay, it is a small spike compared to rest of the difficulty in terms of sheer circles but the kiai does up the density a bit anyway so I think it's a nice swan song to end the higher density section.

[- - Hard - -]
  1. 00:10:198 - The same thing from the first issue of hitsound lacking.
  2. 00:38:085 (4,5) - The structural flowing from circle (3) towards slider (4) doesn't seem to be the smoothly way of players' cursor movements, while it is almost definitely a sharp turn or something that flows pretty uncomfortable. To find a little solution for that, maybe doing some flipping/rotating this slider would work something out. Like this one, for example. You can try the sample one, if you don't mind the overlap. Or you can do similar to this if you dislike the structure. Hmm isn't it better to have the slider point towards 5? At least that makes more sense to me
  3. 00:54:353 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - The distance spacing in each and every circle is probably looked a bit random, like it's going over approximately 1.5x and goes lower or higher overtime without bearing the note density or the intense of the song track. I understand the patterning about this, but this should also be an objective. Since each of the melody has it's own density, and it shouldn't constantly be increasing into larger distance spacing to the end and become ridiculously too hard. So instead, keeping a balance of using high spacing for the latter ones. Like 00:54:353 (3,4,5,6) - having the same distance spacing for the similarity sound where the intensity is basically all the same (1.4x or 1.5x), and 00:55:410 (7,8,1) - are the larger ones (approx 1.8x) for a little bit of the build up. Didn't make it as high as 1.8 to avoid a spike, but did make the DS a biiit more similar here
  4. 01:06:607 (3) - Does this 1/4 repeat sliderkick actually follow something? Because hearing with a slower playback rate over this part more than thrice, there's no kinds of hi-hats or rides that could possibly make this part considering a triple hit compared to 00:26:043 (3) -. So, redoing the rhythm composition here should be done. It's mapped to the guitar triple.
  5. 01:24:142 (4,1) - Well, this sounds pretty much great as an impact of the kiai hitting up. So, I wondered why shouldn't this part be something like, a small jump or something that gives the intensity as an emphasis for this one. Perhaps you could at least slightly extend the distance spacing a little more, but just be careful if you're going to apply while the patterning is kinda near an edge of the gameplay field. If not, it's not technically a necessity or a must-do issue. Sure why not, spaced it more to make it have a better impact

[- - Savage - -]
  1. - So, there's an unsnapped inherited point on 01:50:331 - which seems like a mistake, or overlooked on the timing setup. So ehh, resnap it on the white tick just after it. That's weird, what happened here
  2. 00:43:156 (1,2,3,4) - Okay, this... is probably a little bit of something that's not likely to be good in use of the structure. The angle of the turning is way too sharp when moving onto the stream, and is not pretty comfortable in movement in my opinion. You could try flipping/rotating the slider that it's slider tail should move towards the circles, or redo the placements of the streams if you want to keep the flow before this one. Good point, tried something else here with an overlap
  3. 00:58:156 (5,6,1) - The overlap here doesn't seem right though, the placement of circle (1) is kinda out of context too. It's not wrong to attempt to make a back-and-forth, but this one doesn't seem to work well as that. So reconsidering this to find another grid of placement rather than placing it awkwardly in-between the spaced triplets. Dammit I must have missed this after repatterning those triples
  4. 01:52:029 (1,2) - Hmm this feels a bit close enough by distance spacing, no? It's 0.8x, so I assume that. Try to, at least, move 01:52:452 (2,3) - lower and flip it vertically with Ctrl + J so it could possibly be approximately 0.9x somehow. Or you could do something else here other than moving it lower or so, just as long as the issue counts. Moved it a bit more but didn't make it exactly 0.9x because I want some leeway between the sudden SV shift and the stream
  5. 01:59:846 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I can see this is a very clear and obvious copy-paste from the part on 01:53:086 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -. Since in this very present, objectives like these are now a thing for ranking a beatmap in process(if you're going to). So to show a little more effort in almost all sections of the difficulty, you may need to remake this part for it's sake. But likely, it's not likely to feel that it's some "laziness overcome" or somewhat reason. It's just that it kinda takes away all the potential patterns and such where you can already have the chance to make every single pattern more exciting overtime and through the whole difficulty. Of course, isn't this the hardest difficulty? ~ Hehe, you have a bit of a point here, but I feel like since the sound that is being followed between these sections is the same, a little copy/paste rotation at least makes sense rhythmically. And since the sound also increases as the pattern progresses, I think the back n forth spam is appropriate, if a bit simple. Since the map in general utilizes techniques such as symmetry in large amounts, I don't feel (personally) that mapping this pattern removes some potential from the map, since the difficulty already is geared that way from the beginning. It was also originally mapped as an Insane, I don't know how to map extras D=

The map was pretty good to me personally! There are just some things that may need more tweaks in order to improve the structures in the difficulties I modded. I would recommend focusing on aesthetics, patterning, and a few rhythm stuffs because that was mostly mentioned on this post and mainly an objective to look through, or thorough. Still not really ready, needs a little more work over it, and maybe getting more mods is a good idea too. But afterwards, I hope you find this useful! Thanks for the mod, it was very useful and nice to have a different viewpoint on my mapset.

Unmoddable wtf...

You may want to check your second timing point

* 00:30:480 - 00:55:832 - There are 1/1 objects everywhere without any kind of variety or little breaks. This is extremely hard for new players to play so try to add some 2/1 sliders of delete some circles where they are not necessarily needed


* I think that AR 5 fits better, otherwise it seems kinda fast for a Normal
* 00:19:916 (3,3) - This overlap is noticeable when you play it which makes it look kinda messy then
* 00:29:635 (3) - This one is touching the hp bar which is unrankable
* 00:41:466 (2,3,4,1,2) - This is a bit too hard for a Normal, would be more fitting to make (2,3) as a slider
* 01:35:339 (2) - This object is too high, you should move it a bit down
* 01:38:085 - 02:04:916 - there is not a single break between the objects in that part whichs is too hard considering that this is a Normal, try to delete some circles which arent needed.


* 00:05:550 (4,5) - The distance between both of them doesnt seem to be big enough to have a real "impact" on the player. Try doing it like here 00:06:607 (10,1) -
* 00:09:776 (5,1) - Why the 2x spacing here? Kinda weird and unfitting tbh
* 00:16:114 (4,1) - Why is the spacing here 1,85x and then here 00:18:015 (4,5) - 1,2? Kinda inconsistent
* 00:39:776 (4,5,6) - A triangle pattern would better here imo. Move (6) too 427/277 and 00:40:621 (1) - aswell. Looks way better
* 00:50:550 (8,1) - The spacing is not big enough to have any kind of impact on the player
* 01:21:395 (2,4) - Make them just straight, looks better on such short sliders
* 01:28:156 (3,4) - why the low distance here? Same here 01:45:057 (3,4) - 01:48:015 (5,1) -

Warpy's Insane

* 00:16:114 (6,1) - This would look good blanket
* 00:31:114 (3,4) - That overlap somehow makes the whole pattern look awful
* 00:43:895 (4) - overmapped, delete this one because there is not really any kind of sound
* 00:55:621 (10) - How about you move this one too 118/13 to have a nice or better flow. I dont like where it is placed currently tbh
* 01:09:987 (3,1) - This looks really ugly, pls try something else here
* Some of the triplets at the kiais flow kinda weird, but it may just be me so I wont mention them. Copy paste is good and all, but it has to flow well too


* 00:17:381 (3,5) - Why not just stack them perfectly?
* 00:29:423 (3,1) - Hard to read and weird to look at
* 00:43:156 (1,2,3,4) - Will kill the flow and is hard to play and read at first sight
* 00:54:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try to make this stream flow better, like make it curvy or something like that
* 01:00:057 (5,6) - Distance seems unnecessarily big here
* 01:09:987 (3,1) - weird to look at and hard to read

Kinda weird but somehow its okay, try to get someone experienced with such diffs to check it.

Thats it, good luck!

Come[Back]Home wrote:

Warpy's Insane

* 00:16:114 (6,1) - This would look good blanket sure
* 00:31:114 (3,4) - That overlap somehow makes the whole pattern look awful guess so, moved it down a bit so it doesn't overlap
* 00:43:895 (4) - overmapped, delete this one because there is not really any kind of sound Fair
* 00:55:621 (10) - How about you move this one too 118/13 to have a nice or better flow. I dont like where it is placed currently tbh Yeh,
flows a bit better now

* 01:09:987 (3,1) - This looks really ugly, pls try something else here Looks pretty good imo
* Some of the triplets at the kiais flow kinda weird, but it may just be me so I wont mention them. Copy paste is good and all, but it has to flow well too I think it flows fine, honestly good flow was one of the main things I was going for with this diff, the only thing I can imagine as being pretty flow breaking is the spacing of the triples but then again they are like that to emphasize the trumpets, so I think its fine and still flows quite good. Also believe it or not, not a single element of this map is copy pasted, I just don't like mapping the same sound in 5 different ways and tried to stick with the theme which was meant to be smooth flow and intense trumpets linear flow sucks

Thanks for modding Kemono Friends is a bad show
Topic Starter
October 19 2017: We're back.
Rank pls :3

1 year later
2017-10-23 02:03 GranDSenpai: READY
2017-10-23 02:03 GranDSenpai: ?
2017-10-23 02:03 Arf: SURE
2017-10-23 02:04 GranDSenpai: 00:00:058 (1) -
2017-10-23 02:04 GranDSenpai: shouldn't you start the red tick here?
2017-10-23 02:04 Arf: no that's an anacrusis
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: :thinking:
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: dunno what that is
2017-10-23 02:05 Arf: it's before the first measure of the song
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: but o well
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: 00:09:142 (4,6,7) -
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: make
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: 00:08:931 (3,4) -
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: this jump
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: bigger than
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: 00:08:719 (2,3) -
2017-10-23 02:05 GranDSenpai: this
2017-10-23 02:05 Arf: err
2017-10-23 02:05 Arf: so what do you want me to make bigger
2017-10-23 02:06 GranDSenpai: 3-4
2017-10-23 02:06 GranDSenpai: make me bigger OwO
2017-10-23 02:06 Arf: kay i can do that
2017-10-23 02:06 Arf: but are yo usure
2017-10-23 02:06 Arf: i left smaller spacing cause the 1/6
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: 1/6 doens't matter tho
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: unless you end on
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: blue tick or smth
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: where you have to snap rly quickly
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: then it'll affect playability
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai:
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: like that or smth
2017-10-23 02:07 GranDSenpai: i feel like it's a weird thing to have it a smaller jump
2017-10-23 02:07 Arf: fixed
2017-10-23 02:08 GranDSenpai: 00:15:058 (10,1) -
2017-10-23 02:08 GranDSenpai: also i think
2017-10-23 02:08 GranDSenpai: perhaps you coud make this further apart aswell
2017-10-23 02:08 GranDSenpai: 00:14:846 (9,10,1) -
2017-10-23 02:08 GranDSenpai: i feel like these three notes shouldn't be same distance
2017-10-23 02:08 GranDSenpai: from each other
2017-10-23 02:09 Arf: hmm
2017-10-23 02:09 Arf: since th bgm kinda quiets down at 1
2017-10-23 02:09 Arf: that's why the spacing drops there a bit
2017-10-23 02:09 Arf: but i could make the jump from 10 to 1 bigger
2017-10-23 02:09 Arf: if i move 10 down somewhere
2017-10-23 02:09 GranDSenpai: bgm does quiet down
2017-10-23 02:09 GranDSenpai: but it's like
2017-10-23 02:10 GranDSenpai: very harsh compaired to what it was with bgm
2017-10-23 02:10 GranDSenpai: abrupt trumpets
2017-10-23 02:10 Arf: fair
2017-10-23 02:10 GranDSenpai:
2017-10-23 02:10 GranDSenpai: something like this perhaps?
2017-10-23 02:10 GranDSenpai: actually wait don't move 10 tho
2017-10-23 02:11 GranDSenpai:
2017-10-23 02:11 GranDSenpai: like that
2017-10-23 02:11 GranDSenpai: or smth
2017-10-23 02:11 GranDSenpai: it looks p ugly tho
2017-10-23 02:11 GranDSenpai: 00:29:635 (1) -
2017-10-23 02:11 GranDSenpai: THIS IS UGLY
2017-10-23 02:12 GranDSenpai: can you make this slider pretty pls q...q
2017-10-23 02:13 Arf: it's not!
2017-10-23 02:13 Arf: it's a little chubby is all
2017-10-23 02:13 Arf: i pushed in the bottom curve a bit
2017-10-23 02:13 GranDSenpai: chode slider :^(
2017-10-23 02:13 GranDSenpai: 00:42:945 (10) -
2017-10-23 02:13 GranDSenpai: i feel like
2017-10-23 02:14 GranDSenpai: you could make this also a bigger jump
2017-10-23 02:14 GranDSenpai: and perhap change the angle
2017-10-23 02:14 Arf: it's pretty big already my dude
2017-10-23 02:14 GranDSenpai: but
2017-10-23 02:14 GranDSenpai: it's smaller than
2017-10-23 02:15 GranDSenpai: the previous ones >:(
2017-10-23 02:15 GranDSenpai: personally
2017-10-23 02:15 GranDSenpai:
2017-10-23 02:15 GranDSenpai: i'd go with this >:)
2017-10-23 02:16 GranDSenpai: 00:55:198 (8) -
2017-10-23 02:16 GranDSenpai: also this note
2017-10-23 02:16 GranDSenpai: it TOO spaced imo
2017-10-23 02:16 GranDSenpai: no music change but there's such a big jump
2017-10-23 02:16 GranDSenpai: i'd suggest moving the 8 on top of the 4 in the stream
2017-10-23 02:17 GranDSenpai: 01:10:198 (1) -
2017-10-23 02:17 Arf: but my star
2017-10-23 02:17 GranDSenpai: >:(
2017-10-23 02:17 GranDSenpai: NO STAR >:(
2017-10-23 02:17 Arf: ;_;
2017-10-23 02:18 Arf: i'll think about that one but i think it sort of works
2017-10-23 02:18 GranDSenpai: 01:12:734 (1) -
2017-10-23 02:18 GranDSenpai: あL
2017-10-23 02:18 GranDSenpai: whoops
2017-10-23 02:18 Arf: did the other thing with the 10
2017-10-23 02:18 Arf: lol what
2017-10-23 02:18 Arf: al
2017-10-23 02:18 GranDSenpai: also
2017-10-23 02:18 GranDSenpai: i think
2017-10-23 02:18 GranDSenpai: you shouldn't increase spacing on this part
2017-10-23 02:19 Arf: i see why you say that
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: hmm
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: this part
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: is weirdly mapped
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: i'm not sure
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: how rankable this is
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: but i'll tell you how i'd map it
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: 01:11:043 (1,2,3,4) -
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: i'd keep these sliders
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: 01:12:734 (1,2) -
2017-10-23 02:19 GranDSenpai: i'd keep these jumps but i wouldn't make them increase spacing
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: 01:14:424 (1,2,3,4) -
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: i'd keep this as they are
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: 01:16:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: keep this part
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: i'd delete this part
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: 01:11:043 (1) -
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: and make it replicate this part
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: 01:19:494 (1) -
2017-10-23 02:20 GranDSenpai: then i'd keep this part
2017-10-23 02:21 Arf: hmm
2017-10-23 02:21 Arf: i think i'll change the spacing on the first set of back and forths
2017-10-23 02:21 Arf: its a bit much
2017-10-23 02:21 Arf: don't want to add more sliders in there though
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: i just think that
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: because these two parts
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: 01:11:043 (1,1) -
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: sound identical
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: should be mapped so
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: don't think spacing is issue
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: also
2017-10-23 02:22 Arf: hmm
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: this is just me
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: because i'm a cancer mapper
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: 01:23:719 (7) -
2017-10-23 02:22 GranDSenpai: but on this note right here
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: i'd increase spacing of the stream
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: or change direction
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: or smth
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: but
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: that's just how cancerous i am :^)
2017-10-23 02:23 Arf: that's too evil
2017-10-23 02:23 Arf: maybe if this was a 6 star i'd do that xD
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: well
2017-10-23 02:23 GranDSenpai: this is top diff :^^^^)
2017-10-23 02:24 Arf: :notlikethis: the direction changes in the other streams gave me some pretty severe leukemia already
2017-10-23 02:25 GranDSenpai: 02:09:247 (2) -
2017-10-23 02:25 GranDSenpai: unmapped bass kick
2017-10-23 02:26 Arf: by god you're right
2017-10-23 02:26 Arf: it's quiet as hell though
2017-10-23 02:26 GranDSenpai: :^)
2017-10-23 02:26 GranDSenpai: still there
2017-10-23 02:26 GranDSenpai: welp
2017-10-23 02:26 GranDSenpai: that's the mod
random thing from q
Warpy's Insane

- 00:33:860 (2) - maybe stack the tail of this to 00:32:804 (4) -
- 00:37:874 (3) - raise this up so it stacks to the tail of 00:38:931 (1) - and then you could move 00:38:086 (4) - to the right a little bit so you keep that even spacing just for neatness


- Minor ocd thing but you could move 00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - so the 3 is in the center of the screen
- 00:03:438 (1) - you could also center this it's just because it's like 1 pixel off not which makes me :C
- 00:09:353 (5) - you can start a 1/2 slider here which of course means shorten 00:09:142 (4) - because the white tick is a pretty strong beat that should be clicked.
- 00:14:635 (8) - with the kinda reflecting thing you had going with 00:13:579 (1,2,3) - and 00:14:212 (5,6,7) - wouldn't it make more sense to put 00:14:635 (8) - at like x:256 y:172 because symmetry
OR if you dont want it there you could move it to x:396 y:168 to reflect how you did 00:14:001 (4) - and then if you dont know where to put the other notes you could move 00:14:846 (9) - to overlap 00:13:156 (3) - and 00:15:058 (10) - to overlap 00:14:001 (4) -
- 00:13:579 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - you could blanket these to 00:13:156 (3) -
- 00:15:269 (1,2) - this overlaps the slider which seems kinda messy
- 00:29:635 (1) - imo kinda bad looking wavy slider the curve just seems super "sharp" maybe make it more smooth
- 00:53:297 (1) - this doesnt have to be a red anchor it seems kinda random since like 00:51:607 (1) - isn't a sharp angle
- 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why do these overlap but 01:12:734 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - doesnt maybe make the first one more like the second

Nevo wrote:

random thing from q yo
Warpy's Insane

- 00:33:860 (2) - maybe stack the tail of this to 00:32:804 (4) - sure
- 00:37:874 (3) - raise this up so it stacks to the tail of 00:38:931 (1) - and then you could move 00:38:086 (4) - to the right a little bit so you keep that even spacing just for neatness why not
I too enjoy the Third Reich
also applied some changes from irc chat with GranDSenpai
2017-10-22 18:33 GranDSenpai: 02:07:874 (5,6,7,8,9) -
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: THIS QUINT SUCKS
2017-10-22 18:34 Warpyc: why
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: i dunno
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: whenever i play it
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: i hate it
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: it's awkward
2017-10-22 18:34 Warpyc: hmm
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: i feel like it should just be a triple
2017-10-22 18:34 GranDSenpai: cause
2017-10-22 18:35 GranDSenpai: with hitsounds loud
2017-10-22 18:35 GranDSenpai: i can't even hear what you're mapping to
2017-10-22 18:35 GranDSenpai: in the editor i can hear it
2017-10-22 18:35 GranDSenpai: but not while playing
2017-10-22 18:35 GranDSenpai: 02:09:142 (2) -
2017-10-22 18:35 GranDSenpai: also i think there shouyld be a triple here
2017-10-22 18:35 Warpyc: true 1-3 is a lot louder
2017-10-22 18:35 Warpyc: I could change that
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: you could
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: on 3 do a kick slider
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: and still map 8
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: wait
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: on 7 map a kick slider
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: and still have 9 somewhere
2017-10-22 18:36 GranDSenpai: emphasising the strong sounds while not undermapping
2017-10-22 18:36 Warpyc: also on 02:09:353 (2) - I didnt do the triple because I wanted to focus on trumpet
2017-10-22 18:37 GranDSenpai: if you do do a triple
2017-10-22 18:37 GranDSenpai: doesn't it focus on it more?
2017-10-22 18:37 Warpyc: not really
2017-10-22 18:37 GranDSenpai:
2017-10-22 18:38 Warpyc: hmm yeah
2017-10-22 18:38 GranDSenpai: plus
2017-10-22 18:38 GranDSenpai: i feel like it plays better like that
2017-10-22 18:38 Warpyc: I did map the drums before
2017-10-22 18:38 Warpyc: and yeah
2017-10-22 18:38 Warpyc: akward break
2017-10-22 18:39 GranDSenpai: 01:37:241 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3) -
2017-10-22 18:39 GranDSenpai: also i have to say
2017-10-22 18:39 GranDSenpai: this is sexy
2017-10-22 18:39 Warpyc: its p nice
2017-10-22 18:39 GranDSenpai: well
2017-10-22 18:39 GranDSenpai: that's all i have to say abnout the map tbh
2017-10-22 18:39 GranDSenpai: rest is :ok_hand:
2017-10-22 18:39 Warpyc: hey man it was helpful
Topic Starter

Nevo wrote:

random thing from q Hullo


- Minor ocd thing but you could move 00:00:058 (1,2,3,4,5) - so the 3 is in the center of the screen tried
- 00:03:438 (1) - you could also center this it's just because it's like 1 pixel off not which makes me :C tried again
- 00:09:353 (5) - you can start a 1/2 slider here which of course means shorten 00:09:142 (4) - because the white tick is a pretty strong beat that should be clicked. I get where you're coming from with this, but the mapping here is more focused on the drum, so I think the current rhythm fits better
- 00:14:635 (8) - with the kinda reflecting thing you had going with 00:13:579 (1,2,3) - and 00:14:212 (5,6,7) - wouldn't it make more sense to put 00:14:635 (8) - at like x:256 y:172 because symmetry Makes the jump too big to justify imo
OR if you dont want it there you could move it to x:396 y:168 to reflect how you did 00:14:001 (4) - and then if you dont know where to put the other notes you could move 00:14:846 (9) - to overlap 00:13:156 (3) - and 00:15:058 (10) - to overlap 00:14:001 (4) - that is an absolutely brilliant idea, many thanks!
- 00:13:579 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - you could blanket these to 00:13:156 (3) - yeah seems better, dunno why it wasn't like that to begin with
- 00:15:269 (1,2) - this overlaps the slider which seems kinda messy adjusted per the mod of GranDSenpai
- 00:29:635 (1) - imo kinda bad looking wavy slider the curve just seems super "sharp" maybe make it more smooth Yes, GranDSenpai mentioned this too, tried my best to fix it
- 00:53:297 (1) - this doesnt have to be a red anchor it seems kinda random since like 00:51:607 (1) - isn't a sharp angle I suppose you have a point but I like variety :c
- 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why do these overlap but 01:12:734 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - doesnt maybe make the first one more like the second did something different here as per GranDSenpai's mod
Rank Brute Justice
from q

[warpy's insane]
  1. 00:28:579 (1,2,3) - uncomfy flow on these to make them stand out even more, right now theyre just there and thats it i feel. needs more emphasis since those are p powerful trumpet noises. also red anchors like on 01:09:142 (1,2) -
  2. i feel like the more robotic parts couldve been differentiated from the more jazzy parts by making more use of red anchor sliders
  3. 01:49:705 (1) - why isnt this fully vertical :angery:
  4. 01:55:409 (1,3) - 1 could blanket 3 or vice versa idk
  5. 02:09:987 - lower sv here might work? more smooth feel imo
  1. 00:19:494 (5,6) - these strike me as more buzzy than round. i feel that red anchors would represent these better
  2. 00:28:579 (1,2,3) - nc spam across all 3 notes would do better to signify sv i feel - players will read the nc on 1 as just the start of a new measure so i think more are needed
  3. 00:30:480 - starting here you get this sorta robotic voice in the bg that isnt really found in the previous parts - i feel more robotic instead of organic slider shapes would make the difference in sections more noticeable
  4. 00:50:339 (4,5,6) - ctrlg to keep that movement symmetry thing from 00:49:072 (9,10) - ?
  5. 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i feel this would fit better as sliders for consistency with the past 2 sets of combos
  6. 01:24:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - why not spaced :c. it's the kiai and the trumpet people associate in the map with spaced triples is there too, so i feel this should be spaced
  7. 01:58:367 (1,1) - force movement from 1st to 2nd like the others, dont see any reason for stack
  8. 02:09:987 (6) - nice
good luck!
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