M4M from your queue~
My map:
Hanatan - Hajimete no Oto[General]
Nice Vocaloid~
[Background Picture]
The BG looks sorta blur/stretched to the reso, any way to find a new BG or a better quality for that? Some players use monitor with high reso, just so you know
00:48:000 (1) - Minor, avoid touching 00:49:714 (1) - (opt.)
00:49:714 (1) - For Easy diffs I'd make slider tick 00:50:142 - as the clap (with sometimes 10% lower vol) instead of 1/2 red
02:37:714 (2) - I'd make this blanket which border line of it is closer to 02:36:000 (1) - , like this (pic), this looks fine 02:44:571 (2) - :
00:43:071 - Put something here and 00:43:500 - for full vocal? Yeah a small rest here is okay too
00:57:214 (1) - Remove NC, think it's not needed
01:00:000 (1) - Considering the BPM it's a bit hard after just a small gap from spinner 00:58:285 (1) - , and the first hit is a circle which is little harder to aim. Something like 01:41:142 - would make it safer
01:12:000 (2) - Minor, just to mention it's a bit off the same angle with 01:12:428 (3) -
00:33:857 (6) - Might be slightly hard to read on 00:34:178 (1) - , could try Ctrl+G (opt.)
00:38:571 (4) - I would sometimes NC for strong vocal seems they are not constant rhythm like white > red (opt.)
00:58:928 (4) - imo a bit awkward pattern to use here, 00:58:714 (3) - and 00:59:035 (5) - are for vocal and 00:58:928 (4) - is for er...drum I guess. Suggest to remove the circle and add a reverse at 00:58:714 (3) - , something like this:
01:26:571 (4) - NC here for constant NC with 01:24:000 (1,2,3) - and 01:24:857 (1,2,3) - ? OR NC at 01:26:357 (3) - to sound the "hibikaze" 1/2, something like 01:12:000 - too
01:40:821 (2) - Weird sound XD ww, I would take this as 1/4 jump hits seems they're close to previous double tap patterns. Suggest to extend the spinner 01:38:571 (1) - to 01:40:285 - and maybe add a circle at 01:40:607 - , not really important, just a suggestion
^ OR NC 01:40:821 (2) -
01:42:428 (6) - like 00:33:857 (6) - , whatever XD
01:47:142 (4) - If you agree with previous NC mod to sound the vocal
02:46:285 (1,2,3) - This one is just too specific imo, I'd change to drum seems nearly 90% are all on drums and vocal. OR add a circle 02:46:500 - and/or 02:46:714 - here as well, might fit better?
02:49:285 (1) - imo this one should be a speed up (slightly) slider instead of slow down, or maybe you can make it 2 sliders with 1 speed up and 1 speed down?
02:53:142 (4) - Suggest just to NC this one, time distance like 02:53:571 (1) - is kinda short, not needed for NC. Instead to remain 3 hits combo do NC for 02:54:000 (3) - too
03:02:571 (5) - Suggest to change to 2 reverse sliders, would bring more feel to the vocal at 03:03:000 - and 03:03:214 -
03:18:428 (8) - This one might needs NC, after 03:16:928 (7) - disappeared the next note is not approaching. NC also give some HP in case...everything
03:47:464 - Add a circle stacked on 03:47:571 (5) - , helps to read the slider of (5) to prevent like 1/4 jump read (example of this 01:42:000 (4,5,6,1,2) - ) and 03:48:000 (1) - is quite fat from it
03:54:000 (4,5,6) - A bit hyper here, sometimes I'd use a retry to FC. Maybe Ctrl+G 03:54:321 (5) - and for 03:54:642 (6) - too? Make it into just a small jump on 03:54:857 (1) -
03:55:607 (2) - Here looks like 1/8, should be no problem when reading/playing tho, but suggest to remove just to let it 5 hits stream of 1/4 at 03:55:714 -
01:40:821 - Just a bit detailed, prefer to shorten 01:40:607 (2) - to 01:40:714 - and then make the vocal at 01:40:821 - a hit seems nothing sounded at 01:40:928 (1) - . Could also use 1/8 for the drags cuz it's Insane and not too many things at that part. OR could lower down the volume of the tick 01:40:928 - if you insist to keep
03:18:428 (9) - Might need NC for long timing distance